
Driftwood err Driftwolf?



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-02-2021, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 09:37 PM by Rudyard. Edited 1 time in total.)
Rudy didn’t see Reddy and could only hope the bird once again went to go find his brother.  Rudy’s front left leg curled close to where his face lay, the paw a gorey thing with a few toes missing.  A good amount of fur was missing along his neck with horrible gashes in the neck where the demon had sunk in his serrated teeth and thrashed his neck about.

Worst of all, where most of his pain emanated from his tail, or where the tail had been.  Rudy had never thought of any special fondness for his tail but now that it was gone the wolf realized how much he would miss it.  The bone had born shorn off along with the fur and muscle.  Even air on it was excruciating.  The water had cleaned off all the initial blood but as Rudy lay there the grass was also starting to be painted red.  

The boy closed his eyes once more.  Somehow it was hard not to sleep which seemed inconceivable for all the pain he was in.  He needed help but a small part of him didn’t want to be seen this helpless and weak.  
Rudyard Carpathius


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-03-2021, 11:59 PM

Twilight darkens the sky and Fern watches the approaching darkness with a growing sense of dread. The sun seems to shine and less nowadays and, when it dips below the horizon, the gray lady wonders if it will ever appear again. Huffing a sigh of disappointment, Fern looks out over the clearing she has been exploring. Stones litter the ground, slowly being covered by moss and grass. For some strange reason the sight causes a pang of loneliness to reverberate through her. She tries to place her paw on the feeling, pin it down to better examine the cause, but it slips through her paws like sand.

A hawk screeching loudly pulls Fern from her musing and has her aqua gaze searching for the source. In the dimming light, her eyes have a hard time tracking the bird as it screams out its displeasure again. Only when the hawk dives closer to her does Fern recognize it. Rudy had pointed it out to her a few times, letting her know its name and that they traveled together. Something seems to be agitating the bird as it swoops even lower crying out in distress. She cannot understand the bird or the message it is trying to relay. “Reddy? You okay buddy?” she asks with concern.

With a loud screech, Reddy tucks his wings and dives straight for her head. Fern throws her body onto the ground to avoid getting brained by the crazed bird. It screams at her as it pulls out of the dive, circling tightly over her prone body as Fern asks, “Reddy! What the hell has gotten into you?” Only when she has gathered her paws under her again and stands does the hawk seem to answer her. Once again, he tucks his wings and hurtles toward her head. Fern is angry as she throws herself to the side and he screams in ear before unfurling its wings and rocketing away from her.

Furiously Fern yells at him, “What the fuck Reddy!” Only then does she notice the angle of his attack and how he is floating towards the wooded area in the distance. Eyes widen as she comprehends what the hawk has been trying to tell her. Pushing off the ground she runs as fast as her paws will carry her. Reddy pumps his wings staying slightly ahead of her to guide the way. Fern vaults over dead logs, ducks under hanging tree limbs, and skirts deep puddles of water as the wolf and hawk rush to their friend’s aid.

When the coppery metallic scent of blood first hits her nostrils, Fern’s stomach clenches. As Fern’s paws devour the distance between her and Rudy, the gray girl silently prays to whatever gods there may be to let Rudy be alive. The smell grows stronger and a rock forms in the pit of her stomach as she thinks of all the blood that must have been spilled to make it smell this strong. When Reddy screeches and disappears around a tree, Fern plunges forward ready to face whatever lay ahead.

She is not, however, prepared for the sight that greets her as she bursts into a small clearing near a river. The heavy scent of blood chokes Fern, trying to make her gag and vomit at the scene laid out in front of her. Rudy’s mottled gray form lays a few feet from the water, eyes closed and body unmoving. Slowing her frenzied pace to inspect her friend more closely, Fern spies his left leg curled close to where his head rests. She tries not to notice the bloody stumps where toes should be or the way they steadily leak blood onto the once green grass.

