
Honing The Weapons



13+ Years
Extra large
09-28-2013, 08:07 PM

War was coming down on the pack she lived in, and she felt useless. Apart from Cormalin, she had sparred with no one else. She knew his moves inside in out. And she had watched spars from far off. But she needed to get in the experience of a spar with someone unfamiliar. Hooves drummed on the hard earth of the Field. She?d never come off the edge of the place, and she hardly ever left the pack land. Curved, delicate ears pricked forward, nostrils flaring at the scent of old blood, and her tail switched, flicking over sleek black sides that hadn?t quite started growing winter hair yet.

Wolves had fought here, some had died, surely. If she could help it, none of the future deaths would be part of her pack. Baroque head, chiseled planes catching the weak late autumn sunlight, raised high, deep blue pools searching the plains, before she rose into a slight rear, issuing a challenge to the Battlefield. It came as a shrieking scream, piercing the air, hoarse and defiant. Hehe, hoarse. Horse. She chuckled to herself in her mind at the pun. A hoarse horse. Then she snapped her mind back to the present moment as her hooves slammed into the ground, raising a light puff of dust.

Statue still, she waited, wondering who would answer.



09-28-2013, 09:29 PM

Restless paws treaded the battlefield, the place that he had not been to since looking for Claire. He figured he would have been here more recently if Chrysanthe had allowed him to attend the battle against Isar...he was more then capable of fighting, and would have gladly done so. He had nothing to lose really. He would attend the next battle, however, and prove himself as a capable member of the pack and show the Glaciems that Valhalla would not be taken lightly. Green eyes searched the fields, recent signs of battle were obviously fought here. In the distance, he could hear the battle cries of snarling beasts as they fought one another for their own reasons.

Dual toned head struck up, ears picking up a strange sound carried loud and hoarse upon the winds. With a tilt of his head, he wondered who it was...then again, it didn't sound like a wolf, nor bear, nor wild cat. There was only one creature that could possess such a sound, and a small wondering thought would pop into his head. What was the equine doing in the battlefield? His paws quickly carried him to the source of the sound, and soon after several minutes the larger figure of the beast came into view. A smile played onto his face as he approached, "Good day Obsidian, what brings you to these grounds?" He inquired, curious as to what the horses purpose for today was. He wondered if the black beast was feeling restless, after all, war was approaching. And Caerul had been itching to do some kind of action that would give him a good stretch.




13+ Years
Extra large
09-29-2013, 01:26 PM

Pawsteps approached, a wet stone-gray form marked like a sabino coming into view. Caerul! Obsidian gave her head a bob of greeting at the male who was eldest son to Cormalin, as he came to a stop before her, greeting her. As he enquired as to her reason for walking the field, she tossed her head. ?War is coming, and I will not be standing aside like a halter filly while my pack is at war. I have strengths wolves don?t. Can a wolf kick an opponent in the head and kill with that blow? You father is the only wolf I have sparred with, and he and I know each other?s moves and tendencies to a fault. I need more experience, to learn how to read strangers. So? I came here to spar. I will warn you now, if that?s what you?re here for as well, that I can?t always hold back the strength of my kicks; your father has received quite the number of bruises, I?m afraid.? Chiseled head ducked in embarrassment at the admission. She needed to learn how to better hold in her strength in a spar. She was improving, but still needed work.

But she wouldn?t be holding that power back once she was on the field in true battle. Thus far, she doubted the northern pack knew of Valhalla?s equine member. She would take them by surprise as she had the grey male that had attacked Rayne, the new secondary Theta. Her blood pounded through her veins. As a breed, Friesians weren?t the hottest blood of horses, but her mother had been a Morab, and had possessed a fiery spirit, and high amount of energy, and that had passed to Obsidian herself. Though, she?d heard her sire has possessed a bit of fire as well. She was a war horse. Deep blue pools settled on her pack brother. ?Do you want to spar??



