
You gave me a dime for all that I own




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-13-2021, 11:16 PM
~Laith is currently on Nephilim island, and the sun has only just begun to rise by the time he gets there. For Hattori only to come beat Laith up for stealing :P

The strong scent of fish had spurred him on, probably quite foolishly, but it seemed his stomach was in control this very early morning instead of his head. The reeking smell of the pack border did nothing to halt his progress, and he slunk his way along the edge of the territory, following the tantalising aroma of what would be an easy free meal. His journey took him from the mainland across some sort of a bridge, and he soon found himself on a smaller island. He eyed the supply stores, his nose telling him that was where the food was being kept safe from predators and scavengers, such as himself.
Using a palm tree for cover, Laith silently watched for a few moments, waiting to see if anyone would emerge with the slowly rising sun, but upon seeing no one he quickly darted forward, like a rat scurrying into a sewer to hide. He nosed at the supplies, sniffing deeply until he found the one he wanted, trying to quietly pry it open with his teeth and paws. It didn't take long for it to open, and he found himself staring at the large amount of fish. "Don't mind if I do," he murmured to himself. His jaws latched onto a large fish, and for a few seconds he stood there, deciding if it was worth quickly eating one of the smaller fish, or if he should just leave with his prize before anyone stumbled upon him.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
12-14-2021, 03:05 PM

There was not much within Ashen's borders that escaped the Shogun's notice and yet somehow a loner had slipped through the faintest of cracks, managed to wander his way into the heart of Ashen as though it was his every right to be there. From his behaviour and mannerisms it appeared he didn't anticipate any resistance, like it would be a quick in and out affair with no questions asked. Perhaps this approach had worked for him before, gotten him a free meal and encouraged him to push his luck. But not here, not now when the Shogun was hot on his trail. A behemoth of a shadow whose patience and sense of tolerance was quickly waning thin. Like a thread about to snap.

As though trespassing wasn't enough of a sin, the blood smeared across his muzzle and the limp fish at his paws spoke volumes. Far louder than words ever could, as he bowed down to dig back into the supplies and pulled out yet another, smaller fish.

Shinobi instincts flooded his system as he approached, heavy pads silent on the sand as he struck whip quick. He offered no sounds of warning, didn't growl or snarl with bared teeth. Simply struck, like it was inevitable and predictable as the coming waves that rolled across the beach before pulling back, flinching away from the Shogun's show of violence and lack of care, restraint.

With snapping jaws, Hattori wrested the fish from the loners grip only to slash to the side as he followed up with an attempt to grab his muzzle. Should Hattori have his way, this would be the last time in a long while he'd eat anything at all, least of all without a degree of pain.

Hanzō vs Laith for maim (facial /muzzle scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tanto
Defensive Battle Accessory: Shinobi cuirass
Companion 1: Asian Golden Cat, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Mountain hawk-eagle, Male - Battle
*Companion 3: Akita, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Eagle talons - Offensive
Mutation 2: Antelope horns - Offensive
Mutation 3: Reinforced bones - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Weaponsmaster


[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-14-2021, 06:47 PM
He was feeling bold today, and dropped the big fish onto the ground to go searching for a smaller fish he could quickly chow down on. Laith was so caught up in picking out the nicest fish he could find that when he finally lifted his head, new prize clutched triumphantly in his jaws, he let out the most god awful piercing shriek a wolf was likely capable of making at the sudden appearance of snapping jaws right in his fucking face.
The fish was wrenched from his jaws by this wolf who was clearly so much stronger than him, and had the beastly size to go along with it. From the corner of his eye he could see the towering dark frame of whoever it was that had caught him stealing. Fuck, he'd been caught red-pawed. He had no time to even react to the fish being taken from him, his body still in the frozen panic mode, when he felt a pain on his face that stung like a thousand wasps were stinging him at the same time.
Laith tried to duck his head, wanting to use his smaller height to his advantage and drop down lower out of the easy reach of the bigger brute, even if it meant the teeth digging into his face would tear at the soft flesh and leave more than obvious marks. He'd take a couple scars over losing his entire face. At the same time, he wanted to try and wildly snap his jaws at the flesh he could reach around the brute's left front leg. He wanted to grab at the more delicate area, sinking his teeth into the skin to rip and tear, hoping to cause just enough injury so Laith couldn't be chased when he made his escape.

