
The dinner bell


07-25-2013, 04:01 PM

A shadow ghosting through the trees. That was what he was. he was here, then he was the. The creatures around him were not even slightly aware of the predator in their presence. He was on the prowl. Hunger drummed on the back of his mind, wanting to go faster then this slow and silent creep. 'Go, run and kill it,' his mind whispered. It wanted food, and knew that now he was just playing around. he was plenty close enough to his target.

A glimmer of gold and steel flashed out of the gloom. He was frozen under one of the trees of the forest, judging the distance. His chosen victim, a tiny little deer, was grazing under the shade of a larger tree. It had slowly wandered out of the protective circle of its herd. They would not be able to give the thing a warning in enough time. A vicious smile teased his jaws. Easy. Simply too easy. Lady luck seemed to have finally turned her favor back on to him.

Before his thoughts could progress any farther, Greed struck. He was a blur of pounding feet and snapping muscles. He was flying over the ground, eating up the distance. Hungry eyes trained on the spot on the neck that would end this creature's life quickly. It was not simply standing there waiting for him to kill it, though. the little deer bolted, bee-lining back for its herd. The others were starting to flee in every direction now, panicked because of the predator in their midst. Chaos. The thing that Greed thrived in. he laughed, putting on a bit more speed. The distance between him and the prey was shrinking. A few small feet behind his supper. Just a bit closer.


Greed lunged forward, jaws grabbing one leg and pulling on it. hard. The force carried him forward, but he did not let go and give the animal a chance to kick him. Down to the ground they fell. A hoof pounded in to his side, driving the air from his lungs in a loud whoosh. He released the leg her was holding and moved quickly behind the deer and to the neck. A bit of blood already stained his mouth. More stained it as deadly canines fulfilled their purpose. Skin and flesh parted for his killing teeth, neatly severing the vital jugular. He let go then and stepped back, letting the warm red juice color the ground. Fearful eyes rolled around, still caught in panic and not realizing yet that it was all over. Legs twitched, struggling in vain to lift the body that was suddenly too heavy. The wolf of shadow and starlight could see the question in the animal's eyes 'What happened?' Greed grinned at the dying doe and moved to the stomach area of his meal. Enough blood had spilled that she probably wouldn't feel too much pain. He was not a sadist, after all. He could wait for her to be fully dead, but he was hungry. And waiting would just attract more scavengers, or a bear. Nope, not going down that road. Time to focus on filling his stomach.

After that there was just the slightly wet sound of meat being eaten. A sound that was the dinner bell to the crows and ravens nearby. A lone wolf could not eat this whole carcass by himself.


OOC: none

Tags: All

Words: 572


07-25-2013, 05:21 PM
ooc: I appologize for crappiness, should get better.

The mighty hunter stalks his unsuspecting prey. A whisper seeped from dark lips, copper orbs trained on a rabbit not far away, maybe a couple feet. So far he was doing good, managing to stay quiet enough for it not to notice and being patient enough that he didn't try rushing one moment. When he felt like he was close enough, that it was the perfect time to strike, he finally went for it. Paws drummed against the ground, ears back, tail streaming behind him as he moved over the earth. Closer and closer he got, a few feet, four feet, three. Almost. Jaws parted, lips pulling back to reveal his fangs. He was just about to lunge when the rabbit made a hard turn to the side, resulting in the male digging his paws into the ground, sliding ta few feet to a stop.

He lifted his head breathing heavily, scanning the area for the animal but after a few moments of nothing he gave a heavy sigh and a shake of his head before pushing himself back up and started walking away. Nuka almost had that rabbit, almost had a meal.

After walking for a it a scent hit his nose, making the youngster stop. Carefully he sniffed the air, catching another wolf and a fresh kill. Right way he started to get ideas, but before he could settle on one he was already off. In no time he found it, a wolf digging into a deer. Lips pulled back in a toothy grin and the male slowly madehis way over, trying to not appear aggressive or anything, sitting down just a few yards away with his tail wagging.



07-25-2013, 05:35 PM

It was a great feeling to have a full belly. With good food too. The meat was still warm. The blood still dripping. Heaven. Bliss. Comfort. Greed was so focused on eating that he did not sense the wolf join him. It was when his head went a few inches away from the carcass to let himself breath a bit, and decide if he was still hungry or not, when his ears picked up the thump of a tail on the ground.

