
A special kind of thank you

Royal Family



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-15-2021, 08:14 PM
Dalila quickly discovered that she wasn't good at receiving gifts. Right after Chimera gave her the bronze, aquamarine studded bangle that now had a permanent place on her left foreleg she immediately wanted to give him something in return. She understand that it was his gift in return for birthing Rusalka, but that didn't matter in her mind. It was the nicest thing someone had ever given to her and it just got her thinking about everything Chimera had done for them. Yes, he was rough around the edges and wasn't perfect by any means, but this island they were living on and this pack they were living in were all thanks to him and she realized that she at least really hadn't properly thanked him for that. For the longest time she had been too caught up in her distrust and anger to really see him for what he was and now that she had she felt like it was high time that she find some way to repay him.

It took her a while to figure out what she could do to thank him. Chimera was a man of simple tastes and the only times she had seen him actually pleased was when she gave him a massage and through the night she had spent with him and Aliana. That night felt like it was ages ago at this point. So much pain and heartache and loss had happened between then and now and that led her thoughts to think about how much all of them needed some time to just unwind and relax together—at least in a way that she knew Chimera would enjoy. She brought the idea to Siren first and after her sweet love agreed was when she went to find Aliana. She hadn't really left her bedroom where she cared for Rusalka since her daughter was born so it was the first time she had seen Aliana since that night, but she was happy to see that he clouded woman was seemingly in better spirits and it seemed like she had gotten a gift of her own in the form of a head dress similar to the one Siren wore.

Once all of the ladies were on board, she made the rest of the arrangements. She convinced Cináed and Ezra to be baby sitters of sorts which really just equated to the two warriors standing guard to make sure Rusalka, Scylla, and Albion all stayed in their room and didn't cause trouble while their mothers were occupied. She waited till she saw Chimera go out to do his usual tasks for the day before she snuck into his room, making sure there was a nice area set up for them among the copious amount of furs and pillows he had and prepared some water and snacks just in case one of them wanted anything. Once all that was ready she gathered Siren and Aliana, settling into the plush piles of furs with the two other women on either side of her, grinning as she kissed Siren tenderly and then nuzzled into Aliana's cheek. Her heart was pattering nervously, but she was also excited and eager to see Chimera's reaction when he saw them. "Maybe one of you should call for him," she said to Siren and Ali. "It'll be less unusual coming from one of you so it'll be more of a surprise."

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2021, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2021, 04:48 PM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren wouldn’t have ever come up with the idea that Dalila broached to her one day, a means of showing their gratitude to a King who left them wanting for nothing. Though nervous about the idea Siren trusted her dear Dalila and agreed. She loved Dalila and Chimera intimately, she was coming to adore Aliana, there was no reason to feel butterflies in her stomach.

Dalila left her to seek out Ali and Siren took the time to relax in a bath. The scent of her sopas would linger in her clean fur, and the water relaxed away the hesitation. Siren wondered if leaving her long fur unbraided would be a mistake, but allowed the long locks freedom. The young woman sipped a bit of the wine she packed up, and didn’t forget about the aftermath. Siren carried along enough herbs to keep an army from conceiving.

Uncertain what to expect Siren made her way to Chimera’s suite when Dalila gave the signal, she arranged her wines by the little foods Dal brought, and her dual toned eyes were met with the beautiful forms of the other women in Chimera’s life. The Queen took her place next to Dalila, draping herself over the plush furs and bedding. She accepted and returned Dalila’s affection and blushed when her eyes strayed to Aliana.

Nerves built in her belly but she nodded at Dal’s requester, and her soft angelic voice called out for the man that they loved.

"Siren Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-24-2021, 05:09 PM
When Dalila had come to her with her suggestion on how they could all show Chimera appreciation for the care he gave to them, Aliana hadn't exactly been surprised by the suggestion, but she was taken aback by who it was coming from. She knew Dalila and her had shared a passionate night together with Chimera—the evidence of it continued to run around the island, after all—but since then, both Dalila and Siren had kept to themselves. While not unusual given that the two were lovers, she was surprised that they thought of getting involved in such a way with her. It brought flushes of heat to her cheeks and made her feel... included. She'd discovered a sapphic interest in Dalila after the threesome they'd had, and she'd always harbored secret feelings for the beautiful Siren, intensified by their heated time together in the baths. Ali, of course, agreed without any convincing needed. Anything that involved pleasing or caring for Chimera had her deeply vested interest.

