
Breathe Again [Amory/Tel]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-22-2021, 07:38 PM
Erani Adravendi

She didn’t know quite when things changed as she followed her descendant through the plains. She’d been mulling over the possible ways to stop this new malady when suddenly, she realized that she could feel the ground beneath her paws. Abruptly, Erani stopped, staring down at her feet, ears flicking forward.

A soft gasp of surprise touched her lips, right from the lungs. "Luneil’s light— Amorielle… I can feel the ground."

Was she really becoming more tangible? Or was she just… imagining it?

How far will this go? And why is this even happening?

She sensed that if she ran, though, she might lose this, and so, she moved to catch up with the girl, still processing the change. There was still a patient to examine, but that did bring to mind that she might not be safe from the plague if she kept… what did one even call this? Living again? Rebirthing? No... she wasn’t a pup again.

Were there any others like her? Was there any way to sense them?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-24-2021, 04:47 PM
Amorielle Adravendi

She headed off in search of their patient. Tel, last she checked, had been infected. It was still strange to her to see her great-great-grandmother in such a form, but Amorielle had quickly accepted it and wasn't afraid of her presence. Why would she be? She felt nothing but a warm and kind presence from Erani, and while others might find this strange and unreal, Amory treated her like any living being. That is, until the Adravendi matriarch spoke. "Luneil’s light— Amorielle… I can feel the ground." Amory's ears perked and she turned to gaze curiously at Erani. "You can? That's a good thing, right? I don't know anything about the afterlife, but...this is the first I've heard or seen of this sort of thing happening..." She mused, though her tail wagged at her great-great-grandmother's report.

She glanced back to where they were going, noting they weren't far from the alcoves now. If she could feel the ground...maybe she could better help her with Tel, or at the very least help her to find a cure for the yearling. She continued to lead the way, and as she entered the den with caution, she warily looked around to make sure the infected were where they should be. She had no idea if any of this stuff could contaminate others, but she wanted to minimize that possibility as much as possible. "She's this way," She murmured as she passed the communal area and into a deeper tunnel that led to Tel's den. She found the girl lying there, though it seemed she had worsened considerably since her last visit. "Oh, Tel..." The girl was shaking, glowing purple ooze spilling from her eyes and nose, and even her mouth was slightly open as she struggled to breathe. Panicked and without thinking, Amory rushed to clear some of the ooze from Tel's mouth.

"Hold on, Tel! I'll help you," She said calmly despite the panic rising in her chest. As she put her paw into Tel's mouth to clear it out, Tel's jaws suddenly snapped down and Amory yelped in surprise and yanked her paw back. Her paw throbbed from the light punctures, though at least she had somewhat managed to clear a bit of the ooze from the glowing girls mouth. "It's worse than I thought..." She exclaimed as Tel suddenly began to mumble incoherently...

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-24-2021, 04:58 PM

She didn't know what was happening. Things had gotten considerably worse after hearing those voices over the Winter, and now? She'd been quarantined. She was alone in her den, occasional visits from Amory were the only company she had from time to time, but it did little to soothe her. She felt like her mind couldn't focus on reality, and instead, was stuck on the voices she kept hearing. They were unknown to her for the most part, but there was one that stuck out a little...still, she couldn't recall who they were or where she'd heard was frustrating, to say the least, but she couldn't even focus on her frustration the last few days. She didn't feel the need to go out see anyone or do anything. All she wanted to do was curl up and be alone. The ooze that spilled from her made things even more difficult, matting the longer fur surrounding her face, and at some point during the night, she had found herself struggling to breathe.

Time seemed to drag on, but even she wasn't aware of what part of the day or night it was. Her glow was dim, but what did show still pulsed erratically, much like her heart. An ear flicked when she thought she heard Amory's familiar voice, though she struggled to figure out if it was real, or another voice in her head. Her chest rose and fell heavily as she tried to breathe past the glowing ooze in her mouth. Next thing she knew, something was reaching into her mouth and Tel instinctively snapped her jaws shut. She felt something between her teeth, though she didn't know what it was. When the pressure removed itself, however, she found it was just a little easier to breathe but her chest wheezed with the effort as she curled further in on herself and started to mumble words even she couldn't understand...




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-27-2021, 07:23 PM
Erani Adravendi

[Gonna have her miss it for now, since I dunno how fast the crystals/fungi become apparent in a wound [unless I missed it somewhere in the info lol]]

The sensations were so strange after so long in Somnium, and she took a moment to consider her answer. “Somnium is… different. You can touch one another, but it’s not like the solid touch of life. You don’t feel pain, your age and ailments and injuries fall away, though you can choose to keep them, perhaps as reminders of your life and lessons learned… When you encountered me I felt about as solid as this mist.”

She frowned, head shaking. “Perhaps the gods wish to give those in Somnium a second chance? Or… perhaps this is fleeting. Perhaps there are more like me, and we are needed here in the living realm. I don’t know, I’m afraid.”

