
Clean up time

Seasonal solo



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
02-06-2022, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2022, 01:36 AM by Cináed. Edited 1 time in total.)

He had gotten used to the rains that bombarded Auster through this season, but the night before the rains had been particularly heavy and were accompanied by a lot of wind and thunder. When he woke up the next morning and went to leave the bungalow he resided in he realized the stairs down to the ground below had destroyed. It looked like perhaps the heavy rains had made the high tide even higher than usual and the water had washed up to the bungalows that stood near the shore and a large piece of drift wood had knocked into the small flight of stairs, knocking them down. He sighed with an annoyed flick of his ears, but he knew there was not much point in grumbling about it. This was just one of the small downsides to living on an island like this.

Ciná carefully hopped down from the door of the bungalow to the ground, finding a spot there there wasn't debris laying around where he could land. He looked around for a moment, taking inventory of everything. First things first he'd have to get this driftwood out of here before he could to anything else. A quick tug told him it wasn't going to be that easy so instead he went up toward the estate, finding one of the carts they kept around for hauling things back and forth, along with a long strip of heavy fabric that used to be hanging over one of the windows once upon a time. He took them back to the bungalows and positioned the cart against the heavy post of bungalow so it wouldn't move and then wrapped the cloth around the other end of the driftwood to hopefully give him a better grip and leverage. He heaved the chunk of wood, dislodging it from where it was stuck against the side of the bungalow and managing to get it at least halfway propped into the bead of the cart. That was at least enough for him to start pulling it away, rolling it down to the edge of the beach and dropping it off there.

He returned to the bungalow and started picking up some other odds and ends that had washed up around his and the near by bungalows, loading smaller bits of driftwood, pieces of seaweed, and other debris into the cart to be hauled off later. It didn't seem like any of the other bungalows were majorly effected so at least he didn't have to worry about trying to fix any more stairs. If that had been the case he probably would have gone looking for help a long time ago. Putting the now full cart off to the side, Ciná retuned to his bungalow and looked at the broken stairs for a moment. They actually seemed to be mostly intact, just yanked away from their base. One side where the driftwood had hit it was cracked in the piece of wood that connected the slats of the stairs. Well, at least it wasn't bad enough to worry about right now. He pushed the stairs back into place and found a couple large rocks to put on either side of them just to make sure they didn't move again. Maybe he'd another of the wolves in the pack to come take a look and see if they could fix them properly at some point, but for now they were usable.

WC: 574
