
the right words




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2022, 08:41 PM

Now that she knew she could physically move, it felt as if the world had changed dramatically. There were lands to be explored, places to see, and endless amounts of running and hunting and leaping as her heart desired. She felt like she could reach the stars and move mountains if she so wished, and her eagerness for exploring and that yearning and wanderlust returned like the fauna and flora after the long night. Though, the weather could be better - rain pattered the castle walls like an endless thrumming melody, and some it leaked into her third-floor bedroom through her window, which Mel fussed over while muttering "This blasted weather! Lady Laeta, you’ll catch a cold at this rate.." But the woman paid no mind. She had insisted on getting out of bed unassisted to walk outside her room, but her muscles were far from peak shape. It took a spill from her bed to the floor, followed by a panicked Mel scrambling to hoist her onto weak twig-like legs to get her actually moving..somewhat.

She’d gotten ahead of herself, wrapped up in the joys of being able to move a body that listened to her after so long. She had grown tired of wasting away in that bed and watching the same walls over and over. She was full of life and energy, a childlike bravado and a zest she craved to satisfy. Her tail wagged, weak and slow but clearly accentuating her excitement. Lae convinced herself she was not in a dream - her finally walking was as real as the downpour outside and the squeaking floor beneath her splayed toes. Her body was struggling to even stand, but her smile never wavered as she awkwardly planted one spread out leg over another, looking much like a cat trying to avoid a path of mud puddles. Or like those dogs that wear booties for the first time. The emaciated woman was on a roll as Mel nervously clambered after her, but she ignored his anxious pleas as she twisted her face in determination, narrowing her eyes. One step..two..about to pass a room..

And before she knew it, the thrill of the splayed, wobbly walking ended as her wasted muscles gave out, legs bucking out of her control as she flopped on the floor. "Lady Laeta! Oh heavens, are you hurt?" Her badger cried out, frantically looking her over as she sighed, a huff of exasperation spilt from her lips. The happiness quickly gave way to frustration, much like her legs gave way to let her taste the ground. "Mel, I’m fine," She murmured. Damn it. She knew it would take time for her to be able to walk for some distance, and that she needed to take it with baby steps - but it sucked, plain and simple, that her supposedly permanent paralysis had caused other side effects even after her miraculous movement. Her ability to serve the pack still hung far into the horizon, out of reach. She grunted as she attempted to hoist herself off the floor, resigning to letting her badger friend help her back up. No doubt someone would hear the commotion and investigate.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
01-11-2022, 07:03 PM

The very distinct thud of a body colliding with the floorboards caught his attention, and the titan was glad that he had just finished up with bottling his latest mixture. If it had spilled he would have had no choice but to tear the unfortunate soul a new asshole. Instead, he simply wandered lazily towards the door to peer out into the hall and see who had taken a tumble. It was a bit early to be that drunk, but who was he to judge anyone for day drinking? Instead of a drunk packmate picking themselves up off the floor, he was a familiar bony body sprawled out just beyond the doorway to her room. A frown crinkled his features, and the cosmic giant lumbered over to where the round little badger was attempting to hoist the scrawny Laeta to her paws. "I had assumed it was a joke when I overheard that you were moving again," he rumbled with a quirk of his brow. "Do you need help getting up?" the question was followed up with a glance at the badger, who was likely more than capable. However, leaving her on the floor for the badger to seemed... inconsiderate.

Same as the last time he'd seen her, the poor little dame was thin, and her muscles were notably atrophied. It would take a great deal of work to get her back into shape to be moving like normal again. "Maybe someone should be wrapping you in wool if you're going to insist on wandering around like a newborn fawn." the sarcastic drawl escaped him without the forethought to withhold the comment, but he thought he was pretty funny, so why deprive others of his dry humour? The titan wouldn't make a move to pick the fae up until he got some kind of consent, though plucking her up by the scruff to deposit back into bed would be about as laborious as collecting an errant child at this point.





Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-11-2022, 10:13 PM

Not long after her tunble, Mel had no sooner nudged himself below her chest to gently push her up than a familiar, massive figure approached. Laeta forced herself back onto wobbly fawn legs, suddenly realizing that even when (awkwardly) standing, the titan was still at least twice as large as she. She could help but smile, even as whatever remenants of her muscle remained screamed for relief. Resigning to an awkward, slumped sit, Mel nervously shifted by the emaciated woman’s side as he offered a polite nod to the physician. Deion. The male was gruff, and coarse, but he had relieved her of a great deal of pain during her months of being bedbound, more than she thought he realized. Though her joints still gave out the odd crack or pop, especially after shifting into a weirdly splayed sitting position, the soreness was tremendously reduced. She had him to thank for that, among other physicians that aided in her treatment thus far. "I wouldn’t be surprised if others believed it to be a joke," She said, her ruby eyes bright as she glanced up at the titan. She even had to tip her chin upwards a bit just to really see much of his face. "After all, my paralysis was thought to be permanent." Apparently, it was not - even with a noticeable neck fracture Syanna had palpated and diagnosed herself, and Deion further confirmed it during his massage sessions with her. He had undoubtably seen the woman through her worst, but at least he hadn’t had a chance to see her even before that - paralyzed and wracked with the ooze. Things were on the up and up now, she could feel it even in her worn, weak bones. When he had inquired as to whether she needed help getting up, she attempted to shift in her set, but her muscles decided they’d had enough of holding up her torso and legs and she flopped, splay-legged, to the floor again. "I, erm, I guess so," She said, voice muffled from the floor where her chin now rested. She was frustrated - every tike he believed she was making some semblance of progress - with a great deal of help she even made it down the stairs. Of course, Mel practically lifted her off her toes most of the time, but she had walked at least a dozen steps without falling, then. Today, it seemed her body was backpedaling.

