
under the moonlight


08-14-2013, 09:26 PM

a war waiting to be won

The silvery-gray battle queen shifted her bodice so that she could see the world around her. Back legs pushed off of the dry earth, sending her weight forward and up - onto the crumbling wall. Despite the fact that it was summer, it seemed that this land still remained cooler than others she had traveled through. She supposed it was because it was the farthest north she'd been in quite some time. To be quite honest she had missed the icy chill of northern lands. She missed the snow, the freezing rain and sleet, even the hail. Most of all, she missed the familiarity of it all. She'd spent most of her adult life in the winter, but traveling like this brought her into all sorts of climates - some she appreciated, others she did not. This one seemed fair enough though, and the dame had a mind to stand atop this wall and traverse it's length until she found the perfect place to sleep the day away. The midnight moon shone high above her, setting her coat ablaze in a flurry of molten sterling. Oh how she loved the way she looked by the moonlight. She stepped forward, taking great fluid strides as she went, wondering if there was such a place to sleep in this land. It was sparsely forested on the greener side, and was barren and rocky on the side that would probably be covered in snow the very next season. "Hmph," came the sound from her lips. She truly was tired of walking, even though today had been a rather light day of traveling. She supposed she really ought to continue on though, if she were ever going to find somewhere comfortable enough to rest. The daylight was not her favorite light to travel in, particularly during the summer. With another effort from her back legs she landed with a defiant "Oof," before prowling in the direction of what appeared to be a sparse forest of pine trees. It was a good distance off, but it appeared to be the most logical place to find rest.



08-16-2013, 04:50 AM

And so would appear the woman of his past, a crystal vixen of allied blood; her silver coat that of undeniable familiarity, magnificence so effortlessly boosted by the contact of a dribbling moon. For some time he had followed her scent, his evening border patrols had been rapidly cut short by the eccentric aroma. It had ignited a sense of familiarity within his bustling mind, encouraged him onwards despite having no true name or memory to link to its brittle attendance. Though as the feminine creature would leap from the mountainous formation of hoarfrost, connections would rapidly link, sparking with remarkable dumbfound as he would saunter so eagerly towards her; appearing just left of the pines she seemed to aspire for.

Though the angel, a pearly incandescent beneath the silver moon, would fall just short of direct presence; pleasured smirk twitching pale lips as his elegant gait would cease, ruby gaze following his sister momentarily, confirming his assumptions before calling towards her, ?Are you lost, little blue?? he would sway lightly, seemingly blissful within his discovery, a mild sense of exhilaration bustling beneath the pits of his lungs. ?You resemble so greatly my sister, I?ll have you know,? his voice would waver with the chuckles of his play, sure she would recognize him as quickly as he had her. Sendoa had, after all, virtually raised him. Oh, it had been so long, but she was exactly what he needed.


08-17-2013, 07:16 PM

An ear would twist, marred by a single thin scar. It was one of the few that were visible upon her battle-friendly frame. It wasn't particularly noticeable, however, for it was hardly ever mentioned. A faint smile crossed her lips, for the signs of someone nearby were evident, though she couldn't venture a guess as to where that someone might be. Far from a huntress, Sendoa had always had difficulty narrowing down the location of prey or predator, though she usually figured it out in due time.

A scent, familiar but strange at the same time drifted toward her from her left, and so her head pivoted in that direction as the silvery-white figure of another came into view of her emerald stare. She froze on instant, the figure being so familiar that she could hardly believe it to be real. The being spoke, his voice cracking something within her very soul, reminding her of who she was - of who he was. Isardis. The faintest of smirks crossed her lips as her limbs brought her closer to him by a few feet. ?Little I am not, lost and blue I am.? Both ears flickered forward with interest, as the smile grew in width on her silvery face. ?And you, my brother,? she would retort with a chuckle upon her lips. Instantaneously her subconscious sent her forward to seek the space that only a sister could inhabit. The smile all but burst her lips as she twisted her muzzle toward him, aiming an affectionate kiss upon his cheek. Here stood the lad she had raised all those years ago, here stood the only man she ever truly loved.




08-20-2013, 11:27 PM

What greater a time for such a prevailing warrior to reunite with the recently affirmed king? The woman was a battle machine, though still undeniably capable of poise, grace; a rare combination from lines only their father could have passed, could have granted. Isardis would marvel beneath her gaze, an immediate sense of pride swelling his chest, ruby gape so eagerly roaming his sister, climbing her splendour; her frame soaring with no less greatness than he could recall from their past, if anything he were able to appreciate her far more, shuddering beneath the hope that she would strive to serve him. The potential of war loomed upon their doorstep, and the quality dame was exactly what his kingdom needed.

She would lure herself closer, her scent flooding his lungs, reforming brittle memories within his mind. And her voice, so true within her words, would grasp emotively at his heart with eager palms. Was it too late to miss a woman he had all but forgotten? Her tongue would reach for his pelt, a weak chuckle echoing the caverns of his jaws as he would pull his chassis closer, ?I only realise now, Sendoa, how greatly I require you; how greatly my Kingdom requires you. Or do you dare lose your brother, your blood, again?? a somewhat daring question, one that would escalate somewhat quickly considering the little time they had been reunited. Though it were all that tumbled his busy mind. His jaws would reach for the base of her ear, incisors attempting to groom dotingly at steel skin.