She followed the young Adravendi woman, and recognized the direction, a smile touching her lips despite the grim task ahead. It’d been so long since she’d actually stood in the place she’d brought her first and only biological children into the world, seen them grow, tended the wounded during the Siege of Valhalla… memories would surely be soaked into the stone walls of the caves. Echoes of the past, both good… and bad.

As she stepped up into the main chamber, she took in the changes, the scents, the flicker of… fire? From the tunnel that led deeper into the hill. How did one bring fire into the earth?

Then she followed her descendant to one of the alcoves. It was grim indeed. The girl was visibly addled, orifices weeping, impeding her ability to breathe. Erani, more experienced, recognized the lack of lucidity, and the fear; but before she could step in to block Amorielle, the young wolf had already ducked forward to clear the tall girl’s airways.

She was repaid with an unthinking bite. Erani drew in a hiss of breath, a muttered Old Tongue curse, bending to check the injured paw, keeping a sidelong eye on the frazzled child.

Gently, she murmured, “First rule of working with a patient who may be in an altered state of mind, observe them; talk to them until they answer clearly, let them know you’re going to do something, what it is, and if they understand. If in an emergency, restrain their teeth, with a stick if need be. Wedge it as far back between their back molars as you can so they cannot snap down on you. I know a healer’s first instinct is to rush in and tend a hurt, but with maladies like this, you must take precautions…”

It was likely Amorielle had already been taught this rule, but in times of stress such as these, a slip-up wasn’t out of the ordinary among young trainees, even if it could be costly in the long run.

“Try and get that cleaned up; I’ll see if I can do anything for her. Maybe draw her out.”

Her eyes shifted back to the girl where she curled into a ball. Which path to take here? Slowly, she stepped forward, examining the young wolf – just a yearling, she thought with a pang – from a short distance, outside of biting range. Copious amounts of glowing fluid wept and ran from the girl’s eyes, orifices, and Erani’s ears flicked forward to take in the erratic heartbeat and counting the frenetic thumps.

Calmly, she spoke, lowering herself slowly to her belly, attempting to exude comfort and power toward the girl. She didn’t know if it would work—she might be able to soothe nightmares that followed into Somnium until her visitor was calm, but who knew… worth a try.

“Tel, can you hear me?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-28-2021, 03:53 AM
Amorielle Adravendi

Erani's explanation of what Somnium was like had been quite interesting, and she stored the information away for later. She was curious herself about why the dead were able to walk these lands, and she sincerely hoped that they were able to help them figure out a cure. But for now, she was focused on Tel, and Erani's words. Amory's ears flicked back, embarrassment in her features as Erani gave her a short lecture. “First rule of working with a patient who may be in an altered state of mind, observe them; talk to them until they answer clearly, let them know you’re going to do something, what it is, and if they understand. If in an emergency, restrain their teeth, with a stick if need be. Wedge it as far back between their back molars as you can so they cannot snap down on you. I know a healer’s first instinct is to rush in and tend a hurt, but with maladies like this, you must take precautions…”

Of course...she should have known that, but the panic at seeing her packmate in such a state along with the strangeness happening in the lands and her lack of sleep because of the changes had caused her to forget it when she needed that knowledge most. She was incredibly stressed out, that much was clear. And when Erani instructed her to go clean her wound, she nodded and swept out of the den for a moment as she headed to her own den where a small washbasin waited. It was the one thing she always made sure to have on hand, after all, she didn't like to treat patients with dirty paws if she could help it. It was unsanitary, and the last thing she wanted was to touch open wounds with dirt and other germs on her paws. After all, she didn't want wounds to get infected by her own hands.

While carefully cleaning her wound, she used the time to calm herself while listening to Erani speak to Tel. She wondered if the girl would respond, or if she'd try to attack the Spirit. As she finished up washing her paws, she felt something strange about her wound, and when she took a closer look at the water, she noticed there was purple ooze swirling in the water. "What...?" Confused, she pulled her paw from the water and realized it was coming from her wound. The bite mark on her paw was trickling purple ooze, and as she narrowed her eyes for a closer look, she swore she saw small blue crystals in her wound, and of course, she assumed they were from Tel, or maybe she had picked them up on her way in here.

She attempted to pick it out of the wound with her free claws, but upon trying to do that, she gasped and bit back a yelp. The minuscule crystals refused to budge and felt like they were tethered deeper than they looked. Panicked, she quickly wrapped her paw with a strip of rabbit skin before heading back to where Tel and Erani were. She would, of course, mention it to her...but for now, she wanted to focus on trying to help Tel, first.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2021, 04:16 AM

There were creatures here. Beings she didn't recognize, voices she didn't understand. Storm gray eyes struggled to focus through the ooze that streamed from them. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shut them out. But there was one in particular that called her attention. It sounded close. Louder than the other voices. "Tel, can you hear me?" One ear flicked towards the voice, her head turning slightly and she found someone she didn't recognize. Was she dreaming? Who was that? Why did they look like they existed, but didn't? The apparition was pure white, fathomless sapphire eyes looking at her. She seemed...kind...comforting...She knew little of death and even less of spirits, ghosts, and the afterlife. Was this one here to guide her to the other side? " here to take me...?" She drawled, ooze dripping from her tongue. "I'm not...ready to go...yet...still...alot I do..." She whined.

