
the reasons i don't anymore




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
01-21-2022, 12:24 AM
Sirius had said go from the top of the ranks down, and that's what Halo set out to do. Hanako would be the last one in a more elevated rank, and then she'd move on to the populace of the pack. It was nice, getting to meet everyone individually. Halo, timid as she was, thrived when she wasn't alone. Still, she worried about taking up space in the lives of others. They all had things to do, people to see, places to go-- the very act of asking for someone else's time? She could never. Halo would tread as carefully as she could in the lives of others.

With a basket tucked full of supplies and other assorted useful things, she set out toward Hanako's den. She'd seen Azure already, and the tenderhearted creature was a bit stricken with the idea of seeing him again so soon. He was big and gruff, and honestly, he intimidated Halo more than a little. She'd chosen just before mid-morning to approach Hanako, hoping that she would be in and the alpha would be off training the pups or patrolling the borders. As the soft, pale creature approached the den, she swallowed hard before calling out. "Hanako, are you home?" She paused to steady her words. "I'm Halo, one of the healers... Sirius is sending me around to do checkups on everyone. I'd like to do yours now, if you have time." After all, she hadn't been able to introduce herself to the Wraith yet. Better late than never?

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"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
01-24-2022, 10:36 AM

Returning from a well-earned sunbathing session on the beach, Hanako was surprised to find a healer lurking by the entryway of her den. She hadn't yet had a chance to meet the newcomer, but had caught her scent around the pack enough times to know she'd settled in well enough. Seasons ago Hanako would have made an effort to reach out first, offer a friendly paw, but these days... It was one of those things she just kept putting off and off, till it never happened. Whoops.

Wagging the pale of her tail in fast and enthusiastic sweeps, Hanako offered the tiny healer a warm smile. It was odd how the Armada found a way of sheltering the soft and gentle, like opposites attracted.

"Oop, yep that's me. Sorry you had to come looking, I was at the beach and sorta lost track of time. You know how it is." She waved a paw, all dismissive and flicky. "How'd you want me, do I need to lay down or anything?"
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Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
01-26-2022, 12:07 AM
The woman that appeared was near otherworldly in her grace and poise... Halo wouldn't help but wonder if she'd be able to emulate that some day. She was enthusiastic and yet... ethereal? Was that right? This was Azure's fiancée, but she was so relaxed and social. How the pair could be so different was something that Halo found a bit jarring, but in the most welcome way. If she'd been faced down with a repeat of the secondary alpha's menacing presence, Halo wasn't sure what would become of her. No, Hanako was something much different.

"It's not a problem," the pale healer dipped her head, averting her eyes for a moment. "Sorry I pulled you away," she apologized softly, before refocusing on her task at hand. "Standing, please. Can you please go through a full range of motion with each leg, starting here?" Halo drew to the woman's right shoulder, peering at the joint. She was shorter, lighter than many of the other residents here. The tenderhearted girl worried less about Hanako's joints, with her build and her stature. "I'm looking to make sure that everything is moving like it should. Will you let me know if you feel any clicking or popping, pain, or anything else abnormal?" Her gaze was analytical, working counter clockwise around the brilliantly painted woman.

As she returned to her starting place, Halo assessed her once more. "I have a bunch of questions, but it won't take too long." Her tone was a bit apologetic-- while she didn't want to bother Hanako or take too much time from her day, the healer was also duty-bound. She would do a good job with each of the checkups, and she would do a good job taking care of the pack. It was the least she could do. "How are you sleeping, and how are you eating?" Right, she'd start there. "And are you having any difficulties with maintaining regular bodily functions?" It was a bit harder to just say how are you pooping? when you lacked rapport with someone, Halo was finding.

"Are you experiencing any stiffness or pain? Both when you're at rest, and when you're exercising?" It occurred to Halo that she didn't know if Hanako attended warrior training like the rest, but this was the Armada-- better to be safe than sorry. "Do you have any wounds right now? Open wounds, or wounds that are scabbed but draining?" Okay, that was a gross question, but necessary.

The next question was one that she hadn't needed to ask with three generations of the Fatalis line, but the Wraith was of outside blood. "Are there any conditions that your parents had that could have been passed on to you?" It was a question that held a somber weight, but an important one none the less. If she knew what she may need to look out for, she could be armed to catch it early. Not only that, Halo could have treatment ready and waiting, if the time ever came. "Do you have any health concerns about any of your children?" Hanako, after all, saw them every day. If there were patterns that she or Azure had noticed, Halo could monitor them as well.

"Is it okay if I touch your side?" Halo approached the taller woman's side, waiting for consent before continuing. Any time she was going to put her (metaphorical) hands on someone else, it was important that she had the go ahead. "Do you have any questions for me?" There, the last question. Halo would suspend her inquiry about contraception until after she conferred with another healer on the subject. She was unsure about Azure's claim that it hadn't worked... though user error was always a possibility. Maybe in larger wolves, the dosage needed to be different. Still, she'd ask someone who was more informed on the subject.

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