His neck has deep tears that slowly ooze more life-giving fluid down his shoulders, coating his wet, gray fur with crimson. The most alarming, and saddest sight for Fern, is the stump where his tail use to be. It bleeds heavily and the gray girl knows she has to get him help soon if Rudy is going to survive. Gentle voice calls out, “Oh Rudy. What happened?” Fern doesn’t expect him to respond, in fact, she hopes he isn’t even awake for the trip they will be making back toward the castle. It will painful for him and she hopes to spare Rudy that pain. Stopping next to his prone form, Fern lowers her head to gently nuzzle Rudy’s cheek.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 12:20 AM
Rudy would love to slide into a deep sleep but as tempting as it is and as exhausted as he is the wolf wasn’t quite foolish enough to be fully asleep.  The bloodied wolf doubted he’d wake up if he went to sleep.  He heard the voice and already had a good idea what had happened.  It wasn’t the first time Reddy had saved his life this way. Opening his eyes to look with painfilled eyes at Fern, he didn’t answer the question but instead, “help.” It had to be the weakest and most humble word he’d ever spoken.  

He was still wracked with pain, exhausted, and feeling horribly humiliated.  “Please?”  Rudy couldn’t even begin to say what he needed most. Should she call for someone?  Did she know how to save him?  Could she get him home? “I refuse to die, but it hurts.” To be honest, Rudy wasn’t sure if those words would be enough this time.  Would he die from this?  Honestly, he wanted Art, Gwynn, Bo, and mom.  

Rudy would be brave once he could sleep, once he was safe.  Well, if Oxx showed up while Fern was here Rudy imagined he’d have to be brave again.  Except, Rudy didn’t think he could stand up even if her life was on the line.  The idea of Oxx showing up with her here sent dread shivering down his spine, “We have to go, you need to get safe.”  Oxx shouldn’t show up since he wanted Rudy to pass on a message but suddenly he could only think of Oxx hurting someone else.  “Go on, get back to the castle and send Art, till him Oxx is around.  You need to be safe.”  Art could come out with others to get him and it wouldn’t be so dangerous but she was one wolf who wasn’t even a great fighter.  Oxx would love to play with her.  Rudy had forgotten his own situation in fear for Fern.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 01:06 AM

The single word Rudy speaks breaks Fern’s heart but it is the word that follows shatters her. It isn’t supposed to be like this. Rudy is a fighter, strong headed and strong willed. Nothing can break him! And yet… his pleading has her offering him a sad smile and shushing him as he states that he refuses to die. Soft tones say, “You can’t die yet Rudy. You still owe me many, many adventures.” The lighthearted words cannot cover the fear and concern that Fern has for him. Eyes wander over his wounded body as she tries to figure out the best way to lift the injured wolf onto her back.

His words no longer make sense to Fern as he babbles about her being safe and returning to the castle. That earns the injured wolf a roll of her aqua eyes as she stubbornly states, “That is not happening Rudy. Not unless you are coming back with me.” After a few moments of carefully inspection, Fern turns her gaze to the circling hawk and instructs Reddy, “Fly back to the castle and alert his brother that Rudy is injured. Hopefully he can gather a healer and meet us somewhere along the way.” With a dip of her head to Reddy, she adds, “Fly swift and straight my friend.”

Without a second look toward the bird, Fern turns her full attention to the injured Rudy and states, “Alright Rudy. You need to get back to the castle and healers. In the state you are in, I am honestly surprised you haven’t passed out yet.” There is sad admiration in her words as she offers him a tight smile. Taking a deep breath, Fern tells him, “So that means one thing, you my friend are getting to do something no one has done. I may introduce you to your ride for the evening.” The smirk she offers and dip of her head is meant to lighten the mood but the gray girl doubts it works.

Turning to stand parallel with Rudy, Fern lowers her body while looking Rudy in his hurt filled golden eyes. With a sad smile, she says, “This is the one and only time you will get this offer. So, hop on board before I change my mind.” There is no humor in her voice anymore, Fern doesn’t have the energy to pretend not to be terrified as she gets a closer look at his wounds. Hopefully has enough strength to throw a leg over her shoulders. After that, she could take care of the rest.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 01:29 AM
It was true, if he died he’d be doubly a liar and failure.  He had promised to become leader of the pack and he hadn’t yet.  He had promised to give her adventures and he hadn’t yet.  He had promised to protect his family and that was going to be a failure to if he died.  Three times a failure then.  Could willpower alone keep someone alive?  Could the decision not to sleep keep him from passing out?  So far in life that had worked but Rudy was damnably tired and not just in a sense of his body being tired.

