
A day in Wonderland


08-15-2013, 09:58 PM
Time: Early morning

Mood: Explorative (not like that pervies! :P )

Early, bright the sun blinding in the females eyes as she pulled herself from a make shift den site that she had created not far from the snow covered waterfall peak. To the woman's mind it was perfect, there wasn't a threat of flooding, after all the water was flowing over the edge right? Graceful legs and body built for the rougher terrain of the mountainous regions. Where most wolves, were built for moderate climates and easier life styles, the femme was built for a rougher time of harsher climatic changes. Limber legs stretched out as she lifted her bottom into the air with a large yawn, the longer fur upon her body caressing the snow from the peaks momentarily as her cream and silver coloration blended her into the soft cold fluff that she called home. However, it was the black that would make her stand out the most.

It was the familiar rumbling of her stomach and the parched feeling in her throat that drew her away from her den site. Ears twitching slightly at the sound of rushing water down in the distance. Tail wagging slightly behind her as she trotted herself across the blinding whiteness of the ground. The glare reduced by the way she had to squint her eyes to see. She knew the hunger could wait, at least for a snow hare to show itself, but the thirst was a nagging problem. Each stride carried that tapering bodice across the ground in graceful steps and motions, fluid in their demeanor and almost like poetry in motion. Blue eyes dancing upon the horizon as she spotted the water ahead as the snow thinned out to be nearly more rough terrain and rock than snow as she got closer. It was dangerous she knew, but that didn't detour her from drawing nearer and allowing herself the pleasure of lapping at the water between spitting and sputtering of the crystalline liquid as it caught rays of sunlight to dance and sparkle around the dame whom had ever so recently arrived to this strange new world.