09-29-2013, 06:13 PM

The man stood tall, ears ticked forward as the beast nickered and spoke. He nodded in agreement, a smile playing at his lips at the mention of a spar, and light rumble would shake his chest at the mention of leaving bruises on his Father. Inclining his head, a flash of challenge and determination appeared in his ever calm green gaze. A flash of teeth would then splash itself onto his features, a smile of accepting her request. "A spar you say? Why I would be most honored to have you as my first official spar. An equine versus a wolf, this will be interesting." He remarked. At last, he might be able to get out some of his restlessness in this battle of the usual prey animal and predator. Though, he was not aiming to kill Obsidian. She was family, and he and the Valhallans had always treated her as such. Obsidian and the wolves protected each other as if she were a pack wolf herself, there was a bond to be shared between her and the Valhallans that other did not understand.

He moved a couple yards away from her, his tail swishing lightly behind him as he trotted confidently into his new place. Turning towards her, he let out a single howl into the air, letting passersby know that a spar was underway. He was sure one or two would come to watch, after all, it wasn't everyday a wolf and a horse had a spar on open grounds. He closed his mouth then, still revealing his teeth as he lowered himself into position. He knew that he would have to be quick, or risk being trampled on. He knew that her hooves were a real danger, but her teeth could be as well. He gave his body a good shake, lossening his muscles, and then he prepared himself. He flattened his ears against his skull should the beast decide to lunge for them with outstretched teeth, likewise he scrunched the fat on his scruff to give less access to the tender flesh underneath, tail became parallel with his spine for balance as he prepared for quick movement, toes splayed, claws digging into earth for traction, knees became bent and his body lowered slightly to the ground. He thought about her charging towards him, and should she decide to do that then he would need to move as quick as possible. He then narrowed his eyes, just in case her leg or hoof decided to catch him in his face. "Challenge accepted!" He cried.

Round 0/4

Practice Spar

Attacks: none

Defenses: Ears flattened against his skull, neck/scruff scrunched, tail parallel with his spine for balance, toes splayed, claws dug into earth for traction, knees bent, body slightly lowered, eyes narrowed.

Injuries: None

OOC: And the fight begins! Good luck to you and to me since I've never done this before lol




13+ Years
Extra large
09-30-2013, 07:53 PM

Caerul was willing to spar, and she nodded in agreement to his remark. ?It is interesting.? One deep blue orb disappeared behind long black lashes in a wink. She studied his defenses as he fell into them, planning and deciding on an attack method as he threw up a howl to the field. She settled her weight lightly on her hooves, trusting her mother?s heritage to lend her mobility. Since he wasn?t attacking first, she would make the first move.

She charged, longer stride taking her across the short distance in three equine bounds, head sweeping low as she angled her charge to pass him. She swung her head like a hammer, aiming for Caerul?s left side, intending to smash her head into him, in hopes of knocking him off balance. Her left eye was clamped narrow to avoid injury to the sensitive eye. Whether her blow met or not, she swept past and behind Caerul, swerving in a quick rollback that left skid in the ground where her hooves scraped sod from the earth. She quickly fell into a light, collected stand, hooves squarely set, weight resting on her haunches to take her in any direction, or to take her full weight if she chose to strike with her forelegs, neck arched, chin tucked to her chest, perfectly protecting her throat, teeth bared, head canted slightly to keep the wolf in her eyesight.

Her tail wasn?t of much use for balance, so it lashed side to side to lessen the likely-hood of it dropping into grabbing range.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/4

Defenses: Light and balanced at the beginning. Left eye clamped nearly shut to protect from damage during attack. After attack, facing the opponent, weight resting mostly on hind legs, keeping front legs open for giving an attack with the front legs, or to spring in any direction, hooves set squarely. Neck arched and chin tucked into chest to protect throat. Tail lashing above grabbing range, teeth bared.

Attacks: Charging the opponent head on, then slightly changing the angle to bring her past the opponent's left side, dropping her head low and swinging it toward his left side,, intending to use the weight of her head to knock him off balance.

Injuries: None yet.

