
i win you ooze



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 08:36 AM
The sun’s return had turned the boy’s life upside down. He’d grown up in the darkness with only the soft glow of the moon with crystals and mushrooms to guide his path. Albion’s ghostly blue eyes hadn’t quite adapted to the bright light of day and he often kept nocturnal hours. It seemed normal for his Fenmyre family anyway. So as the day settled down Albion made his way from the family rooms and out onto the island.

It was almost a miracle that the boy had survived the cursed illness at all, but it felt like after such a harrowing battle the boy was even stronger than before he had been afflicted. Of course it was probably just the way he felt after being so weak and sickly for so long. The boy pup bounced back with a swiftness, and all of the energy and curiosity returned with it. Albion remained a quiet boy, not speaking unless the situation required it of him. Most often he just observed the world around him and he learned as he went.

Scylla was usually at his side while he did, they weren’t very often apart. Being alone was weird, and usually he’d have followed his sister out into the world. He didn’t know where she was now. He figured that he’d see her sooner or later, he thought she felt the same about him anyway. Being without his sibling just didn’t feel right. Pale paws carried him through the woods, he could hear the distance sound of the ocean, but more curiously he heard something rummaging through the bushes. Loudly.

Never one to balk at the mysterious Albion crept forward, ears erect and his eyes peeled as he inched forward. He brushed past abit of foliage and was met with the glowing form of a fox. It was obviously still infected by the ooze. Its features were painfully contorted and the glowing liquid seeped from its face. Albion’s eyes widened in shock and before he could do anything the crazed beast leapt at him.


"Albion Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 10:09 AM

Scylla was always with her twin, but Albi liked to sleep later into the evening due to his sensitive eyes. Sometimes she just couldn't sleep, so she would disappear, do a few things, then come back when she thought he might be ready to wake. Today she'd spent time with Kione, the spotted dog who now called her "lil Sis," which she thoroughly enjoyed. They'd killed hyenas together and he had given her much praise. Scylla thought that Albion might like him too and was excited to share her tale with her brother.

Back on the island, the slate and alabaster child parted ways from her spotted friend and made her way through the jungle towards where she thought Albi might be. Her little pink nose wriggled as she sifted through scents. Some were old and stale while others were fresher. In time, she latched onto the scent of her brother and made a beeline down the edge of the jungle and towards the beach. Just as she was nearing, he rose and moved towards the bushes. Giving her head a little tilt, Scylla followed, her small paws sinking into the sand as she hurried along.

Right on his tail, suddenly her brother was backing up. Scylla gave a grunt as his hip banged into her face and one paw moved up to reflexively give her sibling a push. It was then that she noticed the glow. No... the girl's eyes widened. Not this again! They'd just gotten well! Would this crazy blue fox infect them once more? Both pups had almost died and Cerberus hadn't fared much better. No. No! Determination flared through the girl and she instantly pulled the serpentine dagger from the sheath upon her foreleg.

Planting her hind paws, the much smaller wolf surged past her brother on three paws before leaping, dagger extended, to shove it into the body of the glowing fox. "You're not hurting us ever again!" Scylla screamed as she stabbed and sliced at the beast. It didn't seem to feel much of the pain, though it did back up a bit as she drew glowing blue blood to the surface. "Stay behind me, Albi," Scylla warned as she pulled back, keeping herself between her brother and the fox. Yes, she was smaller, but she had the weapon. She would protect him from this beast. The fox was bleeding from holes all over, but it didn't stop. It was as though it couldn't feel the wounds at all. It continued moving towards them after a moment, though its blood stained the ground.


"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 10:50 AM
He should have realized that Scylla was behind him, or that she would be quick to come and find him, but he was far too distracted by the beats in front of him. He felt a deep seated fear that he hadn’t realized was there. He didn’t want to get sick again, he didn’t want to touch death once more. Who could even say he might survive the next bout against the illness? He didn’t want to be afraid of the dark anymore. But he was his father’s son and he wouldn’t back down. He was afraid but being brave was fighting even when you were scared. Albi lifted his lips to reveal his serrated teeth as a growl boiled within him. He didn’t realize the fox didn’t even realize what he was doing when he knocked into Scylla’s small form.

The boy could only barely spare his sister a glance as he dodged the fox’s first attack. Its gaze was distant and absolutely mad, it was not in its right mind. Deep down Albion could relate, but his fear won out over compassion a million times. He wouldn’t be forced into that horrid sickness again. Scylla seemed to have the same idea as his mismatched ears could hear her weapon drawn from its scabbard. Albi moved to attack with her but Scylla darted in front of him, blocking the way to the creature. Like lightning she struck with her knife, burying the blade deep enough to damage but not deep enough to swallow her knife. Which was good because the fox didn’t even seem like it felt her assault.

Blood poured from it and yet it continued to advance. Scylla stood between them and she warned him to stay behind her. That wasn’t who he was, she may have had her knife but he had his natural advantages. His knives were the sharp claws hidden beneath his soft paws. Albion took his pace at Scylla’s side instead of behind her and snarled again before he struck out with the natural daggers. His claws met the fox’s face. Both digging rivulets into soft flesh but also forcing its skull to the ground. Albion was far from full grown but his height and his heavy bones made his use of force much more impressive than any wolf his size.

Albion smacked the vulpes to the ground. The creature finally reacted with a frustrated snarl as its bleeding and oozing face was shoved into the leaf litter at the prince’s paws. Its adrenaline was working against the two pups and it still had the inner strength to stand after Albion skittered away from its flailing form. If they could hold out a little longer the blood loss would finally take its toll. Even if the fox ran off now its fate was sealed.


"Albion Klein"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-29-2021, 05:29 PM

Why did she think he would listen? Scylla had warned Albion to stay back so that neither of them had to physically touch the broken and infected fox, but he stepped up beside her anyway. She had a weapon and could keep the vulpine at a distance, but he had nothing. It made the girl nervous, but she couldn't stop him. Albi was so much bigger than she was. If he decided to attack the fox, then he would attack the fox.

The wounds from the knife made the fox bleed profusely and the wounds from Albion made it bleed further. The creature stumbled a bit and began to backpedal, trying to get away into the jungle. Perhaps it was dead already, but that wasn't good enough for Scylla. "We have to kill it," she said aloud. "We can't let it get back to the others." She was determined.

Moving forward towards the fox, the bloodthirsty girl's mismatched eyes never left it. Knife in paw, she skirted around the fox quickly, blocking it in between herself and her brother. Though Scylla was oftentimes selfish, she did care for her family. There was no way that she was going to let this infected thing get back to her new siblings. There was no way she was going to let anyone else get sick like she, Albi and Cerb had. No. Fucking. Way.

The fox chirped and stumbled back, the loss of blood making it weak. Well... it was going to get worse before it got better. Jumping forward, Scylla sank the knife into the side of the fox's neck, the blade going deep. Rich dark blood poured forth, soaking the ground and the girl as well, much to her chagrin. That seemed to do the trick, however. With the blood flowing freely, the fox fell to the ground, thrashing and gasping. Scylla took no pleasure in this kill. The fox's mind wasn't it's own and so it seemed like cheating, but it was a necessary evil.

Once the fox was dead, the girl wiped her blade on an unmarred bit of its fur before hiding it again. "We should bury it or throw it in the ocean or something. What do you think?" Ears perked as she looked to her brother for guidance.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]