



07-27-2013, 09:30 AM

The demoness thundered through the barren land around the icey lake. Her paw steps left behind little imprints upon the ground with each movement. Her fur bristled from the brisk air. Yellow eyes were slit and ears pinned back. The behemoth was meant for force and sprinting, not long term runs. A paw then sunk into the earth unexpectantly and she tumbled to the ground. Her blood caked fur was doused in snow and she fell. Her muzzle dove into the thick snow. A growl was heard through the valley. She laid upon the ground in defeat for a few moments. Snow fell upon her limp body. " FUCK! "

After a few minutes of freezing her rear off the woman hopped up. Her paws met the ground and she ran forward. She did not look where she was going because of the snow within her eyes. Canttina then felt the substance beneath her paws change. Ice. Her yellow eyes went wide as she slid across the ice. Claws scraped across the cold surface. She then slid, her legs twisting and flicking about uncontrollably. She fell to the ground with a thud and a yelp. Her furry body slid across the frozen lake. Her eyes feasted upon the icey arches that fell upon the earth. She just laid there, letting her body go into shock.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee



11 Years
Athena I
07-27-2013, 05:51 PM

Ivory fur blended in with the snow surrounding the white fea as she padded along the edge of the frozen lake. Despite the fact that it was spring this place still hid under a blanket of ice. Her violet eyes peered out at the world around her, examining the pillars of ice that rose toward the sky from the lake's surface. Her naturally thick coat protected her from the chill of the north. She had never been as grateful to have this fur as she had been the past couple months since she had made her home in the northern region of Alacritis. It had become a great asset for her, especially on days like today that she needed to get away from the pack lands for a moment. The assassin had a lot on her mind and she didn't need her pack mates to be prying into her life.

Her paws left tracks in her wake as she moved across the show, slowly making a circle around the lake. Suddenly the silence of the day was broken a thump against the ground and a curse echoing through the air. With a curious raised brow she turned her head to see a wolf laying in a pile of snow. Shortly the wolf hopped up again and hit the ground running. Alena's eyes widened with shock as she watched the earthen-hued wolf running straight out toward the icy lake. Alena slowed to a stop and could only stand back and watch as the wolf apparently ran blindly at the ice, soon slipping and going sprawling across the lake. The snow-colored fea didn't know what to do. What would possess a wolf to do such a thing? She decided to at least go see if the wolf needed some assistance.

The Amenti slowly padded out across the lake, her paws careful so not to slip on the ice. She glanced down to see the ice glowing dimly under paw with each step. She had heard of the lakes ability to do this, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. She gave a soft chuckle and lifted her Amethyst gaze back to the wolf in question. Upon further inspection of their scent she noticed it was a fea and had no apparent scent of a pack on her. Alena stopped a few feet away from the fea, not wanting to approach her till she could find out if she was friendly or not. "Are you alright?"




07-27-2013, 11:43 PM

Her skin tingled from the ice upon her flesh. She began to numb but she did not move. The demoness sensed someone. Her ears flicked and tail danced. There was a life form and she knew it. The girl had a strange way of doing things. She staid completely still. The glowing ice under her sort of put her in a trance. A voice filled her ears and Canttina hopped up. Her paws slid across the slippery ice as she turned around. Her eyed fell upon a snowy fae as she slid about uncontrollably. She watched as the other fae stood completely still. A sneer fell upon her mahogany features. A rather hateful look filled her yellow eyes.

She finally got a hold of her stance and rolled her broad shoulders. She whipped her head around, a crack of her neck would be heard. She looked back to the white princess and smiled creepily. A ravaged tongue slithered across her cold fangs. She was still covered in Fawn blood from the day before. Canttina eyed the woman hungrily. "I am oh so very wonderful. Are you alright? You are a mighty lovely little dove." Her voice was gentle and filled with darkness. She giggled maniacally and eyed the creature once again.

She flopped down on the ground in an instant. She grunted but she carefully slithered across the bit of ice until she reached land. Her muzzle was burried in the white substance before she crawled onto land and stood. She wiggled off excess snow and turned to look at the white fae. "Do you have a name my pretty?" She tilted her head and smiled quite horribly.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


07-28-2013, 08:38 PM

What Alena saw wasn't at all what she expected when she approached the fea. The wolf turned to face her and she saw three things: the blood dried to her pelt, the creepiness in her grin, and the insanity in her eyes. With a few sniffs she decided that the blood was that of a deer, not another wolf, and her grin didn't worry her near as much as the instability in the wolf's gaze. Alena was no stranger to the thought of insanity. She considered herself insane at times, but the look in this fea's eyes was one that put Alena on edge. The assassin kept up her guard, but didn't run. She was curious as to what the fea would do.