Out Of Character Notes: It's time to rumble! And fighting horse style is weird after fighting wolf style. Then again... I've never really done a judged fight with a horse.



10-03-2013, 05:34 AM

Green eyes watched with lit curiosity as he wondered what the hoofed beast would do. He had never sparred with a horse before, and his ever present grin would remain plastered on his face at the thought of a challenging duel. Narrowed eyes watched through slitted pupils as his opponent made a move. She charged at him, banking to his left. Her speed surprised him, though it was to be expected. Before he knew it, her head slammed into his side in an attempt to bowl him over, and indeed it would work. But not before Caerul whipped his head towards her face as she did, an attempt in scoring his teeth against the side of her face that hit him. He was sure it would leave some sort of shallow string of cuts, but he wouldn't be sure until after this fight. Her attack would send him rolling across the ground a few feet to the right, dust clouds rising up like a thick fog. Dazed for a moment, he would see just barely through the dust cloud, the pounding of her hooves atop the hardened soil the only indication of where her location could be.
He rolled onto his feet, eyes narrowed as he scented out her position. Teeth were bared in a snarl, ears flat to keep out the dust and the embedding of her teeth. He pitched forward in a rush, leaping from the dust cloud at her for an assault. He banked to her right, attempting to keep away from her front as there would be no chance of him reaching her throat. The man would utilize the horses own strength, speed. He kept his body low, knees lowered, nails digging into soil for traction. In a mad rush he would catapault himself underneath her, hind legs pushing him like a bullet. Hoping that she wouldn't move fast enough before he was able to attempt to pull this off. He would skid to a slight halt, spreading his legs for balance and would attempt to bite at her belly. If his attack worked, then he would grasp what he could in a quick manner or at least try and cause some pain. He was aware of the potential danger he put himself in by being where he was, but he figured he could at least attempt to stay underneath her and avoid as much of her hooves as possible. After all, he was sure it didn't leave much force enough for her to trample at a full charge.

After his initial attack, he would make an attempt to try and slow her movements by grasping onto her hind left fetlock/ankle(Not exactly sure what to call it) by wrapping his teeth around it and attempt to pull her leg underneath her and towards him. He was aware of the potential danger, but he hoped it would land. At least then it could potentially slow her movement some. His shoulders would remain tucked as he lunged forward, his scruff would bunch should she decide to kick at the back of his neck or that general areas, adding at least some protection, his toes splayed for balance, tail tucked underneath his body should the beast decide to bite at it. He hoped he would hit his mark, and if all else failed then he would do what he could to avoid being pounded into the ground. Though with this attack, he aimed to grab on and drag her down.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/4

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flat, teeth bared in a snarl, Body lowered, nails dug in the ground for traction, knees bent, body lowered, legs spread for balance, toes splayed, shoulders tucked, scruff scrunched.

Attacks: Banks to her right side in an attempt to get underneath her to bite at her belly to cause some pain. Secondary attack should that fail will be an attempt to bite at her fetlock/ankle and pull the leg under her/towards him and hold to slow her movements and/or drag her down. (Though i'm trying not to cause too much/or severe leg damage as per Bri's request :3)

Injuries: will have hardcore bruising from Obsidians hammerhead attack, plus light bruising elsewhere on his body from the force of the roll caused by the attack. x3

Out Of Character Notes: I think this is the best I can do for my first spar with a horse XD This post has taken me more then 2hrs trying ro figure out what to do lol as well as trying not to do too much or severe damages to her legs as per your request bri <3

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



13+ Years
Extra large
10-11-2013, 01:49 AM

She had to hide a wince as she heard Caerul hit the ground in the cloud of dust. She felt a soft trickle slide down her cheek, warm. She also caught the scent of her own blood. Ah! So he got me. She hadn?t felt the sting of his tooth catching and giving her a deep enough scratch on the cheek to bleed. Ah well. Erani could patch her up. And Caerul. She hoped he wasn?t hurt too bad-- Caerul charged from the dust, veering to her side. She spun to keep with him, like a Spanish horse dancing with the bulls, balanced on her hocks, front hooves touching the ground to keep her frontal balance ensured. As he darted forward, she lashed out with her front hooves. There was no particular target in mind for this defensive attack.

