


08-15-2013, 09:13 PM

He had wondered long and far, his small paws aching with his travels, his body quivering with exhaustion. Finally he had found it, Glaciem, the pack that he had heard so many rumors about of late, the pack that would hopefully become his home, the pack that would in hope lead to his greatness. Small black and white pup, would come to rest at the border, his nose taking in the strange scent. One day, that'll be my smell he thought, as his one seeing eye stared ahead.

His little head, would crane into the air, a shrill howl calling for anyone, a howl of a puppy that couldn't be denied, by the evilest of monsters. His little haunches would flop back onto the ground and he would wait, exhaustion nearly lulling him to sleep, but he would not sleep, he would wait, he would wait for his destiny to arrive.



08-15-2013, 09:47 PM

A howl broke her up to her aws a running. The white ghost fly over the land asif her life depended on getting to the source of that howl. It had happened so fast. One moment she was half asleep, the next sprinting to the borders. She did not quetion why she must run, to find the one who had howled. All wolves would know that a pup had called out to them. She could not deny the small thing that cried out. It pulled at her heart, her very being. As she neared the borders her one green eye searched for any others lurking around. She slowed down to an easy loop, searching for the pup. It would not take her long to spot the white and lack pup.

The white female would come to a stop a few feet away, allowinthe pup to see and scent her first before moving forwards. Each step was taken with percise measurement as so not to threaten the poor child. Tail waved softly behind her, head lowered in a friendly manner."Dear child...why do are you alne and call out to the Glaciem pack?" She asked in a soft mothering tone. She triedo soften her irish accent but it was nearly impossible. Her one functioning eye took in his appearance and her heart nearly broke. He looked so tired, almost ready to fall asleep there were he sat.She shook her head and moved closer, wrapping her body around him. But she would not move him into the territory till he answered her.



08-16-2013, 11:53 AM

When the little howl pierced the air, Irin stirred from her reverie, twitching her ears as she lifted her head slightly. The little rabbit that had remained fixed beneath her gaze for several moments took advantage of Irin's distraction and fled away, racing towards its den or warren or whatever you called the place where rabbits lived. Irin was already distracted, forgetting the world that she had created for the cute little rabbit. In her mind, it had been engaged to another little rabbit, and was off fetching his future bride a rare flower that bloomed only in the coldest parts of the land, and then only on the nights of the new moon. For all of its difficulty to collect, it was the most beautiful of all the flowers, and the rabbit's bride had confessed one night that it was her most favorite of flowers, and so, the rabbit had set off in search of it. And while on the way, he had run into Irin.

But all of that was forgotten when the reedy howl reached Irin's ears. The rabbit was allowed to flee unmolested, and Irin turned and padded towards the source of the howl without second thought. Maybe, she thought to herself, it's a wild pup that has survived on its own for months after his mother was killed and he's only now found a pack. She felt bad for the pup almost as soon as she thought that, however, and turned her mind away from that immediately. Instead, she decided, he was a changeling pup, from another realm far away. He was brought to Glaciem's borders by his parents, who were strange, winged wolves, in exchange for a pup of one of the wolves of Alacritia's own. Much more interesting.

However, when she approached the scene, another wolf had already arrived. The young female flicked her ears, keeping back a little as she examined the pup. The elder female had already spoken, addressing the youngster, and leaving Irin with little to say. So instead she surveyed the creature, trying to decide where the pup had come from. Was he a changeling, after all? He looked rather strange, with his mismatched eyes, but he didn't look like the son of any winged wolves. Maybe he was just an ordinary, average pup. But no, that was far too boring for Irin to entertain for more than a few seconds.



08-17-2013, 08:53 PM
Quote:The matter of a lost pup was not one Argent could easily ignore, especially not with her own maternal hormones raging due to the pregnancy that she was still not fully aware of. Thus, the sound of the child?s call pulled her forth, as if she were tied upon a string and needed to answer. Her travels were slow; Argent had been rather fatigued lately, and as such she found it difficult to summon energy. Thus, when she arrived at the scene there were already two pack members there. Keita and Irin she recalled, noting them both with a dip of her head. Keita seemed to be handling the situation, and Argent wished to help as well.
?Do you need something, little one?? she would ask him, the tones of her voice gentle and comforting. If he needed anything at all he could tell her and Argent would do her best to help.


08-19-2013, 05:01 AM
The pitiful wail of a pup, jerked her attention from her doze, and she was on her feet in a flash racing towards it. Her mind working faster than her lithe form, thinking of what could be wrong, to say she was relieved to not be the first one to him was an understatement. Argent was there, and two other she-wolves, and the pup was an odd looking fellow. Immediately she gathered that something wasn't right with him. Slowing to a walk, she stepped towards him carefully, taking in his scent and appearance. He needed a meal, that was evident. Obviously the others had spoken to him, and she stopped near Argent, resting on her haunches awaiting an answer, to whatever they had asked him.



08-21-2013, 12:26 AM

Either The King had been mistaken or the spine-tickling wail of a misplaced child had barely managed to meet his lobes, ears flicking in apparent disbelief as elegant skull would raise; seeking so curiously the scent of the pathetic caller. It seemed his broods lingered close, the recognizable perfumes of several women clouding any hope of the king further analysing who, or rather what, had decided to weep so infant-like from nearby. Surely a lost child could not have ventured so far on its own?

