
How To Have Zoomies And Make New Friends



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

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4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-08-2021, 06:17 PM
The sun’s warm light filters through the drooping branches of the willow tree that Ricin lounges under. He is waiting for Chade to return with food and trying very, very hard to not go explore. However, he had promised his brother he would wait here while he hunted. Sure, the place is idyllic, picturesque, and every other nice word to depict it. But it is boring. Ricin stands and shakes his pelt out, trying to fight the urge to run around under the trees. He might be getting older and taller but Ricin still retains the energy of a puppy and his paws itch to run.

Huffing a sigh, Ricin looks around for any sign of Chade. When he hears and sees nothing, a smile tugs at his lips. Talking softly to the air around him, Ricin says, “What Ny doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.” With one finally glance around, Ricin releases all his pent-up energy. Paws strike the ground in rhythmic strides as he runs straight out away from the willow tree he is supposed to wait under. Without warning he turns at a ninety-degree angle and zooms off in the new direction. Ricin circles, loops, zigs, zags, and runs as fast as he can for as long as he can.

Ricin knows he is making a ruckus, sometimes even releasing a happy woof against his better judgement but he cannot help being lost in the moment. For months the brothers have tried to grow up, be adults because their circumstances demanded it. In this moment, zooming around, dodging trees, making crazy patterns with his paws, Ricin is pup again. His boundless energy is unleashed and he enjoys every second of this.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-08-2021, 07:20 PM
Hikaru tried to stay within the Armada’s borders, but now that the sun had finally returned his pale paws carried him further than a quick patrol with Kotori or a breakfast stroll with Mortis. This morning he was alone, which was a rare occurrence after he’d recovered from the sickness. He never wanted to be apart from Mortis ever again. Though he struggled with what that meant for the boy he loved he knew he couldn’t live any other way.

The koi wandered through the forest quietly, with barely enough noise to disrupt the forest floor. Far more silent than the sound of paws racing under and through the trees. Hika was cautious, after the madness of the long night he wasn’t sure what to expect. Then he was very nearly bowled over by whoever was making the noise. Hikaru managed to back up just fast enough the pup just continued down the path but his heart was definitely beating now. Was that a child that just went through? Hikaru was perplexed, but waited for the next swing around. There seemed to be endless energy in puppies, if only they could harness that.



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-09-2021, 01:16 AM
Ricin is so lost in his boundless energy, so engrossed in his puppy glee, that he doesn’t register the moment he almost slams into another wolf. The world is blur so when a molted white form dodges out of his path, the light blue pup thinks nothing of it, at first. It isn’t until his second pass, when he sees the same molted white blur exactly where it last been, that Ricin wonders if he has attracted some attention. Well past the form, Ricin tries to stop abruptly. He attempts to be graceful, regal, and confident as he starts to skid to halt… he fails miserably.

At the exact moment Ricin sinks his butt toward the ground to stop his rapid forward momentum, a small rabbit darts out in front and pauses to turn its gaze toward the charging pup. Both sets of eyes round as they meet and realize a collision is imminent. While Ricin is still growing and has yet to reach his full height, he knows that crashing full tilt into such a small body will be disasters for the bunny. Quickly, the light blue pup throws his body to the side, aiming to roll away from the rabbit.

A tangle of blue limbs and a chorus soft, painfilled curses, tumbles away from the terrified bunny. Ricin comes to rest at the base of a tree, stunned but no worse for wear. His butt is propped slightly up above him, adding to the comical effect of the whole situation. Crimson eyes glare darts at the rabbit as it hippity hops its way over to the upside-down pup. Ricin gets ready to grumble his displeasure to the small creature when it hops right up to his face. Quickly the bunny plants a small kiss on the blue pup’s nose before swiftly hopping away.

Stunned, Ricin watches the retreating form of the rabbit a moment before turning his gaze to the white form. Eyes widen when he sees it is wolf and he says, “’Ello! You okay over there?” Ricin doesn’t move to get up, instead enjoying his upside-down view for a long as he can.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-12-2021, 07:13 AM
Kohl lined silver eyes widened as the pup zipped by and just kept going. Hikaru wasn’t sure the boy had even seen him standing here. The koi watched as he seemed to realize he wasn’t alone anymore and came to a clumsy sliding halt. As he was sliding a rabbit came out of nowhere. The real surprising occurrence was the bunny didn’t go scampering away at the sound of commotion. The stupid rabbit should have been done for, a nice snack, but the blue pup rolled out of the way so he did not collide with it.

