spring flowers
ali / nav
Master Healer (315)
Master Navigator (495)
Poison Master
6 Years
6 Years
Bunni Somnium
Bunni Somnium
01-28-2022, 09:08 AM
_________________________________________________________________ It was a beautiful day to go out exploring. Light on her paws, the petite wolf was slowly growing accustomed to only viewing the world with one eye. While the right side of her view stayed dismal and dark, she could still appreciate the wonders on the other side. Overhead, the sun shone brightly from above as it filtered in between roaming clouds. Grass tickled at her legs as it whispered with the wind that rustled the fur of her coat. That one glimmering eye sparkled with a fresh view on life now that things were turning for the better. The last time she'd traveled through here had been a slightly eye-opening experience and she had returned to see the natural beauty of the surroundings. Sloping off to the side, a ravine opened up with lush flora pocketed with a variety of brush, wildflowers, and trees. At the bottom, a flowing river gurgled quietly as she paused to take a breath. Glancing around, Audra smiled softly to herself. While she enjoyed the company of others, sometimes being alone was nice too. _________________________________________________________________ A U D R A
audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise