
The time has come for blood to spill


10-01-2013, 01:49 PM

She had done something diabolical. Ozz had conversed with one of the young warriors of Tortuga and had heard about the young Poppy, and now she wanted her. Perhaps she would make a fine slave, or possibly just a strong member of Amenti. Either way, she was thirsting for blood and wanted to have it. Kai was pushed to the back of her head, as he walked well behind her as she arrived on the land. Hackles raising as she pulled back her gums to show off her teeth. The beast who ran these lands may have been bigger, but she could hold her own in a fight. If she lost it'd be her own fault, but maybe she could slip some poison on him when he least expected it. Powerful paws pushed her as she raised her head in a howl, the alpha would know she was here, and would know what she wanted or maybe not. One thing for sure was that Hajime speaking to her about Poppy had made her want her more than anything besides her mate Canttina. Her emerald eyes waiting for the new young king to confront her. Even if she did lose, it would make her more than happy to try again or try to ruin his life. Perhaps poor Hajime could be subject to something. She stayed looking normal while she waited.
Ozz v ???

For Poppy

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-01-2013, 01:57 PM

The strange women that cuddle Canttina as if she was her own proved to have left the ship to do something; the dame looked like she was up to something or another. Curios as to what it was, Morgana had shadowed her silently even if she didn't stay hidden from her senses it was fine for the Pendragon. It wasn't long before she was brought into another land, stranger then the last she had been in. A brow rose as Ozz took a stance one that clearly signaled that the dame was intending on something, that was when the howl was uttered. A challenge for another member? Well, this one had ambitions but Morgana did as well; she simply bidded her time. Silently Morgana took a seat somewhat behind and to the left of the dame, offering her support however silently so.



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 03:05 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 03:08 PM by Taurig.)

He had hoped that he wouldn't have to fight anyone so soon after having gotten mauled by the Ice King, but it seemed like that was just a tiny bit too much to ask. He had expected someone to come challenge him for Tortuga, but not challenge for one of his members. The faint echo of a call stirred the beast from his slumber, bringing him out from his den, scarred ears twisting this way and that way to pinpoint the location. The battlefield. Who was calling for him? Who wanted to take his family? Adrenaline began to flood his system as the titan moved away from his home, hoping that Newt had heard the call as well and would hold down the fort until he returned. An unreadable mask washed away any emotions that could potentially appear across his features, icy eyes becoming like daggers. Hackles would bristle, sinewy, steel-like cords of muscles rippling beneath his dark coat. Whoever was calling for him was going to have a rude awakening. No one threatened his family and got away with it.

The stench of blood was heavy in the area and a flashback of the challenge with Isardis flashed across his mind. Would this be a repeat of that? He hoped not. As he moved through the blood-soaked earth, his gaze came across the figure of two women up a head, one seeming like she was prepared to do something while the other was merely a spectator. A hint of a growl would crease his muzzle as he approached the two dames, lifting his skull to it's maximum height, ebony plume curled over his hips in a display of dominance. They both smelled of pack, but it seemed that only one held a high position. What did they want? The King would say nothing as he came to a halt several yards away, icy gaze narrowed with distrust at the two dames, waiting for the first one to speak up and reveal her reasons for having summoned him.

Talk like this


10-01-2013, 03:50 PM

Obviously the man was pissed, hell any wolf would be if someone came to steal their family. Ozz nearly chuckled with delight, but she kept her composure as the beast made himself known. She showed no fear towards his size, she was a tricky trap master, nothing would ever be normal for her. As her emerald eyes looked over Morgana then returning to Taurig. Her voice was powerful, stern, and ever so demanding. "I am Ozz from Amenti, and I have come to claim Poppy for mine and my mates kingdom." She said simply, she said it to be clear as she let out a deep growl. The woman shifted her weight to be even. Her ears began to pull back as she barked viciously out and circled over towards his side. Now everyone would witness how viciously she could fight, despite her innocent type demeanor compared to those that she was around.
Ozz shot herself forward shifting her weight on her back legs so that she could get onto his back. Her jaws splayed as the woman jumped on top of the larger male or at least tried to. Tilting her head to the side, she tried to dig her jaws straight into the back of his neck. Shaking her skull from side to side to try and removed skin and fur. To cause pain and to rip him to pieces. If she was successful she wanted to do more, striking repeatedly to the area around the back of his neck and his shoulders. Ozz tried to keep her paws over his shoulders to keep herself upon him, her tail up in balance. Ears pinned against her head as her eyes narrowed.
Ozz tried to push herself up on him, make him bleed as her shoulder muscles tightened to keep balance. He could throw her off at any moment, and she wanted to get as much damage in as she could before that happened. A deep growl rumbled deep in the viscous monsters throat. Only time could tell what would happen to her.


