
Don't Try To Make Me Feel Bad

Kefka, Alastor



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-09-2022, 11:59 PM

After The Long Night she had grown increasingly anxious. Since running away she had kept herself aware of her surroundings. But since Agria’s ghost came to see her, she felt entirely different. It didn’t help that she had been alone almost this whole time. Rhaegath had disappeared, she missed her opportunity to join her uncle but he seemed to have disappeared too. She had seen Kichi from time to time and now she was alongside him and Alastor again but that didn’t seem to help the feeling of fear in her. She wondered if she would live the rest of her life like this, wondering if Kefka was somewhere out there. Looking for her or waiting in the shadows for the perfect time to strike. She had always had the thought that he would kill her like he did Agria for her defiance, but since Agria came to see her she was almost sure of it.

She wandered separate lands often, every few hours, keeping her awake and on the move always. She was no longer a strong willed, smart girl or at least not now in her life. The fear had consumed her, and left her with nothing left to express. She had shut down almost completely.

It was late enough to be dark out, she wandered through the grove which had been her favorite place of her entire life. The near silence of the trees rustling really did put her at ease. With her cloak as she always wore, she ended up taking a seat and really just savoring the moment of peace, almost mediating in it. These moments were rare for her these days.




5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
01-10-2022, 12:02 AM

He had been all over creation in search of his lost daughter. She had taken care to leave promptly where her scent would be washed away by the time he noticed she was gone. He was really, honestly a wreck because of it. He couldn’t understand what he had done wrong at least after days of Relm not returning. And as days turned into weeks, months, and seasons, it was actually over a year since she had left. His mind too, was not in the same manner it used to be.

He had come across her scents in multiple places he wouldn’t have expected. Where they lived in Dreamer’s Col, Firefly lake where he had killed Agria. It brought him back to Auster for these reasons. She really was playing smart. He waited for sometime at the Bifrost, like he would catch her there coming back up north once her stay was up. He grew impatient though, and while he didn’t know exactly where she was or that she was traveling with a band, he knew she had to be nearby.

He traveled south, staying along the main route to the bifrost only to find her scent not far from the land bridge. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, like he hadn’t felt her scent so strong before. But with the strength of her heat, it only made him more eager to get to her.

When his eyes met her, he still recognized her much more mature frame even with the cloak hiding her colors. He stayed silent, light paws were easy and well practiced for him. He didn’t want to startle her until he was close enough. As if he belonged there, his paws led him beside her, relaxing into a seat with his eyes scanning the grove just to remember this was where she always wanted to be.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-10-2022, 12:04 AM

She was completely unaware that Kefka had discovered her traveling patterns, and more so had actually found her. With her eyes closed, taking in the breeze of the grove and clearing her mind. Maybe this was her only true way of rest these days while she couldn’t hold a good long sleep.

To her surprise, when she opened up her light optics again he was sitting there right beside her reminding her of the vision she had when she was ill with the ooze. She jolted up immediately, getting up on all four of her paws and facing him defensively. The thought of calling Alastor or someone from the band had crossed her mind, but she thought it would have been easier for her to just act like she was alone.

Her eyes quickly flashed around him, ignoring anything he had to say to her, and she finally took the initiative to run back towards camp which really wasn’t that far away. She figured if she ran into camp he would let her go easily. Only she was weaker because of the lack of sleep and her own mental conditions. So when she went to dart past him he grabbed and pinned her to the ground. It was when she started screaming though not necessarily for Alastor. "Stop! Let go of me!" She growled defensively as she thrashed around under him in her best attempt to get free, anything he said to her were just dead words on deaf ears.




5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
01-10-2022, 12:08 AM

He wasn’t fully expecting the reaction she gave him, and once she jolted and faced him defensively he tensed ready to strike back at her. He hadn’t planned to hurt her at all, only try to contain her. That probably wasn’t the right thing to do either but he had searched all this time for her and he wasn’t letting her go without at least a reason or explanation.

"Relm stop, I just want to talk to you." His voice was not genuine, especially not with his usual crooked smile but he did really just want to talk. He wanted more than that, he wanted to take her home. But he had to start at step one.

He immediately jumped forward when she went to bolt, grabbing her around the barrel and pushing her down on the ground to keep her still. He hollered back at her, "Stop struggling, we just need to talk, I just need…" with her struggling underneath of him, he fought himself, the scent of her own heat was intoxicating to him and it was bringing his fear right up in front of his face. Maybe he should have stayed away because it would have avoided this. "Fuck, Relm." He closed his eyes as he leaned into her, there was no going back for him now. But as he began seeking his needs, tears started falling from his eyes. He never wanted this.

-Short Fade-

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-10-2022, 03:06 AM
The scream had gotten his attention from across the grove. The behemoth of a wolf had been skinning a deer from a recent kill to make more blankets for the newest additions to the band when Relm's voice carried through the trees, shrieking in panic, her words loud enough for red-tipped ears to make them out even from here. "Stop! Let go of me!" Alastor's obsidian eyes narrowed to deadly slits and the brute dropped the deer carcass, hauling ass through the grove in the direction of Relm's scream. He tore through copses of trees and berry bushes, ripping through the foliage, drawing closer and closer. It only took him a couple of minutes to get clear across the terrain, but when he had, the scene that he came across caused his heart to drop into the pit of his stomach. He first smelled Relm, her heat scent still strong and prevalent. But beneath that was another familiar musk, one that rang a bell somewhere far back in his memory. Then he heard Relm's struggling and the grunting of Kefka. Bursting into the clearing, he saw them—Kefka on top of Relm, pinning her to the ground while he had his way with her.