She didn’t understand the danger she was in.  Rudy’s eyes searched the area, his nose working but no sign of Oxx.  He hadn’t expected to see him when he was hunting either.  At least she had sent Reddy off for help again.  
At the mention of her being surprised he hadn’t passed out Rudy snickered as if it was somehow a funny joke.  It shouldn’t be funny but right at the moment it seemed like it, the shot of pain from his tail bone at the slight movement was enough to stop the laughter.  “Guess I’m too stubborn.”  He had faded in and out more than once but thankfully the moment he shifted new waves of pain came to demand he wakes up.  Sure, he could sleep despite that if he let himself and probably would regardless eventually but pain was acting as his doctor at the moment.  The smile fell off, “my tail is gone,” as if she wouldn’t have noticed.  “He took my tail.”  They needed to get out of here!

Could she really support him?  They didn’t have time to argue so if this was the only way Rudy imagined they’d try it.  ‘Hop on’ though?  Rudy used his back feet, good leg, and elbow of the bad one and felt his world shift around him, head reeling as the pain cut off all focus.  This was enough to make him nearly pass out.  Rudy paused to breathe then imagined Oxx nearing them and attacking Fern.  He somehow got his front good leg under him to help push himself onto her.  The world spun again as pain overflooded his senses and he couldn’t even pinpoint where it all revolved from.  Even what Oxx hadn’t done rocks going along the water had banged him up with bruises here and there.  

“Hurry,” that wasn’t very fair he knew.  He’d be heavy for her and awkward but Oxx was out there somewhere.  Rudy wouldn’t forgive himself if she become his next victim because of her desire to help him.  Closing his eyes he tried to stop the world spinning, “Art will come.  Art always comes.”  That wasn’t fair on his brother.  Art had to many important things to do to keep saving Rudy.  He’d need to be smarter in the future.  Why was he such a damned idiot?  This time it really hadn’t been his fault as far as Rudy could imagine but this was one time of the many rounds it had been his fault.

Rudyard Carpathius


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 03:37 PM

The sad words that Rudy speaks has Fern’s heart dropping. The need to comfort the hurt wolf has she nuzzling her nose gently against his cheek as she says, “It’s okay Rudy. We will make you a better tail.” Fern has no idea how she would make him a tail or how to attach it but she hopes the sentiment helps her friend in some small way. The thought of Rudy being in such excruciating pain causes Fern to feel deep guilt at not being able to get Rudy on to her back by herself. He shouldn’t have to move at all but the smaller wolf needs his help and sorrow wells inside her as she sees the lines of pain etched deep in his face. Somehow, he does it, even in horrible pain and bleeding, Rudy manages to straddle her back.

As his heavier frame settles over her, Fern pushes herself onto her paws and says, “I am sorry for this Rudy. Try to sleep. You will be home soon.” She knows this is going to be painful for him and a part of her hopes he won’t remember this part. Gently gripping his left front leg in her mouth, she pull the appendage up and off the ground so the stumps of his missing toes don’t drag along in the dirt. With that, Fern starts to make her way back toward the castle. Rudy drifts in an ocean of agony which sometimes causes him to float away into the dark to try and escape the pain. The sounds that he makes send stabs of sadness and guilt echoing through the gray girl as she tries to subdue the tears that threaten to spill down her cheeks.

Rudy’s bulk slows Fern down considerably but it does not stop her determination to get him help. The adrenaline that pumps through her veins helps to keep going, seeming to lighten the wolf on her back and strengthen her weak legs. Moving as fast as she can, Fern’s world starts to narrow, no longer seeing the trees or uneven ground. All that matters is putting one paw in front of the other. The only sounds that each her ears are Rudy’s labored breathing and the thundering beat of her heart. Legs grow tired but she pushes past her limit, admonishing herself for feeling weak when Rudy needs help.

