
forever entangled



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-07-2022, 04:19 PM
Summer hit Auster and if felt more like the rainy season than any summer before. Or at least the two she had seen. With it brought her second birthday, she was officially an adult and at that moment officially a woman. A fact she could have happily lived without. So far the bodily functions had been manageable, Eska helped her in any way she could. Showing her different herbs for relief from cramps to masking the obnoxious scent that followed her. She thanked her lucky stars her father’s lady hadn’t come in and helped her while Roman was around. Getting him out of the room was more difficult after…

Lilith blushed as she turned away from the balcony and back into her room as the sun began to set. She hadn’t been out at all today, she didn’t feel like moving and with the rain seemingly at a continuous downpour… Roman wouldn’t have much trouble convincing her to stay inside with him. The thought of him made her belly flutter, but Eska’s words were fresh in her memory. This was a time to be especially careful with their intimacy, Lilith wasn’t exactly ready for pregnancy yet. She knew she wanted to spend her life with Romulus, and one day they would be husband and wife. But she had only just gained her freedom from the illness, she wasn’t ready to settle down and raise puppies just yet.

So, carefully she set the herbs up that Eska helped her with. Lillith knew she couldn’t keep her paws off Roman anymore than the inverse was true, so she prepared herself like the responsible young woman she was. Maybe her dad wasn’t happy about her growing up, but at least she was taking care of everything that came with it. As she closed the lid to her little box up on her desk Lil suddenly jumped as lightning struck right outside the castle and sent a massive boom of thunder chilling her spine.

Lil shook off the startle and took it as a sign to get back into bed. With heavy limbs te girl lifted herself onto the plush mattress and snuggled into the furs and blankies to wait for Roman to get back. This was their room now, and she was so glad to share it with him.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-08-2022, 01:35 AM

The flash of lightning was so bright it illuminated the dark, stormy world around the Hallows castle as if the sun had suddenly broken through the blanket of blackness in the sky. It was immediately followed by a boom of thunder so loud, Romulus felt it shake in his very bones. The Armada wolf hurried back inside the castle walls, wrapped in a drenched cloak as he weathered the storm to finish his guard shift. Though Artorias had urged the warriors to remain inside during the storm for their safety, Roman wouldn't let the pack's guard down for a minute. They'd been attacked when they least expected it and he'd be damned if he let his home get hit a second time. He'd just managed to finish a half circuit around the eastern edge of the pack's lands before the storm became heavier and unbearable, forcing the young fighter to make his way back to shelter. If nothing else, at least he'd left some fresh scent markers out, hopefully to dissuade any potential invaders. Now he was just looking forward to getting back inside and drying off.

Pushing through the main doors and kicking them shut to close out the cold and rain behind him, Roman trudged his way up the stairs, leaving trails of water behind him as he went. He was thoroughly soaked to the bone and ready to get himself dry and warm by the fire. He wandered down the Adravendi wing of the castle, approaching the bedroom he shared with Lillith, and slipped inside. The bedroom was dark, lit only by the glow of the fire in the hearth. Silver eyes spotted his alabaster queen already curled up in bed, waiting out the storm that raged outside. "Fuck, it's getting bad out there. You had the right idea, I should've stayed in bed with you," he remarked with a chuckle, shedding the cloak off and hanging it up to dry as he shut the latch on the bedroom door, guaranteeing their privacy while he trudged over to the fire crackling in the hearth and shook the water out of his fur. The warmth that hit him was an instant relief, the bedroom a damn sight cozier than anywhere else in the castle, and certainly more so than outside.

Roman turned his eyes out to the windows, watching the rain cascade down the glass panes in sheets. It didn't look like the torrential downpour would stop anytime soon. In a way, it was kind of cool. It was almost like he and Lillith were in a room all alone beneath the sea or something, totally isolated as they were surrounded by water. "You want me to close the curtains before I join you up there, or leave them open?" asked Romulus with a glance over to his lover tucked up in bed. A flash of lightning illuminated the room briefly, highlighting the silver in his drying coat and almost making his eyes shimmer in the low light before a clap of thunder shook the heavens outside. He knew Lil wasn't particularly fond of storms, so if she wanted to shut the world out and live by the light of the fire, he was very okay with that.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-09-2022, 08:38 AM
Lillith worried about Roman being out in the sudden flash storm, the lightning and thunder felt violent even from her secure rooms. She wanted to sleep, but found that it wouldn’t come until Rom was safe beside her again. So she lay at the edge of the bed, holding one of the pillows to her chest as garnet gaze watched the lazy fire across the room. It really wasn’t so cold they needed it, but with the dark and damp she appreciated the commodity. She lay still, wallowing in the misery of her affliction, awaiting the one she loved.

Being without Roman at her side was uncomfortable at best, she knew they couldn’t be together all of the time it just wasn’t feasible. But right now, as her body betrayed her, all she wanted was Rom’s warm arms around her. As soon as he slipped past the door her head lifted from the soft furs to greet him with a warm smile. He was soaked to the bone, not that she was surprised with the downpour raging outside.

Romulus told her as much too. She chuckled at him as he told her exactly what she already knew. She was glad she stayed inside instead of patrolling too. Good thing she had the best boyfriend to cover while she didn’t feel so good. "You should have,” Lil giggled at him as he tried to rid the water from his coat by the blessed fire. She didn’t miss him latching the door either. Her dreamy eyes didn’t leave him as he looked out the windows, asking if she would prefer them open or closed.

"You can leave them open,” but she wouldn’t tell him no if he wanted them shut. Lightning flashed, illuminating the room and Roman for a minute as he was silhouetted by soft silver light. Lilith grinned and leaned back into the bed, listing her arms in obvious request for him to finally come join her. A grin played on her features, if there was one thing that gave her relief it was Roman’s handsome features.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-09-2022, 06:29 PM

Lillith giggled and asserted that he should have stayed in bed with her today. Well, he certainly couldn't argue there! Gods damn his sense of duty and responsibility. Silver optics turned to meet the dreamy, floaty look in garnet eyes, seeing the grin playing on her features while she stared at him. He returned her grin with a crooked smile of his own, flashing his pearly teeth in the dim lighting. Lillith said he could leave the curtains open, so he did, instead waiting for the last remnants of dampness to dry from his fur before he went over to join her. It turned out Lillith didn't have nearly as much patience as he did, though, as the silver and snow Adravendi girl was already reclining back into the pillows and mattress with her forelegs outstretched, beckoning him to come join her.

