
Lover's Quarrel



09-29-2013, 07:54 PM

Song's mind had been overtaken by the thoughts of battle, something deep down would remind her daily about the dangers that were roaming the world. She knew that she had not practiced any type of battle in some time. In fact she had not landed a blow upon anyone since she had sparred with her mother. She had Cherokee to protect her, but he was not always right by her side. She needed to know how to protect herself, or at least practice her skills.
She didn't want to alarm Cherokee of her thoughts, if he had his way she would never be put into harms way, but she had to come to terms with the reality of the world. He would not always be there to help her. He would be worried about her wanting to fight, so instead of finding him she would find the friend in Ludicael who she could always count on coming to her call, Aurora. The giant of a she wolf always had an air of battle prowess about her, and Song was sure that they would be able to teach each other a few things.
Her delicate white paws would bring her to the area in which she usually found Aurora, hoping that she'd be there at this particular moment. She would sway elegantly up to the den like spot and call out to her friend, Aurora..? She would call curiously.



09-30-2013, 08:51 PM

The temptress in question was sleeping in the shadows beyond the small clearing, thick tail tucked over her exposed nose to protect it from the cold while she napped. As her friend called to her, the giantess lifted her head languidly and let her powerful jaws stretch wide in a yawn, revealing formidable pearl razors. As they snapped shut audibly, she unfolded her large, willowy frame from the ground and padded towards the light. Powerful paws struck the earth loudly in her half asleep state, the tired woman crashing through the bush and blinking as the sun hit her unprepared silver optics.

Spying her friend Song, she let a half smile curve her lips and moved towards the pale she wolf. "What brings you to my clearing, my dearest Song?" She asked, her melodious voice husky, Russian accent heavier than usual. Sitting upon the cool terra, her rear thumped the ground and she lifted a single paw to rub her face. Opening her eyes again, she noticed a determined gleam in her eyes. Well, this should be interesting. She thought to herself, and waited for her friend to say something. Slowly, the grogginess of being awakened faded away, and she was alert as always.



10-01-2013, 12:29 PM

Aurora would show herself loudly but gracefully a smile tugging at her lips. Song would smile back in greeting happy to reunite with her friend. It was obvious that she had awoken the she wolf, "What brings you to my clearing, my dearest Song?" The borealis would lower her head slightly embarrassed for disturbing the large she wolf's sleep. My apologies for waking you, Aurora. She would say as she took a seat before her. There was no need to rush into their practice, if even the she wolf would agree. I did not intend to disturb you, but there is something I need to discuss with you. She would turn her head slightly as she thought how to word her concerns. She knew that Aurora would not break their confidentiality but she was still so worried. I've felt tension building in the lands around us. I do not make it far from Ludicael but even here I can feel the pressure building. Our family is in danger, and I intend to be ready to combat that danger. She would gage the reaction of the she wolf before she continued cautiously, I would like to take you as my sparring partner.



10-01-2013, 04:50 PM

Song spoke more than Aurora did, so she was not surprised when the pearl woman's voice began to fill her auds almost instantly. The ivory dame had felt the tension as well, but she did not have anything to protect other than herself, so she did not worry like her friend did. Though that didn't mean the mention of the danger mounting outside their borders didn't raise the temptress' hackles for a brief moment. "Gladly, I would love to sharpen my own skills as well, for I fear they've become rusty after all these years without my daily training." She told Song, her voice trailing off as she remembered how her pack was training her to be an assassin.

Standing, she shook out her fur and stretched, first lifting her rear and letting her ebony claws dig into the terra, then reversing the motion and splaying her toes.
Regaining her regal stance once more, she watched her friend. Clearly she was antsy, ready to get started. Aurora was up for a spar as well, but she knew the dangers of winter, and decided to ask for an agreement that would be highly beneficial. How about we agree not to break the skin here, because even the tiniest of wounds in winter could doom anyone to starve. She said, her voice speaking of wisdom, for she had been through such a thing in her time without a pack. Standing calmly, she waited for the woman's response.