The male looked over, out of the corner of his eye, taking in the little male with the white markings. A cute kid. A cute kid something that looked like puppy-dog eyes to Greed. Greed closed his eyes and gave a soft sigh. Time to decide. Was he going to keep ignoring the pup and eat, or would he be nice and share? he didn't really like sharing, but there could be a big and scary mother and father nearby. Greed gave a grumble to himself before asking in a bored voice, "Can I help you, Squirt?" His steel eye rolled to give a bored, yet slightly amused look at the kid. This was also his marred side. The part of his face that was probably frightening to look at for most. Speech!


07-26-2013, 01:12 PM

It didn't take long before the male noticed Nuka, the thumping of his tail hard to ignore. He sat there watching, not staring for too long before looking away at something else for a few seconds then going back to the man and his kill. Copper orbs locked on the wolf even when he lowered himself to the ground, laying on his belly and slowly scooting forward. He knew there was an imaginary border, if he was outside of it then he was good but the moment he stepped over the invisible line the wolf may become aggressive and go after him.

Ears perked up at the sound of a voice, copper orbs had left the sight for just a few moments, and so they quickly darted back to see the man looking over at him. His head lifted, curiosity forming as he saw the scars on the man's face. The boy in him thought it made him look kind of cool, but the child in him also made Nuka feel like this guy could be dangerous.

Your kill is big... could I maybe have some sir? HE asked, deciding that he would try and set aside the fact that this guy may be dangerous.



07-27-2013, 07:14 PM

Greed did not answer the youngster right away. He simply studied the pup for a bit. There was plenty of meat here to share, sure. The boy was polite though. Which struck Greed more then if the boy had decided to put on a tough guy act. Well. . . What the heck.

"Sure kid. Help yourself. Just don't get in my way," He said. The boy couldn't possibly eat enough to hake a huge difference in the carcass. Greed then went back to his kill, not interested in the pup any longer. He did keep an eye on the boy in case he tried anything. He considered for the barest moment if he should start a conversation with the kid, or just ignore him and finish his meal. What would he even talk about? His name? The weather? Boring. Simply boring. Speech!


07-30-2013, 12:48 AM
ooc: Crappy post. D: Sowwy!

Ears shot up when the stranger gave Nuka permission to have some of his kill, jaws parting and tongue hanging out the side of his jaws with a large grin. With nod of his head and flick of his tail the male jumped up onto his paws, walking over with his tail swooshing behind him. The male and his kill wasn't too far away so within a few bounds Nuka was there.

Keeping his head low Nuka moved to the opposite end of the animal, making sure not to make direct eye contact in case the male took it the wrong way. "Thanks Mister." He spoke in a friendly tone, plopping himself down and placing a paw on the animal before digging in.



07-31-2013, 10:42 PM

Greed snorted and replied to the thanks with a, "Call my Greed, Boyo. Calling my Mister would mean I was a gentleman, and I am certainly not that." He gave a quiet chuckle before taking another large bite, interest making him watch the kid now. Was he old enough to be all alone like this? Parents might be looking for him. Should he ask? Maybe be a nice citizen? Well, what the hell, standing her in silence would get awkward and boring, plus he was just a tiny bit curious.

"Hey Kid, where's your family? Or are you already all alone in the big bad world?" Oh god, he wished this boy wasn't an orphan. He would feel terrible for an hour or two after he walked away and left the kid to fend for himself, since he sure wasn't going to let a little squirt hang around him. He had had to deal with pups before, and didn't desire to relive that experience.


OOC: Sorry that it's so late, I am busy with family visiting from out of state.


08-01-2013, 10:56 PM
ooc: That's fine (:

Nuka hummed in delight as he bit off chunk by chunk, chewed and swallowed the meat. It was so delicious, way better than the other small stuff he was normally hunting. It was fresh, chewy here, perfect there, just juicy enough to where he thought he was in heaven. The brown and white male usually caught small things, and when he went to devour the creature its flesh would be tough and too much of a hassle to rip off the bone. And if it wasn't that, it was old carcasses he scavenged off, having to fight off birds.

