
Look out, world, here we come

Plavoid fam <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-25-2021, 10:18 PM

It shocked him how fast their wonderful children were growing. He thought he had an idea of what it might be like from seeing his nieces and nephews grow, but it was completely different seeing his own pups grow and develop with each passing day. Slowly their own personalities were beginning to reveal themselves and he loved each moment he spent with them. He had expected himself to feel nervous and worried about introducing them to the outside world, but after a few weeks of watching the four of them roll around the room they all shared he felt more excited than anything—excited to see them react to the world around them, to take it all in, to learn and explore.

It was a beautiful day outside, warm and sunny as they neared the cusp of summer, and he could think of no day more perfect to finally bring them out into the world and let them experience it all for the first time. He kissed Rava on the cheek and gave Void's cheek a loving nuzzle before he looked to their children, gently lifting little Sitri off of Stolas to pause their wrestling. He was going to make fighters out of all of them, he was sure about that. "How about a little adventure today, my darlings?" he asked with a grin. He nodded toward the door, saying, "Stick close and make sure one of us can see you at all times, alright?" Once all the children agreed and acknowledged the instructions he gave, he led them out of the palace, letting Void and Rava take up the rear to make sure they didn't have any stragglers left behind.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
12-26-2021, 12:03 AM
The monochromatic pup watches as her brothers, Sitri and Stolas, wrestle. Tail wags happily as she barks encouragement to them, not really caring who wins just loving the thrill of the fight. Restless paws move the small pup around them, dragging her in closer before shying away when one of their larger bodies gets a little too close. Two-toned eyes look to her sister, Saia and Seere grins happily, eyes asking, ‘Isn’t this fun?’. Casting a glance to her dads and mom, Seere smiles joyfully at them. They have watched over all of them, kept the pups happily and healthy. Unfortunately, that meant they had spent a lot of time in the den and Seere is starting to get bored. Her boundless energy has needed an outlet and she has taken to tackling her siblings whenever she can.

But today is different! Dad gently lifts Sitri off Sotlas and asks if they are ready for an adventure. Uh, of course! The small, eager girl is already bounding toward the door ready to start the grand exploring. However, a large paw blocks her path and Seere’s attention once more returns to her dad. Oh, he has more to say. Nodding vigorously inagreement to his words, Seere says, “Okay dad!” And runs for the door. Her paws are too big and being new to world makes her balance wobbly. Tripping over herself, Seere bursts out from the den and tumbles forward onto the ground. The bright sun blinds the pup for a moment but nothing can dampen her spirits. Already back on her paws, Seere strikes out to explore, her father’s words already forgotten.

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
12-28-2021, 05:42 PM
Rava was still in awe at the miracle that she had birthed. All of her puppies were alive and healthy and more than anything she had ever dreamed. She had seen what her future was supposed to be and it wouldn’t ever compare to the reality that Plague gave her. They made a perfect family and Rava felt more like she belonged here than anywhere else in her life. Plague reminded her she had a heart and it was filled with love for their children.

She was blessed with two wolves who loved her, and four perfect children to watch grow. And they grew quickly. Before she knew it Rava realized it was time to start taking them outside. Plague picked a perfect day. The sun returned, summer was close, and it was as pleasant as a late spring day could get. She knew the pups were eager for this.

Of course Seere was one of the first to run out, Rava chuckled at her enthusiasm and moved to help her daughter as she tumbled forward. Her tenacity and independence were already visible as she picked herself up and ran outside. Rava shook her head and looked to see if she needed to help any of the pups to their feet. Grinning all the while for this exciting day.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
12-30-2021, 03:21 PM

Sitri pounced on top of Stolas as he finally got the upper hand over his brother for once—only for his father to scoop him up and pull him off of Stolas. "Daaaad!" he complained with a pout, his mismatched paws flailing as they hung above the floor of their room until he was placed back down again. He was about to fuss at his dad for interrupting his obviously very important spar, but he was interrupted by the question of whether they might want to go on an adventure instead. His ears perked and a big grin spread across his face as he nodded eagerly along with Seere. "Yeah!" He ran toward the door with his siblings, only to be stopped by their father giving them instructions to be stay close and where they could be seen. "Okay, dad!" he responded immediately, echoing Seere as the two of them eagerly rushed out of the room, following their father as they were led out of the palace and into the world outside.

He squinted a bit as he encountered the sun for the first time, but his sky blue and lavender eyes quickly adjusted and he grinned with his tail wagging like crazy as he took it all in. "Stolas! Come on!" he urged, nudging his brother forward as he took off with clumsy puppy steps toward a cluster of trees near by. The ocean waves that he could sometimes hear when it was quiet at night were much louder out here and he wanted to go see them so bad, but from here all he could see was little glimmers of the ocean in the distance. For now he'd settle for exploring some trees, but after that was over he was absolutely going to bug their parents to take them to the beach!