Laith vs Hanzō for Maim (front left leg scarring)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Hunter & Novice Fighter
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
12-15-2021, 09:25 AM
note: permission to pp granted by mel!

Hattori made no attempt to acknowledge the stranger's squealed response, nor did he give him a moment's respite to gather his thoughts or formulate a plan of action. The loner got what he deserved and no rushed words of apology would be ever be enough. As such, Hattori wasn't at all surprised by the loner's panicked response, as though lashing out against the dark. Like this was a fight he could even dream of wining. The pale of his gaze flickered down as the loner sunk low, attempting to make a grab for the Shogun's reg regardless of how tightly he was holding on.

Naturally, he was quick to put a stop to that effort.

Clamping down so his teeth effectively held the man's muzzle shut, Hattori made no attempt to soften his blow or be gentle. By the time he was done his point would have been made and a lesson learned. If not there was always room in the pit on Rekaru Island.

Hanzō vs Laith for maim (facial /muzzle scarring)
Round 2/2
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tanto
Defensive Battle Accessory: Shinobi cuirass
Companion 1: Asian Golden Cat, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Mountain hawk-eagle, Male - Battle
*Companion 3: Akita, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Eagle talons - Offensive
Mutation 2: Antelope horns - Offensive
Mutation 3: Reinforced bones - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Weaponsmaster


[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-15-2021, 06:03 PM
He was like a wild animal: all snapping teeth and growls, with no real intention to his actions other than to escape and flee. This was turning out to be one of the worst fucking ideas he'd ever had, and he couldn't care less about the fish that now lay at their feet. He just wanted out and away from this wolf.
His idea to drop and grab his opponents leg was half-baked at best, and he'd managed the first part without too much trouble, but Laith quickly found he could do little else but try and open his jaws more than a few centimetres. Whatever grip this wolf had on him was much stronger than his ability to pry his own jaws open, and he swiftly came to the conclusion that unless something happened to make the other wolf briefly loosen his grip, Laith was stuck.
A raucous set of snarls left his now clenched teeth, the fur on his nape fluffing up all the way, as he now stared up into the grey eyes that bore down into him. He could feel the grip on his muzzle tighten painfully, but he gave a shake of his head to try and free himself, not wanting to give up so soon. Ow ow fucking ow! Every movement felt like trails of fire on his face, and he could feel tears welling up in his eyes.
As a last-ditch attempt, unable to do anything else given his crouched position and this fiend latched onto his face like a large leech, Laith swiped with his front paws, blunt claws outreached, trying to scratch at his opponents left front leg again. Maybe he'd nick an artery and get lucky? But this wasn't boding well for him at all.

Laith vs Hanzō for Maim (front left leg scarring)
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Hunter & Novice Fighter
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!

The Judge


12-21-2021, 08:34 AM

And the winner is...


Laith must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Hanzo's maim is successful.


Attack Roll: 70
Defense Roll: 37
Agility Roll: 18
Perception Roll: 90
Total: 215
Attack[70] + 115% Bonus[80.50]: 150.50
Defense[37] + 20% Bonus[7.40]: 44.40
Agility[18] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 18.00
Perception[90] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 90.00
Total[302.90] + 25% Bonus[75.72]: 378.62

Attack Roll: 35
Defense Roll: 84
Agility Roll: 11
Perception Roll: 71
Total: 201
Attack[35] + 5% Bonus[1.75]: 36.75
Defense[84] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 84.00
Agility[11] + 5% Bonus[0.55]: 11.55
Perception[71] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 71.00
Total[203.30] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 203.30



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
12-21-2021, 11:48 AM

The loners struggles were in vain, frantic and unfocused, making it more than easy for Hattori to swat aside his aimless swipe. At any other time or with any other opponent he might have recognised his tenacity, his drive to keep on fighting despite the abysmal odds and yet in that moment the Shogun felt nothing but the singe of annoyance. As though the loner was even a fool to think he could win, that Hattori would let him walk from this unharmed and free to go.

He would not.