Limbs would guide the angel from his shelter beneath the pines, paws wading through plentiful grasses at a resolute trot; eagerness evident as the incandescent fiend would so curiously seek the location of his women and this little stranger. Thus, crowded by the bodies of four eager ladies the child would be barely visible between the limbs of his broody audience, so feeble and diminutive against the adults that wavered his presence. Isardis would sound his arrival only by the rolling of loose chuckles, sauntering so bemusedly towards the assembly, half expecting them to move from his way so he could assess the situation. ?I?m surprised the vultures haven?t picked the flesh from his feeble bones by now,? the albino would chuckle once more, cunning smirk twitching his lips as he gazed so half-heartedly down at the tiny lamb, ?Although I suppose he isn?t much of a meal.?


08-21-2013, 02:50 PM
White bundle, sat crumpled on the floor, but his cry for help, his cry for aslyum didn't go long unanswered, first an older she-wolf appeared, and came close to him, her touch comforting, and just as he was about to answer her question, another appeared. It wasn't long until the area was full of four wolves, and he stared at them, his tail wagging weakly. Jaws opened, only again to be halted by the appearance of another, a strange looking wolf... a coloration he had never seen before with something gold around his legs.

The males words sparked a fire in him, and he stepped forward to him, out of the safety of the first she-wolf who had found him. "I'm not feeble! I'd eat any v-vul-vulture who tried to eat me!" Defiant tones would be accompanied with a bright look in his eyes, as he stood as tall as he could on swaying paws. He would try his best to appear fierce, as fierce as a two month old pup could be.


08-22-2013, 10:19 PM

It wasnt long till others showed up. It would seem she had not been the only one to hear to pup cry out. The first to so up was young Irin who kept her distance staring at the pup. She smiled sotly at the young female before turning to see Argent coming too. For some reason to became slightly protective over the pup, curling herself more around the young boy. She wanted to be the only oneto help him. But Argent was Overseer, it would be her job to offer assistance as well. But she wanted to be the prime caretaker of this pup. Already she new he was blind in one eye but would not mention it.

It was Isardis that made her tense. She was not sure how he would react to the young boy. She was willing to snap at him if needed and nearly did with the words that he spoke. Before she could react though the small pup was up and snapping back at Isradis. She couldnt help but smirk. Surely the King would not banish a pup with so many females here already, willing to care for it. And could he not use the pup to train to protect the pack? She stood up and placed both front paws on either side of the pup and looked down at him."It is not wise to say such things to the King of Glaciem. He holds your future in his jaws. If he sees you worthy perhaps you can join and be trained as a warrior. But with disrespect like that, no matter what someone says to you, will get you no where." She said softly and glanced up at Isardis and Argent for approval. She would be more than willing to take care of him and teach him how to be a respectful member of the pack. Green eye rested on Isardis, pleading him to keep the pup.



08-26-2013, 01:28 PM

you can take everything from me cause this is all i need

Irin had to admire the spunk of this pup. She felt a smile begin, unfurling on her features as she listened to the pup counter Isardis' words with as much fierceness as he could draw upon. It was hard to take him seriously when he looked to be little more than a few scraps of fur covering some bones, but Irin had never been one to make fun of others. The pup almost reminded Irin of some of her old packmates, wolves that she had barely thought of since her sister had essentially driven her off. Still, she thought he was pretty adorable. And if none of the other females wanted to step up to take care of him (which seemed unlikely), Irin certainly would. She didn't want him to be alone.

"I think it's cute," Irin observed blandly, "I don't think he realizes that it's disrespect, Isardis." This comment she turned towards her King with a twitch of her ears and an inclination of her head to show respect. A smile crossed her features as she turned her attention bac k towards the scrap of fur that had approached their boarders, seeking asylum. It seemed unlikely to Irin that Isardis would turn him aside, but it was a possibility. And Irin would not question her King's choices. His choices were his own and he certainly ruled Glaciem, not her.

Besides, Irin was young enough that she had no room to doubt the wolf who stood before her.




09-11-2013, 04:43 AM

The tiny creatures reaction encouraged forth a bemused chuckle, his tiny chassis raising to draw him closer as seemingly agitated words would rocket free of pathetic jaws. Oh how awfully cute, the child had an attitude bigger than he and the woman who tried encompass him. Before a response could be given amidst fluctuating chuckles, Keita would be quick to correct him. Did she do so honestly, or was she merely trying to prove herself to her King? Not that it would change things much. Isardis would leer towards the pale woman, bemused by her efforts, though once again ceased by the opinion of Irin. ?Well then, Irin- you can raise the ugly duckling, yes?? The king trailed off, a weak snicker escaping coral lips, ?Or just leaves him for the vultures, whatever you may prefer.? Irin was youthful enough to raise the child before she herself would need to raise her own, though she was somewhat spirited at mind, Isardis didn?t doubt that she?d be capable. Not that the loss of an unrelated pup would bother him so. ?Congratulations, little Tyrant, you?ve been saved!? mock enthusiasm seeped from his jaws, ruby gaze creasing upon the child with pleasure as he would continue to shudder with amusement.


09-12-2013, 04:05 PM

When Isardis turned his attention towards her, Irin gave a little start, her blue eyes widening as he addressed her. His words were not sharp, but she seemed startled by them all the same. Was he angry? Irin hoped not. She adored Isardis, and Glaciem, and generally speaking wanted to avoid doing anything that might get her, say, kicked out of Glaciem. No, Irin would rather avoid that fate if at all possible.

Still, Isardis didn't seem to be unduly upset. So Irin simply wagged her tail at him, a grin crossing her features, "I will do my best to raise him so that he will bring honor to Glaciem." Irin answered Isardis, her serious tone at odds with her happy body language. She had done her best to look serious, but Irin couldn't stop her tail from wagging enthusiastically in the air behind her.

She turned then to the young pup with what she hoped was a comforting smile on her features, "My name is Irin. What's yours?"