Alastor didn't register the tears on Kefka's face, nor the look of anguish that he mistook for pleasure. All he saw was a father raping his child and felt something inside his head snap. The long-dead voices of his siblings' screams echoed in his ears and drowned out his senses. Before he knew it, Alastor was barreling across the clearing and slamming his body into Kefka's, throwing the large brute off of his own daughter. The demon brute didn't stop his attack there though. While he threw Kefka off of Relm, Alastor continued with his forward momentum, lunging after the clown brute with vicious jaws snapping at any parts of flesh he could reach. He still hadn't gotten full control of his new claws yet, but it didn't matter. Alastor lashed out with those sharpened ruby-red gem claws, seeking to rip and rend through fur and muscle wherever he could get. The attack was savage and wild, driven by a need to defend Relm with only one primary goal in Alastor's demented mind.

Kill Kefka.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
01-10-2022, 08:11 AM

He hadn't relieved himself in her, hopefully it wasn't meant to be that way. But he was abruptly ripped off of Relm's body by a chest to the shoulder, slamming and sliding onto the ground. Kefka evaded Alastor's first couple bites just enough to keep up his character, if Alastor had ever forgotten what he was like. "Don't tell me you've been fucking my daughter, Al." He was wholly joking but there was always the possibility of course. Through the tears that had stained his face that the dark brute wasn't really paying attention to for other reasons, he still pulled up that dark gazed clown grin.

Alastor was finally able to grab hold of Kefka through his teeth, mangling him around his chest and neck while Alastor certainly had the upper hand over top of him. Kefka wouldn't just lay there and take it though, seeking to grab bites to rip out of Alastor's own chest and scruff. He grit his teeth as Alastor's gemmed claws ripped into his chest and side, that fancy clown grin was no longer present while his life was now really at stake.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-10-2022, 06:28 PM
OOC: PP permission granted by Chrono through Discord. I apologize in advance for what I'm about to do.

The feel of the other large brute's body tumbling about beneath his brought Alastor a rush of adrenaline he hadn't felt in some time. His initial bites bit down on nothing but air, teeth snapping and clicking with audible lethality close to tender skin and tendons yet missing their intended marks. Kefka's voice teased him, taunted him, accused him of fucking his daughter. Alastor hadn't laid a paw nor other part of his anatomy on the girl—which was more than Kefka could claim now—despite the obvious temptation from Relm's biological change as she came of age. The girl was under his protection now and he would give the demented clown a demonstration of what happened when someone dared to harm a wolf that was his. Empty abyssal eyes locked with the tear-stained lifeless black gaze that mirrored his own in the clown wolf's face, feeling nothing but burning rage for the cretin. The tears meant nothing to Alastor, not if he'd begged for his life, and not now as his fangs sunk into the skin of his opponent's chest and neck. Thick, hot blood gushed across his tongue, activating the primal part of his brain that craved violence and gore. His bloodlust kicked in, removing every conscious part of Alastor until there was nothing in the brute's head but the baser predator looking for his next kill.

Kefka fought back with fang and claw, finally understanding the dark dire brute's murderous intent. Alastor was only barely cognizant of the sting of Kefka's teeth tearing into his chest, the flashes of hot pain sparking bursts of red in his brain. The pain excited the sadomasochist, spurring him into a wilder state. Adrenaline and dopamine drowned out his pain receptors so all he felt was the high of combat and the delicious flavor of blood in his mouth. The predator in him craved more. Alastor brought his muzzle down to snap over Kefka's when the clown went for another bite to his scruff, forcing the other wolf's muzzle shut while he bit down with all his might until he felt bone crunch and Kefka's jaw broke. A large black paw took a swipe at his foe's face, digging those gem claws into the skin of Kefka's left brow until he felt bone, then tearing slowly down through his flesh until those same claws poked through the thin membranes of Kefka's left eye. With a vicious snarl muffled by his opponent's muzzle still in his jaws, Alastor shoved a clawed digit forward and pierced Kefka's onyx eye, eviscerating the delicate organ in a pop of gore and viscera.

Alastor released his enemy's muzzle just to allow him the opportunity to hear Kefka's sounds of pain and anguish. The clown might not give him what he wanted, but it didn't matter. Whether he died screaming or died silently, nothing could save the fallen Abraxas now. With his paw still gripping Kefka's skull with a digit hooked in his bloody eye socket, Alastor lifted the blood and two stained wolf's head and slammed it ruthlessly down into the ground once, twice, three times as hard as he could. Alastor snarled as he hurled Kefka's body across the ground by his head, marching up to the half blind wolf slumped across the ground before he could get back to his paws. He caught Kefka with a paw to the smaller brute's back, forcing him back down before lunging with wicked jaws to snap down on the closest foreleg to him, biting down at the elbow joint and twisting until he felt more snapping beneath his teeth. He didn't just want to kill his opponent; he wanted Kefka to suffer, to know his end was coming and to feel every bit of pain he deserved until he felt nothing ever again.