Each of the ladies prepared for the surprise in their own ways. While Dalila had prepared some sustenance for them throughout the event, Aliana had also taken the time to bathe and groom her fur, restoring herself to her usual luster and conditioning her fur to be extra silken soft to the touch. It had been a while since she'd properly cared for herself, and though the routine felt strange, she was slowly returning to normalcy. Siren had elected to handle the contraceptives—though Ali doubted she had any need for them after what had happened—so Ali took to her study, collecting up an assortment of recreational herbs for the ladies and their man. The plants were mild, things like cannabis and kava, with a couple khat leaves for those who desired a more intensely pleasurable high, all meant to heighten sensations and reduce inhibitions. Just fun little treats to elevate things to another plane if they chose to partake.

Aliana returned to her bedchambers she shared with Chimera and found Dalila and Siren already at work with preparations. She set her collection of drugs and herbs to the side of the bed beside the food and drinks, feeling her heart race with eager excitement while aquamarine eyes swayed over the two beautiful faes already taking their place in bed. With a cheeky grin, Aliana climbed onto the mattress and made herself comfortable in a nook of pillows, furs, and blankets at Dalila's side. An airy giggle passed her lips when Dalila nuzzled her cheek, returning the affections in the form of a lick to the edge of the mottled fae's ear. Siren called for Chimera, and the two of them exchanged blush-filled glances, memories of their time in the baths returning to Aliana's mind. Tonight would be enjoyable for all of them, but in particular, Ali was looking forward to getting a chance to enjoy Siren even more intimately. She'd longed to love on the regal, gorgeous princess since the day she'd learned she was more than just property to the Klein royals.

"Aliana Klein"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-24-2021, 05:40 PM

Stress... It had taken its toll on all of them as of late. With the world in such a strange and sometimes terrifying state, everyone was on edge. Everyone was on guard. Chimera tried not to stay out in the world for too long, but he was a king. He ruled this place and the wolves upon it were his responsibility. Thus, he made the rounds regularly, spending extra time with his children that were locked up like slaves. Having seen first hand the results of the affliction that coursed through their veins, he felt that it was best to keep them separated so that they couldn't harm themselves or one another. None of them wanted for anything. They had ample food, water, bedding, and he kept the bonfire standing tall for them to ward away their fear. He'd even been caring for the slaves in a similar manner, keeping their cells lit with a second bonfire. He also stopped in to check on Belladonna and take her supplies as she fought through her own sickness. All of that, topped with regular patrols and you had one very busy man.

The call from Siren was a little surprising, but there was no urgency in it, so the monochromatic brute finished building the fires. Wood smoke would cling to his pelt as a result, but he doubted that Siren would mind. He did stop to wash the soot from his paws before moving through the atrium, at least. Padding across the wide open space, he first began to move towards Siren's wing, but noted that the door was shut and there was no firelight inside. Glancing across the way, the door to his own wing was slid open and there was the glint of light coming from inside. Well.. he supposed that that was where she was waiting for him.

With fluid grace, the beast stepped into his rooms and was greeted with a surprisingly lovely sight. All three of his women were sprawled atop the massive pile of furs and cushions. One brow raised and a low rumble reverberated through a wide, barrel chest. "What's this?" he purred, not attempting to hide the hunger in his pallid pink eye as it roamed over the bodies of each woman. The scent of food hit his speckled nares and he briefly turned his attention towards a side table where food and drink was laid out... as well as other things. Things that he recognized. A tightness formed in the giant's belly and he wanted to ravage all three of them right there, but he had a better idea. Something to draw it out and make things better in the long run.

Chimera moved into the room just enough so that he could slide the wooden doorframe shut on its track. He then seated himself right there by the door, his gaze never leaving the trio on display just for him. He wanted a show. Something to stoke the fires of lust within him until he couldn't hold back. "Don't mind me," he spoke in that soft, lustful purr once more. "Enjoy one another." It was instruction, command and desire all in one. He wanted to see them give in. Wanted to see them wrapped up in one another, preparing each other for what he would soon give to each of them. He needed this... and by the lustful glaze in each of their beautiful eyes, he could tell that they needed it too.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-11-2021, 03:42 PM
After Siren called for their King, Dalila settled in between the beautiful women and it was difficult to keep the grin from her lips or the blush from her cheeks. Even though this was entirely planned as a surprise and treat for Chimera, a carnal thank you for all of the work he did for them, she couldn't help but feel extremely lucky and excited to be doing this for herself as well. Laying here between the two beautiful Queens, one she adored more than life itself and one she was very quickly developing a love and most certainly had a lust for, she was eager for Chimera to get here so she could begin indulging in them both. A bit of nervousness still mingled with the excitement since this was the first time she had been with so many wolves and also because this would be the first time she had shared Siren with anyone else. She had prepared herself before hand, promising herself that she wouldn't get jealous, but it was still a thought lingering in the back of her mind somewhere behind her desire. While they waited she shared a few more nuzzles and kisses with both of the ladies, steadily stoking their desires while they waited for the man of the hour to appear.