Caerul still managed to get under her body, and a spark of inspiration snagged at her mind, shattering as his teeth nipped at her sensitive belly. For the first time in her life, she wished she was a mule. They could kick forward. So she settled for jumping forward at the exact moment his teeth fastened around her fetlock fur. The original idea she had was thrown to the four winds, as Caerul?s teeth dug against the skin under her thick hairs. Unfortunately for Caerul, her forward leap could possibly drag him along, instead of him pulling her leg forward. And then she kicked out behind herself, attempting to dislodge him. Her hind end fell back to the ground, and she, personally, hoped he wasn?t there when it landed. No actual attacks were made during this whole dance, more an attempt to evade.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Spinning with his charge to keep her facing him, and lashing out to possibly drive him back. | Balance held in her hind end in the turn. | Jumping forward in an attempt to evade the attacks, possibly dragging Caerul with her. | Kicking out to hopefully detach Caerul.

Attacks: Lashing out (Though it's intended as more of a driving off move) | Then Kicking out after leaping forward.

Injuries: Crescent slash over cheek (My left and right are mixed up, so I myself am not sure wich cheek. Deep enough to bleed a little, but will scab easily, probably even by the end of the spar from the wind passing over it and dust gathering on it. Bite bruises on the fetlock joint. Minor scratch on the belly from the nip.

Out Of Character Notes: Horrible post. Absolutely horrible, this one. -Hides her head under a pillow- I couldn't figure out WHAT to do. I even considered her sitting on him. XD



10-20-2013, 03:15 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 08:33 PM by Caerul.)

Dust swirled all around them as Caerul tried to keep his footing to avoid being trampled. However, mere seconds after grabbing onto Obsidians foot, she leaped forward and the movement yanked Caerul onto his hindquarters, as she had done so, he was dragged for a second before his head jerked the opposite way when she kicked out, dislodging her from his teeth. With a stinging backside and dizzied head from the sudden jerking movement, the man felt slightly disoriented. His neck would surely feel that whiplash later...Caerul's eyes widened as he saw her hindquarters fall towards the ground, and with a quick roll to the left, he barely dodged his fate of being stepped on by her rock hard hooves. He rolled quickly to the left and onto his feet, ears flattening, hackles raised, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, and his head lowered over his throat should she attempt a lunge at him.

Without much thought on what to do next, his eyes would flash towards her tail. An idea rose in his mind, and as quickly as he could he rushed forward and leaped up to grab her tail in his jaws near the base. He gagged when long wisps of hair stuck to his tongue, ears flattening at the way the longer hairs felt in his mouth, but what else could he really do? For now, he would hang on and try to keep his body out of the line of fire from her hind hooves. His body was at an awkward angle, his left forepaw pressing against her inner right thigh in an attempt to hold on, his right forepaw grasping awkwardly on her hindquarters as he would try to gain some grasp. Hind legs hugged her right leg like someone clinging onto a palm tree for dear life. This position certainly looked awkward and downright comical if someone were watching, but he didn't know what else to do. At least he could try to immobilize one of her legs, and hoped that she wouldn't kick him in the face from fear. He wasn't aiming to harm her really bad, he just didn't know exactly how to spar against a horse.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Flattened ears, raised hackles, tail tucked, Head lowered over his throat, eyes narrowed.

Attacks: Rushes forward to bite the base of her tail, while hanging on for dear life to her right hind leg. Left forepaw nails digging into the inner thigh of her right leg as he desperately tried to hold on, so in a sense all his claws are scratching her(which be more irritating) as he tries to cling to her leg.

Injuries: Bruising and possible small cuts to his backside/haunches, maybe whiplash type thing on his neck from the kick out?

Out Of Character Notes: ...I had no idea what to do XD I feel like this post sucked lol

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think