Tensing the hinges of his jaw, Hattori bit down and thrashed his head from side to side, sawing his teeth across the length of his muzzle.  his methods very similar to that of a shark, vicious but effective. Ripping both top and bottom, from under chin to the very tip of his nose, Hattori savaged the man like a Shinobi possessed. He yanked at him till the force of his assault hauled the loner off his paws, forcing him down onto the ground and on his side as Hattori dug his talons into the sand and began to drag him along by his muzzle. They had several sea bridges to cross, whether he drowned or not would be his problem, not the Shoguns.

The loner could resist if he liked but it wouldn't change a thing. From here on out as a captive of Ashen the pit of Rekaru Island would now be his home, whether he liked it or not.


[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-22-2021, 02:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 07:04 AM by Laith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Every attempt he made to fight back was foiled one way or another, and the grip on his face was tightening the more the moved, until he couldn't move his own jaws at all. The sharp teeth tore at the delicate skin of his nose and under his chin, and a pitiful wail spewed forth from clenched teeth. The great beast of a wolf then thrashed his head from side to side, almost shaking Laith like a toy. He could feel blood blossoming from the wounds, bleeding down into his own mouth and nose, and he felt himself spluttering - almost choking - on his own blood. This was a fucking horrible way to die.
However, his opponent apparently didn't want to just immediately kill him, and he felt the whole world around him spin as he was suddenly yanked into the air and forced down onto the sandy ground face first. Laith's vision darkened, stars bursting behind closed eyelids as he lay there limply, not even bothering to fight back. His entire face and chest was soaked with his own blood, and he could barely keep his eyes open from the intense pain, sand in his face, and mixture of blood and saliva in his eyes.
When he felt himself begin to be dragged - and by his face at that - Laith struggled a bit, but every movement sent waves of pain radiating out from his torn up muzzle and face, and he resolved to just let himself be dragged. There was no fighting this bigger wolf, not if he wanted to live after this experience. Laith continued to moan pathetically, occasionally crying out a muffled and mumbled stop. He lost track of how long he was being dragged, but knew that they were crossing multiple islands as evident by the stretches of time where his body was being dragged through salty water. He would try to keep his head held up above the surface, feeling the stinging burn of the salt as it splashed into his face, if only to try and not drown before he reached wherever the other wolf was taking him.
When they would finally arrive Laith would simply curl up into a tight ball wherever he was released, doing his best to hide his bloodied face and not wanting to even look at the larger wolf, or anyone else who may be around. To say he would be sulking would be the biggest fucking understatement ever, and he would refuse to even speak or look at anyone. Maybe if he closed his eyes and prayed hard enough, he would wake up and this would've all been some horrible nightmare.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
01-02-2022, 08:30 AM

Casting a glare down into the pit, Hattori watched as Laith curled in on himself. As though he wished he could cease to be. Perhaps Hattori ought to have felt a tug of pity for the man, but the way he saw it this was a mess of his own making. Actions had consequences and he'd feel the sting of his for weeks to come. As to how things would progress, the Shogun was not sure, he had not made his mind up just yet.

He had not uttered a single word to the-former- loner just yet, but he supposed he ought to lay out ground rules. As though they weren't obvious enough.

"Try to escape and I will hurt you, worse. Make yourself useful and you will be shown leniency. Understand?"

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-03-2022, 08:39 PM
He still heard the blood rushing in his ears, the adrenaline not having quite worn off yet, but he heard the gruff voice well enough over it. What the fuck did this wolf mean by making himself useful? Or being hurt if he tried to escape? Laith moved his face just enough to peek one eye out and look up at the other wolf, his vision still a bit blurred from everything that had happened. Now he could see the horns of the stranger, and the strange red colouring, but he simply scowled into the fur of his leg.
As much as he wanted to just sulk silently and pretend none of this ever happened, Laith had a feeling if he didn't respond there would be consequences, and so he attempted to speak in response, a soft whimper leaving him at the pain that lanced through his face as he moved his mouth. "Yes." His voice was quiet, almost whisper-like, and just as quickly as he peeked out he hid his face again. This was turning out to be the worst fucking day of his entire life, and all because he wanted some stupid fish. Count his lesson learned, and learned well.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!