Alastor felt the warm blood on his coat from the numerous injuries Kefka had managed to land on him, but it did nothing to slow down the dire wolf's rampage. Swinging a paw into Kefka's underbelly, Al dug his claws into the other brute's soft flesh and rolled him onto his back, tearing those razors of siam gemstones down from torso to groin. Holding his writhing form down, Alastor slowly tore his claws down through Kefka's sensitive flesh, manic obsidian eyes watching with malevolent glee as he separated Kefka's manhood from his body, a fitting punishment for the vile lecher who'd violated his own child. Kefka's legs kicked up at him, catching Alastor beneath the chin and clocking him so hard he saw stars, but it was far too late. The brute's balls came off next, tearing them away with violent yank of claws rending the thin flesh that housed them. Kefka swung for him again, catching Alastor off guard when the Abraxas' claws slashed across his face in a similar way the Mendacium man had done to him but fortunately just missing his eye in the process. Alastor snarled as drips of blood spilled down his face, the searing pain melting away into a demented pleasure that left him giddy and euphoric. Kefka curled his body upwards to sink teeth into Alastor's foreleg, biting down with a tremendous force that nearly yanked Alastor off his paws.

Wide, tooth-filled grin splitting his maw from ear-to-ear, the demon faced down at the clown, laughing like a maniac while he swung his paw up and caught his claws on the soft tissue connecting Kefka's jaw to his skull. With a grunt and strain, Alastor yanked Kefka from off his leg with a splatter of blood. Still gripping the clown by beneath his snout, Alastor slammed the Abraxas to the ground beneath him for the final time. Pushing Kefka's muzzle up and held it out of his way, Alastor slowly dropped his muzzle to his opponent's throat, savoring the way he fought and struggled all the while. Kefka got a couple more slashes across Alastor's face and neck with his lashing paws, pushing against the blood-soaked face and neck of Alastor with all his might to prevent the coup de grace and stay alive, but it was in vain. Alastor parted his jaws, the warmth of Kefka's throat filling his mouth, fangs pricking at tender flesh. Then Alastor slowly bit down, applying more and more pressure as he went until he felt the pop of veins and arteries and the squish of tearing meat. Muscle and sinew tore beneath his teeth and the brute's blood poured into his mouth with each numbered beat of his twisted heart. Alastor groaned while the coppery flavor consumed him, black eyes rolling in his head. Then, holding Kefka's head down with one paw and another on his chest, Alastor ripped the clown's throat away from his body.

Alastor spat the mass of fur and flesh to the ground and stood above the dying wolf, watching as his body twitched and convulsed in its death throes. By now, Kefka would have known he was already dead. It would only be a minute or two before the brute's heart pumped the last of his blood out of the gaping wound on his neck, already starting to pool beneath his bloody and beaten body. Alastor would watch every last second of Kefka's life with violent glee. The wolf that had made an attempt to fuck his former fiancée, the wolf that had raped his own daughter, experiencing his final moments at his feet, bleeding out in the dirt where he belonged. Alastor was no paragon of virtue or justice, but it felt like karmic revenge to the sociopathic demon. He watched Kefka as he died, a paw still pressing down on his chest to keep the clown pinned where he was, just until he ceased moving. Once Kefka fell still and the gurgling sounds of blood spilling from his throat had ceased, Alastor moved to grab his fallen foe's head with two large paws, twisting violently until he felt the vertebrae snap and Kefka's head had been turned 180 degrees, just for good measure. Alastor gazed down into the remaining lifeless black eye that stared into nothingness, never to see again. He let Kefka's corpse drop unceremoniously to the ground then, breathing hard while he trembled with an odd mixture of arousal and euphoria, basking in sweet, delicious, bloody victory.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
01-10-2022, 09:52 PM

Kefka had probably been less practiced in the way of fighting while he had only faced off a few predators on his travels and he certainly wasn't expecting to be chastised when he reached Relm. He wasn't expecting a lot of things, but here he was repeating history only this time his abuse and rape wasn't justified, at least through his own eyes of what he did to Agria.

Alastor grasped onto his muzzle, snapping down with a force he had known himself before Relm. He and Alastor were alike in a lot of ways, though maybe not all. It was probably why they were beside each other at one time and also probably why they rivaled.

Alastor's hold around his muzzle caved slowly, just that first attack had him riddled with an unbearable pain from his jaw and the bridge of his nose breaking into pieces, a disgruntled noise fell out of his throat not only because Alastor had his jaw sewn shut, but because of the pain that opening it would have caused. Alastor was so very not done with him. His ruby claws dug under the surface of his skin, making his whole body tense and twinge, when he made it to his eye Kefka attempted to thrash his head around in Alastor's grasp probably helping pop the all black optic out of socket while his groans were muffled by his snapped jaw. It was difficult to see emotion through their dark eyes, but when Alastor looked into Kefka's it was a pure horror and hatred.