Talk like this



10-02-2013, 01:51 PM

Song would assume that her friend was quite able to perceive the mounting tension that she herself had felt to readily. Though she would note the slight raise of hackles, she also knew that something was going on in the world. "Gladly, I would love to sharpen my own skills as well, for I fear they've become rusty after all these years without my daily training." Song would nod as the situation was similar to her own. She would need to spend more time in the company of the white ghost in the future. I agree, it has been much too long since my battle skills have been tested. My babies have drawn me away from the life of training. She would smile, not regretful of the children she was working so hard to raise.
Aurora would finish stretching and waking up, becoming more aware to her surroundings. She would need it as they would practice together. The larger she wolf would be the perfect partner for the smaller beta. How about we agree not to break the skin here, because even the tiniest of wounds in winter could doom anyone to starve. Song knew the truth she spoke in her words, and she was certain that she would not like to spill her friend's blood or anyone's unless they threatened her well being. Truer words have never been spoken, I will gladly agree to that, Aurora. Song would nod before backing away from the she wolf, trying to prepare herself for the ensuing training session.
Closing her eyes she would take in a deep breath, readying herself excitedly. Let us begin. Her eyes would narrow as her hackles raised and her knees began to bend. She would open her jaws to ready them for attack while her toes splayed and her ears would fall back in a defensive manner. Her tail would flex back and align with her spine and neck. She would balance her weight evenly as her attention was given completely to Aurora. You may have the first attack. She would say behind pearly incisors.
Song vs Aurora for Training

Round ONE of THREE?

Attack: None

Defense: Eyes narrowed, hackles raised, knees bent, jaws agape, toes splayed, ears back, tail out for balance, aligned spine, balanced weight.

Injuries: None



10-02-2013, 06:53 PM

Acute auds captured her friend's agreement, and it made Aurora glad Song felt the same way. She watched the pearl woman prepare, and ready her defenses in preparation for the spar. When she told the icy temptress she was ready, the dame went into action.

Moonstone orbs closed to slits to protect them from the chance of attack, yet her vision remained clear, her partner clear as day in her view. Thick fur raised upon her hackles, adding protection, and making the already large woman appear even taller. Perfectly shaped auds, rounded where most wolves' were pointed, flattened against her delicate skull to keep her acute ability for hearing safe. Lowering her head between her shoulders, and laying her tail level with her spine, she bunched her muscles in preparation to attack. Powerful paws splayed even wider, balance resting on her strong toes. She bent her knees slightly, ready to leap into action. Lifting her ebony lips, she bared formidable pearl daggers. A growl rumbled in her throat, and she was ready to go.

She began to circle her friend, until the creamy she wolf's flank was in front of her. Lunging forward, she moved like a bullet towards the other woman, long front legs pulling her forwards at an astounding rate, closing in on the smaller ivory she wolf quickly. With only inches to spare from impact, she quickly tucked her head to the side, throwing her weight into her petite shoulder and heading straight for Song's side. The impact from the larger wolf would knock her over, or at least throw her balance long enough for Aurora to put her body to work.

Fight Stats

Round: One of Three

Defenses: Hackles up, eyes slitted, ears flat against head, tail lowered and head between shoulders to protect throat and underbelly, toes splayed, weight balanced on toes, knees slightly bent, muscles bunched?

Attacks: Circling Song until she could get at her flanks, throwing force into her shoulder to butt into her side and knock her around or throw her balance.

Injuries: None so far.

Out Of Character Notes: I've never done this before, so be prepared for this to suck major dragon balls.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10-02-2013, 10:34 PM

.ooc. You're doing much better than my first spar!
Song would watch her opponent through narrowed eyes, her jaws still parted their pearly coating ready to grab her flesh. She had to keep the knowledge in the back of her mind that she was not going to harm the she wolf. She would not make any puncture marks upon her opponent, this battle would be completely bloodless. That did not mean that they would be walking away with out a bit of bruising. Aurora would find herself at Song's side and she would initiate with a lunge toward the smaller she wolf's body. Song's growl would accompany her raised hackles as she pulled herself away from her opponent's looming hit. Her feet would backpedal quickly as she positioned herself to be hit in her shoulder rather than her stomach.
Her knees would be bent as she shifted her weight into the leg that would accept the force of Aurora's attack.
She felt the force hit her and was pushed back four steps as Aurora's close contact was initiated. She would not allow herself to be controlled for long, with splayed toes and determined claws would dig into the earth and push back at the larger she wolf. With ears drawn back menacingly she would open her jaws wider to search for flesh that she might acquire. She would attempt to grab whatever was presented to her, if she landed the bite her teeth would not be moved to sink into the flesh only mark where had been hit. She would repeat this motion once more, hoping to get at least two good wallops. Her back legs would align with her front as she straightened her spine as her tail flexed outwards for more precise balance as well as fixing her weight more evenly upon all four paws.
Song vs Aurora for Training