Hikaru was already incredibly confused. He’d become even more so as the rabbit approached the puppy. This was not regular rabbit behavior and Hika stood stunned watching the poor tangled pup and the bunny that was just rubbing it in that he’d tumbled. Hika was sure his mouth was open and he stood in stunned silence as the boy finally acknowledged him. "I’m fine, are you okay?” He questioned with a tilt of his head.



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-12-2021, 07:48 PM
Ricin rests a moment against the trunk of tree, tongue hanging out the side of mouth as he smiles upside-down and happily at the handsome wolf. When the stranger asks if he is okay, the pup realizes the position he is in and chuckles. Joyfully, he chirps, “Me? I’m great!” Finally, the light blue pup turns himself over and stands, giving his coat a good shake to rid it of any grass or brambles that might have tried to hitch a ride.  Once clear, he looks back to the colorful splotched wolf and says, “See? Never better!” A wide grin rests on his lips as he trots closer to the stranger, eager to get a closer look at the handsome, splotched wolf.

Stopping a respectable distance away, leaving room for him to flee if the wolf turns out to be aggressive, the light blue pup dips his head in greeting and says, “My name’s Ricin. I was just waiting for my brother to return from hunting and got bored. Sorry if I almost hit you.” Lowering his head slightly, Ricin offers the koi wolf an apologetic look before once more lifting his head and offering a warm smile. His puppy energy still overflowing, Ricin blurts out, “Did you see that rabbit? I have seen one act like that! It kissed my nose!” Ricin’s crimson gaze is equal parts shocked and amused. That had been great fun to the pup!




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-13-2021, 08:37 PM
The pup seemed to act like there couldn’t be a thing in the world wrong with him despite the tumble he took. Hika remembered the feeling of invincibility he had as a child, he wasn’t scared of anything. Of course his lessons had shaped him much differently after that. .His pup hood felt like a very long time ago. As if to prove a point the boy is quick to right himself, and with a quick word assured Hikaru he is right as rain. The koi wolf shook his head lightly and grinned in response. "Well, good. Don’t want a rabbit taking you down.” Hika chuckled softly as he looked around, wondering where the pup’s parents might be.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you Ricing, I’m Kaiyo, but you can call me by my last name Hikaru. Its a habit I never really lost from my homeland.” He explained lightly to the pup now known as Ricin. "And no need to worry, I’m quick on my feet. A collision would have just woke me up.” He tried to joke lightly to render the boy guilt free.

"That rabbit was acting strange. Maybe it was a wayward spirit. An ancestor guiding you.” It was hard to say exactly, maybe it was just a bunny with a really lucky foot.



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-16-2021, 02:16 AM
The handsome splotched wolf shakes his head and grins at the light blue pup, saying he is glad the rabbit didn’t take him down. The wolf chuckles and Ricin scoffs at the notion, quickly saying, “Nah, it would take something a lot bigger to take me down!” As if to emphasis his point, Ricin puffs out his chest and stands proudly. The light blue boy is already tall for his age and the fur on the scruff of his neck is growing in longer than the rest, curling slightly over at the top of his head to give him a short mohawk. He may still be a puppy but he is a big puppy with lots and lots of energy.

Ricin dips his head in greeting as the wolf shares his name, straightening up, he says, “Hello! It is a pleasure to meet you Hikaru! That is interesting how you go by your last name. Do you like it?” The light blue pup looks at the koi colored wolf questioningly, wondering if he truly likes being called by his family name. Ricin cannot fathom why someone would want to use that name over their own but the light blue pup grew up in a different culture, where he and his siblings were unwanted by their mother. The brothers had kept their father’s family name in honor of the only adult wolf that ever loved them but they each had their own, unique name.

Still… it seems strange that every wolf in a family would have to use the same name. How did they talk to each other without getting confused? Ricin’s mind jumps tracks as Hikaru jokes lightly and the blue pup’s offers the wolf a lopsided grin. He really likes Hikaru and Ricin wonders if the reason he is letting his guard down so quickly is because this wolf reminds him of his dead father. The brothers had only one kind, loving wolf growing up and that had been their dad. Sadness tugs at his heart as remembers the sorrow and fear that followed their father’s death. Ricin tries not to show the grief on his face as crimson eyes look at Hikaru but he is uncertain how well he hides his emotions.