Romulus didn't need to say a word. Satisfied with his degree of dryness, the young brute made his way over to their shared bed and climbed up on top of it to join her. The scent of Lil's heat had been heady in the confines of their bedroom, but up here right next to her, it was like an intoxicating perfume that threatened to overpower his senses. Something clenched in his core while he gazed down at the lithe, nubile form of his lover spread out across the bed beneath him, gazing up at him with heated bedroom eyes. By the gods, she was so damn beautiful...! He grinned back down at her, settling down to the bed beside her so he could wrap her smaller frame up in his strong arms, holding her close as he sank into the softness of the sheets and furs, letting her wind herself around him if she pleased.

"How, uh... How're you feeling?" asked Roman a touch awkwardly. He'd never been around a wolf in heat before, let alone one he was actively romantic with. He had no idea what Lillith was feeling or what her heat season felt like. All he knew was that she hadn't been feeling well and in general discomfort since the start of Auster's winter. He did also know that she smelled incredible and every breath through his nose made his stomach clench with an instinctual need he didn't recognize.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-10-2022, 08:54 PM
She didn’t care if he was still damp, maybe the coolness of his fur would help alleviate some of the warmth that pooled on her own skin. Her silent beckoning didn’t take a whole lot of effort to get Roman to join her. Lil knew it was likely because of everything going on with her right now but she just wanted him to hold her. More than usual. She was grinning like a little idiot as he climbed up onto the mattress to join her. She didn’t feel so bad about her obvious emotions as Roman’s features mirrored her own.

He slowly lowered himself to the plush bed beside her, sinking into her embrace as he wrapped his paws around her shoulders and she pressed her chest to his. Wrapping her ivory and silver limbs around his neck as she buried her face in the thick fur beneath his jaw. He was wrapped up next to her but still didn’t feel like he was close enough, so she shifted slowly so her belly pressed against his. Not that she felt any different.

Rom spoke softly in her ear, his uncertainty showing through. Her father showed a slight aversion to talking about… girly things. Eska had really given her the real lessons. Lil didn’t have much reason to believe Romulus was lacking in education as well. He was so sweet to ask after her though. "I’m alright.” She started honestly. He had seen her in worse shape before. "Better, now that I’m cuddling you.” She added as she snuggled in closer, though it was little more than an extra squeeze at this point.

"I’ve just been tired, and blah, and…” She hesitated as she blushed a nice soft rosey color. Just because she experienced it didn’t mean Lil could talk about sex any easier, it still made her flush. "I’ve really wanted you here.”




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-11-2022, 04:25 AM

Romulus saw the absolute giddy glee on Lillith's beautiful features when he did finally join her up on their bed. Her grin seemed to sparkle in the glow of the firelight and her garnet gaze held something far more primal and needy than he'd ever seen in her eyes before. It was as if there was a wild animal locked up inside Lil that was trying to get out of the shy Adravendi girl at all costs. He murred when she looped her slender forelegs around his neck in response to his embrace, holding her close so their chests pressed together. Lillith took their cuddle a step further by pressing the delicate curves of her belly up against his, making sure there wasn't an inch of space between them at any point. Roman hummed in delight, enjoying the warmth and softness of her pressed up against him, the way her silky fur felt mingling with his, and just how holding her like this felt so, so right.

In truth, Roman had asked how she felt because he had no idea what she was experiencing right now. He was not naive to the ways of biology, and had lessons in sexual wellness from his family before he'd left home. What he hadn't known is what it was like to actually be with someone who was experiencing those effects. Besides the mouthwatering scent that made him want to bury himself in her all the time, Lil seemed much more cuddly and clingy to him—not that he was complaining, of course! Having his gorgeous girlfriend hanging off of him nearly 24/7 was any young brute's dream come true. Yet even as she buried her face in the thick fur of his throat right beneath his jaw, he couldn't help but be cautious. Surely Lillith had the same lessons he had though, right? She'd know all about how to prepare with contraceptives and other symptom relieving herbs, especially given that she came from a pack of talented healers. At least, that's what he told himself.

Lillith was all right, according to her, then admitted she was better now that she had him to cuddle with. A flash of his rakish grin and a chuckle came from the silver and slate brute. "I'm happier now that I'm cuddling you too," he agreed in a husky whisper. She squeezed herself around him more, and Roman was fairly sure the only way Lil could get closer to him was to fully wrap her legs around his waist. She explained how she was feeling, then drifted off with a blush to her cheeks. Roman could read between the lines when she said she really wanted him here. "Oh yeah?" he teased her back, dipping his snout to brush along the side of her muzzle before slipping back with a gentle lick to the end of her nose. "Well, I'm here now... so what comes next now that you have me here?" Oh yes, he was teasing her and playing with her. It was far too much fun getting to see her squirm and blush in the most adorable manner! Plus Romulus just generally enjoyed the tempting foreplay they'd started to build up together over time.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-12-2022, 11:02 AM
His soft murrs of pleasure could have echoed her own as they cuddled up in bed and pressed themselves together. Or Lil pressed herself to him and Roman held her. Dark toes wound in the thick fur at his scruff as she felt tingles trickle down her spine as she sighed contentedly against him. Like this was always where she was meant to be, or like there was nowhere else as perfect as in his arms. She grinned into his fur for as long as she could. Like Roman assumed, Lillith did have the capability and knowledge to dose her own contraceptives, and she did and would following. The girl didn’t feel like she was quite ready to be a mom yet, and that was exactly where all of this stemmed from. Her body’s revolt, her scent, the primal need for the boy in her arms. Mentally she was far from ready, physically she was more than ready.