Round TWO of THREE

Attack: Pushing back into Aurora's shoulder, nip to the neck area twice

Defense: Eyes narrowed, hackles raised, knees bent, jaws agape, toes splayed, ears back, tail out for balance, aligned spine, balanced weight, claws pushed into the earth

Injuries: Probable bruising to the shoulder



10-07-2013, 06:04 PM

The impact of her shoulder hitting Song's own would force some of the angelic furred gladatrix's breath from her lungs, and she felt the pearl coated fae's teeth dig into her scruff twice, a sharp pain from her daggers. Her ears remained flattened against her skull, pressing ever harder against the deceptively delicate cranium as she felt the bites. Tearing her body from her partner's attack range, she continued to circle, to come up with a new plan of offense.

Adjusting her defenses, Aurora let her toes splay and keep her bulk above the snow, prevent slowing her down by sinking into it. Hackled raised, she levelled her spine completely. Watching Song through slitted eyes, she waited for the inspiration to come to her.

A snarl would rip from her throat as she launched herself forwards again, a head on attack that would send her right into Song's chest. Just before she would have head on collision, she lifted powerful paws off the ground to wrap long, lithely muscled forelimbs around the white she wolf's neck and offer her a chance to do some more damage by biting at her neck or head, whatever she could get to.

Fight Stats

Round: Two of Three

Defenses: eyes slitted, ears flattened, hackles up, spine level (tail straight, head between shoulders), toes splayed, circling Song so she will have a chance to avoid any lash outs.

Attacks: lunging towards Song, lifting front paws off the ground to wrap them around Song's neck.

Injuries: Light bruising to her neck from Song's teeth

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10-07-2013, 08:27 PM

As the two would battle Song's hits would land, but a third would not be given as Aurora broke away from the smaller she wolf. Song would stay where she was, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, shoulders were rolled, feet squared, spine aligned, tail out for balance, toes splayed, and abdomen tightened. She would watch Aurora carefully as once again she stopped, pulling herself around for a frontal attack. Song would brace herself, but Aurora would suddenly pull her paws up circling them around her shoulders. She could feel the impact of the hit in her chest, the obvious bruising it would leave there.
Song's head would be pushed against the base of Aurora's neck, she would twist her head to be perpendicular to the angle Aurora was facing. As Aurora pushed her head down to attack Song's neck Song's jaws slid up against the flesh to unite with her attacker's lower jaw. She came from underneath to not give her opponent the ability to grab her own jaws. Her front legs would step quickly to the left as she tried to displace the larger she wolf. If successful she would intensify the power behind her bite and pull away.

Song vs Aurora for Training

Three of Three

Attack: Grabbing hold of Aurora's lower jaws, throwing her off her shoulders, and pulling the jaw out from underneath her.

Defenses: hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, shoulders were rolled, feet squared, spine aligned, tail out for balance, toes splayed, and abdomen tightened.

Injuries: Bruising to chest



10-07-2013, 08:54 PM

Locking her forelimbs around her partners neck, she was about to land a solid bite to Song's scruff when she felt the smaller she wolf wrap her own teeth around the icy rose's lower jaw, preventing her from doing anything. Her balance shifted as the pearl fae adjusted her footing in an attempt to loosen Aurora's grip and intensify the bite that was occurring. Her back feet danced to and fro in an attempt to keep her balance, until an idea struck her, a move her father had pulled on her in one of their last training sessions. A demonic grin curved Aurora's ebony lips as she let one knee buckle, which would topple her, and the woman she had locked in her grip, over to one side. Such a move could allow her to release Song's grip and land some blows. Tensing all of her muscles to make sure the least damage possible occurred in the fall, she slitted her eyes so she could just see what was going on, but nothing could get into them.