With his release, Kefka's jaw fell loosely from his mouth while he wasn't able to keep it closed himself. If Alastor was looking for a scream, it was only a hummed hiss in the back of his throat. Alastor slammed his head down repeatedly, his skull cracking and blood pooling from the cut skin and punctured eye that wiggled at the mercy of the ruby claw. Laying there on the ground, ahead of him he saw Relm who hadn't moved from when Alastor removed him from her.

Alastor threw him across the ground, Kefka weakly trying to put his paws underneath of himself but he must have known that at this point his death was coming or that he would at least wish he was dead with just his current condition, not even more. Alastor pounded over him, grabbing his leg and twisting it at ungodly angles until the joints snapped and crumbled apart. Alastor's ruby claws prickled into the side of his ribs flipping him over onto his back, only prickled because it seemed like his nerves had almost turned numb from the blood loss and the aching he felt.

Alastor ripped through the flesh over his ribs in a curved fashion, holding his legs down as he sliced into his genitals, again the pain came back while the needle claws slid through the sensitive areas of his skin. Kefka's hind leg broke free from Alastor's hold, flicking back with force in reflex to what he had endured. His eyes weren't looking at the executioner, he was too far along on his train to certain death. The kick to Alastor caused his paw to rip through his balls which also resulted in an instinctual kick back across Alastor's face. It was almost like he had this jolt of energy, jolt of life as his final moments were upon him, lifting his body up in a flash to bite down on Alastor's leg though... his jaw was broken and locked in place when it found it's solid ground.

Alastor's paw thrusted towards Kefka's face as he forced his jaws apart, ripping his face nearly in half leaving Kefka to pour out blood from his throat where his tongue used to be. He struggled little as Alastor moved down to finish the job, slow at first of course and waited until just the right final pumps of his heart to end it.

A well deserved brutal death for what Kefka had done to Agria, and what he could have done to Relm.

-Exit Kefka via Death-

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-10-2022, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2022, 10:41 PM by Relm. Edited 2 times in total.)

Relm cringed as Kefka breathed into her, but she was already not fond of him touching her at all. This would have even been different if he bit her, grabbed, maimed her. She would have hated it.

Kefka started slow like he was regreting with every movement, Relm could hear his quiet whimpers along with pleasure as he continued and she just tried to relax on breathing. She wanted to be anywhere but here. She imagined the golden trees of the grove, she was under them already but she found herself somewhere different. A different time maybe, a time where she was young and this was all she wanted was to live here under the glittering leaves.

She had been gone for far too long in her own world, she hadn't even noticed that Alastor was here and Kefka was off of her. She heard the shuffling and maniacal laughing in muffled tones at first, but soon it all became clear again. She was scared to turn around because she didn't know who was winning. And when she did finally turn to see, she was mortified. She watched just as Alastor ripped Kefka's face apart, an eye rolled out of his head with blood spilling and everywhere. She didn't have to ask to know that Alastor had tortured him to hell, letting his last few breaths struggle until he was satisfied to feel those last few pumps of his life to finish it. It almost felt like forever for it to finally be over.

Relm struggled to her feet at first, but then moved ahead in strong steps. She peered over Kefka's body, no she was not scared of Alastor even while he was still coming down from the high of the kill and adrenaline. She exhaled loudly from a hidden breath she was holding, "Just... Fucking leave him. I'll fucking deal with it later."



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-11-2022, 04:08 AM
For the longest while after he had nearly ripped the head off of the corpse, Alastor sat staring at the remains of Kefka, blood from the clown brute dripping from his jaws while his own crimson flow dripped down his muzzle and foreleg. The animal inside his brain rejoiced, prancing about and howling its violent triumph. Abyssal black eyes shone with a glee he hadn't felt in a long time, not since he'd killed his own father or slaughtered all those suitors for Lurid. It was the revelry of a madman. The beast inside wanted to do more, to rip open Kefka's chest and devour his heart, to piss on his remains like a signature on a gory piece of macabre art, to skin him and fly his pelt like a flag above Elysium. But as the bloodlust began to ebb away and bits of his consciousness returned to grapple with his instincts, Alastor felt semblances of control return to him once more, and the demon wolf just sat there while he caught his breath.

The sound of determined steps came closer, and though Alastor didn't turn, he knew it was Relm. The only reaction he gave the young girl was the flick of a black ear, but otherwise his stygian gaze remained on his latest masterpiece. He didn't see her face, couldn't read her reactions. Would she be horrified by what he had done? Thankful for saving her from being raped and likely impregnated by her own father? Would she hate him for killing her only family left? Turns out, it was none of the above. He heard Relm sigh as if this was little more than an annoyance to her and she told him to just leave the body, that she'd handle it. Alastor ran his tongue over his bloody lips, still grinning but no longer laughing as he had been. The joke had been told, the punchline delivered, and now the joker was dead. A fitting end.