When Fern thinks she can go no further, she starts calling herself names inside her head. Worthless, selfish, and liability are thrown around in her mind as she tries to keep the adrenaline pumping and her legs moving. Fern doesn’t know how far she walks or how much time has passed since she found Rudy but she keeps going. The feel of his blood coating her pelt drives her onwards even as her breathes start to feel like they no longer are bringing in enough oxygen. She keeps moving with Rudy on her back and his wounded leg in her mouth because that is all she can do.



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
11-05-2021, 12:48 AM

Blue and gray paws thundered across the earth as Artorias barreled through the cedar forest, deftly dodging trees in the dim light of the twilit world. Although it was nearly impossible to see, he was keeping pace with Reddy, following the hawk through the woods as she led him to his brother. When The avian had shown up screeching in a panic, Artorias knew something was wrong. It took Corbin to translate what the bird was saying, but when he did, the hawk's message turned his blood to ice in his veins. Rudy had been grievously hurt by a wolf in the woods, and though he had no proof of it, something in his gut told him that it was Oxx behind it. Artorias wasn't a fool though. The last time he'd faced Oxx alone, he'd nearly died. This time, he would be prepared.

The Aegis had made an urgent call for Romulus and Kane, both large wolves now flanking him as they sprinted through the dark trees like lethal shadows. Alone he hadn't stood a chance against Oxx. In a three-to-one...? Artorias didn't give a damn if it was dishonorable, he was done playing fair. Reddy took a sharp turn and led the wolves towards the falls. The smell of blood hung thick in the air. Artorias' heart dropped into his stomach. Oh gods, no... Rudy! The dark-furred brute pushed himself to his limits, shooting like a missile in the direction of the stench and bursting through some underbrush to find the two wolves he'd been searching for. Sure enough, the smell of blood had led him to the gristly sight of his brother. Rudy was caked in dry and fresh blood, his fur damp and sticking to him at odd angles. He looked barely alive as Fern struggled to support his weight and drag him home.

"Fucking hell... Rudyard!" Artorias rushed up to the two, carefully lifting Rudy from Fern's back so the exhausted girl didn't collapse beneath him. He gave a short call for Romulus and Kane, and a moment later the other two emerged from the dark trees as well. "Kane, bandages! Romulus, perimeter!" The earthy-toned dire wolf fished out a roll of gauze from his satchel and trotted over to begin wrapping the bloody stump where Rudy's tail had once met his body. Romulus meanwhile began a slow circle around the group, keeping his eyes out into the forest for any signs of danger while they performed triage on Rudy. "By the Gods, what happened?!" Artorias asked, looking between his barely lucid brother and the worn down Fern for an answer.

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-05-2021, 01:08 AM
Consciousness seemed to come and go rather like the lights of the fireflies.  Sometimes when he opened his eyes he imagined that’s all he could see through blurred slitted eyes and they closed again.  Exhaustion in every sort of way told him to sleep, constant pain and new fresh pain with every stride Fern took kept rousing him.  At points, he had a clear set of reality in what had happened and at others, he didn’t even recognize why he was in pain.  

Like a jolt of electricity was Art’s voice yelling at him, somehow both giddy and guilty trying to recall why for both.  As he was lifted from Fern’s back there was both the familiarity of Art’s breath and then touch and a new round of soaring waves of pain from more movement.  Rudy struggled like some weak pup for the moment he was settled down before going still, breath coming out in rasps.  With a moment of clarity from new sharp pain, he focused on Art’s face, willing himself to be aware if only for a few moments.