Ozz vs. Taurig

for Poppy

Attack:; Ozz has tried to leap onto Taurig's back from a side angle. Her head tilting to the right as she attempts to sever and tear at the back of his neck with large bites and tearing. Trying to get in as many wounds as she can repeatedly shaking her head and trying to tear off flesh.

Defense:; She is trying to grab Taurig by the shoulders with her front paws and hold onto him. Her tail is up and out for balance as well as her muscles tightened. Her back legs tightened to stay on the ground. Her eyes are narrowed and ears pinned to the back of her head.

Injury:; N/A

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-01-2013, 04:00 PM

Hajime couldn't believe it. He figured something good could have come out of meeting Ozz, but now she was trying to steal Poppy. The boy staying a few feet away lowered his ears in disbelief. This wasn't supposed to be happening. He had made the wrong choice again hadn't he. First he had killed his elder brother and now Taurig would be in pain because of him. The boy stood back as he held an expression of slight worry and fear within him. Hoping Taurig wouldn't be angry. He turned his head away, starring at Ozz. Ozz the one who had betrayed him. It wasn't fair, not at all. He didn't want any of this to happen, and yet it was. Hajime sat down and calmed himself. Taurig could handle it, Poppy would not go to Ozz to be a slave. He just could feel it.




5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 04:08 PM

I am Ozz from Amenti, and I have come to claim Poppy for mine and my mates kingdom. Amenti. That had to be one of the nearby packs. He was supposed to visit all the packs in Alacritis, excluding Glaciem, in order to forge alliances with them, but if they were going to charge in here and decide to take one of his members for themselves, then they could start forgetting about any kind of alliance. The king would say nothing, watching as the woman lowered herself into a crouch, moving towards him to arch around to his right side. Icy gaze would track the smaller woman's movement, ears flattening against his skull, hackles bristling, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin around his neck for added protection. His center of gravity would be lowered, limbs spread out evenly beneath him, toes splayed and talons dug into the soil for better traction. Icy eyes would turn into slits, chick tucked against his chest, plume flagged out for better balance. He was ready for this.

Ozz would charge towards him, throwing herself back onto her hind legs in an attempt to position herself on top of his shoulders, her jaws snapping towards his neck. The titan would wait until the last possible second, the woman's teeth grazing his neck, drawing two thin lines of blood before ducking down, front limbs bending significantly as he pushed forward with his back legs, aiming to ram his right shoulder straight into ozz's bottom chest, looking to disorient her and possibly pin her down to end this quickly. Shoulders remained scrunched for added protection, haunches tensed, plume aligned with his spine for balance, jaws splayed wide as they looked to hook onto the closest piece of skin, whether it be a limb or underbelly.

Taurig vs. Ozz for Poppy

Round 1 of 3

Defense:Icy gaze would track the smaller woman's movement, ears flattening against his skull, hackles bristling, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin around his neck for added protection. His center of gravity would be lowered, limbs spread out evenly beneath him, toes splayed and talons dug into the soil for better traction. Icy eyes would turn into slits, chick tucked against his chest, plume flagged out for better balance. Shoulders remained scrunched for added protection, haunches tensed, plume aligned with his spine for balance

Attack: ducking down, front limbs bending significantly as he pushed forward with his back legs, aiming to ram his right shoulder straight into ozz's bottom chest, looking to disorient her and possibly pin her down to end this quickly. jaws splayed wide as they looked to hook onto the closest piece of skin, whether it be a limb or underbelly