Alastor opened his mouth to try and reply with what little control he had gotten back—but he made the mistake of taking a deep breath through his nose. Relm's heat scent punched him in his senses like running into a solid brick wall. All at once, Alastor felt those thin fraying tethers holding his sanity together beginning to snap. The animal that had started to calm after killing Kefka was once more enticed back to life by the smell of the female in estrus. His self-control, which had been tested since the day her season had started, was rapidly slipping away, already worn thin by his bloodlust, and now other lusts were about to wrench control away from him. Obsidian eyes snapped over to Relm at his side, gazing at her with a gleam of conflict in those irises. They weren't empty like Kefka's had been—quite the contrary, they blazed with a dark fire while he looked at the girl, fighting back instincts hardcoded into his genetics over thousands of years of evolution. The predator in his brain snarled with need. She was a young, nubile fae, fertile and in season. Already images of ravaging her, claiming her, tasting her mouth and other parts of her, his teeth in her flesh and blood on his tongue, extinguishing her heat and putting his pups in her belly were flashing in his mind. How would black, red, pink, and white all look together? There was only one way to find out...

The dire brute gnashed his teeth together and tore his gaze away from Relm, looking back at the mangled body of Kefka instead while he bit his tongue so hard he tasted fresh blood. He was doing everything in his power to remain in control and resist giving in to those instinctual urges. Oh, but she was right there and oh so close...! Alastor screwed his eyes shut, letting darkness overtake him while he fought the urges. Despite knowing that any pups he sired with her would be killed immediately, it didn't dissuade his aching body. Kefka hadn't finished with her—but maybe he could. "Leave, Relm." He spoke through gritted teeth, the extent of his strain obvious in his expression and deep voice. It would not take much to make those tethers come undone entirely. "Go find Manea. Get out of here now before..." Alastor could feel his heartbeat in his head, the tensions in his core growing unbearable. It was so strong that he feared if he so much as moved, he'd wind up pouncing on the girl and having his way with her. He needed to sate his lusts, and if Relm didn't leave, she'd be the one satisfying them.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-11-2022, 07:49 AM

Relm had turned away from Kefka’s corpse, not aware that the executioner was struggling to hold himself down to the earth. She went over in her head about burying Kefka or if she even wanted to. Maybe it would have satisfied some part of her to set him ablaze and let him burn. She pondered only a couple thoughts before Alastor called her name.

Her working eye turned toward him, seeing just the state he was in but no, didn’t fully understand. Not until he mentioned Manea. Alastor was older than her but she hadn’t really seen him as a father figure even in results to the last couple months she traveled close to the band. She bit her lip while she almost shyly looked away from his heaving body, and she wondered...

"Alastor..." She spoke as she stepped forward towards him instead of away, testing the waters. Testing them hard. Not about how far she could get close to him so she could scream for help, but wondering if he felt different than the brute the first time, or Kefka just now. If he felt different. Her pale eyes almost showed some kind of sympathy of how it was okay to release himself. She too felt some kind of thrill hidden deep inside her empty shell. But now that Kefka was dead... she could start being someone again. Maybe someone different than her childhood, someone who came out in her own adolescent maturity. She couldn’t know how the beast he was holding down just for her would treat her, she wanted to feel him in her body and soul, and his teeth and claws into her flesh. And she felt like maybe he deserved a reward for what he had done for her.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-13-2022, 10:45 AM
He had tried to fight the violent, carnal animal rampaging inside of him. Oh how he had tried for her sake. But whether wittingly or not, Relm tempted the beast, showing no fear for him as she stepped closer and beyond the very thin line in the sand he'd made to keep her safe. She spoke his name and gazed at him with a sympathy in her eyes that almost gave him permission to release himself on her, in her. Alastor would never know what was playing in Relm's mind when she decided to push her luck with him. He didn't get the chance to even consider her motives or desires before the pheromones flooding his nares twisted those instincts in his DNA once too much and Alastor felt his will break. Something inside his head snapped and then the animal was loose again. Except this time he didn't see a threat he needed to destroy as thoroughly as possible—he saw a fertile young fae ready to be bred.

Alastor gave a lecherous snarl as he rounded his massive body on Relm, obsidian eyes now ablaze with a dark sinful fire, the hunger palpable in his gaze. The dire brute wasted no time in grabbing for her with a powerful forelimb, going to tug the girl's body to his until their chests met. He wanted her in the most base way a male could want a female. Alastor then went to crush his mouth to Relm's, desiring to taste her. Jet black lips parted her own to slip his tongue into her maw, allowing her to taste her own father's blood in his mouth while he sampled her flavor. Looking into his eyes one could see Alastor was no longer at the wheel. Something far more primal was driving the dire brute now. Sharp claws prickled over Relm's back where he held her, breaking their muzzles apart and pulling her around in one strong movement until she was facing away from him. The massive paw on her back slid between her shoulders and pushed down hard, going to press her front half to the ground while keeping her ass in the air.

Alastor mounted her then, ruby-like claws digging into the skin on her back and her hip where his paws held her. Hips pressed to hers, finding soft parts of her beneath her tail with insistent prodding. In a full display of dominance, Alastor snarled aloud while he dragged his claws down the length of Relm's back from shoulders to the base of her tail, both paws now seizing a firm grasp around her hipbones while he settled his weight over top of hers, claiming her the way nature intended a brute was supposed to claim a fae. Again those blood-red claws dug into her flesh while powerful jaws parted to grasp at her neck, biting down on scruff until he tasted fresh blood on his tongue once more as he claimed what she offered him in reward. The animal in him shuddered with glee, as did his physical form, and pressing forward, Alastor sank deep into Relm, groaning and snarling around her neck while he did as Kefka had teased and fucked the clown's daughter.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-13-2022, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2022, 11:27 AM by Relm. Edited 1 time in total.)