The touch of bandages to his tail had his head come up faster than he thought possible as if he’d bite at whatever had just hurt him so much at that touch but then the head fell back down.  Not with the amount of blood he’d lost.  He’d be the easiest prey in the world for anything right now.  Strained eyes looked at Art, demanding he not lose awareness yet, “Oxx,” the words a soft whisper, “he’s out here.” Focusing was so hard.  There was more he needed to tail him, a second ago he’d had it but confusion set in, pain was setting in with every touch.  Rudy shut his eyes silently begging him to lose consciousness. “My tail,” the soft whisper of complaint.  The nerves were afire with every touch.

He had needed desperately to tell Art something? It was so important!  “Messenger…” There was a message he was supposed to pass on.  That’s why he was left alive to suffer.  An important message.  “Please stop,” He couldn’t take it damn it!! Screw the bandages, it wasn’t worth it.  Rudy really felt like demanding them to stop uncaring of the danger to himself if only he could make them stop.  Helpless.  He didn’t like feeling helpless.

“Oxx,” the word repeated as he recalled again there was something important to say.  He stared up at Art, “He wants,” the name came to him, Bowen.  He wanted their sister.  Rudy tried to get it out now that he finally remembered it.  Another wave of pain, confused eyes stared at Art for a moment before his head slid limp again and the eyes shut.  Mercifully unconsciousness called to him.  His last moment was remembering it was urgent he tells Art about Bowen.  In his mind he did, he could hear himself, and then darkness greeted him and made the pain stop for the moment.

Rudyard Carpathius


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-05-2021, 11:58 AM

The world has fallen away around Fern. Her focus has narrowed to each step by the time Artorias finds them. When the big wolf’s voice breaks the strained silence, Fern flinches and tries to turn and face the threat. It takes a moment for her to register that it is Artorias who is rushing to lift Rudy off her back. With Rudy’s injured leg still in her mouth, Fern maneuvers the damaged paw toward the ground to try and limit any further injury to the missing toes. When Artorias calls toward the trees, the exhausted wolf almost weeps with joy at the sight of two more large wolves appearing. Rudy is safe now and that is all that matters.

As Rudy softly whispers to Artorias, Fern moves to help Kane apply bandages to the stump that was once Rudy’s tail. She wants to allow the brothers a moment together, to give and receive comfort from each other’s presence. As Romulus, slowly circles them, Fern allows her tense muscles slightly as she offers Kane her help. Kane and Fern work swiftly, binding the still bleeding stump as Rudy tries to relay his message to his worried brother. The sad plea from Rudy for Fern and Kane to stop bandaging him has the gray girl frowning sadly toward Kane. Tears well in her exhausted eyes as they continue to work.

Thankfully, Rudy finally passes out as the two wolves finish with his tail. Pointing Kane toward the deep gashes on Rudy’s neck, Fern moves to stand in front of Artorias. Fatigue makes her limbs feel heavy and movements slow but she knows that Artorias will need a full report. Hopefully the limited information she has will prove useful. Aqua eyes sharpen as she focuses on Artorias and begins, “Reddy, found me wandering some distance away and tried to brain me with her beak a couple of times before I got her message and followed her to Rudyard. I found him downstream where he had managed to crawl out the water and rest. He was bleeding heavily from his tail, neck, and missing toes.”

Pausing a moment, Fern tries to organize her slowly drifting thoughts. Everything seems so much harder to do as the tiredness keeps building. Furrowing her brow in concentration, she continues, “He asked me to help and said that he ‘refuses to die, but it hurts’. Then Rudyard became concerned with my safety and tried to tell me to leave him and go get you. Said to tell you 'Oxx is around'.” Fern has been trying to deliver the report with a detached formality but when she tells Artorias the last part, her eyes soften and sadness fills them. How could Rudy be worried about her when he was in such horrible pain and bleeding to death?

With a shake of her head, the emotions fall away and the detached reporting continues, “I could not leave him alone so I sent Reddy to find you while I tried to bring him closer to the castle.” With the report finished, Fern allows her eyes to wander over to the prone figure of Rudy. Softly, she whispers, “He knew you would come. Rudy told me you always come to find him.” Sad smile spreads across her lips as Fern looks over Rudy with pride and apprehension. She allows herself to wonder if this will change the cocky, sweet wolf she has recently grown attached to.

