
A Learning game


Carnage I


5 Years

01-10-2022, 11:33 AM
Carnage had become bored of her days and as they became more and more the same she only had herself to blame. While she could blame the pack activities to be boring it was up to her to make the most of the days. Unusual for her, she was up during the day time, she would lounge in the foliage and spread herself out across the floor withought a care in the world. What had she been doing in the past few weeks... months? to help improve herself. The harsh realization was that she was doing nothing. How did she expect to be on the top of her game withought putting in a little bit of work? She would sigh in realization before rolling onto her back looking upon the clear blue sky, her eyes would squint in the day late. She would take a few moments to think of her day and how she could be productive. She often went to the battlefield to train and she would hunt big game with the pack. However... what did she do about the small prey, such as the rabbits? It was like a lightbulb clicked into her head. The little creatures were far more agile and fast and she usually had little effort to chase them with little game. Growing up, she had little practise in crafting her own traps. A sigh would leave her ebony lips and she was excited to be somewhat productive. What better day than today then to try and make a successful trap. Where would she begin

She would quickly stand and stretch her long limbs, before shaking her fur from any of the foliage that ruffled into her soft curls. She would pace the lands as she would lose herself in thought, what exactly did she need? The girl would look towards the pack resources and would carefully look all over the terrain. It took her a while and she would grab anything that she may deem to be useful. So far, she had some vines, rocks, bait, twigs and some other bits and bobs. Carnage would stare down at the equipment, wondering exactly where she should start, this could be tricker than she expected. If she failed, atleast she could take this as a learning curve. Carnage learned that we needed to think smarter, not work harder. Should she master this, it would make her life a whole lot easier. The girl would slowly pick up a vine with her maw, a twig in her good paw. Carefully, she would wrap the vine around one twig, and the other end around another. Carnage had earleir found an old carcass, she would tear atits skin, she would use the skin to trap the rabbits. She had found some dens earlier and slowly made her way over stabbing each ends of the sticks to the mouth of their dens. She would place the skin over the vines, the fur would droop over. Carnage would find another stick to puncture it into the fur, so that it would fall or fly away. behind the fur, another sharpened stick laid behind, which she hoped would puncture the rabbits and injure, not just trap.She now had a little 'pocket.' She hoped that the rabbits would run into the trap out of fear when they run back to their homes.

Carnage would wait around for what seemed like hours, hiding in the foliage, waiting for her opportunity. When it seemed like she would get know action for the day a scent would tease her nose and she would perk up in interest. She would remain careful and observant and with instinict she sunk below the grass level as she neared closer and closer to the prey. The girl was excited and hoped she she would be successful, though atleast it was a learning day. Eventually, she would watch as a rabbit was grazing, the aim was to track it and chase it towards a den so that it would seek 'shelter.' Carnage would wait for the right moment to pounce. When that came about, the lady would lunge forward to close the distance between them, and instinctly the prey would run as if their life depended on it. which it had, The girl needed to remain focused and calculated and would lunge forward to her own right to make sure the rabbit would lunge left and into the right direction. The girl would chase in anticipation and as she guided the rabbit, it did infact go towards its fate, to the Den. The rabbit bounded forward and rushed to the shelter, the impact of the speared stick piercing into the bunnys shoulder. While she was successful in getting to where the target needed to be and injured the rabbit, with the speed it was going the trap collapsed, though slowed the rabbit down just enough for Carnage to clasp her prize.

She would end the rabbits life instantly and take the prize. Though she was somewhat successful, her trap had failed. It was not strong enough or durable. She would hae to revise her tactics with one of the other hunters in the groups and get their advice, so she could be more successful in the future. This was a near miss.