
Dear Dad or Deer dad?


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-23-2021, 09:27 PM
Rudyard had chosen to pay for a blessing from a promise of ‘deer dad’s blessing’ with no real concept what it was.  Rudyard was a hunter and had killed a good number of deer.  Even as they were food he could respect how fast and fleet they were.  So what sort of blessing would this ‘deer dad’ give to him?  Would it truly be a blessing?

Rudy had bought a thing of no substance and only faith it would do something.  Well, a little faith, mostly there was no reason not to spend the items as they held little value to him.  Rudyard roamed the berry groves with Fern, pausing as he spotted a buck that was growing its 3rd year of velvety antlers if he had to guess.  Mature enough to be labeled an adult but neither did he have the full powerful set of antlers those a few years older.

Rudy thought to chase it but instead sat down to watch it.  Fern was with him and they could chase it but not this time.  In respect for whatever ‘blessing’, a deer dad was now giving him, this buck would get to be left to grow another set of antlers next season.  “You know,” Rudy mused, “unless a deer wants to come chat with me I’ll probably never know if I really got a blessing.”  

Rudy watched it another moment, letting out a small sigh, “I decided not to hunt this one in respect for this blessing, I’d have fun and chat with it but scaring it hardly sounds respectful.” Rudy winked at Fern and whispered;

“deer dad, deer dad, where art though? Come and grant me my gift now.”



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-23-2021, 10:33 PM

The gray pair move through the land of berry bushes, maple trees and animals. The Firefly Guy had appeared once more, offering them both special items. Fern had been with Rudy as he looked over his items, the firefly thing offering one that was intangible... a blessing. Of course, Rudy had picked that one, eager to find out exactly what a ‘Deer Dad’s Blessing’ is. With a wave of his firefly hand, the items had shifted and a new set of things sat on the table. He had spoken to Fern then, gesturing broadly over the items offering them in exchange for the seven mushrooms she had found. Aqua eyes trailed over each object before she settled one three items.

Poking a paw toward a vial, some boots, and an odd shaped object, Fern had traded the mushrooms for the items. She gathered them together and, as she stepped back from the table, everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. Both table Firefly Guy, gone. She had cast Rudy a questioning look and the pair decided to find a secluded place to test out their items. The bag Fern had burrowed to carry the items in is hung loosely over her back, items clinking together every now and then. Walking next to Rudy, Fern casts her eyes around for a spot to comfortable sit. Rudy stops and Fern follows suit, casting him a questioning look. She follows his gaze, finding a deer in the open.

He speaks, musing out loud about his blessing. Letting out a small sigh, he informs her that they will not hunt this one in respect for his blessing. Tossing her a wink, Fern catches his soft plea to the deer dad. Aqua eyes turn to the deer and then back to the mottled gray form of Rudy. A gentle smile appears as Fern says, “Why don’t you try to talk to it? I will leave you two in peace. I’ll be right over there.” Pointing a gray paw toward a tree that is slightly behind and to the right of Rudy. Fern reaches up to plant a kiss on Rudy’s cheek before moving toward the spot. Looking back quickly, she adds, “Be safe Rudy.”

With that the girl moves to sit at the base of the tree she had pointed out. Dropping the bag on the ground gently, Fern tips the contents onto the leaves that litter the dirt. Separating the items, Fern takes a deep breath preparing to test them. Rustling in a bush nearby Fern catches her attention and she looks to see Puff poke her head out. The stoat jumps down and moves toward her, glancing at the objects. Puff asks, “What are those things?” as she moves to poke and prod each item. Fern snatches the vial of silvery liquid away from small paws, saying, “I don’t know yet Puff. But I am going to find out.”

The stoat raises a question eyebrow, opening her mouth to protest, but Fern has already pulled the cork on the potion and is tipping it back. The cool, silver liquid hits her tongue and Fern makes a face as she swallows the bitter potion. Smacking her lips and tongue, trying to rid her mouth of the taste, Fern’s body gives a small shudder before the taste disappears completely. Little eyes bore holes in Fern’s head and looks down to Puff. The stoat says, “And??” Gray shoulders shrug and Fern says, “Well I didn’t die! That is good, right?” Puff narrows her eyes before shrugging small shoulders. The stoat moves over to the boots and points at them, saying, “Bet those go over your paws.” Looking to items, Fern nods her head and pulls them closer.

