
Waking Up, I Feel It In My Bones


09-02-2013, 01:41 AM
ooc: I am going to assume this is after Dragon has been accepted into Seracia.

Fall had arrived on the lands surrounding Seracia. Aeil could feel the changes in the weather that not many could pick up. There were small, cool bits of breezes that peeked out from the hot winds summer had kept for so long. The green leaves of the different species of trees were all slowly turning to yellow and orange. Birds were leaving earlier than planned, even though the Southern part of Alacritis was usually one of the last places that were affected by the cooler temperatures. All in all, Aeil knew when fall was on its way.
The feeling in her bones left a dull ache, and she looked out from the outside of her den, tail wrapped around her hind legs. She didn't usually get up to watch the sun rise, but today was definitely different from the rest. Something in her gut told her that she was going to enjoy the events that were promised to her later on. She only hoped that they would be great for the other wolves of her pack.
Aeil then rose from her haunches, shook the sleepiness from her body, and began to venture from the Seracian borders. The unseen trail that took her to the Knolls was what her paws wanted to venture that morning. She allowed the rest of her to be carried there and when she saw the glorious outlook of buffalo grazing, she couldn't help but grin. Such wonderful animals...all the more amazing for a morning hunt!
The dark-furred female returned to her homelands, crossing the border at a brisk pace. She picked a spot in an open area and tossed back her head. A lone, excited howl escaped her lips, calling any of the Seracian wolves that wanted to join in the expedition. She let it linger for a bit longer than she was used to, only until the notes faded on their own accord. With bright blue eyes, Aeil began to look through the low hanging branches of the trees that were around her. Patience was a virtue, and she eagerly held onto it as she waited for others to arrive.



09-05-2013, 01:23 PM

With the children growing larger every day, he was finding he spent more and more time hunting than anything else. With Epiphron mostly confined to the den, she couldn't really go out and hunt for herself, so he'd taken it upon himself to do so. Not to mention that the pups would have to begin the weaning process soon, which would require even more meat. Being a father was no easy job, particularly for an already incredibly busy King - but he loved every moment. The russet ears of the man twitched as a semi-familiar call rang out, one he was quite interested in. Her call came from just outside of the borderline, and rang clearly of a hunt. This was perfect! The King quickened his pace, hastening to where she waited. A nod was given as hushed tones greeted the clergy. "Aeil," was what he believed her name to be. Heaven forbid if he were wrong. "Where is our target?" Ever used to having a game plan, the King wanted to ensure that he and the woman went after the same prey - all the while hoping others would join them in their endeavor.



09-08-2013, 07:43 PM

The excitement that was slowly dwindling after her howl was brought back to life when a figure joined her lone form in the clearing. Not to mention, it was the King himself! This was indeed an honor, at least, in Aeil's opinion. Her merry gaze danced excitedly as she saw him approach and inquire about the prey that was eligible for their potential hunt. In her mind's eye, she was already starting to think of how they would proceed.
All in good time, though. The first thing she did was answer Maverick's question. "King Maverick," she said breathlessly, excitement definitely evident in her words and the jitteriness that was seen in her nervous paw kneading. "Our goal for today's hunt is the large pack of buffalo that are currently grazing on the Knoll." She turned to point her maw in the direction she had come, eyes burning with a blue fire that would take many buckets of water to douse. "There are many, but not enough to out us if we pursue them." Aeil turned her gaze back to the King. "That is, if we have more in our hunting party." She silently hoped more would arrive at her call.




09-09-2013, 02:10 PM

Rivaxorus was fairly new to the pack, and a stranger to most which was always hard. So far she had met the king, Maverick, and Loccian along with a small pup who appeared right after she had been accepted at the borders. Riv usually had a bad time socializing as it was, but she was pushing herself to make the effort. She was a smart girl with lots of experience, maybe more so then others despite being young although she far from wished to share them. She had experienced a family, she had known what it was like to feel betrayed and didn't wish for others to feel that way. Which was the reason why her kindness came into effect to protect others with what she knew. So when this call hit the air, Rivaxorus was eager to come towards it. The large vixen with brown fur and odd markings not to mention the white patch over her eye came into view. She spotted King Maverick by memory, and a new face she hadn't met yet. This would be good to get to know some others, that made her tail wag slightly back and forth.
As she approached she dipped her head towards the two. "It's a nice day for hunting isn't it you two." She smiled. Turning towards Aeil as her red eyes glinted in the sunlight. "I'm Rivaxorus, King Maverick and Loccian accepted me a few days ago. Feel free to shorten my name to Riv it is rather long." She laughed with a smile. Riv had always enjoyed group hunts. After all, the effort, and training to take down the most delicious prey was a way to bond and get to know each other. She would remember when she, Denki, her wife, her brother and adopted son would go hunting together to catch larger game than they usually could alone. That reminded her of the rumors going through with the pups Maverick had. Mainly his adopted one. Riv turned towards him and gave another bow. "My King, I heard wind of your daughter Arian being adopted. It seems she has the same white spot as I which tends to run in my family which is rather large.....considering the tendencies my father had. I'd like to know if one of these days I could visit the queen and her pups. I'd like to confirm of weather she may or may not be my cousin." Rivaxorus noted with a smile. "For now we should concentrate on the hunt though so take your time in answering." Her black tail flicked back and forth. It'd be nice to know if she actually did have family, after all Allen and her son Hajime were out there. If they were to join Seracia she wouldn't feel so broken. Unless she would eventually finally fit in, and make friends with the others. Perhaps speaking with those she had already met, made her feel more comfortable here.

