
mad scientist experiments




Advanced Fighter (90)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KThe Ooze Participant
12-30-2021, 08:34 PM
Acacius was moving quickly with his lessons with the porcupines, having already earned their praise in herb collecting, smushing, and topical application. As far as the pup was concerned he was already a full fledged masterful healer, but his imaginary friend was quick to remind him that the adults would not appreciate him practicing without an elder nearby. They seemed to have so little faith in his skills, which only meant he'd need to work harder to prove to them that he could be a trusted, respected medic even in his young age.

His brother was Acacius' first stop - a pup whom he'd known all his life and more importantly, trusted not to tattle if Acacius did something wrong. "Raven!" He called out as he neared the den. Upon his back was a borrowed sachel of goods and herbs, everything he might need to do a really good healing job. "I've come to fix you!" What might be broken on Raven, the pup had no idea. Surely there was something wrong with his brother that he could cure, and if not, he could always take a shot at curing the other boy's blindness instead.
Acacius has saber fangs, which may not be visible on all his art.
In the likely event you witness this character speaking to open air, he is speaking to his imaginary friend, Pocus.
Two porcupines follow Acacius everywhere he goes, their names are Prick(M) and Poke(F).



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-08-2022, 09:48 PM

The dark furred youngster was lounging in the old barn, where he'd taken to resting amongst the hay and listening to the gentle ambiance of the animals that lived there. The livestock came in and out, the snuffling sounds they made as they munched on the available food were almost guaranteed to lull him to sleep in the evenings. The barn swallow chicks were close to fledging, he heard them scrabbling in the rafters for almost the entire day lately. Soft chirps would often accompany a particularly loud scuffle, like the squeaky puppy barks that he and his siblings let loose while they wrestled. He was dimly aware of the soft pattering of small paws approaching the barn, but only when Acacius' voice rang out through the room calling his name did he fully regain his presence within his own mortal coil. The larger boy was promising some manner of "fixing", whatever that meant. Rousing himself and stumbling to his paws, the lanky child emerged from a pile of hay with stray strands covering his dark pelage from head to toe. As he took a few haphazard strides out of the grazing fodder, he found himself absentmindedly scenting the air. The now familiar aromas of sweet and savoury plants made him think of the man who had taken him foraging for plants. Was Acacius doing that too?

"What did you bring?" he crowed excitedly, tail wagging as he trotted over with renewed vigour. Sightless eyes were vaguely trained on the other boy, keen ears shoved forward with great interest. Already his sensitive nose was working away at trying to pick the floral aromas of the herbs apart, though he wasn't quite familiar with enough of them to pin down any specifics. Some of them had a tangy scent, others were undeniably flowers of one kind or another.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KThe Ooze Participant
01-10-2022, 12:44 AM
Acacius stepped up excitedly towards his sightless brother, greeting him with a light boop of his charcoal nose. Raven did not argue his reason for being there and that was enough for the medic-in-training, who reached over his shoulder to take down his pack of herbs. "I brought lots of stuff." He told his brother, his mischievous grin clear in his voice. Then, like he was sharing a secret, Acacius' voice lowered to an excited whisper. "I'm gonna make you see again!"

Unable to contain his excitement, Acacius quickly got to work rooting through his pack. He withdrew a long bandage made hastily from moss and vines, and began to squish yellow flowers into the soft padding. "So first I'm gonna put this on your eyes, it's gonna be wet and gross so just keep them closed." His paws worked to mush the flower paste as he spoke. "Then I've got some moss I'm gonna stick in your ears, and then some menthol I'm gonna put under your nose. I heard somewhere that if your one sense is gone, the other ones get stronger. So I'mma take away your nose and ears and then see if your eyes will work again." With the smush-bandage ready, he lifted it towards the blind boy and waited. "You gotta say it's okay, though, healers don't do things without consent." He explained.
Acacius has saber fangs, which may not be visible on all his art.
In the likely event you witness this character speaking to open air, he is speaking to his imaginary friend, Pocus.
Two porcupines follow Acacius everywhere he goes, their names are Prick(M) and Poke(F).



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2022, 10:11 PM

The soft tap of a paw against his nose was met with a snort and a jerk of his tapered skull- a little warning would have been nice! Acacius' paws still reeked of whatever plants he'd been playing with. The larger boy announced in a conspiratorial whisper that he was going to restore Raven's sight, to which he couldn't help but lift a brow dubiously and drop his rump heavily onto the hard packed dirt of the barn floor. Well, either it would work or it wouldn't, so what was the harm in letting Acacius get to work? Without much more prompting, his brother was unloading a bunch of strong smelling herbs from his bag. He couldn't identify all of them, but he knew the overall scent profile of herbs by now. A bit tangy, sometimes sweet smelling, but always distinctly plant smelling. The sounds of paste being smeared across a roughened surface with an equally rough paw pad met his ears, and the dark furred youngster twitched his keen ears to better fixate on the sounds of his brother working.

His brother at least gave him the courtesy of explaining what he was getting up to, and what Raven ought to be doing to make sure it all works. Moss in the ears? Menthol.. under his nose? Taking away his most important senses to try and prompt his eyes to begin working again seemed to make enough sense in his young mind, but he did wonder how Acacius expected to retrieve the moss from out of his ears once the procedure was over. And suddenly his brother was asking for his approval, to which he blinked a few times- the motion was mostly just something he did reflexively to express some of the energy that seemed to thrum under his skin at the notion of Acacius stuffing plants into all the different parts of his face. "Uh, okay." he finally said with a heavy shrug. He trusted Acacius to figure it out, one way or another.

When he squeezed his sightless eyes shut, the strange wetness of the bandages pressed over them nearly made him gag. It was so weird! It was cold somehow? And soaking into his fur already! Thin tail thumped against the ground as he tried to force himself to sit still long enough for Acacius to keep working away.