She pulled back only slightly when she spoke, seeking out his silvery gaze with her own of garnet. Lil wanted to be close to him, closer even than wrapped up in his arms as she was now. It was hard to let him go, or stop touching him. Her toes and claws trailed through the fur on his neck as she gazed up lovingly upon him. It was good to know that he was happier being in here with her, but that wasn’t a great comparison to patrolling in a thunderstorm. Another huge bolt struck the ground, illuminating the room for a brief moment before the booming thunder shook the very end they were laying in. Lil startled and hugged him tighter, but even that wasn’t enough to distract her fully from Roman’s presence.

His teasing quickly moved her attention back to him as he asked after her trailed off words, she knew that he knew exactly what she was talking about. Her very subtle words mixed with her obvious desperation to be close to him made it more than obvious. Rom kissed her nose, teasing her further as he asked her what was next now that she had him again. He easily coaxed a bright red blush over her delicate cheeks. "Well, um…” She stuttered slightly, trying to find the words that weren’t coming.

Instead she looked up at him shyly, her paws stilling behind his neck. One ivory paw shifted, trailing through silvery fur as she brought her dark pads to Rom’s cheek. Still blushing and unable to rid herself of the grin that played over her features the girl leaned forward to press her lips to Roman’s. Once she tasted him the deep instinctual urges within were multiplied. She’d never wanted or needed him so bad. She pulled him closer, closing her ruby eyes as she felt herself fall against him, kissing him deeply and replacing any need for words with actions. Her pink tongue slipping from her own lips as she traced over Rom’s dark lips and pearly teeth. A soft hum slipped from her as she kissed him, her desire plain as day while she clung to him.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-14-2022, 03:23 AM

Reading Lillith's biological and instinctive needs in her body language was becoming such an enjoyable activity for Romulus. The slender, supple young fae clung tight to him in every conceivable way possible, her legs wound around him and her paws in his scruff, her body squirming against his like she just couldn't get comfortable. It all felt so right and was having some very obvious effects on other parts of his body as well, parts Lillith would no doubt be noticing soon if she kept clinging to him and moving against him like that. Her heat scent flooded his senses, overwhelming his brain with pheromones and dopamine. She smelled mouthwateringly delicious, so much so Roman could have devoured her whole then and there. Her scent created this clenching need in his gut, a hunger unlike any he'd felt before. It was doing things to him, activating primal parts of his brain that had been hardcoded into his DNA by millions of years of evolutionary genetics. It was a deeply ingrained desire to mate, to breed, to pass on his genes and further his bloodline. And he wanted all of that with no one other than Lillith.

Roman wasn't conscious to those instinctive desires, of course. All he knew was that Lil smelled better than she ever had, and he thought she'd smelled fucking good before! Large slate-dipped paws roamed slowly over Lillith's back, toes gently tracing the curve of her spine from shoulder to rump, giving the base of her tail a gentle squeeze every time he passed over it. A flash of lightning and crack of thunder caused his pallid goddess to startle and hug herself tighter to him, nearly squeezing the air from his lungs and forcing him to breathe yet another deep breath of her natural perfume. The young brute was practically salivating at the lecherous thoughts filling his brain. Fortunately, his lover wouldn't make him wait long to find some relief. When he asked about what came next, Lil shied away from the answer, stammering out a couple words with a blush on her cheeks. By the gods, there was no sight more adorable nor more precious than watching Lillith get flustered! Then she slid her petite paws around his neck to cup his cheeks and guide his muzzle towards her own.

A low murr of pleasure rumbled deep in his chest while Lillith kissed him, deeply and passionately, pouring forth all her love and lust into their kiss. Roman's lips parted for her, and he tasted her tongue when it slid into his mouth. His groans deepened, slipping his own tongue back into her maw to roam every nook and crevice he could reach, sampling her familiar flavor and savoring it. Between her taste and her scent, Romulus was losing himself in her, ready to dive into Lillith Adravendi and never resurface. The pressure and clenching feeling in his core intensified, turning into a deep ache settling between his thighs. Those large paws roaming her body became more methodical, following her natural feminine curves until they stopped with one paw holding her upper back and keeping their chests pressed together while the other rested over her rump, squeezing and massaging her soft, supple flesh. He returned all of her love in kind with his actions, worshipping Lillith just as she basked in him.

Yet that need didn't go away or subside. The ache grew stronger, urging him to find the relief and satisfaction he needed. Just as Lillith's body was ready and begging her to become a mother, Romulus' was aching to become a father, ready to plant his pups within Lillith to start the next generation of Armadas. Consciously, Roman was not ready to be a father, and he trusted that Lil had seen to it that they'd be safe. They were both far too hot and heavy by now to stop if she hadn't. Gripping onto Lillith's body, Roman rolled them with a gentle shift of his weight so he was now on top of her, nearly every inch of their bodies pressed together. Another groan slipped from him into their kiss when he felt her soft belly fur move against his most sensitive parts, toes curling on reflex. He didn't break their mouths apart, not for a second, nor did he do so when the paw beneath her rump slid up around her hips and down her belly to nestle between her thighs. Careful to use only his squishy paw pads, Roman found what he was seeking and began to gently stroke and rub, aiming to bring her an appetizer of pleasure to their main course of ecstasy.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-15-2022, 10:34 AM
Her current state egged her onward, her instincts working along with her desire. She wouldn’t be deterred, but knowing Roman wanted her as bad as the inverse only added fuel to the fire. Being so close to him like this was a relatively new experience, but with the changes of her body made everything more intense. Lillith felt overwhelmed before, but it had always been in a negative sense. Her lungs becoming overwhelmed, her body collapsing and her struggles with her illness they were all difficult. This feeling was so much different, overwhelming and fantastic all at once. To a point where she couldn’t hold still, she could hardly control herself there beside Roman. What really held her back was her knowledge. Lillith was beginning to understand the intricacies of their relationship and she was learning her partners needs and desires at the same time. Her lack of knowledge might have held her back, but the two of them were very quickly learning together.

She wanted him and this more than she ever had before, which was saying a lot considering how their magical night over the falls went. Her need to complete her body’s biological function. Though she felt the incredible desire for the one she loved there was a much deeper need. The need to create a family was the real driving factor, but the thought was inconsequential compared to action. The way Roman’s paws traced over her fur, down her spine, over her hips, mischievously squeezing her tail. He didn’t hesitate to indulge in her needy kisses, as she guided his silver and slate muzzle to her lips.