Eventually Chimera did appear in the doorway, looking at the trio of ladies in his bed with surprise and lustful hunger that made Dalila grin, glad that their surprise had the effect she was hoping for. He ended up surprising her however when he closed the door behind him and then proceeded to sit by the door, fixing them with his watchful gaze and a purred command for them to enjoy one another. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, but she smirked and glanced between the ladies that she had been sharing affections with for the last little bit. Considering this whole arrangement was her plan to begin with she felt like she should be the one to kick off their fun. With one last glance toward Chimera, he leaned her head down to place another kiss on Siren's lips, humming contently at the familiar, wonderful feeling of her lover's kiss. While she kissed Siren, her pale paw settled over Aliana's foreleg, following the slender limb down to her paw and holding her paw in her own until her lips eventually broke away from Siren's with a soft gasp.

Dalila wrapped her other foreleg around Siren's delicate frame, pulling her lover close and nuzzling into her long, luxurious fur for a moment before turning her attention to Aliana. She gave the beautiful aqua eyed Queen a little grin before she leaned forward to kiss her passionately, her heart fluttering in her chest. Kisses with either woman were completely different experiences, but amazing in their own ways. Where Siren was familiar and wonderful in the fact that this was the woman she loved and knew inside and out, Aliana was new and interesting and somehow still scandalous in her mind since she was still fully Chimera's in her mind. Dalila held Siren against her while she made out with Aliana, her paws tracing over Siren's curves and body that she new better than the back of her paw by now. Chimera wanted a show and she was more than happy to give it to him.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
01-05-2022, 09:08 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2022, 12:03 AM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)
Though it hadn’t ever explicitly been said to her, Siren knew one of the most attractive qualities a woman could possess was confidence. As she prepared for the night she had planned though, that confidence waned. She hadn’t been with more than one wolf at once before, she’d never put on any kind of performance, and she was getting into her own head as her paws occupied themselves with messing with her braids. Siren tried not to let the nerves in her belly show, this wasn’t about her it was about Chimera. Still, when she caught Aliana’s eye she felt less like an accessory and more of the main course.

Still, Siren tamped down the nervous energy that built in her belly and the tingles that raced over her skin with every little look or whisper. She wanted to focus on the wolves around her, to escape the horrors outside. They were here to help their sweet King relax, unwind, and forget as well. If only she could calm down. Her heart was beating incredibly fast and she knew she was quite flush already. Even as Chimera slipped into the room.

Dual toned eyes lifted to his handsome features as he took in the scene before him. He asked what he was looking at but hardly a heartbeat passed before he fully accepted what the women before him had planned. Siren froze as Chimera’s eyes fluttered over her body and that of Dalila and Aliana. He took only a moment to decide what to do, and with his dual toned eyes remaining on their languid forms he encouraged them onward while he sat back.

Dalila was there beside her the whole time, dainty paws in her fur and gentle kisses encouraging her, helping to dissolve the nervous energy that bubbled within her. Taking the lead even, Dal leaned over to kiss her deeply. Siren’s dual toned eyes fluttered closed, her dainty ivory paws lifting and wrapping around Dalila’s neck. The woman didn’t keep her attention completely on Siren, Aliana was with them and she deserved just as much of her efforts.

Dalila didn’t let go of her as she pulled away. Siren gasped lightly as Dal kept hold of her and turned her attention to Aliana’s lips. Dal might have stopped kissing her but her paws traced lazily over her side, belly, and thighs. Each caress brough fire dancing over her skin. Siren tilted her head back, her expression conveying easily the pleasure Dalila’s touch brought her. Still uncertain and nervous she tried to follow her instincts as she struggled for breath.

"Siren Klein"