Quick to deflect and hide the darkness inside, Ricin chuckles at Hikaru’s answer to being okay. With over exaggerated motions, Ricin slumps his shoulders and heaves a big sigh of relief. Looking back to Hikaru with a smile and wink, the pup says, “I really am glad you are okay. I have been known to knock over some very big wolves.” Again the pup puffs out his chest which causes Ricin to only grin wider as he tries to appear taller than he really is. After a moment of holding his breath, the blue pup lets out the air and deflates, smiling happily all the while.  

Shrugging his shoulders at Hikaru’s suggestion of the rabbit being an ancestor guiding him, Ricin says, “Far as I know, all my family are wolves. I don’t think I have any rabbits in my line. Could you imagine a rabbit wolf?!” Eyes sparkle as Ricin eagerly explains, “They would have long pointy ear that would droop to the ground and fluffy white tails! They wouldn’t be very scary.” Ricin wrinkles his nose at the thought of rabbit/wolf trying to hunt deer. They would probably trip over their own ears. Looking curiously at Hikaru, the blue pup asks, “What brings you here Hikaru? You following an ancestor?” Ricin might not have a rabbit ancestor but maybe Hikaru does.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-22-2021, 12:15 PM
The sky colored pup was confident in his ability, claiming it would take far more than a tumble and rabbit to take him out. Hika chuckled softly in amusement. The boy puffed himself up and pushed out his chest. He was quite the spit fire already, and it was odd such a strong and determined boy was out here alone.

"The pleasure is all mine,” Hikaru returned politely as the boy asked after his last name, did he like it? Did he prefer it? "I do like it, feels like i’m keeping hold of my homeland in a way. I guess it would depend on your last name if it was a pleasant thing or not.” Hika commented almost absently as he tried to ignore the emotion that crossed the boy’s features. Was he alone because he had no more family to hold on to? "Yes I’m fine,” He grinned if only to help brush away the deep set sadness that washed over the boy.

"Spirits can take any form they wish,” Hika explained gently, but grinned along at the thought of a rabbit wolf. "But if I did meet one, I think it would be very scary. Powerful hind legs to kick or jump at you, long, sharp, teeth that can crush skulls with a swift bite. I wouldn’t want to mess with one.” Hikaru shuddered and badly hid his amused grin.

The boy questioned why he was there. "I live in the pack nearby. A lot happened back where I was born and the moral of the story is I was no longer welcome after I’d made a few choices that upset my family. I’ve found my real home here.” Mort’s face flashed behind his inner eye and the thought of the wolf he loved made his heart flutter in his chest. "Do I want to know why you’re alone out here, Ricin?” Hikaru’s expression became filled with concern as his tone changed. It was soft an inviting, but also solid to express the worry that he felt. Already Hikaru concerned himself greatly over this pup he had only just met.



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-23-2021, 07:25 PM
Hikaru is a nice wolf and Ricin finds himself grinning happily at the koi colored wolf. As the handsome wolf talks about how he likes his name. The light blue pup nods and shrugs, “Yeah that makes sense. Well, I think you have a great name Hikaru!” The grin fades as the sadness washes over him but the koi wolf is grinning and reassuring the pup that he is fine. The pups mind turns away from the sadness and he is already grinning again as he talks of rabbit wolves and silly things. When Hika responds, gently educating and the pup, Ricin realizes how much this koi wolf reminds him of his dead father. The kind, gentle way he sparks has the grin changing into a soft smile as he looks into bright silver eyes. Ricin asks, “Do spirits often visit you?” A small part of the pup hopes that he will ever see his father someday.

Then Hika is grinning and talking about a rabbit wolf causing the pup’s eyes to round and mouth to drop open as he hangs on every word. Vivid images of the monstrosity spring to life in Ricin’s mind and, when Hikaru shudders and tries to hide his amused grin, the pup’s crimson eyes brighten and his wags. He barks a laugh and says, “I like you Hikaru! You are good at making up stories! Like me!” His enthusiasm builds as Ricin asks, “Were their scary monsters where you come from Hikaru?” Wide, wonder-filled eyes look to the koi wolf, eager to hear stories of far off places and monster hunting wolves. But then Hikaru is talking about a pack nearby and not being welcome back in his homeland.