08-21-2013, 07:24 PM

Oh how he had grown. She had seen him in his first year or so of life, but he had filled out considerably - and perhaps even gotten handsomer. She had never grown tired of looking into his blushed eyes, and she knew that wasn't going to change now. As her kiss landed against his cheek, the smile glistened. His words interested her, and immediately she would draw back an inch or two to gaze into his coral gaze. He required her, his kingdom did. Her brother had risen to power over a kingdom? How marvelous. It seemed she had a decision to make, as he quite plainly laid out an ultimatum. Choose him and serve his kingdom that required her so, or deny him and lose him once more. ?You were never meant to be lost, you were simply.. misplaced for a season.? As his jaws nibbled at her ear she leaned back into him, finding comfort in a bodice so familiar. ?Tell me of this kingdom you so desperately wish me to serve.? She needed a few answers before her own would be given. As much as she trusted Isardis, she had never been one to agree to something without reading the fine print. Gently her tongue would sweep on any part of ivory fur she could reach, flushed or snowy - it mattered not.




09-16-2013, 06:08 PM

She would lean to his touch, a satisfying purr shuddering free of his quaking lips, though her response weren?t quite as definite as The King had hoped. Blushed towers would waver backwards, frivolously disappointed by her desire to question, though promptly coming to realise it was typical of the burly woman; she was wise enough not to cast herself into unknown situations, not careless enough to swim murky waters. He would come to appreciate such a character, if his pride could allow it. Lips would tweak, skull moving backwards and forwards over her dark ear, grooming and tempting, his voice would usher forth somewhat muffled, ?A northern empire, my blue, barely a season old,? he would pause as his mind marvelled quietly beneath his pride, ?I strive to grow our numbers as great as our powers, though I have but one Overseer helping to achieve my brilliant goals. With you, I don?t doubt we can rob surrounding packs of their greatest, and rise to the luminosity I so hope to achieve.? His weight would shift as the albino retracted from her touch, searching her emerald gaze for any further suggestion of hesitation. Oh, it would break his heart for her to do so.


09-16-2013, 06:38 PM

She had always known him to be a man that wanted a quick decision, but the battle-queen knew nothing of this home he had built. She could dwell in very certain circumstances, and it would be no use to go and be a thorn in her brother's side. As it was, she had known the boy, who knew what kind of man he had grown into. Still, it had never been easy to tell him no, and she knew sooner or later she'd go home with him. He began to describe it, a northern empire. How grand. Growth was his goal, it seemed logical enough. None of it sounded bad, though he had done it best to keep it vague - as was his style. Emerald eyes would delve into coral. ?As always, you have my love and my allegiance, brother.? A smile would crease her lips. ?So long as this growth you speak of requires a bit of bloodshed every now and then.? A mixed chuckle would steal from her trachea, lingering before them for but a moment.




09-16-2013, 07:21 PM

She would follow his gaze as he would hers, a tender smile creasing moon-hushed lips as her welcomed reply would be so willingly absorbed. Proudly he would bask beneath her gape, chest swelling as his lungs would flood with pleasure. Sendoa was a rarity, and The Sovereign was well aware of how great an asset she would be to his royals. In that moment, it was as if the siblings were meant to be reunited, for what would become of Glaciem without its dedicated warriors, its leaders? ?Oh darling, blood?? he trailed lightly, chuckling, thrilled by her keenness of war, ?Is the one thing I can promise you.? He would sway then, blissful both within his ways and the welcoming of Sendoa. Proud to have such a woman of strength to serve him. His confidence would soar, suddenly at ease with the future of his kingdom. Ruby gaze would stray from hers, peering towards the pines that loomed in the distance, ?Nothing will stop us now.?


09-16-2013, 07:48 PM

There was a certain excitement brewing just behind emerald pools, circulating in the forefront of her mind. Already she could see the wars, the proud battles she would lead. Sendoa lived for war, and breathed bloodshed. It was in her very core. She laid eyes upon the pallid brother, the smile remaining on her lips. He affirmed her wish for blood, to which she gave a confident nod. There would be battles, there would be lives lost - one of which could even be her own. That would be honorable in itself. She wasn't afraid. She followed his line of sight as it shifted, twisting toward the grove of pines he'd emerged from. Was that his homeland, the land of the empire she'd just agreed to serve? Curiosity brimmed in her features as she twisted her muzzle toward his nape, tugging at it ever so lightly before trailing her hot breath toward his ear. ?Take me home, Isardis.? She would whisper seductively into the folds of his ear. She recoiled from him, slithering in front of him and attempting to flick her tail at his pinkish nose. With that tease, the woman would head off in the direction of the pines, slowly so that he could correct her if that was not the intended direction.

Exit Sendoa unless stopped.




09-16-2013, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 07:59 PM by Isardis.)

Confidently she would taunt him, send his skin prickling with pleasure as he would hiss; basking beneath her tantalizing attention. Such poise, such grace, such beauty. If it hadn?t have been for Argent, the pale king wouldn?t have thought twice about making the blue fox his Duchess. What greater a queen could a man have? Alas, deeper plans would brew for his silver knight, though still Sendoa would blaze his mind; lurk the folds of his clockwork, send his tongue lashing thirstily at his jowls as she would so effortlessly flaunt her brilliance. She was his now, in body and mind, and blood. No leader could be more proud. Gently he would saunter in her wake, reaching out to snap playfully at her wavering tail. It was only the start.

- exit isar with his blue sessy