That moment was enough to really show Roman everything she couldn’t tell him in her words. All of her love, the passion she felt for him, the lust that grew like fire in her belly and raced like electricity over her skin. The feeling of need was one she couldn’t really describe, a feeling of emptiness inside, and the great desire to be filled. It all came back to not being close enough to Roman, despite their bodies pressed tight, and his embrace holding her close. She was losing herself in their kiss, but even that passion was not near enough. Lil felt like she would be consumed by the fire within if she did not find release.

Roman had to feel similarly, as she lost herself in their kiss he grabbed her tightly and shifted her beneath his larger form. A soft murmur left her lips, though neither pulled away from the entanglement. His paws continued to rove her body, and she felt every caress as he ignited fires over her flesh beneath his touch. She lost her breath as he trailed over her hip and belly to rest his paw between her legs. A frantic gasp was pulled from her lips at his touch and she squirmed against him, struggling to keep a hold of herself. Lil pulled away from him slightly, trying to catch her breath but only succeeding in gasping further, a soft moan escaping her clenched jaw.

"Roman,” She whispered his name against his lips, her eyes burning with passionate fire beneath her silver eyelashes. The intimate touch both helped the insatiable feeling and intensified it. Lilith trembled beneath him, melting against him as she gave herself up to Roman and their passionate love. She pressed herself tighter against him, gasping against his lips, she never needed anything as much as she needed him in this moment.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-18-2022, 01:02 AM

Of all the sounds Romulus had heard Lillith utter in their time together, from the soft rasping snores she made when she slept to the airy giggling of her laughter, none made his heart skip beats nor his stomach clench with needs quite like that feverish gasp she made when his digits found her most intimate flesh. The way she squirmed and moved while he played her and conducted her pleasure like a symphony did things to him, arousing him like nothing else. He drew pleasure from her pleasure, and watching her beautiful face contort into those wild lustful expressions while he got her to make those sounds was incredible. A tremor shook his body while his lover was forced to pull back to try and catch her breath, leaving her a gasping, squirming, moaning mess beneath him. Roman was insistent in his pleasing, refusing to stop finding those spots that made her cry out for him or stole the breath from her very lungs until he was certain she was prepared for him.

Lillith spoke, whispering his name between short gasping breaths against his lips. Gods, she was so hot! The garnet jewels she called eyes blazed for him, and his own eyes were pools of molten steel, practically simmering with the constant heat he felt for her. That half-cocked devilish grin he wore so well remained on his lips while he slowly returned his paw from between her thighs, letting her watch while he sampled her flavor from his digits, then wrapped her up in his strong forelegs once more. Roman shifted his body on top of hers, finding a comfortable position for the both of them and gasping when he felt his body make contact with hers. He didn't leave them waiting, and once his eyes found and held hers, the larger brute grasped his silver and snow fae by the curves of her hips and pressed himself into her. The fire within him surged and roiled like a star preparing to go supernova. His mouth fell open in an audible gasp as the breath left his body, followed closely by a deep groan while he sank into her, filling her needs among the rest of her.

Biting his lip, Romulus nuzzled his face into the crook of Lillith's neck, clutching her body tight to his as he joined them and claimed her. She was his, and he was hers, now and forever more. Behind him, his bushy tail whipped about frantically, a physical embodiment of his excitement and bliss. Heated, desperate gasps and breaths were released right beside her ear, letting her listen to the pleasure he found with her. With her heat scent creating a chemical reaction within his brain, a biological need to breed and to create more wolves, all of the sensations of mating were heightened, as if he'd just taken a hit of ecstasy. It was exquisite! Colors swirled before Roman's eyes, and as he began to take her in earnest, moving their bodies together with the heated passion and frantic need they both felt, only one word could fall from his lips amidst grunts and groans. "Lillith..." he spoke on breathy tones while he lost himself within the love of his life, focusing only on satisfying her deep biological need and bringing them both the relief and satisfaction they so desperately sought.

- fade -




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-20-2022, 08:59 AM
Wrapped up in Romulus he was the nearly sole subject focused in her mind, from the moment he touched her it felt like the pair of them were transported to their own private world. There was nothing outside, there was nothing but him, her, and the magical fire they built together. Sound didn’t travel incredibly well within the castle rooms, yet the small sensible part of her that managed to remain even through Roman’s efforts had Lil trying to stifle the sounds that fell from her lips. They weren’t alone in this wing of the castle, and even if Ulric knew what they were doing she didn’t want him to hear her. The man above her made that task increasingly difficult with his touch and caress.

He built her up, using her poorly hidden gasps and cries as his guide. Lillith was learning herself with him, exploring the different ways to bring pleasure to one another. She was realizing swiftly the bliss she endured intensified the feelings Roman held with her. Lilith gazed up at him with ruby eyes as she tried to catch her breath and collect herself, but Roman was determined to keep her struggling beneath him. With his name pleading on her lips Roman lifted his paw from her. She whined softly in need as he paused for only a moment to lick her from his toes before wrapping her up in his tight embrace once more.

Her breath continued to come in soft gasps, though short of breath it was different from the panic gasps she’d experienced the first couple of times their intimacy had intensified. He shifted slightly again, pressing himself between her legs and lifting her hips to better fit against his own. She felt his paw grip her thigh, she felt him press against her, and for a moment she felt like her heart had stopped. Then he joined them together.

Roman drove her breath from her lungs, the two of them gasped for breath together. There was a familiarity in the act, but there was something so much different this time. The deep primal need of her body intensified everything. There was no room for anything but the intense pleasure of being cast as one. It wasn’t just the feelings he created in her as he moved against her. It was the choed sound of bliss that completed the circuit. He wanted her just as severely as she needed him. Lillith was his in all ways, just as she took him as her own.