"Sitri Abraxas-Destruction"


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
01-09-2022, 05:35 PM
Stolas gave a yelp of surprise when he suddenly found himself face down on the ground, feeling a weight on his back and knowing in his heart of hearts that it could only be Sitri. Managing his best fearsome growl, the red and black pup swung tiny limbs out wildly, trying to catch Sitri to throw his brother off of him. Get off of me! he shouted amongst his thrashing, managing to squirm his way onto his back so he could better swing at his obnoxious idiot brother—only to feel the weight of Sitri lift away as Plague separated the two brothers. Unwilling to give up such an advantage, Stolas kicked a hind leg out and caught Sitri in the chin just before he was pulled out of reach, the Abraxas prince rolling back to his paws with a smug look turned his brother's way. "Thank you, father," he said with an approving smile to his giant sire for rescuing him from his treacherous brother, shooting a pointed look at Sitri. Plague then asked if they'd like to go on an adventure and little Stolas' ears pricked up atop his head, a bright and excited expression lighting up his features. "Ooooh, yes please! It's about time!" As if on cue, Rava joined the family and all together the wolves began to make their way outside for the first time.

Stolas takes his time leaving their home, watching Seere while she tumbled over her own paws with an incredulous roll of his eyes. So ungraceful... he thought while he maneuvered his way alongside his mother out into the bright and expansive world. Sitri came up behind him to nudge at his rump, earning an irritated growl from the little prince who followed at his own pace. The sunlight stung his dark eyes for but a moment, and then as his pupils dilated and adjusted, he gasped to behold the splendor around him. The sky was a bright and clear blue, as was the ocean that surrounded their home, its lapping waters glistening like a bed of sapphires against a golden shore. Tropical songbirds filled the air with their melodies. And the sun... it was so warm!

"Oh, wow...!" Stolas murmured in amazement to himself, graphite eyes wide as they swallowed in everything around him. Slowly, the pup began to meander off, following Sitri towards a copse of trees, feeling the different kinds of dirt and grass beneath his paws and drinking in all the sounds and sights and smells.



Expert Fighter (170)

Expert Healer (165)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Ooh La La
01-09-2022, 07:30 PM

Saia sat along the wall beside her mother as her two brother's wrestled, only giving Seere a small grin in response to her own expression. Ever since she could walk, Saia was testing her limits with how far she could get away with things. She did listen when she was told not to do things or that she was being too rough with her siblings, but she liked to push her limits. There was a lot more possibilities once she was old enough to leave the den though.

Plague separated her two brothers which made her turn to look up at his face because he must have had something in mind. He offered an adventure which, yeah definitely sounded fun, but Saia tried to play it off otherwise as she puffed out some air from her lips. Her siblings all moved ahead of her and she couldn't contain being left behind and made her whole facade plain as day so she too ended up trotting along to catch up behind them.

They made it outside of the palace and Saia, as her siblings had, blinked a few times from the sting of the sunlight in her eyes. Sitri poked Stolas to move forward towards the forest with him, and Saia smirked at Seere who had tumbled on the ground. She thought it was silly that she had tripped over her paws, but she would be in for a big surprise or many surprises while she would do the same in her youth. She had a different idea than her brothers though, watching the birds as they flew out into the sea towards the other islands of Ashen. She branched off in a whole other direction of Sitri and Stolas, wanting to head straight for the beach and ocean. What trouble can she find to get into?

"Saia Abraxas-Destruction"


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
01-27-2022, 05:28 PM
Stolas was close to mommy and Sitri seems as eager as her to explore but Saia is the one Seere wants to explore with. When her sister remains silent, at the huge amazingness of the world, the curious girl casts her mismatched eyes about for her older sister’s form. Seere spies Saia veering away to go toward the huge expanse of water. She can’t dodge her that easily! Small paws move to follow her older sister as Seere tries her best to catch up. Since she is so new to the world is still trying to get use to her body and happiness seems make her body jump about, the small girl’s movements are more up and down then actual forward progression. Because of this, the monochrome pup trails behind her sister, panting joyfully at the prospect of getting to spend time out here with Saia. The rest of the family forgotten, Seere calls out, “Saiaaaa. Wait up! I want to go with you!” She draws her sister’s name out, a whining, pleading tone to her voice. All she wants is be with is sissy, the boys can be stinky and mean but Saia is different. The oldest of them and more like Seere than the brothers makes the small girl believe that makes Saia the nicest. Well, at least, that is what the small pup thinks as she races to keep up with her sister’s retreating form.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.