Aligning her spinal cord, she tensed the muscles in her neck to keep it rigid, and snapped her jaws shut to keep her teeth from being damaged. Being as tall as she was, the momentum from the ivory maiden's fall could do a number on her if she didn't brace for the impact. The fall would leave her with some bruising, but if all went well, she had a better chance of beating Song in the spar. Releasing a final breath, she was ready to hit the ground. The release of breath would keep her from having to recover from the shock of having the wind knocked out of her. Now, all she could do was hope the move was outlandish enough that Song wouldn't know how to counter it, that way Aurora would have a slight chance at what would come next.

Fight Stats

Round: Three of three

Defenses: Muscles tense, spine rigid, eyes slitted, mouth closed, keeping her lungs mainly empty.

Attacks: Holding onto Song's neck and attempting to make them both fall sideways, which would loosen Song's grip and possibly allow Aurora to land a few quick blows.

Injuries: Some bruising on her lower jaw from Song's bite, and the fall will definitely cause some bruising to her flank.

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

The Judge


10-07-2013, 10:35 PM

Song VS Aurora

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Eyes narrowed, hackles raised, knees bent, jaws open, spread toes, ears folded back, tail level with spine for balance, weight spread evenly.

ATTACK: 0 / 10

No attack made.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

No injuries, first round.

Round one Song Total: 38 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

Which flank are you hitting??


You should use something like "should her shoulder meet its mark, she would blah blah blah...". This makes it sound like it will hit, thus powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Narrowed eyes, raised hackles, flattened ears, neck and tail level with spine, muscles tensed, toes spread, knees bent, weight on toes.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Single move attack, throwing her weight into Song's side with her shoulder to knock her off balance.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

None yet.

Round one Aurora Total: 37 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Should list which shoulder Song is pushing back against, but did not take of points for that since it didn't say which shoulder Aurora was aiming for. Also would have liked a little more detail in how she was pushing back against her since she was pushed back four steps. Did she run back at her?

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Bent knees, weight focused on shoulder that was taking the hit, toes spred, claws digging in, ears folded back, spine leveling out and tail evening with spine, weight balancing out evenly.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Two move attack. Pushing back with her own shoulder, nipping twice at her neck.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bruising to the shoulder that took the hit.

Round two Song Total: 39 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clear post.


Again, be careful about your wording.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Ears folded back, toes spread, hackles raised, level spine, eyes narrowed. Just as a side note, I could not include tail straight and head between shoulders because they weren't actually writen in the post. Also, I didn't consider circling a defense because nothing is stoping Song from turning around and biting at her. Kinda ties into the powerplaying issue.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Two move attack, lunges at Song and then lifts legs to attempt to wrap legs around Songs neck.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Light brusing from Song's nips

Round two Aurora Total: 36 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Pretty clear post.

Be careful with the wording in the first part of your attack.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, feet evenly spaced, spine straight, tail out for balance, toes spread, abdomin tightened.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Two moves. Attempting to reaching up to bite Aurora's lower jaw, stepping to the left to try to push her off her shoulders.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bruising to the chest.

Round three Song Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Eyes slit, muscles tense, mouth closed, lungs empty to prepare for fall.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Single move. Holding onto Song's neck and falling to the ground.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

Brusing to her side from the fall and to her jaw from Song's bite.

Round three Aurora Total: 37 / 50


Song: 117 /150

Aurora: 110 /150

And the winner is...

Song! Aurora must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Song - Brusing on her shoulder and chest.

Artemis- Brusing on her shoulder and side, light brusing on her neck and lower jaw.

Overall, good job! I enjoyed both of your writing styles very much. Important point though!! The spar counting should start with the first attack so the very first spar post should have been Aurora. I can't award points for no attack!

Kat: My only advice is to maybe expand on your attacks a bit discription wise and try to incorperate your defenses into your post a bit more instead of just listing them. (I do the same thing so no worries, just a suggestion lol)

Den: For your first spar, not bad at all! I loved how you incorperated your defenses into your post. But be super careful about your powerplaying. Some judges will take off huge points for it. All it takes is a "tries" or "hopes" or "attempts" to make a post A-okay :3

- Shelbs



10-07-2013, 10:51 PM

Their bodies would entwine and she could feel Aurora Falling over to the side. The petite she wolf would slip from under her paw and let the giantess fall to the ground. Her legs were grounded as a slight thud resinated from the snow covered ground. She would stand victorious over her friend for only moments before her muzzle was there to comfort the larger wolfess. Are you alright my friend? She would ask concerned as she urged the she wolf to stand so she could asses the injury. No one was going to bed hurt on her watch. Even if they had to take a trip to the hot springs they would sleep well. You fought well! That was a close one!