She simply lost herself with him, the sensations were indescribable, her heart threatened to beat out of her chest, and any sense of propriety left her. The tiny voice reminding her they were not the only wolves in the world was silenced as Lillith released any inhibitions as they made incredible love together. The only words said were each other’s names in ecstasy. There was no greater feeling than this, their bodies brought together just as their hearts were. She wanted Roman for the rest of their lives, however much future they ahd ahead of them the only thing that mattered at the moment was the moment they were in.





3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-21-2022, 04:19 PM

The silver and slate brute had no notion of how long he and Lillith remained entangled in a flurry of grasping paws and climbing limbs, surrounded by a symphony of moans and breathless cries of one another's names. Time held no meaning for the two young lovers in this moment, so lost were they in their own perfect world of passion and desire. Even the claps of thunder or the pouring rain smacking against the windowpanes were drowned away by the song of pleasure Lillith sang for him. Together they worked in unison, finding pure love and pleasure in the other's body and soul. Heat consumed him, surrounded him, became all Romulus knew while he burned with his lover. Their passions grew, sounds growing louder and less restrained while they lost themselves together in a sea of ecstasy. Damned be the rest of the castle and any of the wolves that might hear them. He didn't care! Roman wanted the world to know how much he loved Lillith, that she belonged to him and he to her as he claimed her wholly in the way a man could claim a woman.

Together they reached their peaks, a blissful crescendo of moans and cries of passion. Roman clung to Lil in the aftermath of their heated lovemaking, feeling a relief the likes of which he hadn't found before in their coupling with this release. Was it an effect of her pheromone-laced scent on his brain, or was this simply a more intense finish? He couldn't tell; all he knew was that he loved it and felt incredible floating in this euphoria with Lillith. Roman didn't untangle himself from her even after they'd finished, collapsing to surround her body with his as he clutched her tightly in his arms, wrapping her up in himself. Their bodies were a tangled mess of limbs intertwined amongst messed up sheets and furs. Everything felt so warm and tingly, and Romulus wore a goofy smile of satisfaction while steel-silver eyes gleamed with bliss. He gazed deep into Lillith's ruby eyes, wanting to drink in the expressions she wore in the wake of their lovemaking. Everything had felt so much more intense with her in heat, even her own reactions.

A large silver paw slid slowly up her body from her waist, following the curve of her side and up her neck to caress her cheek. Wordlessly, he tilted her muzzle up until it met his, kissing her slowly and deeply, a final seal on the salacious love letter they'd written here with their bodies. He slipped away once he'd contented himself with her taste, gazing at her through half-lidded eyes in his afterglow. "You okay...?" he asked amidst heavy breathing, his voice a gentle yet husky whisper while he made sure he hadn't overwhelmed her during their mating. Already her scent was beginning to effect him again, feeling that innate instinctual urge to claim her again and again and spill himself within her to extinguish her heat. Of course, that wouldn't happen with the steps they'd taken, but the biological need of his body to fill her with his children was undeniable and primal and didn't care whether Lillith was on birth control or not. Still, his love for her overpowered any lust, and he needed to make sure she was all right before he considered taking her for a second time, or a third, or maybe even a fourth.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-21-2022, 08:30 PM
Completely vulnerable and open Lillith gave herself to Roman. They entered no one sided contract though, as deep as she allowed him the inverse was true as well. She was given an intimate glance into his soul as their hearts combined as one. The experience intensified with how much she really needed him. If her conscious could have tunnel vision, this was what it would be like. Romulus commanded her every breath and attention as they danced together to the chorus of the storm and their own heady voices. Nothing existed but the island that was their bed. There was no room, no castle, no world outside. All that existed was Roman, her, and the love they shared.

So much was obvious as Lil lost herself and any will to be restrained. She couldn’t help the way Roman made her gasp and cry, but every noise revealed her pleasure beneath. Higher and higher they carried each other until they plummeted from those towering peaks together. Roman held her just as tightly as she reeled at the intensity at which he had rocked her body. She clung to him as the waves of ecstasy rolled off of her and her mind and spirit reunited with body. She fought to catch her breath, only just barely below the point of concern as she gasped. Still holding tightly to Roman as he relaxed against her, both wrapped snugly in their blankets and furs. Safe in each other’s arms.

As the rolling feeling settled she pulled her features from his silver fur. She leaned back against the pillows as her garnet eyes sought for Roman’s. An airy grin played on her features as she gazed from half lidded eyes, his look of satisfaction mirroring her own. He always knew what to do or say when they were together, like he was truly made for her in every way. With Roman at her side Lillith felt like she was a much more pure form of herself, not the sick shell of a girl he met that day. She smiled into his kiss as he lifted her chin gently and pressed his lips to hers. She could feel every bit of love and passion they just shared, but it was slower and more gentle, concluding the passionate affair. He hadn’t caught his breath either, as his voice revealed when he asked after her health.

He had overwhelmed her, but in all of the right ways. Her primal desires were a biological force that she could hardly contend with. Her best efforts were put forth in family planning. Neither had to say much, they were both aware of their ill preparedness to be parents. That didn’t stop her from acting like she wanted to be filled with his children. She hadn’t even caught her breath yet, but the way that Roman held her already reignited the desire in her belly.

"Indescribable,” she answered him softly, reaching up to lick his nose almost innocently. She was laboring lightly for breath, but didn’t want him to hesitate in taking her again. She took in a deep breath, her ribcage pressed against Roman’s form as she filled her lungs and exhaled with a long satisfied sigh as she snuggled in perfectly against him. "Have I mentioned how much I love you,” she murmured softly to him as a dainty paw began to trail through his silver fur. Her breathing slowly coming back under control.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-22-2022, 04:31 PM

Romulus' whole heart felt light and airy when he saw the grin of immense satisfaction on Lillith's features, as if she had just scratched a truly bothersome itch and found indescribable relief. Through his crooked grin, he chuckled, finally beginning to get his breathing back under control. Lil leaned up to plant a gentle lick on the end of his snout, making his core clench with need once more just from that simple touch. Even though they'd just wrapped up one session of passionate lovemaking, the pheromones intoxicating his brain and bringing forth the most base carnal urges of his biology again. It was like he was insatiable for her with a deeply ingrained hunger for her hard-coded into the feral parts of his genetics.

