
the day is done, but i'm having fun


Nirvana I


2 Years

02-06-2022, 01:59 AM

Predators. The sun had returned, and with them, a crop of predators that Nirvana wasn’t really sure she knew what to do with. It would be dangerous. It would be hella dangerous for her to be out here alone, unarmed. Dangerous was fine. Not that she needed to be scared. Sharp teeth, sharper wits, this was a girl that could hold her own even at the worst of times. Still, better to be overprepared than… well, better to be overprepared than anything else. She could arm herself against whatever there was that went bump in the night. It would be doubly important now that she was out here on her own. No, Nirvana didn’t need to be afraid. She’d never need to be afraid. But she could be prepared.

So she’d prepare. She’d prepare, and she’d take the time to do as she must. Preparing. Training. Honing her skills until they were as sharp as she was. The work that Nirvana put in was something that set her mind at ease. A ceaseless hunger lived inside her, but it wasn’t for food. No, the hunger was for something else. Something better. The hunger was to be something better, greater, and more fearsome than anyone could dream of. Though slight in stature, she had big dreams. That was enough. It would always be enough.

But would she ever be enough for herself? Would she ever be enough for someone else? Those were the questions that plagued her mind as she set about planning what exactly she’d build herself. It needed to be deadly– just like she was. Make it pretty, train it to kill. Nirvana would outfit herself with the perfect weapon so she could be the perfect weapon. It made sense, at least in her head. It had to make sense. It was all she had. A battle of wits or a battle of blows, she’d remain armed unquestionably. Armed to the teeth. At least she’d never need to let go.

Nirvana carefully boarded the half-sunk ship, taking a moment to allow her ultraviolet gaze to adjust to the low light. Once, twice, she blinked hard. There needed to be something here that was of use. Anything here. Absolutely anything. Her shadow cast, long and eerie, as she made her way down the first flight of stairs. Nirvana could hear the sound of her own steps, as well as her nails clicking against the ground beneath her feet. What a strange noise it was. If she’d been a less fierce woman, maybe the sound would have been unnerving. No. At least she only found it strange.

The yearling pressed her shoulder into a closed door. It didn’t budge. Hmm… would need a little more force, she figured. Taking several steps back, Nirvana launched herself into it full force. The door gave way– bingo. The mechanism holding it in place dislodged, and the door swung open with a bang. Sunlight filtered in through a round window, and offered her enough light to search with relative ease. Human artifacts. A desk with drawers that looked nearly untouched sat, covered in dust, at the head of the room. Nirvana reached and tested one of the drawers. Though rusty, it squeaked open. Perfect.

Well it would have been, had it not been filled with basically nothing. A few sheets of paper, a box of pencils. Nothing good. Down each drawer the girl went, dumping the contents of each as she looked for anything helpful or interesting. In the bottom drawer, Nirvana hit the jackpot. A punch dagger, still sharp (oops), with a fat t-shaped handle. Excellent. Her eyes glimmered as she lifted the weapon carefully by the less dangerous end. Tail wagging, enough to stir up the dust in the room. She sneezed. Right, she should get going, but the footlocker at the end of the bed caught her attention before departing for real. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to check it out right? Certainly not.

Her exploration paid off. A second dagger, identical to the first. Excellent. Quickly, Nirvana disembarked from the boat. While it was cool to explore for a bit, there was something wildly unsettling about it. Human relics, the things they’d left behind… ick. Cool to explore and take what was left of their shit, though. With her head high, Nirvana was already making plans for the gauntlets that she’d use to secure one to each forepaw, and maybe provide some protection in the process.

Damn, how smart was she?

High steps and an easy gait drew her out of the waters that surrounded the ship. She’d skin tonight’s dinner and turn the hide into leather strapping. From the straps, she could make trappings to attach each dagger securely, and in a way that wouldn’t come undone when she was in a fight. Maybe even lace them together? If she had someone to help her take them on and off, and help her tie the knots in the lacing, that could be an angle. Whatever it was, though, it would make her more deadly than she already was. That was enough for Nirvana.