She was growing paranoid with each day that passed, convincing herself she was going to die and now she felt like that was turning into a reality. Was this ooze stuff poisonous? Was it killing her? She had no idea...but she wasn't ready to cross over to the other side just yet.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-28-2021, 03:19 PM
Erani Adravendi

Her call had some effect on the girl, but she was half distracted by the choked noise from the other room, ears flicking back to take note. It’d been Amorielle, but what had caused it? Patient first.

Tel’s gaze focused blearily on her, and Erani worked to lock eyes with her. The words were slurred, wet with the glowing mucus, and Erani shifted forward slightly, letting her hips slide to stretch her hind legs out in a relaxed lounge, front paws crossing. Unthreatening, soothing.

“That’s good, Tel. I’m not here to take you away. Quite the opposite. I need you to stay strong and get through this, alright? But we need you calm so we can clear your airways. Your… malady seems to be blocking you from breathing when the amounts get too high. I am Erani Adravendi, by the way.”

She waited to see if the girl took in her words, if there was anything she needed to repeat, she did so.

“Are you hungry or thirsty?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-28-2021, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2021, 05:52 PM by Amorielle. Edited 1 time in total.)
Amorielle Adravendi

She arrived quietly to the others, though she dared not interrupt the two. Instead, she began to prepare a poultice for her wound, and tea for Tel that, hopefully, would help to clear her head and soothe her likely sore throat. She imagined that with all that ooze in her body, her throat must be hurting...but she couldn't say for sure. She hadn't been able to really pry much from least, not while she was sick like this. Before she got sick, she knew Tel was a talkative and very curious individual, always seeming to look on the bright side of things, but...the world as it was, seemed to change her and several others that she knew of for the worst. She just wasn't sure how to handle it.

As she prepared her medicine and the tea, she felt like her nose started to run, and when she wiped it away with a paw, she noticed a small bit of purple ooze. She briefly glanced towards Erani, but she kept her back turned and made no mention of it. She didn't know if it was something she had already been infected with and symptoms just decided to appear, or if Tel had infected her and the rate of infection was much faster than she thought a sickness could spread. For now, she just sniffed and wiped her nose and focused on the work she was need to worry anyone else right now. It was just a cold...

When she finished making the tea, she poured some of it into a couple of small bowls and set them near Erani and Tel, "Something to try and help," She murmured before quickly returning to her corner. She poured some for herself and drank. The mixture of honey and lemon was simple, but sometimes the simplest things helped with the worst ailments.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2021, 06:10 PM tired...she wanted to sleep, but the voices wouldn't let her. The sounds in her head would not go quiet. Even now, as she struggled to speak through her ailment, a voice continued talking to her. She didn't know who it was, but her eyes focused and unfocused on the pale ghost as her mind tried to figure out for herself if she was telling the truth or if she was trying to trick her...or if she was even real. Perhaps just a figment of her imagination...she whined. A gurgled, bubbling sound in her chest and she was paranoid now more than ever. Where was Ardyn? Takeshi? Where was her family? Did she have a family? She didn't know. She was alone. Always alone...

“That’s good, Tel. I’m not here to take you away. Quite the opposite. I need you to stay strong and get through this, alright? But we need you calm so we can clear your airways. Your… malady seems to be blocking you from breathing when the amounts get too high. I am Erani Adravendi, by the way.” She looked tiredly at the alabaster ghost as she spoke to her. She understood half of it as her mind felt fuzzy. This wolf knew her name...did she know her from somewhere? Confusion riddled her brain like an infestation of termites in a dead tree. "Mmm..." She mumbled, ooze sticking her tongue to her mouth. Then the ghost asked if she was hungry or thirsty, and Tel wasn't sure how to answer that.

She couldn't tell if she felt either way at the moment...but it seemed almost as soon as amorielle had placed a bowl of...something down, Tel immediately reacted and lurched forward. She half rose and fell at the same time as she fell forward, sick riddled brain zeroing in on whatever it was. Ooze dripped and splattered as she moved so suddenly, but once her tongue touched the liquid in the bowl, she couldn't help but want to practically inhale it as if her life depended on it.



11-28-2021, 06:48 PM

You feel the soft ground on your paws.

You gain:
  • Ethereal Somnium Pass (character-bound)- One time use. Allows a Somnium character to return to thread freely for 1 in-character season (2 months) after event is concluded. Restricted to only threads where you have permission to enter, no trespassing, pass will be revoked if abused. Post in Maintenance when ready to use this pass.



11-28-2021, 07:02 PM

You are temporarily disabled by your illness (-15% in all fights and races until event's conclusion).

You gain:
  • Mushrooms (3x)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...



11-28-2021, 07:08 PM

You feel the uncontrollable urge to attack whoever is nearby.

You gain:
  • Glowing Blood- Your blood now permanently glows.
  • Crystals (5x)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...