
The Catch of the Day


08-11-2013, 12:16 AM
{{Ooc:: Hope you don't mind if Zanire possibly comes to the thread too. :3}}

The river that Kar now walked along was definitely a refreshing sight from the barren lands he had met Zanire in. The young brute padded within the shallows of the river. Within the water he could see plenty of fish swimming, tempting him to fish. The air was warm, and a bright sun beat down on his dark coat. What more could a wolf ask for then this perfect opportunity to fish? Kar came to a stop, looking around the area. He was sure that Zanire was lounging in the sun somewhere, or perhaps fishing herself.

The brute waded deeper in to the water, his stomach growling angrily. Kar let out a soft chuckle. 'Well it has been quite some time since I've last eaten.' He thought. Then, picking out his fish, Kar quickly shot his head down on the water and snapped his teeth shut. However, when he lifted his head out of the water there was no fish in his jaws. He had missed.

"Darn it..." He said softly. Maybe bears were better suited for this type of thing.



6 Years
08-15-2013, 08:05 PM

Azalea had meandered down to the river of the southern most lands. She had never been here before, there were still many lands for her to explore in Alacritia. Normally she stayed within the west, closer to Valhalla. She had heard of this river though, once or twice. It was good for fishing, she was told.

Now, close up, she could see it was true. The shallows teamed with minnows and other small fish, it was a good sign to her that the deeper waters held some real gems. She was distracted from the river by a splash, head jerking up and eyes finding the culprit. There was a young male wolf, waist deep in the water. He seemed to be fishing.

Azalea's mouth dropped open, tongue lulling and tail waving happily as she made toward the stranger. She woofed to let him know that she was approaching, as a precaution to being attacked. "Hello there! Are you fishing?" She was being purely conversational, though mildly cautious. Azalea wasn't a fisher, or rather she had never been fishing before.

Come to think of it, she had never even had fish before. What did it taste like? She sat down, head tipped to one side, looking from the water to the male's face. "I'm Azalea."



08-22-2013, 10:45 AM
The brute lifted his head and turned it to the female as he heard her words. A warm smile spread across his maw, and his tan tipped ears twitched with interest. "Indeed I am, though not having much luck I'm afraid." Kar had never tried fishing back in his homeland, though the White Sand Beach had been a place where fish were quite common, though perhaps not as active and in such large quantities as this river. Perhaps the river that ran through the old lands had spots like this... but perhaps not.

Kar started for the bank, water dripping off his fur as he made his way to it. He kept his green eyes on the fae as he did so, however. Not in a malicious way by any means. He sat down across from her, the smile on his face brightening as she introduced herself. "Azalea. It is a beautiful name. It suits you." Kar twitched his ears before he spoke again. "My name is Kar." He let his gaze wander towards the lands around them. Was Zanire around here somewhere? What would this she-wolf think of the bear, he wondered?

Once again Kar turned his gaze back to Azalea. "What brings you to the river today, Azalea?" He asked, making light conversation.



6 Years
09-08-2013, 07:29 PM

"Indeed I am, though not having much luck I'm afraid." The male had turned to look at her, an easy smile coming over his face. She smiled back, energized by relaxed nature. She leaned forward where she sat, looking to the water just as a carp flipped out of the water near the center of the river. "There seem to be plenty of fish, surely you'll catch one eventually." There was confidence in his words.

Water splashed around his legs as he came to join her away from the water. He sat with her, smiling once again. "Azalea. It is a beautiful name. It suits you." She smiled too, fleetingly, her eyes darting away shyly. "Why thank you," She said right before he introduced himself as Kar, "It's very nice to meet you."

Kar looked around then, almost as if he was looking for something. She followed his gaze, a bit of caution coming about her. "Is there... someone with you?" She asked carefully.

After a while he questioned her, "What brings you to the river today, Azalea?" She tipped an ear to the side. "Just exploring. I've never been here before and I sorta make a point to scout all the places I come across. My home is Valhalla in the west but I have rather restless paws." She shrugged with a half smile on her face.


09-14-2013, 12:20 PM

Ah, there was nothing like a warm smile in return for your own. Kar looked out over the water again, following the she wolf's gaze. The fish splashed within the water, making their presence well known. The brute twitched his ears and then looked back to Azalea. "Haha... Yeah, hopefully. I'm not the best fisher though." She seemed to be a bit shy, but appreciative of the compliment that he had given her. "Likewise. It's refreshing to see kind faces here in Alacritis." The brute turned his gaze back to her, a bit of worry gnawing at him. Where was Zanire...? Surely she had been close by? Well she was an adult bear... she could take care of herself.

"Well... there was. However I'm not sure if she took a different path or not. I could have sworn she was right behind me but, well, she does have a mind of her own after all." Kar looked back to Azalea, his green eyes shining with curiosity as she explained her reasons for being at the river. "Ah... wanderlust. I had a friend who was much the same way as you, Azalea. I like to wander a bit myself... you can learn a great many things that way." The brute let out a soft laugh. "Perhaps you might be able to tell me a bit more about Alacritis. I've been wandering around for a bit, but I'm still discovering new areas daily. I never thought such a land could be so vast."

Speech, Thought



9 Years
Extra large
09-20-2013, 10:27 PM

She had been lounging on a rock when Kar had wandered off, the beast wouldn't keep him by her side, he could do as he wished. At first she was laying on her stomach, paws hanging off the rounded edge of the rock, snout doing the same and eyes closed. It felt so nice, especially when the sun was out, a cloud passing by offering just enough shade for the right amount of time. If the sun made her warm up too much and the shade didn't help, then a breeze knew just when to run over her body. Yes, today was a nice day. After some time she would roll over onto her back and do the same thing for a half hour before she thought that was long enough and she should help catch something for her and Kar to snack on before moving on.

With a yawn she would stretch her limbs out over her body then roll onto her side, at the same time rolling off the rock and landing right on her paws perfectly. She would stand there a moment before giving a shake, running her tongue over her lips then finally moving.

She would walk along a river, violet orbs scanning the water, watching the fish swim around. Oh how delicious they looked, all plump, just waiting to be snatched out of the water so her canines could sink into their little bodies. The bear would moan low at the thought of it, a shiver running across her shoulders. She couldn't wait any longer, she would just catch two real quick then head over to Kar.

With a couple minutes of work the beast would lumber on down the riverway, following the wolf's scent. Ears flicked at the sound of his voice, then a females. Brows came together when she caught the feminine voice, thoughts starting to form in her head. She rose her head and continued on, not bothering to mask the sound of her large paws crushing small plants or move out of the way of vegetation. She would come up behind Kar, her gaze looking to the woman near him then back to her wolf. Without saying a single thing she would come up behind him, coming to a stop right beside him and motioning towards the girl. Without even speaking she was asking who this wolf was while holding the two fish in her jaws.


Awesome table by Shrap <3