10-28-2013, 05:13 PM

As her body made contact with the ground, she felt the pain shoot across her frame, and the breath was knocked from the ivory dame's lungs. She lay there for a second, letting her bones shift back into a comfortable, interlocking position. Her friend was soon at her side, asking if she was okay. The giantess nodded, letting her fuzzy brain recuperate as she took some deep breaths. Opening her eyes, she stood with the urging of the creamy she wolf. "That was a close one, for sure. I think I'm done with fighting, I'll just use my skills in self defense now." She told the other pale woman, smiling. She could feel Song's anxiety, the smaller fae worrying that she was hurt. "I am fine, dearest. I just need to take a little walk." She murmured, her silky voice marred further by her accent, heavier due to her breathing being elevated by the adrenaline and the expended energy from the spar. She flexed her lithe muscles, shaking out her thick alabaster pelt and gesturing with her cranium in the direction of the Hot Springs. "Should we go take a dip in the springs and soothe our muscles?" She asked her companion, watching her face in case she needed to reassure her further that she was okay. She was a large she wolf, built to be able to take a few hits and deal a few; she was no stranger to pain.

Corvusi Speech
Aurora Speech



10-31-2013, 11:11 AM

As Song approached the larger she wolf it would become more apparent that she was fine, the only hurt might have been her ego. As she soothed Song's worries she would confess to not wanting to fight anymore, and Song could certainly agree with that decision. She was glad that the wolves of Ludicael would know how to defend themselves at least should their enemies come knocking at their door. As Aurora's accented words continued Song would feel the same afflictions start to take over her own body. Sore muscles would begin to protest, and the thought of the hot springs made her ache. The soothing water would certainly clear them up quickly.
She would nuzzle her friend happily, glad they had no hard feelings to the friendly spar. I might have to join you. She'd tell them, very much ready to feel the warmth envelope her.



11-02-2013, 01:25 PM

When her friend agreed to go with her, she picked up her broad paws and began trotting in the general direction of the springs. Her friend would catch up, Song was quick, illustrated by her agility in the spar they'd just had. The giantess mused over how she could have improved in the light battle, but decided it had been left to Fate. So, with that over with, she took stock of her sore spots, testing herself by letting every muscle act as it normally would, and taking note of the outcome. Some light bruising to her neck and lower jaw, courtesy of Song's needle like teeth and quick wits. Some moderate bruising to her shoulder, where it made impact with the pearl she wolf's frame in her attempt at shoulder tackling. Worst of all, however, was the bruising to her flank from her attempt at toppling sideways with the smaller woman in her grip. That one was going to take a few days to heal, but she could overlook it. In a way, she took the pain as punishment for letting herself get soft and not train. It was really for the best, she was getting tired of the whole idea of being an assassin anyways. She had only done it to please her father...

Mercury orbs took on a distant look while she was lost in thought, and she didn't notice her paws striking mangrove roots until she snapped out of it and saw the glowing waters as she were startled into lightness by her passing. Deciding to stop for a moment, she smoothly transitioned into a resting pose on her haunches. She would watch the Ludicael waters with unknown emotions swirling deep inside her moonstone orbs. Not many knew of her past, or her true emotions, and fewer still truly knew her, entirely. She was a mystery by nature, an enigma through personality, a ghost of a wolf. It was a fact she accepted, she didn't want to have the pain of losing her loved ones any more, so she had few friends, few other's she could truly trust. A sigh escaped her ebony lips, and her deceptively delicate snowy cranium swivelled to stare at the raven feathers embedded in her tail, memories swirling around in her infinite mind. She tried to shut them out, only to succeed in shutting out the least painful ones. The onslaught of deaths stabbed at her, tore at her insides until there was nothing left, and then all was still within her infinite conscience. She continued to rest, the goings on within her head unknown to whomever was around her.