About to dig into a meaty part he had missed, Nuka stopped, ears swiveling to the side when the man spoke. He told the yearling to cal him Greed and calling him Mister would make him a gentleman which he wasn't. The boy gave a nod of his head to this, going back to his meal.

"Hey Kid, where's your family? Or are you already all alone in the big bad world?" His ears perked up again, his mouth around a piece of meat, quickly slurping it up like a noodle and licked his lips before speaking. "I have no family." He said simply, turning his gaze away to look for a part of the animal he could go after next. "A puma got mother, and sis died in the snow when me and father left home. I don't know what happened to him, woke up one day and he wasn't in the den."

The way he spoke of it, made it seem like the boy wasn't really affected by the death going on around him, and the disappearance of his father. he was pretty calm about it giving a shrug of his shoulders before attacking a leg, clearing the flesh within seconds then began gnawing on the bone.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


08-04-2013, 12:37 AM

Oh. Ouch. Inside, the black man winced and started to think up a suitable reply. He really had three options here.
1. Say nothing, which was pretty darn safe.
2. Be an ass about it, which wouldn't make him any friends, not that he needed any.
Or 3. Be sympathetic and play nice until they could move on in topic.

Choice number three won. Greed gave a grim nod and replied, "That sucks, kid. That really does suck. it happens though, I guess." it did too. Death happened everyday, and it could so easily come around and take someone that you knew. Hell, he had dealt with that enough to be an expert in this matter. Greed didn't share his feelings, so when he spoke next his words were flat and emotionless. It was plainly hiding something, but that something was too well hidden for even the one hiding it to detect what it exactly was. "I lost my mate and two pups when a bear attacked my family. My oldest was bringing home a girl to meet the family too, so I didn't have anyone keeping an eye out on things. I understand, Boyo. Nature is a cruel mistress, Kid." He had gotten revenge for what had happened, and had moved on. His heart may be locked away so none could touch it, but he was not an empty husk. This kid didn't look too beat up about it either. Greed would bet his next meal that these unfortunate events would only make this kid stronger and better off in life.

I speak I think I hear

OOC: Family is gone, so now I will be able to post more often now.


08-09-2013, 04:54 PM

Nuka shrugged when the man spoke about his situation sucking, it did but he didn't think too much about it, there was nothing he could do to fix or bring back his family. So why should he linger and feel sad about it? Nuka ha a whole life ahead of him, he could mold it to whatever made him happy. But when he brought up his mate and pups the boy suddenly felt sad. He stopped gnawing on the leg of the animal, thinking as Greed explained what happened then said that nature was cruel. ?That is really sad, I'm sorry.? He said softly, looking at the man briefly before looking down at the leg in front of him.

He shook his head, cleared his throat and stood up, tail waving behind him. ?Can I hangout with you Greed? I have nowhere I have to be and no family, we could team up.? He asked with a large toothy grin. Nuka was all alone in this big world, he had family or friends, had no permanent home, just walked around and slept where ever it was warm. It would be nice traveling with somebody, would be less lonely.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


08-12-2013, 02:40 PM

Greed shrugged off the pity, saying in an easy voice, "Thanks Kid, but I really need pity about that anymore. It happened a long time ago, and I've moved on."[/b] Okay, so maybe he hadn't moved on completely. But that was to be expected, and completely normal. He was past the moping and depressed stage, though, which was good.

"Can I hangout with you Greed? I have nowhere I have to be and no family, we could team up."

Greed had lowered his head to eat again, waiting for the boy to start the conversation again. Now he lifted his head to watch the younger wolf again. This time, he looked on in surprise. He. . . he wasn't a good role-model for a kid like this one. He had never even been a great dad when he had had children. How could he let a youth like this run around with him? After a few rapid blinks, he managed to say easily, "I'm not sure, Boyo. I'm hardly the best of company. But if you really want to, go ahead and follow me around. It can't hurt."

I speak I think I hear


08-12-2013, 09:41 PM

Nuka gave a quick nod of his head when the man told him he didn't need pity, that it happened long ago and he moved on. Even though the boy was young he understood, Greed wouldn't want him to be sad about something that was in the past, something that couldn't be changed. He wouldn't bring It up, just leave it there.