Relm had at first braced for Alastor's impact rather than back away or turning to run. She had after all gave him that silent permission to do what he craved to her, so she wasn't going to back down immediately. That changed once he had her under him. She wasn't going to allow her self to believe what he was about to do to her was raping her, she was expecting those parts and willing to succumb to his own pleasures even if she hated nearly all of it. As he forced his muzzle and tongue down her throat, that was where she had considered it harsh terms.

She had resisted him, her head finding no where to go as it pushed back on the ground under them, the only thing soothing to her was the taste of Kefka's blood but, it just brought up the image of his mangled body which didn't really help Alastor's case here. Had Alastor even had just a moment of clarity in his actions, Relm turned on a dime from when he released her mouth and rolled her over. She was relieved that his tongue was no longer molesting her and that she didn't have to look up at him while he preformed the act, she was much more willing the the beast in control of her now.

She still clenched as Alastor began, this time the feel of his ruby claws gliding down her back making her relax into him but in no way working in his motions. He wouldn't receive any enjoyable sounds for her throat other than a few low grunts where she was actually here in this moment. Closing her eyes, Relm had thought of Alastor giving her his protection not that long ago, having the healer help her after losing her virginity, and of course now where he had killed Kefka for his actions and intentions on her. She had made the way he handled her now justified, feeling him in her was different than the last two times because of how she knew him and how she was thankful, but that still didn't make her give some fake facade of a willing lover. She gave her body to him, but not her mind. She had snapped back into reality as he picked her head slightly off the ground by her scruff. Focusing on the pain and blood trickling down her neck and back, she hoped it would be over soon.





Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-13-2022, 11:16 PM
Manea returned to the grove that had been their home for a fair bit now after a stint of hunting in the near by woods, dragging home a small buck that she had ended up bringing down on her own. She hadn't intended to bring home a larger animal like this, but when the opportunity presented itself to hunt a more substantial meal that was fairly easy pickings all things considered she wouldn't turn that down. She was just beginning to pull the buck through some of the under brush of the grove and between some of the berry filled bushes when the sound of snarls and some kind of commotion in the distance caught her attention and put her on high alert in an instant. She could recognize Alastor's voice easily, those wild snarls something she had heard many a times before, but the fact that she didn't know what was causing them had her worried that something had happened or that someone had invaded their camp.

She dropped her kill without a second thought and took off bounding through the trees, following Alastor's scent and the sounds of feral growls and snarls—the strong scent of blood very soon becoming very apparent and making her paws move faster. When she finally reached him the scene she stumbled in on was nearly too much to take in all at once. The ground around him was painted with dark blood and remains of some wolf that was barely recognizable as a wolf at this point and under him was some younger woman she had never laid eyes on before. There was barely a beat of hesitation, only a slight stutter in her steps as she charged toward her husband that had very clearly lost his fucking mind. She knew all too well how he could get in a fit of rage and bloodlust and this mess he had caused was that to the worst degree. It didn't take a genius to see that this stranger wasn't a willing participant, at least not entirely, and yet here he was, fucking her like the wild demon he was.

As furious as she was that he would rape whoever the hell this was, she tried to remind herself of how demented he could truly be and how out of control of his own mind he could get. She couldn't make any judgements until she found out what the fuck was going on, but she wasn't going to get any answers like this and she wasn't just going to stand by and let him finish. She launched herself at him, biting at the back of his neck and using the momentum to try and shove and pull him off of the girl, knocking him to the ground while nearly shoving the girl away from under him with a kick of her back leg. She tried to wrap her forelegs around him from behind so that her right foreleg would wrap around his neck and cross over his chest while the other looped behind his left foreleg to meet over his chest, digging her claws deep into his chest to keep a solid grip on him while her teeth remained in the back of his neck to try and keep him pinned down. At this point all she could really do was try to wear him down till he came to his senses.

Manea vs Alastor for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Scale armor
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying - Boosted
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Hawk-Eyed

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-14-2022, 08:00 PM
In his rage state, Alastor didn't pay any attention to Relm's signs of discomfort or displeasure. Any other brute would have noticed her lack of enjoyment, sounds, reactions, anything. All the demented black dire could think about was his own twisted pleasure and impregnating the girl with the next generation of mad little black and red puppies. Fortunately for Relm, Alastor never got to finish within her, as his body was literally thrown from hers in much the same way Kefka's had been mere minutes before. Alastor snarled in anger, his claws ripping at Relm's body while he was forcibly removed from her back, feeling teeth snap at his neck while tumbling across the grass. He rolled to his paws, prepared to launch a counterattack on whoever had dared interrupt him. Empty abyssal eyes saw Manea in his peripheral as she came at him, saw her distinctive violet coat and white markings and horns, and he recognized her—but not as his wife or his queen. The wolf that was Alastor saw another wolf that had stopped him from taking his prize and claiming what was his. Only this attractive bitch was one he'd fucked and knocked up once upon a time and could be another means of release. Sure, she might not have been in heat, but that mattered little to the demented dire wolf. She was his, and if he couldn't have Relm, he would have her.