Stepping back, Fern allows Artorias and his wolves to take full control of the care of Rudy now that the report is complete. She stands at attention, waiting to be told when they need her assistance. Mind wanders while she waits, drifting away on the currents of memory as her worn-out brain no longer has anything to focus on. Fern remembers a time like this, where blood had hung heavy in the air and she watched helplessly. For now, she is too tired to allow the emotions to overwhelm her but she knows they will come sneaking into her dreams soon enough.



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
11-05-2021, 04:44 PM

Artorias felt his stomach clench while he looked over Rudyard. His brother was a gory mess. His tail had been ripped clear off. He was missing some toes from his front paw, a gristly mess of blood, bone, and sinew exposed and bleeding profusely. Oh fuck, Rudy... Panicked and furious amber eyes met his brother's hazy goldens while he gasped for breath, just barely hanging on. The young brute had lost a lot of blood and was hovering on the verge of unconsciousness. "Stay with me, you hear? Stay awake," he urged his brother, tapping the mottled gray wolf's cheek a few times to keep him conscious while Kane and Fern worked to stem the bleeding. When Rudy jolted up in pain, Artorias had to hold his brother in submission so he wouldn't hinder the medics from saving his life. "Don't move, Rudy. You gotta lie still."

Rudy attempted to speak then, catching Art by surprise with the name he spoke. Oxx. So this was their sociopathic brother's doing... Of course it fucking was. Artorias' eyes narrowed to points, though it wasn't directed at Rudyard. He ran his paw over Rudy's head with gentle strokes, trying to soothe him while Kane and Fern bandaged him up. "Shhh, save your strength," he murmured. "Just breathe and stay awake, Rudy. We're gonna get him. You need to stay with me though, okay?" Rudy said his attacker's name again, then began to explain what Oxx's motive was—but the injured wolf slipped quickly out of consciousness then. Artorias frowned, shaking Rudy a couple of times to try and rouse him, but when he didn't wake his breathing at least let Art know he was still alive.

Kane and Fern had finished wrapping his amputated tail and Fern was working on the gashes on his neck while Kane wrapped up his paw. "Anything?" called Artorias to Romulus. The silver brute shook his head; they were alone for now. That was both a blessing and a curse. It meant Oxx was prowling somewhere out in the dark woods and they had no idea what he was after. The night had suddenly become that much more dangerous. Fortunately, Fern began to fill in the blanks. Artorias watched and listened to the smaller wolf while she relayed what Rudy had told her. In her eyes, Art could see the struggle to remain impersonal and the emotion threatening to break through. Reaching forward, Artorias would go to place a paw on Fern's shoulder, hoping to catch her attention. "Hey, take a breath," he spoke softly. "You did great. You helped save his life."

Fern's final comment about how Rudyard said he knew Artorias would come to save him broke the young alpha's heart. That had been a kind lie; Artorias hadn't always been there to save him. He'd been away on another continent when his brother was mauled by a bear and left in a coma. He hadn't been here to prevent Oxx from doing this to him. Maybe if he'd been more protective or alert, Rudy wouldn't have to spend the rest of his life without a tail or toes. The frown on his face pulled deeper, but as soon as Kane and Fern had finished triaging Rudyard, Artorias was on his feet, pulling his brother's unconscious body across his back. "Okay, Rudy, up you go! Thank the gods you're not that heavy." Shuffling to lay his littler brother's form securely across his back, Artorias began the trek back towards the castle. Gwynevere would need to look over him once they got him to the infirmary to make sure nothing turned gangrenous, but at least they knew he wouldn't die out in this dark forest.

"Keep your eyes up, everyone! Oxx is a dark-furred wolf; these shadows will be home to him. Stay in a close formation until we get back to Hallowed land. Kane, take point. Romulus, rear. Fern, stay by me." As the others took their positions, Artorias set the pace, able to carry the unconscious Rudyard at a more steady lumber thanks to his larger size and greater strength. It wouldn't take long to get him home, and then they could start planning how they were going to hunt and kill Oxx like the rabid dog he was.

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.