Puff takes a few steps back, looking at the items. Fern puts the two over her back paws and Puff moves up to help the gray girl tie the laces. Puff eyes Fern and the gray girl shrugs again, moving to the strange twisted object (coat hanger). Picking it up, Fern looks at it carefully turning it over with her paws before looking to Puff. The stoat speaks up, seeming to read Fern’s thoughts, “No clue.” Frowning, Fern brings it to her mouth and nibbles the small, twisted metal object. Pulling it away from her mouth, Fern says, “Doesn’t taste like anything.” Puff shrugs, saying, “Maybe you’re not supposed it eat it. Try scratching your fur.” Gray head bobs as Fern moves the object to rub the pointy part on an itchy spot under her chin. Smiling as she scratches, Fern say, “Well, at least this one is good for itches!”

"Rudyard & Fern"


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



12-31-2021, 07:13 PM
Deer Dad's Blessing
Be Blessed, and go in Peace

The world seems to halt and you find yourself face to face with a deer. Something about it feels off, until you realize you are face to face with it because you, too, are a deer.

"You wish to have a chat with me?" it asks with unmoving lips. Its eyes are made of broken amethyst geodes and a thick, oily substance collects at the edges, spilling over in opaque streaks up its brow and dripping upwards towards the sky. "Simply speak, then, for I am always listening."

Your eyes follow another drop of black fluid as it rises, but when you follow it up, instead of the sky, you see the ground and your wolf-self from above. As the drop lands on your head, you find yourself back in your own body... weird.

You gain:
  • Post-Acceptance Minor Deer Mutation- Any deer-themed minor mutation will do! Post in maintenance for it! Takes 1 OOC season to take effect. Subject to staff approval.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-02-2022, 12:24 AM

Things got weird.  One moment Fern was walking off and talking to her stoat and the next moment Rudy was staring at a deer which was definitely not the deer he’d been watching a moment ago. There was a strange feeling also and when Rudy got a good look at his paws he saw hooves instead, and his entire body tingled in a way that had him take a look at his back.  Oh – what the – Rudyard couldn’t even fathom what to think of with the change and yet the deer had spoken to him.

Looking away from the deer he spotted his own body.  Rudyard’s mind was spiraling, “Hi,” dumbly stated since it said he could speak with him.  Listening? Always listening?  What the heck had he really gotten from the firefly guy with this ‘blessing’?  A drop from the deer dad fell on Rudyard.  

Rudyard’s head jerked up, his wolf head.  It had been a dream?  Rudy’s body shivered as it felt so strange.  Well, the body felt perfectly normal but something inside of him felt spooky?  It had to be a dream.  Had to be.
Rudy got up and made his way to where Fern was, with something funny on her feet and a funny-lookin thing she was scratching herself with. “What’s with those things? Kinda weird looking.  Those are what you got from the firefly guy?”



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-05-2022, 04:41 AM

As Fern worked on her items, Rudy seemed to stand stock still, eyes still glued to that deer. Nothing seemed entirely odd or out of place about him and the gray girl soon becomes wrapped up with her own things and focus shifts. As she is scratching her chin with the strange metal object, Rudy appears and asks about her boots and hanger. With a shrug, Fern tosses the seemingly useless object to the side and says, “Yeah but this one doesn’t seem to work. Did you talk your ‘deer dad’?” It was not a jest nor meant in a mean way, the gray girl is genuinely curious if the spell thing had worked. Moving to get back on her paws, Fern suddenly feels like she can out run the fastest cheetah. Eyes widen and she exclaims, “Rudy! I feel faster! Maybe these things give me a boost of speed!” Testing her theory, Fern jogs in place a moment, before swiftly zooming down the path and back again. Skidding to a stop in front of the motley boy, Fern squeals in delight and says, “These are so cool!”

Puff looks up to Rudy from her spot on the ground, shrugging small shoulders and shaking her stoat head. Fern stretches and jogs circles around them both, eyes dancing with delight. Finally Puff speaks up, “Alright, alright. Enough you show off! Can we please go do something fun now?” The happy girl just rolls her eyes, moving closer to the stoat to allow it to scramble up her leg. Giggling, Fern says, “So Rudy, whatca want to do?”

"Fern" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.