Lil called her state of blissful pleasure indescribable, a feeling Roman could echo himself. This time had felt so different from the other times they'd had sex somehow, and already he could tell that all of her future heat cycles would be like this for the both of them. They were inseparable on a regular day, had their paws all over each other on a good day, and now in heat they physically couldn't be uncoupled. Roman gently squeezed Lillith's slender body in his forelegs as she drew in a deep breath, letting his paws roam with slow and savoring rubs over every subtle or defined curve of her body. He simply couldn't get enough of her! He could feel the heat of desire smoldering deep in his belly, growing into a fire once more. He wanted Lillith, that baser subconscious part of himself wanting to ensure she was filled with his puppies, wanting to have Lillith again and again and again until her bothersome heat had been soothed with pregnancy.

Blissfully unaware of his body's own wild drives, Roman simply acted on the pull he felt for his girlfriend, his soulmate, the love of his life. "Hmm, maybe once or twice, but I like hearing it," he remarked while brushing his muzzle against the side of hers, then bringing it up to catch one of her velvety ears between his teeth, rolling soft cartilage and fur between careful fangs. He released her ear only to bring his muzzle down to the hollow at the base of her throat, drawing in her natural scent mixed with the smell of her estrus, taking another hit of her like a junkie would take a hit of cocaine. With a lecherous grin, Roman pressed his tongue to the base of Lillith's throat and agonizingly slowly up the curve of her throat until he reached her chin. Then he slowly captured her mouth with his own again, slipping his tongue into her maw to dance with her own and enjoy her taste.

Large slate-dipped paws groped and squeezed over her warm form and soft curves, leaving no part of Lillith wanting for his touch and love. He still hadn't removed himself from her, covering her body with his own lean musculature. When his lips did finally slip from hers, Roman was breathing heavier once more, molten steel eyes gleaming with primordial instinctual desire. He finally withdrew himself from her with a breathy groan, but instead of pulling away, the Armada brute grabbed Lillith by her hips and easily flipped the Adravendi girl onto her belly beneath him. Surrounding her with his body once more, Roman hooked his strong forelegs around her shapely hips and guided her into an easier position for him. He leaned his form over hers, brushing his muzzle against the edge of her ear while he whispered into it with husky words, "I'm gonna show you just how much I love you, future Mrs. Armada."

Setting his paws against the mattress for balance, Romulus pressed his hips to hers once more and again slid inside Lillith with a guttural groan. Roman's hips began their motions without hesitation, once more taking Lil and claiming her as his. This position was much more raw and animalistic, the two wolves mating as nature had intended. It allowed Roman to completely claim and hold Lil while he had his way with her. But even now, he was highly aware of all her sounds and the reactions of her body, reading her like a map to gauge what she liked, what she didn't, what made her eyes roll and made her give those sexy sounds he loved, and knowing when she wanted more and when she needed less. His paws flexed around her hips, holding her tight to his body while they bred like feral wolves losing themselves to the demands of their biology together. It was an experience like nothing Roman had ever felt before, and he was quickly becoming addicted.

- fade again -




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-22-2022, 10:08 PM
Roman soothed the desperate need within her to a dull ache, however much remained there was still relief. The proof was in the way her lips pulled up into a grin that wouldn’t be pulled from her features. She loved Roman in ways that no one else would ever know, she had found her soulmate. They fit perfectly together, and every moment like this only solidified that belief. The way he looked at her, mirroring her giddy grin as he held her, entangled in every way. Though breathless she didn’t yet feel the pull of fatigue, all that boiled beneath was unquenchable desire.

The feeling of dark paws over her body sent jolts through her core, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned softly. However incredible he’d made her feel she still wanted… needed more. As her soulmate Roman wouldn’t leave her to suffer. Lil looked up at him as he traced the contours of her curves, and felt her own fiery desires reflected back in his silvery gaze and tempting smile. She wanted him forever, like there was an endless pit in her belly and just once wasn’t near enough to fill her longing.

Lilith easily confessed her love to him, and he murmured back almost dismissively. There was nothing farther from the truth as his attention focused once more. She sucked in her breath as he nibbled on her slate tipped ear and the girl leaned back into the pillows to reveal the length of her neck to him, revealing the vulnerable skin there. He whined as he ran his tongue slowly up the soft fur there, reaching her chin and taking her into a deep kiss. The burning desire for him flared within her as she tasted his tongue and grabbed for him and he held her close and roved her form.

She would have yielded to him then, but as she sought breath he pulled away. Too far away. Even as she was about to protest him leaving her Roman’s paws were on her again. With very little effort he grabbed her silver frame flipping her on the mattress with a surprised gasp. Her chest pressed into the bed as she felt the warmth of his belly against her hips and lower back. His slate dipped paw slid up her belly to grab her hips to position her as he adjusted himself. Garnet eyes looked over her shoulder as his muzzle caressed her ear and his words were whispered to her passionately.

Mrs. Armada. He sent a tremor up her spine with his words and the way he balanced himself above her. There was an incredible thrill that raced through her in the moment before he joined himself to her. She braced herself with a tiny silver paw against his as he filled her again, stealing her breath from her lips. He quickly left her gasping as Lillith fell into a completely primal state. He already had all of her, heart, body, and soul, but as they moved together something was awakened that hadn’t been there before. There was something about the way he handled her, the way he held her, how he took her, that satisfied an innate need within her.

Like he could read her mind Roman elicited reactions and feelings that overrode any sense or thought in her head. He was an all consuming fire and Lillith offered herself to him entirely. She felt like she lost herself completely as they descended into a lovely madness together.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-29-2022, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2022, 05:10 AM by Romulus. Edited 1 time in total.)

What had begun as passionate lovemaking between the two young lovers had swiftly transformed into heated and primal mating between two wolves. Romulus lost himself entirely within Lillith and their respective biologies. She was no longer just his perfect lover, his soul mate, but his one and only mate in an instinctual and baser manner. The sounds he elicited from the petite alabaster fae drove him wild, nearly putting him into a feral state as he had his way with her, taking her the way a brute was meant to have a fae in heat. Something about the way he held her, mounted her, kept her positioned beneath him and the way their bodies moved together felt so right. It satisfied not only the lustful urges he felt inside himself, but also fed a wild hunger inside his spirit. The noises and sounds they made together were the sounds of two wild animals mating, attempting to breed to pass on their genetics to the next generation in their bloodline. It was frenetic, urgent, needy, untamed, and Roman loved every moment of it!

