
Growing Up




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
01-12-2022, 10:21 AM

Onyx was old enough now to live on her own but she didn't move away from her family. While she was sick with the ooze, they were still all together in a family den and hadn't moved since Incendium was reclaimed. She was okay with that, and she was okay with now living mostly on her own. She had dug her own den here in the Sparse Pines, family had meant everything to her since her birth even while she was a little more coarse on the surface. They understood her while other's didn't. She wondered when or even if she would start traveling, she didn't think she could stay here for the rest of her life though.

She helped her siblings when needed whether that was a hunt, a spar, or just general company not that she was really good company. Again, they understood her and her actions and she felt like she could be herself around them. Not much others. She didn't really care about what others thought of her. She had a tough exterior. But there was just that hidden, dark feeling that she had made a fool of herself. Cinaed had left after his father's pack disband, which that may have been good reasoning. She knew Ignis didn't do his great job as a father at least for Cina. And she had put herself on the ground wailing in front of Kuroki. She didn't really have crushes or anything like that on them, she wasn't that kind of girl. But she had always wanted to be proud in herself and not think that what she was doing was driving away the wolves she was fond of. She was not doing a great job at it.

Onyx had her father help her cut and sew the leather piece of her armor while she was out collecting supplies for the rest of it. Away from her den but still in the pines, she drug out the leather piece along with a bag of small bones and a sharpening stone. Putting the leather harness to the side, she dumped out her bag of vertebrae, teeth, and just other smaller bones that she was going to shape and sharpen. She also had mixed black paint in a bowl beside her.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 380 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

4 Years
Extra large

01-12-2022, 09:49 PM
After coming across the strange metal ornaments in the plains to the south, which had been littered with so many odd items that he didn't have words to describe, Raylan had decided he'd make use of the surprisingly sharp pieces to make something he could use in a fight. His claws were fine, if a little blunt, so something to add a bit more lethality to his legs sounded like a good idea to him. He'd sent time gathering suitable pieces of metal, sharp rocks, bones, and other small tools he would need, as well as hunting prey large enough to skin the hide for that he could comfortable wrap around his forelegs. Bracers with sharp spikes on them seemed like the easiest way to achieve more damage while still keeping some type of maneuverability.
Raylan had bundled all his items up and travelled north to find a more secluded spot where he could craft what he wanted in relative peace. Someone to chat with would be more than alright, but he didn't want to be bothered by multiple wolves while he was working. He soon found himself in a sparsely wooded place, and decided it would be the perfect place to set up a small camp, but before he could do just that the scent of another wolf was brought to him on the wind. Hoisting the bundle over his shoulder he moved towards the scent with intrigue.
A wolf covered in a myriad of blues was found with a collection of small items beside them with a leather harness to the side and a bowl filled with something black. "Mind if I join you on this fine day?" He said with a grin, not waiting for a response before letting his own bundle of oddities slip from his shoulder and placing it on the ground by his feet.

WC: 310 (690/1500)



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
01-14-2022, 09:00 PM

Onyx was aware of the approach of a stranger, but didn't jump up to flee. She was a tough girl, but not only that, she had her family here to defend her. She never showed weakness, she wasn't even sure she had it. That was at least what she wanted others to think.

The man stood nearby, addressing her which caused her to look up in his direction. She squinted gently while his own sack of items feel to the ground. "Sure, okay." It was less than thrilled but she didn't dismiss him. Picking out one of her vertebrae from her bag, she started sharpening and shaping it with a grinding stone. She peered up for only a few seconds to see the man's items, seeing small points he would attach to what he was working on. In silence, she jumbled through her bag and tossed him another grinding stone onto the grasses beside him. Her eyes flicked carefully to him before returning to her work.

After she had one of her pieces shaped, she held it up in her paw and examined the now hooked tooth looking bone. She pushed her sharpening stone against it just a few more times as if she was making it perfect. Next, she grabbed out five more bones that she found fit to replicate and started working on those each one at a time. Finally she had six claw-tooth looking bones all in a pile. Taking out a pick like tool, she grabbed her new shaped bones and started digging away holes straight through so she could strap them on to her harness.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 960 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

4 Years
Extra large

01-19-2022, 04:55 AM
She squinted up at him for a moment before agreeing to his request, and he swiftly plopped down onto the ground, rolling his bundle so it lay next to him as he began to unwrap it. He set the items down in their respective piles, letting the two pieces of hide rest between his forepaws, already measured and cut to the desired shape. That had been the easy part, and he found he liked the process of curing and drying a hide, but the next part would require just a tad more skill. His ears twitched as the girl tossed something his way, and upon closer inspection he recognised it to be a sort of grinding stone. Raylan flashed an appreciative smile at her, waggling his brows a little to really sell it. "Thanks, lass."
The two worked in silence, Raylan glancing sideways at her now and then to watch her technique of grinding the bones to shape them to her desired shape, taking note of how she did it to make sure he wasn't doing it incorrectly. He scraped it gently along the ridges of the metal pieces, carefully blowing at it now and then to remove the small metallic flakes as he worked, until finally he had a small pile of talon-shaped metal bits. There, that wasn't so hard. But now he needed to attach them to the leather, and that was going to be the truly tricky part.
Raylan looked over once more at the girl as she pulled out a strange tool and began digging holes into the leather. He searched through his own odd pile of items, plucking out a sharp fang he had grabbed from a predator carcass, and held it in his paw. It was certainly sharp enough to poke holes into the hides, but he'd never done this part on his own before, so he wasn't sure how to start. "Say lass, would you mind showing me how to do what you're doing?" He looked over at her with an award-winning smile, all teeth and twinkling eyes, and maybe even just a slight flirtatious undertone. Asking nicely in this way usually got him what he wanted, and in this case he wasn't sure exactly where to begin with the next part, but the girl seemed to know what she was doing.

WC: 389 (1349/1500)



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
01-19-2022, 09:00 PM

Onyx was only paying little mind to what the other guy was doing, she could have really cared less about his presence. They didn't live in a pack anymore so it was free land, and she wouldn't fight him unless she had to. Or if he pissed her off enough. It didn't take much really.

With the holes now carved into her talon shaped bones, she moved over to the harness that her and her father worked on together. It was all black leather, sewn to her fitting and attached with buckles and straps for what she had planned for the armor. She grabbed the top strap of her harness, poking it through the hole she dug into the bone spur and buckling it tight on the other side. This way it would be easier to replace if something happened to the armor in battle. She followed through quickly with the other five spurs, almost like crafting something like this was second nature to her. Maybe it was, her father after all was a blacksmith. She even scanned her surroundings rather than keeping her focus on strapping the spurs to the harness.

Her ear turned as the brute spoke again, her face wasn't exactly welcoming. She generally wasn't completely friendly at least, and even she knew that. He asked for help and without getting too close Onyx pointed out at his leather bracers, "Well if you were smart you'd feed the studs through the inside of the bracer and stitch a backing onto it." It was more blunt than rude, but none the less was open to how Onyx felt about his own friendliness.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1623 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.