Pontifex I


09-11-2013, 09:22 PM

It had been some time since he had gone any type of pack event. The last time he had helped out his fellow packmembers had been back when Gerhardt had been King and he had needed assistance in ridding Seracia of the threatening menace that was the bull. The once-king, the newly appointed Grand Duke and an ambassador from Glaciem had come to take down the massive beast and they had been successful in their endeavor, none having received any serious injury. The Duke had been feeling the need to do something similar once again and it seemed liked today he was going to get that chance again. A voice unfamiliar to him rang across Seracia, calling anyone available for a hunt. Pontifex wasn't trained as a hunter, but that didn't mean that he was a terrible one and if he could provide his assistance for the hunt, then he would.

Grey and black limbs pulled the Duke towards the sound of the woman's voice, catching Maverick's scent along with those of two females. Golden gems flickered across the gathered group, easily spotting his King's familiar russet figure between the two women. A bow of greeting was presented to all three as he approached, standing before the king, gaze dancing between the trio. Evening my lord, ladies. I am Pontifex, it is a pleasure to meet both of you. So if I'm not mistaken, there's a hunt taking place? If I may I would like to offer up my assistance. A gentle smile curled ebon lips, plume wagging gently behind powerful haunches. What would they be hunting today? Certainly nothing as dangerous as the bull?

Talk like this



3 Years
09-13-2013, 02:34 PM

The gray and russet female was drawn from her den by the howl of a familiar female. Aeil, the wolfess that she had met when she was at her worst. And yet, the female had been kind to her anyways, as kind as anyone outside of the family that Kamala was so devoted to had ever been. It had been a strange sensation, one that was furthered still by the way that Maverick had treated her. As if she were made of glass, and easily broken. But Kamala knew that she wasn't broken - at least not yet. She was still a Princess of Seracia, and she'd be damned if she'd let her brother down.

So Kamala approached Aeil swiftly, her tail wagging like a banner in the air behind her. Everything about her was jaunty as she moved along, her paws lifting high and her nostrils flaring to take in the scents of the cool autumn air. Her brother had already made his appearance, along with Pontifex, and a stranger, whose scent was only slightly tinged with Seracia. A new member, perhaps? Kamala twitched her ears at the thought, a flare of guilt edging into her thoughts when she realized that she hadn't even scented this wolf before. Still, with difficult, Kamala forced the thought away; if she started beating herself up now, she would never stop. There was no point in it.

Instead of being upset, she ought to be overjoyed. She could hear voices on the breeze, voices discussing a hunt, which was exactly what the doctor ordered. A chance to run and work together, in a seamless unit, with her fellow packmates. A chance to let go of everything and do what wolves were meant to do. It was the perfect way to spend this autumn day.

Padding up to approach the wolves already gathered, Kamala inclined her head in the direction of her brother. "Greetings, Brother." Kamala spoke lightly, "And to all of you as well." But it was for Maverick that she reserved the smile that flickered across her features before she turned to the stranger, inclining her head towards the brown female as well. "My name is Kamala and it is a pleasure to meet you." The female seemed nice enough, though Kamala hadn't seen nearly enough to make any solid observations just yet.

Her bright gaze turned towards Aeil at last, and Kamala wagged her tail at the black female, "Did I hear hunting?"




09-17-2013, 12:31 AM
ooc: Excuse the crappiness, too lazy to read others posts. xD Just wanted my girl to watch the others have some fun with a hunt, and be on standby in case anyone gets hurt. -cough cough-pontifex-wink wink-

Out of curiosity the grey woman would slip from her den, stopping for a brief moment to look down at the other Ambassador still dozing before slipping away. She headed in the direction she believed it came from, moving at a steady pace, in a decent mood today. I no time she would come upon a group of Seracians, Aeil, King Maverick, miss Rivaxorus who just joined, Pontifex and miss Kamala. As she approached Loccian could hear talk about a hunt, ears perking up. So this was a hunting party? She would make sure to stay out of it, with her skills she would most likely hurt herself trying to get into position.

Loccian shook her head at the thoughts, and within a few yards of the group she would dip her head in greeting, brushing lightly against her brother and looking up at him with a smile. "Maybe you could show me some moves later when your not tired?" She would ask softly, sitting beside him.