Steely silver eyes rolled back in his head as a total pleasure overwhelmed him. At some point during their coupling, he reached down and grabbed Lillith's scruff in his jaws, careful not to harm her, but exerting a bit more of his male dominance over her as he took her. His hind paws clawed and kicked at the mattress and blankets, his forelegs wound tight around her hips, claws biting into the skin of her waist. Roman didn't know how long their second round lasted, having lost all concept of time and space to the madness he gladly lost himself within with Lil, basking in all sorts of pleasures and ecstasies with her. At some point he reached his peak, growling and groaning as he rode that climactic high and spilled himself within her. Warm euphoria wrapped around him like a blanket against the buffeting cold of the winter. But it still wasn't enough. The animal within him growled for more, still hungry enough to devour the silver and snow beauty beneath him. He could smell the heat within her, and he felt the need to soothe it and put it out in the only way he knew how.

Once he regained control of himself enough to decouple them, Romulus gently lifted himself from Lil's back and collapsed to his side next to her on the bed, panting and breathing hard while he gazed adoringly at his lover. A gentle slate-dipped paw reached towards her cheek, aiming to brush along the side of her face to make sure she was okay. If she gave him any indication that she was, Roman would reach over to grab her round her midsection again, pulling her close to his body until their lips met, kissing her with all the heat and fire he felt still burning in his core for her. With his grip around her, he rolled them so he had hoisted her up over top of him, positioning her smaller frame across his like a pillow. It was reminiscent of the way they'd lain together at the falls some weeks back. Roman broke their kissing to gaze up at her with expectant, lustful silver pools of molten steel, his paws finding her hips to gently usher her back into him with a low, rumbling growl on his breath. He wasn't done with her yet.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-29-2022, 04:02 PM
She gave herself and Romulus took all of her. Space and time ceased to exist as her lover overwhelmed her. The descent into a primal state, something much more beast like in the way they moved and cried out together. He crushed her beneath him, but despite their feral state never pushed her farther than she could go. The pair of them lingered on the precipice, like on a knife’s edge and he kept her there for how long she would never really know. Lil’s garnet gaze shut tight and her jaw clasped as he drew deep animalistic groans from between her teeth. The carnal pleasure consumed her as much as Roman did, like fire over her skin and deep within her bones.

When she hadn’t thought the experience could elevate the chemical release when he grabbed her scruff pushed her further into the void with him. The forceful twist had her squirming beneath him as he held her tightly. His claws sunk into the soft flesh of her belly, his teeth grasped her scruff in show of his complete dominance over her. Lilith had no control, but she trusted Roman completely. That fact alone kept her from suffocating or turning to ash. Every movement, every action, all of it equated to unmeasurable bliss. Roman did things to her that she had never conceived of before, and she loved all of it.

She felt like her heart stopped when eventually they were pushed over the edge. Dropping from incredible highs as the feeling of release soothed melted every muscle in her body. She crumpled against the bed when Roman eventually released her. Easing his jaws from her flesh and unwinding his arms from her sides he was swiftly brought to her side once more. Her breathing deep and ragged as she recovered from all that he’d done. A grin played on her features as he carefully lifted a paw to her cheek, the motion delicate and gentle compared to the moments before.

He quickly took it as the indication of her well being, as he should. Lilith felt incredible right now. Having a life full of sickness there was little to compare her feelings with but by far and away being with Roman like this was the best day. She would accept her other symptoms when she knew this complete inverse was possible. Pleasure replaced anny pain that lingered. Roman’s lips pressed to hers as his paws took hold of her again. There was no hesitation in allowing Roman to manipulate her as he saw fit. He rolled her once more, and had her sprawling over his belly as they kissed. Just as he’d had her over the falls.

Lillith grabbed at his fur softly as he pulled away, but gasped softly for breath as he parted. She blinked open her garnet gaze, buzzing with the feeling of his deep growls vibrating through her. Dark paws grabbed her hips and pushed her against his own with wordless desire. The young she wolf felt fatigue, but so much more was the deep needy hunger within. That which Romulus was the only one to alleviate.

Tiny silver paws kneaded deep into the fur on his chest as she pushed herself back, rejoining again with a heavy gasping breath. She was tiring, and it showed in the way her movements had become much softer and sensual. A stark contrast to the wild and feral beasts they had just been. Lillith murmured quietly in deep bliss as she moved with and against Roman’s body.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-30-2022, 04:31 AM

Wordlessly, Lillith responded to his body language in turn with her own. Romulus saw the grin on her lips, wide and blissful and totally carefree while they enjoyed the pleasures of their love and one another's bodies together in deep harmony. It was quite possibly his favorite expression Lillith had ever worn on her beautiful face, an expression painted by the gods themselves, for seeing it struck him dumb with glee. Heavy-lidded silver eyes, hazy with euphoric stupor, never left her hypnotic garnet gaze or her gorgeous visage. He wanted to watch every moment of pleasure, every flutter of silvery eyelids and roll of ruby eyes back in her head, see each time her lips fell open in breathy gasps and moans. He wanted to drink in this moment with his soul mate like ambrosia, sear it into his memory for all time. Never in all his life had Roman been as happy nor content as he was right now with Lil, and even when it had ended and moved into the past, he wanted to remember it for the rest of his days.

Roman bit his lip and gave a shuddering groan when he felt Lillith push herself back until he felt her envelop him once more, eyelids fluttering over glazed eyes. His mouth fell open in gasping breaths, large paws gently squeezing and massaging supple silver dotted thighs while her tiny paws kneaded his chest in a delightful massage. Their movements this time were slower, more deliberate, every roll of Lil's hips soft and sensual against him. It was a striking completion to their tryptic: from passionate sex to feral mating to sybaritic lovemaking, and the Armada brute loved it. He worked in tandem with his lover, pressing his hips up into hers in time with lazy motions, every push and roll and buck punctuated with a blissful sigh or pleased moan. Both wolves were tiring as fatigue sapped the youthful energy from their bodies. But they would have one last perfect time to cap off a perfect day together. Already Roman was excited to think that if this was how Lil was in heat, he'd be looking forward to every summer together for many years to come!