Manea had continued her assault, using her momentum to try and wrap herself around him from behind. Alastor twisted his head with a vicious snarl, not allowing her such an easy avenue without a fight. She failed to loop her forelegs around him completely, though her leonine paws did grab at his flesh, just not as securely as she'd hoped. It also allowed Alastor to twist and turn in her grip, snapping powerful jaws at any part of her he could see. Manea was just out of his reach, however, and so Alastor demonstrated his immense feral strength by rising with Manea half hanging off of him, then reached a massive black paw up aiming to grab the foreleg over his chest and dig his new claws into her skin so he could hold her where she was. Then Alastor pushed his body sideways into Manea's weight, letting gravity take him while he threw himself to his back on the ground hard, attempting to slam Manea beneath his weight in the process and roll away. If he got her off, he would round on her and lunge with violently snapping jaws aiming for any part of her flesh he could find, wanting to make her bleed and hurt and submit. If she didn't release him, Alastor would repeat the move again, and again, ready to slam her into the ground as many times as it took.

Alastor vs Manea for Dominance (Right to mate)
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Serrated Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Holly Crown
Companion 1: Miniature Penguin, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Raven, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Retractable siam gemstone claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-15-2022, 02:01 AM
She already knew it was no contest when it came to brute strength with her heavily built husband. If that was going to be the determining factor then she had already lost. But where as Alastor had lost himself she was fully aware. She continued to try and hold onto him as he stood with her on him despite the fact that her grip hadn't landed as firmly as she would have liked, but when she felt him grip her foreleg, making her snarl as his claws cut into her skin, and pin her limb against him she knew he had to have something planned.

The shift in his weight tipped her off and she very quickly dropped away from him and shoved off of his back before he could fall onto the ground where he might have slammed his weight into her. Instead, he twisted her limb a bit in his grasp, making her wince as he pulled at her shoulder in the process, but at least she didn't get caught under his bulkier frame. He hit the ground hard and she went to make an attempt at freeing herself, snapping at the foreleg that held her and trying to bite into his ankle until he released her. Hoping to keep him on the ground, she went to slam her free forepaw into his neck and press her weight down into him. She also shifted to try and press one of her back paws into his lower stomach near the one thing that might actually get him to pay attention and think for a moment. This did pretty much take any sort of balance or stance out of the equation, this was far from any normal fight and she was eager to see it end.

Manea vs Alastor for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Scale armor
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying - Boosted
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Hawk-Eyed

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
01-15-2022, 03:09 AM
He hadn't managed to get her pinned beneath his bulk, but Alastor had gotten Manea off of his back at the very least. He heard the sharp inhale of breath from Manea when he pulled and twisted at her leg, seeing her jaws coming for his foreleg in the same movement and relinquishing his hold on her to avoid damage to himself while he rolled to his paws, rounding on her with a vicious snarl. He'd put a little bit of space between them, but Manea was already maneuvering on him again. Alastor timed his attack to swing a clawed paw at Manea's neck while she went to slam too of her weight down on him, feeling the collision of their bodies so intensely that she knocked him off of his paws and send him tumbling backward, clawed paws still swinging savage strikes aimed at her neck and chest.

Alastor wound up on his back belly-up beneath Manea, a frenzied black fur ball of deadly teeth and lethal claws half soaked in blood. He lashed out up at his violet queen, senses totally lost. He did become aware of one of Manea's hind paws pressing into his taut stomach, pressing lower and towards more sensitive and currently very stiff parts of his anatomy. Ordinarily, Alastor would have taken the hint and backed down in order to protect his manhood. In his rage state, all Alastor could think of was fighting to his last breath and making Manea bleed before he had his way with her. Besides, she hadn't reached his groin yet, and she seemed especially off balance now. If he could just throw her off before she got too close to his family jewels, he could overpower her and win. So, with Manea's paw making a threatening push down his body, Alastor lunged up at her with rippling muscles and parted jaws, aiming to seize her throat in his grasp and reverse the pin.

Alastor vs Manea for Dominance (Right to mate)
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Serrated Steel Fang Caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Holly Crown
Companion 1: Miniature Penguin, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Raven, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Retractable siam gemstone claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Bloodletter

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.


The Judge


01-22-2022, 06:35 AM

And the winner is...


ALASTOR must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Attack Roll: 12
Defense Roll: 2
Agility Roll: 43
Perception Roll: 86
Total: 143
Attack[12] + 60% Bonus[7.20]: 19.20
Defense[2] + 10% Bonus[0.20]: 2.20
Agility[43] + 5% Bonus[2.15]: 45.15
Perception[86] + 60% Bonus[51.60]: 137.60
Total[204.15] + 20% Bonus[40.83]: 244.98

Attack Roll: 36
Defense Roll: 5
Agility Roll: 18
Perception Roll: 1 Critical fail!
Total: 60
Attack[36] + 65% Bonus[23.40]: 59.40
Defense[5] + 15% Bonus[0.75]: 5.75
Agility[18] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 18.00
Perception[1] + 10% Bonus[0.10]: 1.10
Total[84.25] + 35% Bonus[29.49]: 113.74



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-22-2022, 07:22 AM

Alastor was thrown off her body and it seemed just like repetitive events at this point. She wasn't in a state like she was with Kefka, and she immediately knew where she was once they disconnected.

