


07-31-2013, 08:30 PM

An alpha eh? She would've never pegged her former associate as an alpha type, then again she was a whore like herself, so anything was to be expected of such a slippery woman. She could still recall the days when the tri-colored woman and the midnight seductress Medusa would taken on clients together, often times tag-teaming. Oh what fun they had had. Aspasia had developed a rather close bond with the young woman and she had been rather disappointed when Medusa had been decided to leave the harem, but the older woman had understood the younger one's reasons. She couldn't spend her entire life with the harem, as much fun as it was. She had to expand her horizons, carry her wonderful past time to the rest of the world. It wasn't fair that they keep their beautiful craft to themselves and not share with the world. It would be a tragedy.

It had been about a year or so since she had seen the wonderful Medusa and the tri-colored vixen was beginning to miss her old associate. So after very little deliberation the woman had set out to find Medusa, intent on rekindling their friendship and perhaps finding some new clients that they could share. Silky ivory and obsidian paws carried the seductress through the new territory, glittering emeralds flickering over the towering red woods that had began to surround her upon entering the heart of the new terrain. So this was where Medusa was living now? She was always a woman with good taste and this certainly proved it. Aspasia slinked through the night, a seemingly invisible ghost as she moved to the scented borders marked by Medusa. She would've just crossed through, but the smell of other wolves was pungent in the air. So she really did have a pack. How interesting. The scents all belonged to females, but she knew none of them. Though females were quite easy to sway at times, they were a lot more temperamental than men and she didn't feel like squabbling with pups that night. Pace was halted at the border, ivory haunches folding beneath her as she seated herself, obsidian muzzle tilting up to the darkened heavens, a seductive croon filling the air around her as she summoned the midnight mistress to her.

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Medusa i


5 Years
08-20-2013, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013, 02:25 PM by Medusa i.)

Ghosts were things that she tried not to let haunt her, and yet today she found the faintest trace of one resting within her nostrils. At first she thought herself delusional; there was no way the rest of the harem had found their way to these lands, no way that he had come to track down his renegade piece of property. And yet the call was undeniable; at the very least Aspasia had come, and Medusa could not resist the way her legs pulled her forwards, towards one of the women whom had integrated her into the harem that had raised her.
?It would seem you age as well as wine, my sweet,? she crooned as she approached, bi-colored eyes checking over her comrade, not in a sexual way but rather in an attempt to discern if she was in any distress. ?Have you gone running from him as well??she would ask. There was no question of who she was referring to; in the harem he had been the Master, and he was the only man who they?d needed to worry about.


08-20-2013, 10:08 PM

Her soft melody would fade into the night, becoming just a distant whisper that would come to cease to exist. The moments seemed to drag on for what seemed to be like an eternity. Was Medusa not within her borders that night? Or perhaps she was busy attending to pack business...or even personal business. The thought of her comrade working her magic made her inky lips twitch in a smirk. Oh how she had missed the midnight siren. Just when it seemed that she would have no response, the sound of pawsteps was detected. Glittering emeralds danced across the darkened landscape, finding the familiar obsidian figure of Medusa as she strutted towards her. A welcoming smile tugged at her dark lips as she rose to her paws, allowing her skull to tip in a short bow of greeting, acknowledging the woman's new stature of power.

It would seem you age as well as wine, my sweet. A quiet chuckle rumbled in her chest, crown shaking in amusement. Still the same Medusa I remember. You haven't aged a day my lovely. Came sugared lyrics, dripping from her dark jaws like sweet honey. She was glad to see that even now that she was leading her own pack, Medusa hadn't lost any of her charm. Would've been a real shame if she had. She could see the mistress' eyes roaming her figure, but the look behind them was not one of lust, but simple observation. Her following question allowed Aspasia to understand the look. Don't fret yourself dear, I do not run. I simply outstayed my stay and decided to wander off. She knew exactly who the dame was referring to and she feared nothing from the man. He had no quarrel with her. She had been one of the oldest women there and in her mind it was time for her to broaden her horizons. The harem couldn't be her life forever.

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