He stood there excited though after asking Greed if he could tag along, ears up and tail wagging behind him. It felt like forever since he last traveled with someone, had company of some sort. Not that he thought about it, he didn't really talk to any other wolf since arriving in this place. The though made his head tilt, copper gaze looking around the place. Were there other wolves here? Surely there was, but where the heck were they all? Hiding?

Greed's voice brought Nuka back to reality, ears perking up when he said the boy could tag along. ?Really?? The grin returned to his face, hopping forward with eyes trained on the man. Did he really mean it? Nuka could tag along?!


Awesome table by Shelby <3


08-15-2013, 12:51 PM

He watched the youth with amusement glinting in his eyes as the boy got excited over the prospect of tagging along with him. It was a bit sad too, since this boy was already so alone in the world. Well, life was a bitch. She knocked you down and you had to get right back up and keep moving forward. Oh well, no need to think so much now. He had to answer the Kid. "Yes Really, Boyo. You can tag along with me for a little while. We have to get just one thing straight, though. I'm no babysitter. I will not treat you like a pup, and you will not act like one, okay?"His eyebrow quirked up as he spoke, staring the boy straight in the eye. He didn't plan on travelling with Kido too long and getting attached to him. Dragging a kid around with him wouldn't let him have as much time to try and fool around with other wolves, male and female alike.

His head dropped briefly to take another bite from the carcass, though his eyes stayed pointing at his new little companion, waiting for an answer. He didn't mention that the boy could act like a kid and he would act like he had wen he had been a father oh so long ago. He hadn't been a great father. Whining and complaining was met with a snarl and a toss in the icy cold stream that ran near the den. He wasn't sure if he could toss this boy in to a pool of freezing water or not, but he could probably try. A yearling wasn't too heavy, right? "Hey, Boyo. What's your name, anyway? I'm guessing you might get annoyed with me calling you Boyo or Kiddo all the time." he sure would if he were this kid's age again. Not that learning a name would stop Greed from calling the boy by a much easier to remember nickname. His memory was good, but not perfect.



08-15-2013, 04:28 PM
ooc: Nuka got kidnapped by a leopard so Greed won't be babysitting after this thread. xD

This news made Nuka very happy, he would finally have some company, he wouldn't be wandering around all alone anymore! He immediately thought of things they could do, hunt together, maybe the man could teach the boy a thing or two. Oh oh! Maybe he could help him with fighting! Ears twitched at Greed's voice, making the yearling shake his head and focus on what the man said. He confirmed that Nuka could tag along, but only for a little while, and that he was no babysitter, he wouldn't treat him like a pup and so expected the boy not to act like one. The boy calmed down a bit, giving a nod of his head, tail wagging.

With a large grin the boy quickly walked over to the carcass with a bounce in his step, bending down and ripping off a piece of meat. That was when Greed spoke up again, asking what his name was. ?Oh yeah!? He mumble as he chewed, he quickly bit the meat in pieces then swallowed, clearing his throat. ?The name's Nuka, and I don't mind if you call me Boyo or Kiddo.? He grinned with a wave of his tail. Nuka really didn't mind those names at all, if Greed forgot his name then it was okay, he wouldn't get mad or anything.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


08-19-2013, 06:01 PM

He gave a small grin at the increased excitement from the kid. A cute boy. Maybe travelling with him wouldn't be completely boring. As soon as it did, he would probably end up ditching this Nuka, for now the boy was giving him his name. The black beast nodded and said, "Okay then, Nuka, I'll keep on calling you Kiddo or Boyo. Much easier to remember." He gave a wink to the boy along with a low chuckle. He enjoyed how easy it was to chat with Nuka. His guard could relax a bit, which he didn't really do too often.

"Now that we're travelling companions, which direction would you like to head after this? I have no preference at all on where I go, as long as there is food, water, and a beautiful view nearby." he didn't mention that having a girl nearby would also be fun, but he didn't think that little Nuka could appreciate that yet. Or maybe he could and did, since it wasn't entirely impossible yet. Should he ask? How would he phrase it, though? 'Hey, you ever been with a girl, Kiddo?' It would seem a bit invasive and inappropriate. Better to save that until it was relevant to the conversation.


OOC: XD Okay then, I hope that Nuka escapes unharmed, or gets happy with his predicament.