The grin drops as Ricin nods his head solemnly and says, “I’m sorry that happened but glad you found your home.” The smile that the pup offers is not as bright as others he has given Hika and only dims further when he asks about why the pup is out here alone. Clearing his throat, trying to seem confident, Ricin says, “I’m not alone, my brother just left to go find us food. We take good care of each other.” The pup tries to brush the koi wolf’s concern away not wanting his new friend to worry. He adds, “My brother and I are kind of like you! Only… different. Dad died and mom didn’t want us so we found ourselves here. Hopefully we find our home soon.” Sad eyes dart away from Hikaru, unable to hold the kind wolf’s gaze.

Emotions roll over Ricin, threatening to bury the pup under a crushing mountain of sadness. A sniffle finds its way out and the blue pup cannot stop the tear that rolls down his cheek. For so long he pretended that it didn’t hurt when their mother chased them away. That it didn’t kill a part of him every time he watched one of his siblings die. That he was strong when he is just a sad, confused pup trying to stay alive for the sake of his brother. Crimson eyes remain diverted as Ricin fights the tears that have been building since the day they left home.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-29-2021, 12:53 PM
"Maybe. A spirit can take any shape so sometimes you odn’t even know they are listening.” Hika shrugged lightly, hoping the answer gave the pup whatever reassurance he needed. Thankfully the sadness was sloughed off easily, though Hika knew all too well that pain never really went away. It was just easier to cover when you were smiling. Ricing grinned and reacted with horror at Hikaru’s story. When he was done the blue pelted boy laughed and declared how much he liked Hikaru and his stories.

"There are many terrible beasts I dare not mention lest they manifest here.” He warned him gently. "I’d much rather tell you about the dragons, kitsune, or kami.” Hikaru told him for example as the boy went on to try and say he wasn’t alone. He had a brother to rely one, but Hika couldn't imagine he was an older brother. His father was dead, and their mother had left them.

As he spoke it was obvious the sadness was overwhelming him as he spoke the truth and tried to hide his emotions. Carefully Hika inched forward and gently put his arms around the boy’s shoulders. "It’ll be okay.” He promised. "You’ll find your home.” Hikaru didn't have the authority to offer it to him, but if he followed him back to the Armada he would speak on the boy's behalf.



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
01-04-2022, 05:14 PM
Ricin listens as Hikaru speaks of spirits listening and the pup’s eyes widen in disbelief. The boy’s eyes dart around the area, trying to find any spirits. When the wolf shrugs, the blue pup looks back to Hikaru with thinly veiled hope resting in his crimson eyes. The thought of his father watching over and listening to Ricin offers the heartbroken pup a degree of comfort he did not know he needed. The conversation progresses and Hika gently warns him that speaking of the terrible beasts could make them manifest here. Eyes hidden and the boy’s jaw drops open. Swiftly he says, “Oh no, let’s not do that! There are too many terrible things in the world already!” Ricin adds an emphatic nod to the of his statement as if to show this is the best choice for everyone.

And then… everything changes when Hikaru and Ricin speak of family, the blue pup’s emotions run rampant. With his eyes diverted, the boy tries to regain to control, to hide every last shred of weakness the useless feelings hold. The colorful wolf inches toward him and puts his arms around Ricin’s shoulders and, for a moment, the pup stiffens, afraid of the comfort that the gesture offers. But Hika promises him it will be okay and Ricin allows himself to accept the gentle embrace the wolf offers. The tears he has held in since the day the brothers had been kicked out finally fall and the pup closes his eyes as he finally starts to grieve. He is unsure how long he stays in Hika’s arms, crying at the injustices of the world but he is grateful for the gentle presence of the wolf.

Time passes and when the deluge finally starts to taper off, Ricin hiccups, saying, “I’m… s… sorry. I don’t mean to be weak.” Ricin isn't sure who is apologizing to, Hikaru, Chade or the ghost of his dead father. Perhaps all of them or maybe... himself. Either way, the pup doesn’t want to leave the safety Hikaru’s arms offer, remembering another strong, loving embrace that he will never again be able to feel. At some point, Ricin had sunken into Hika, burying his face into the white fur of his chest. The pup seems content, not moving to break the contact until Hikaru is sick of holding him.