Alena's ears swiveled forward to listen to her twisted voice and watched as the fea fell once again and slid back to edge of the lake. With a little shake of her head, the ivory woman followed, steady paws trekking across the ice till she was on stable ground as well. Turning her violet gaze to the fea once more at her question, Alena replied, "Yes, Alena. Alena Leone." She sat down in the snow, her ivory fur blending in with her surroundings. "What about you? What is your name?"




07-30-2013, 01:40 PM

Canttina did not really care for anyone else but herself. Well, she barely cared for herself. The demoness was a thing of darkness. Every fiber she was made up of horrid evils. Darkness and nightmares. Her past marked her for death. Her mind was erased from anything that happened before her fall. She fell off a cliff and hit her head. She now did not know anything about herself, just what she has done since the fall. The mahogany fae was odd and horrid for her own reasons. Not because she requires attention or hates the world. She just didnt really .. care.

Yellow orbs stared into violet ones as the woman sat. Canttina remained standing and rolled her marked up shoulders. She wiggled her toes and flicked her claws into the white snow. A frozen tongue licked her maw and she wrinkled her scarred nose. Alena was her name. She smirked and spoke in a dark yet soft tone. "What a darling name." She sat down as well, her back left leg made a bit of a popping noise when she did so. She whipped her head to the side and popped her neck. She groaned in pleasure, "That one was nice." She laughed before the woman asked for her name. Canttina grinned again. "The name is Canttina."


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee



11 Years
Athena I
08-01-2013, 09:47 AM

Alena was confused by the wolf in front of her and the insanity that seemed to radiate from the fea. She wasn't sure how to react or respond to any of her actions. The ivory fea raised an eyebrow as the woman gave her head a quick toss to the side and an audible pop came from her neck. Alena's ears flicked back for a moment, her uncertainty around the fea increasing. She wasn't nervous, no, she was never nervous, but the wolf did put her a bit on edge. The instability made Alena uncertain of the wolf's next actions and Alena didn't like it.

"It's nice to meet you, Canttina," she replied, her manners going on autopilot as the woman introduced herself. Alana's eyes never strayed far from the fea's form, not wanting to take her eyes off of her for fear that the insane wolf would try something while she wasn't looking. "What brings you out here to this frozen land, Canttina? There's not a lot of draw for most wolves out here.




08-01-2013, 09:59 AM

The demoness watched the other woman with amusement. In those purple eyes Canttina saw caution, she was uncertain. Canttina stared into her violet orbs without any emotion. She rolled her shoulders and snorted. Why would someone be cautious of little ol' Canttina? She couldn't keep a straight face and began to laugh out loud. She flopped down onto the ground, engulfed by snow. She continued to laugh like a Hyena. Who would be cautious of a cannibalistic mad woman? She laughed even more, her muzzle got a good licking before she got up. Bits of dried blood and snow danced across her fur. A big blob of the white powder rested on the top of her head.

She tilted her head and stared at the woman. Words entered Canttina's ears. Oh how polite. She rolled her eyes and yawned. "I hate formalities. Why are you so polite to a woman you don't care about?" She giggled some more, her eyes danced across the plains of snow before they flicked back to the violet orbs. More of those delightful tones filled her ears. "I heard of a pack with new leadership. A woman took charge. Not the snowy pack, but the one located within the grasslands. I wish to seek entry. I plan on meeting the Lady in charge soon. After I .. take care of a few things..." She giggled some more, she seemed to be a bit more off today then usual. The woman kneaded the pallet of snow under her with her paws idly. "Why is a delightful little dove like yourself here in this horrid weather?"

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee



11 Years
Athena I
08-08-2013, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 11:15 PM by Alena.)

Alena blinked in surprise at the fea as she called her out on her polite behavior, a smirk crossing her muzzle. The ivory assassin was a bit of a fickle soul at times. It took only one moment to sway her opinion of someone. In that moment Canttina earned the fea's respect. While she still thought the golden-eyed fea may be a bit unstable or possibly even insane, speaking the truth like that earned Alena's interest and even amused her a little. She listened to her explanation of why she was up in the snowy north, Alena's interest perking even more. Could she possibly be speaking of Amenti? It was the only pack in the north that had been taken by a woman lately so she assumed this was the case.