Once Deion would help her back up on her feet, with Mel quietly by her side, the woman let loose the lightest of chuckles at Deion’s sarcastic comment. Who knew he was so funny? She had her suspicions that there was a genuinly laid-back fellow beneath the tough, gruff exterior, but she hadn’t witnessed it until now. He’d likely find some solace in her chuckle, knowing that his comment was not taken too seriously and that she was truly happy, even with the frustrations of not being able to move very far. "I guess I really would be a wolf in sheep’s clothing then," She said warmly, "Though a fawn isn’t a poor description of my current state, either." She really was like a helpless newborn herbivore - all gangly legs, trembling with each step and faltering. Despite being lifted into somewhat of a sitting - or standing position - however Deion decided to help her up for their brief moments of conversation, Lae found herself out of breath from holding her weight - concerning, seeing as she was already so thin. "I’m exhausted already," She observed out loud, "Could you help me to my room? I don’t suppose you’ll have much trouble." He really wouldn’t - for the titan, Laeta was but a little pup he could just up and carry back into her bed. Though it’d be a letdown for her to resign to the bed in which she had lain in all these months, she knew her muscles, or what was left of them, could barely tolerate more than a few minutes of movement. She was deeply in grtitude for this physician, he was a kind friend and had her best interests, health-wise, in mind.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
01-23-2022, 02:33 PM

It was amusing, in a horrible way, to watch her falter and struggle to remain upright. He hadn't been around too many children, but she was unlike a toddling pup trying to figure out its new gangly legs. Laeta had retained the snark and witticism all throughout her stasis in her room, and it hadn't been lost now that she was up and moving. Up she went, from the floor to her knobby, thin legs. A brow quirked imperceptibly in surprise. Though as the petite damsel slumped awkwardly onto the hardwood he couldn't help but snort softly and tip his skull to regard her features from a new angle. She did, however, agree to have him heft her back to her feet. He grunted wordlessly in assent and lowered his titanic frame so he could slide a forepaw under her chest as he had done more than a few times lately. Slipping his forearm under her chest and neck, he sought to lift her onto her rump again as he straightened out his leg again. He caught the soft laughter she let out, quickly followed by a remark about wolves and sheep clothing. By the time he had gotten her sitting upright, the cosmic giant decided he would take a seat himself, outstretching his thick foreleg and fitting it loosely against her dainty shoulder to lean her meagre weight against. He doubted she weighed enough to even bruise his leg at this point.

The dark furred fae mentioned that she was already exhausted, and requested that he take her to bed. There was another joke in there about the ease of manhandling her, and he chuffed out a small laugh through an upturned lip. Brilliant amaranthe gaze drifted over her shoulder, to the pouring rain that fell outside. "You've spent a hell of a lot of time in there already, wouldn't you rather sit in the rain for a while?" he offered with a lifted brow. "A little wet grass under your paws might be nice, if you can stand being carried down three flights of stairs by an old man like myself." rumbling vocals brought forth the chance for adventure with a small shrug of his heavy shoulder. There was something about spending all of ones time indoors, without easy access to the dirt and its byproducts, that couldn't possibly be good for a recovering patient. Turf was easier to fall onto than stone and wood, besides. If she wanted to practice her walking, it would be kinder for her battered joints to be landing on grass and spongy, wet earth.





Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-23-2022, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2022, 09:08 PM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

Laeta let herself be helped up, not minding it much considering she’d been used to the titan’s presence from his medical massage sessions, as well as the trust built up between them. As doctor and patient, yes, trust was vital in that aspect - but also has simply friends. She’d known him just long enough to know he was genuinly helpful. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be a physician, would he? His help received a smile in thanks, and though she had resigned herself to resting in bed, Deion’s suggestion of sitting out in the rain and perhals taking a few steps on softened earth would do her good. Lae couldn’t deny that - she missed the feeling of raindrops pelting her fur, the soothing coolness of the water on her skin and face. It certainly did one good, no doubt about that. Nevermind that Mel eould think she’d catch cold; he’d follow along whether he liked the idea or not. She had to realize she wasn’t physically confined to the room anymore. She could go wherever she pleased..even if it meant she’d need some assistance.

The smile never left her lips as the thin woman replied, "You know what? I’d love to sit out in the rain for a bit. It’s been ages since it’s touched my fur."
At the nebula-pelted titan’s remark of whether she minded being carried down the stairs by someone like himself, she chuckled warmly. It’d been ages since she’d had such a lighthearted conversation. It was nice to talk about something that wasn’t directly related to her odreals over the past few months. She needed this, for sure. "If I could stand having my joints cracked and my body propped up, I can definitely stand you carrying me down some stairs," Laeta said, her voice filled only with happiness and that slight streak of snark she’d carried from her time being bedridden. She’d attained that streak through the recovery of her ordeal as her personality shifted massively - for the better, really - and just never dropped it. It was a positive shift, as was her mindset nowadays, from when she first arrived at the pack. She was almot fortunate Deion was seeing her true personality now - a kindhearted woman who simply wanted to help out and enjoy her life with purpose. With that, whenever Deion was ready, he could scoop her tiny body up and descend the flights of stairs. Mel didn’t protest this time. He was simply grateful Laeta was able to walk again, and it showed in his bright beady eyes and soft smile.

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.