Awesome table by Andy <3


10-01-2013, 04:11 AM

That howl. That oh so unmistakeable sent him sprinting across the grounds faster then a snake could strike. That was how much effect the woman had on him...he just didn't fully realize it yet. Paws pounded across the ground, his bulk leaping over fallen log and a random bush. She was calling, and he would answer upon arriving. He wondered what she was up to, he hadn't seen her all day. And now, he would get that chance. He burst through the bushes, coming to an abrupt halt when he saw Aeil, then his red eyes fell upon the young king and some others he didn't know. walking towards them in brisk excitement, he stopped before King Maverick and nodded with a greeting, "Good day King Maverick, it is nice to officially meet you. I am Dragon, a new member of Seracia thanks to Aeil." He looked over warmly at the woman as he moved to stand beside her, nuzzling his muzzle affectionately into his fur. "And a good day to you as well Aeil, I have come hearing your call." he murmured to her.



10-01-2013, 09:39 AM
ooc: I am going to assume this is after Dragon has been accepted into Seracia.

The outcome from her hunting howl made Aeil's toes tingle. She was relieved to see that there were potential members whom wanted to share the experience with her. With the winter seasons vastly approaching, she was eager to get as much food as possible for herself and the pack as a whole. With eager eyes, she watched as they began to appear, one by one. They took their time, but she was all right with that. Bison didn't go too far from their pack lands, anyway.
After the dear King had appeared, an unfamiliar face showed itself shortly after. She introduced herself as Riva, causing Aeil to dip her head in a polite greeting. "Nice to meet you, Riva," she said, tones warm to the new wolf that had made herself a home in their great pack. Her attention then turned to Pontifex, the next one to enter on the scene. She nodded to his question, answering with, "Of course, Pontifex. There is more than enough room to join in."
Kamala approached from the woods and it made Aeil's tail wag in an appreciated manner. She was rather fond of the Princess, just recently having a conversation with her that laid the foundation for a future friendship. She answered Kamala as well, tones ringing with the same eagerness she had shown Pontifex. "Yes, my dear Princess, you heard correctly! We will be starting soon...and I cannot wait!"
Loccian appeared and found her place next to her brother. Aeil was slowly becoming a bit happier with each wolf that made his/her presence known. With eager eyes, she drank them all in, but what caught her breath in her throat was the appearance of her own beloved. Dragon was the last to show up, his large form bounding towards the gathered group of wolves. He gave quick introductions to King Maverick before finding his place beside her. She looked up into his eyes and returned his nuzzle. "I wouldn't expect anything less, m'love," she softly murmured, blue gaze burning with a desire for the male that had been slowly stealing her heart.
After the quick reunion, she faced the rest of the wolves and cleared her throat. "Welcome, everyone. I'm pleased to see that we had such a big turnout." She looked at each wolf individually before continuing to speak. "About half an hour ago, I was out patrolling and found quite a discovery. Bison are herding around the Knolls, not aware that we are within running distance." A big, mischievous smile appeared on her lips and she added, "They are also not aware that they will be our pack's dinner as well!" A light laugh escaped Aeil's chest and she continued. "I know we will be able to work together beautifully to catch as many bison as we can."
Looking over them again, she then admitted, "I am not the best at organizing a hunting party, as this is my first time doing so. I would appreciate any help in doing so from anyone that has had a paw in handling hunting groups..." She was unabashed from her confession and her eager gaze beseeched them before she slipped in, "I will do my best and hope that you will bear with me."



10-18-2013, 02:45 AM

With an intent stare and a slight wag of his tail, Dragon listened attentively to the woman speaking...though it was hard when all he could think about was how beautiful Aeil was. Yes, he had had a crush on her for some time...since the day they met actually, and yet he was just too shy to admit it. He glanced around at everyone as Aeil greeted them in turn, taking note of who was who. After all, he would eventually have to learn who was who within his pack. Though he looked huge and scary, he was sure that in time they would accept him and get to know who he really was. Nice, warm, friendly and noble as well as caring towards others. As he flashed his eyes back to Aeil at the end of her small speech, he would wait to see if anyone would speak. Though he was eager to get this hunt underway, remembering the first time he had hunted Bufallo with Aeil, it was something he thoroughly enjoyed. Not to mention he had plenty of hunting experience, and so he thought that this could be his chance to prove his worth within his pack since the king was here. Perhaps he could show his king that he could be a valued member. But more then that, he wanted to prove that he could pull his weight and just prove his worth. He wanted to one day be able to approach the king and ask for Aeil's paw in marriage...assuming of course, that she felt the same way he did.

Stepping forward, he would clear his throat as he prepared to speak. His red gaze intense but gentle at the same time as it would become so as his eyes laid upon Aeil's pure blues. "I might have a suggestion. If we are able to separate into two groups, we may be able to form a sort of vice formation and come at our selected prey that way. As long as we watch out for hooves and horns, some of us can herd from behind and the sides and lead them where we want. Perhaps to a narrow channel or narrow area to where it will be harder for them to get away or get around us." With a slightly nervous glance, he looked around once to the others and awaited their input.