With her question turned back on her, Alena replied, "Well, as a matter of fact, my pack is here. The one you were just speaking of actually. Amenti, newly run by Madame Medusa, correct?" It was a small world, meeting wolves randomly like this that just happened to be heading in the same direction. Though, she guessed it wasn't really all that strange in this situation. There wasn't much else to be doing up here in the snowy north. It was surprise enough that two packs actually wanted to claim lands up here.

ooc: so sorry for the wait, muse randomly died x_x




08-10-2013, 05:16 PM

She enjoyed the sight of this woman. Violet eyes and pristine white fur. She did not match Canttina in beauty. Canttina was rugged, harsh, and battered. Though, Canttina still carried herself with a certain elegance to be marked. Her golden eyes were soft, a sense of lust were within them at all times. She knew how to set men off, it was a part of her trade. Though, she liked the dark ones like her. The ones who played like here. The ones who killed like her. Those were the Wolves she was really attracted to. Though, this little lady seemed to have more to her. Alena was a bit to quiet and normal for Canttina. The demon believed everyone hid something, whether they wore it on their sleeve or not.

The violet eyed fae spoke to Canttina. A smirk spread across her bloody lips. So she was in the pack? Ament. Madame Medusa. Canttina pinned these names in her mind. She nodded, "I do believe we speak of the same thing. Tell me of the pack, my lovely. Do you believe they would appreciate having a woman like me within their ranks?" She tilted her head and waited for an answer anxiously. She wondered if they would take a woman like her into their pack. An insane demon like her. What is your trade lovely? What do you do?" She wished to know more of this little woman.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee



11 Years
Athena I
08-11-2013, 07:09 PM

"Oh, I'm sure we can find a place for you," she replied, nodding her head in agreement. "Amenti welcomes most anyone that wishes to join. Medusa is a very easy to get along with as long as you pull your weight to help out the pack. She'll be more than happy to accept you if you do. It's nice not having to worry about trying to fit into some mold. We can be ourselves and find our own place in the pack. I enjoy being in Amenti and I never thought I wanted to be in a pack." Alena had never thought she would be recruiting and promoting for Amenti, but she meant every word she said. It was different that most packs she had come across and even she had been able to find her niche with them.

Her trade? The snow white fea smirked, her ears flicking as her eyes showed her amusement. How many times had she been asked that question already. It pleased her to know that none of them could guess what she could do. Deception was her friend with her particular skill set. "I am an assassin," she replied bluntly. She was never one to beat around the bush, nor did she have a reason to hide what she was. The only time she would ever do that is if she was talking to one of her targets, which Canttina certainly was not. Her violet gaze rested on the interesting, insane fea before her, curiously watching to see her reaction to her confession.




08-14-2013, 05:29 PM

She stared at the woman with a dead stare. Nothing but lust and boredom was in her yellow orbs. She admired the other woman's violet eyes and white fur. The demoness envied her lack of flaw but Canttina was proud of her battle scars. She was battle worn, which was a sign of superiority to others. Others with no markings look wimpy and tiny. The white Wolf spoke to the vixen and a smirk spread across her onyx lips. Alena attempted to sell Amenti to Canttina and the demoness giggled. "Yes yes, I do enjoy packs that could use different sorts of Wolves. The snobby packs are the ones I despise. Ugh." She rolled those yellow eyes before a sigh was let forth.

The girl then spoke to Canttina again. She blurted out her trade, an Assassin. The beast tilted her head, she knew there was something more the little girl but not a killer. The demoness eyed the girl again in disbelief. She wished to speak her mind, saying that she would believe it when she saw it. But, the temptess thought better. "It seems we both run on the dark side. The baddies. I am no assassin, but I do enjoy the feeling of blood and flesh between my claws." Drool formed within her maw and a shudder went through her large body. The woman was an odd one, yes, but she was smarter then people thought.


Table by Pann, Image by Jolee



11 Years
Athena I
08-23-2013, 11:37 AM

Alena listened to Canttina confess her blood lust, knowing the feeling that the fea expressed, though not quite in such a lusting form. They were cut from similar cloth it seemed, maybe just from different corners of it. Alena looked clean and innocent, but under the thick coat of white fur she carried her skin showed her true colors, being criss crossed with the many scars of her past battles. Perhaps with a little training and direction this fea could be an assassin like herself, or maybe put her skills to use as a hunter for now. Alena knew she was possibly playing with fire wanting to try this, but she had never been to stay on the safe side of things. "Should you ever be interested in joining the ranks of Amenti I will give my recommendation for you to join," she said with a small smile. She wondered if Canttina would take her up on the offer or walk away from it.