While the two lovers brought each other leisurely up the slopes of pleasure once more, Romulus couldn't resist letting his paws roam over any part of Lillith he could reach. Thighs, hips, waist, belly, sides, chest... Every part of her he could touch, he worshipped while she demonstrated how easily she could turn into a nubile goddess. "Lillith..." Roman moaned out her name, losing himself entirely in those wine-red eyes. No words seemed appropriate for this moment, none except for her name, and for three that he would say only to her for the remainder of his life. "I love you."




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-31-2022, 11:52 AM
By now Lil had lost all of her inhibition, nothing beyond the doors of their room mattered right now. No opinions, no responsibility, no one. Lillith gave herself up to the euphoria that she made with Romulus. He was her whole world in more than just these intense intimate moments. As much as he enjoyed the way she gasped and moved she felt the inverse. She felt her heart clench with every gasp and groan as they made love to one another. She reveled in his pleasure as he did her own, and she savored his reactions with every breathtaking moment her own eyes weren’t rolled back.

Their movements were slow and rhythmic, a gentle lullaby after the crescendo of feral instincts. She sang to him softly as their bodies swayed together in time. She adored the feeling of him against her, the fiery caress of his paws over her fur and his claws over her skin. Her own dark toes curled against his chest with each blissful shift of her hips. However slow and lazy their motions because there was no diminishing the incredible experience they shared together. Like they had written the day out in a playbook before they ever came together. Every moment was perfect, Lillith bared her heart and soul to Roman. She submitted and exposed herself and every vulnerability.

As much as she gave to Roman he returned to her tenfold. He had easily proven himself her soulmate, he learned her needs and her desires with ease. She was safe here with him as he learned all of her deep secrets. Lillith’s garnet gaze blinked open slowly at the sound of her name on Romulus’ breath. She leaned back against him, lowering her chest to his so their noses were very nearly touching and she could feel his breath against her lips. Gazing into his silver eyes as he confessed his love for her an endeared grin spread over her silver features. Her heart swelled and the heightened emotions filled her to bursting.

Already breathless she could only barely speak in return, "and I love you.” She returned with similar adoration and affection as her paws wrapped around his neck and her lips pressed to his with a needy groan. The taste of him, the feel of him and the love they shared would forever be branded to her heart.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-04-2022, 03:57 AM

There were very few things in this world that Romulus would have described as perfect. Lillith, she was perfect. The love they crafted and immortalized together was perfect. This intensely intimate moment they made was perfect. Everything she did and said and thought and was, was perfection. It almost frightened him, the degree to which he loved Lillith. He'd never felt so deeply, so profoundly, so purely for another in all his life. Roman was reminded of the love his parents shared, the love stories he'd been told growing up of warriors falling so madly in love with the princesses and damsels in distress. At the time, he'd never given the stories much credit, and when he'd started finding interest in girls and romance, he disregarded love even further in his pursuits of fleeting moments of passion. But now, lying here beneath Lillith, gazing into garnet eyes that belonged to his physical embodiment of an angel, he understood. He understood everything so clearly and his life had been forever changed for the better by his beautiful snow and silver queen.

Together their bodies moved in slow, rhythmic shifts and grinds and rolls of their hips, creating an intensely intimate dance between them that steadily rose them both to familiar and totally new peaks of pleasure and passion. Her body sang to him as much as her voice did with breathy gasps and moans, and his responded in turn with slow yet insistent pressure of his hips into hers, his own melody of grunts and groans serenading her back. Roman had loved letting their feral sides out, unleashing their instincts upon one another in the most primal way—but the silver-furred brute actually found himself enjoying this time of lovemaking with his soulmate even more. It was almost tantric and spiritual in the way their bodies connected and moved, the pleasure they found far more sensual and felt deeply throughout his entire being, warming him from his core outward to every nerve in his body. Romulus had never felt more alive than he did in this moment with Lillith, and though he knew it was an impossibility, he wished it would last for the rest of time.

When he spoke her name, Romulus watched those gorgeous pleasure-glazed garnet eyes flick open to gaze down at him with such love that he felt his heart skip a beat, and when he declared his love to her, the grin that crept over her beautiful face set his soul on fire. His paws on her hips slowly slid up the curves of her body to wrap around her lower back when she lowered her body down across his, pressing their chests together and bringing her face so close to his he could feel her breath against his lips with every heated gasp. Lil spoke her love for him in return, and her paws were around his neck and her mouth was claiming his with a needy groan. Just like that, Lillith had completely engulfed all of his senses, intoxicating him and overdosing him in the sweetest of euphorias. His tongue slid across hers, tasting her, his paws gripped at the silky fur along her back and rump, feeling her inside and out with every slow roll of their hips, her scent flooding his nose and brain. She was his, completely and totally his, just as he gave himself entirely to her.

Just like that, Roman came undone. With their bodies moving in perfect harmony, the Armada brute reached that plateau, and with a deep, trembling groan into her kiss, he fell blissfully into the warm afterglow. His paws wrapped around Lil's waist, pulling her hips flush to his and holding her still while he basked in the total pleasure with her, fire exploding from his core like a star going supernova. Toes curled and tail beat against the bed while his body went tense and relaxed all at the same time. Roman only parted his lips from Lil's when he absolutely had to breathe, gasping for air as it felt like his body was being washed away in a warm ocean, totally weightless as he floated on cloud nine with his lover. Silver eyes slowly flickered open, half-lidded and heavy while he gazed at Lillith with all the love a single wolf could possess for another. She was perfection and he loved every bit of her. All the romantic words and thoughts had been washed away by these sensations. All Roman could do now was lie beneath Lillith, cradling her in his arms on top of his body while he rode out the afterglow with her, wishing they'd never separate and this moment would never end.