The sounds of snarls and grunts filled around her again, only this time she was in tune with them. She stood up rather quickly and turned to see that Manea was facing Alastor now. She only watched shyly as the fight commenced and Manea was more just trying to contain him to release him from his chaos. She didn't know Alastor all that well, but she could tell he wasn't himself. When Manea held the upper hand and was pinning him under her, Relm leaped forward towards them but didn't get between. "STOP!" Her voice rang harshly in cracks through the air but calmed hoping she had Manea's attention, "He asked me to leave, I didn't listen to him." She was concerned than Manea even while Alastor's mate was going to hurt him. He was already beaten and bloody by Kefka, and he was getting a second round now with his wife. "Punish me instead." Relm didn't know what Manea's intentions were, maybe she was jumping the gun. But she didn't want to sit by and watch as she hurt or maimed Alastor for something she willingly gave to him.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-22-2022, 12:47 PM
Even with a clawed paw dangerously close to some very sensitive parts of him Alastor was still struggling and fighting her, too far gone seemingly to really care. His gemstone claws swiped wildly at her, catching on the sides of her neck and chest occasionally as she struggled to keep him pinned, peppering her with bloody cuts that criss crossed through violet fur. When he lunged up to try and grab at her neck she snarled and caught his bloody cheek with her paw, slamming his head back toward the ground and turning his muzzle away from her to pin his head down against the ground with his opposite cheek pressed to the blood soaked grass. She was panting hard as she stood over him, keeping him pinned down with a warning growl rolling in her chest when Relm's loud voice suddenly rang out. She didn't take her aqua gaze off of Alastor, too worried that he might try to over power her again if she did, but her ear did twitch toward the younger woman to show she was listening.

If she was being honest she hadn't even realized who it was he was on top of until after the fight began. All she had focused on was the fact that she had found Alastor covered in blood, injured, surrounded by the mangled remains of another wolf, and what looked like raping another woman at least at first glance. She knew Alastor was deranged, she knew he could get out of control, but this was even beyond what she had come to expect from him and the fact that she now realized it was Relm, a wolf he had personally brought into their band himself, only upset her more. She listened as Relm explained that he had told her to leave, but that she hadn't headed his warnings and that made her vicious snarl falter slightly. The Alastor she knew wouldn't want to break his vow to her, he wouldn't want to force himself on Relm, and hearing that made her realize that there were certainly pieces of this story that she didn't know and couldn't have known from how she found them. Relm's plea to punish her instead did get Manea to give her a brief glance from the corner of her eye, but she quickly fixed her gaze back on her crazed husband.

She let out a slow sigh through her teeth after a moment, letting her paw shift down from his cheek to his throat so that he could move his head again. She didn't put any pressure on his throat, but her claws still pricked at his skin as a reminder of what she could do if he tried anything. "There's nothing to punish you for," she told Relm with another brief glance. "Consider this your lesson on how far he'll go if pushed far enough and fucking listen to him when he tells you to do something, understood?" She was upset with Relm for letting this happen as well when it could have been prevented, but hopefully having Alastor attack her was punishment enough. Relm was also still the least of her concerns when she still had an insane brute pinned under her that even now looked like a caged animal just waiting to attack her. "He's not going to calm down till he gets some kind of relief so unless you want to watch us fuck I suggest you leave." She didn't really care what Relm did at this point. She would have to get the full story and deal with Relm later. For now she had to deal with the ebony man still attempting to break away from her.

As much as she wanted to berate him and scold him for letting it get to this point, as much as she wanted to tell him how much of a danger he could have been or could be in the future if this were to happen again, she knew he wouldn't hear any of it. She had to get him back down to earth before she could do any of that. She gave Relm a moment to walk away, hoping she would at least head her advice this time. If she didn't she supposed they would have an audience. Either way, Manea removed her paw from his groin and shifted her hips back till she was straddling his waist, keeping her paw on his throat all the while. She would give him his release, but it was going to be on her terms. She already knew that even if she was on top of him he'd still ravage her in one way or another and she accepted the fact that her body was going to have to take the brunt of his rage, but it wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't be the last. While usually she was more of an enthusiastic participant in these things and usually loved when he had his way with her, this was under significantly different circumstances.

She sank down onto him with a growl, her paw tightening slightly against his throat. A small part of her hated how good everything still felt despite her anger and disappointment in him. He made it impossible to not enjoy at least the physical pleasures of it even if her mind wasn't fully in the moment. His hips pressing up into hers, his claws on her hips, the sounds of their growls and groans on the air... It was all somehow familiar and wonderful despite the circumstances and she found herself forgetting about the mess they were laying in while she had her husband, reclaiming him as her own and reminding him why he was hers, why she was his wife, soul mate, matriarch, and the only woman he should ever want to give his children to.


"Manea Mendacium"