Injuries: Shallow scratches across the back of his neck

Talk like this


10-01-2013, 04:58 PM

Her weight was thrown forward by Taurig, forward then down and up. Her forelimbs pulled back on his shoulders as she growled his shoulder blade digging into her right armpit. Releasing herself from him she tried to pull off his jaws mildly sank into her side. She growled and pulled herself towards him shifting her weight to one side. Letting him grab her flesh, as her toes splayed out for balance not to let him dominate her. Her tail tucked itself as she scrunched up her shoulders lowering her head as she pushed her weight onto his head.
Ozz pushed her head towards his face as he latched onto her side. Jaws splaying about as she aimed right for his left eye. She wanted to grip into the flesh as much as she could. Biting down hard to try and cause sever damage or pain as she shook her skull again. Her goal was not to kill, it was to inflict as much pain as possible. Her right back leg came out from under her to kick at his forelimbs hard to try and make him lose his balance. Hear front claws digging into the ground as she kept her shoulders tightened and tail tucked. Abdomen muscles tightened her ears pinned to the back of her skull as well as her eyes being narrowed.


Ozz vs. Taurig

For Poppy

Attack:; Ozz is pressing her weight against his head while tilting her head to the right and aiming to his left eyeball in the attempts to cause severe damage or pain to it. She then shifts her weight to her left side suddenly. Her right back leg is lifting as she tries to swipe kick his front limbs to make him lose his balance.

Defense:; Ozz's ears are pinned back, her tail tucked and shoulders scrunched. Her center of weight is to one side to avoid her weight being overthrown do to being on three legs. Her eyes narrowed and abdomen tightened as well. Keeping careful balance as she kicks. Nails digging into soil for more support.

Injury:; Her right armpit near ribs are sore, and mild wound maybe a half inch deep or an inch deep on her side near her ribs may deepen depending on next move.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



10-01-2013, 05:16 PM

It would seem her little sex kitten was a bit restless. A smirk was shown as the call was let forth. A call for a challenge. Not a pack challenge, a challenge for another packs member. The daemon grinned an got up from her throne. She shook off that stained pelt and rolled those damaged shoulder. The demoness set forth in a limping trot to her mates side to observe the fight and give support. Though, the lips would be sealed unless other maws spat words. She was going there to give support, not start wars. this time.

She seemed to be late, but the bitch cared less. She took as seat far away, a good twenty feet. She watched the two battle it out. Ozz and a male. He wreaked of a King. She twisted her hidden nose and tilted her head. Her eyes scanned over the other spectators in interest. Was this a new pack? What pack was this? She rolled those damaged shoulders and snorted. The bitch got up and limped over to a russet and black male and grunted. "What pack do you serve?" Her words were rough and blunt. The bitch snarled as she watched the on goings but demanded an answer. This man was hurting her love, he would pay.


10-01-2013, 05:29 PM

Hajime was approached by the opposing side, when anger was already flowing through his veins. Eyes narrowed on her, why should he answer in the first place. "Tortuga, we are the volcano pack, and we won't ever let you take Poppy." He gave a thick growl. It was winter, he was fully grown and he was ready to be a leader despite all his fears. Though he wouldn't do anything to the lady, he still raised his hackles and growled deeply. He was pissed at the fact that Ozz had betrayed him, half of this was his fault after all.
His eyes searched over Taurig and the lady as they fought. Taurig would win right? He was bigger, poppy would be safe from being something she didn't deserve. Hajime never thought he could care about what happened to someone so much. Perhaps he was making quick steps ahead of himself.




5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 11:01 PM by Taurig.)

His move with his shoulder was successful as he rammed into Ozz's right armpit, a growl of pain his reward. Her forelimbs would be pulled off his shoulder, averting any hold she could've taken on him from the neck. His snapping jaws would find purchase on her left side, daggers digging into the pliable flesh of her underbelly, drawing blood. He could feel her steady herself above him before she launched her own attack of retaliation. Her head would snap towards the right side of his face, looking to take a bite out of his right eye. But the titan wasn't going to make it that easy for her. To avoid getting his eye gauged out, the cobalt King would push himself forward by a step, his right forepaw outstretched for balance. Ozz's teeth met his right cheek, just below his ear instead of his eye, fangs piercing the flesh to draw blood just as from his shoulder. A hiss of pain would slip past his clamped jaws but he wouldn't let the pain hold him back or distract him. Her aim towards his forelimbs would be easily evaded with a simple lift of the paw, bringing his mammoth paw down hopefully on her own toes, looking to bruise, possibly sprain some toes.

Icy gems would remain narrowed, scarred ears tucked flat against his skull as the titan would twist his head to the right, jaws splayed wide and ready, looking to take a bite out of her neck or at least get a good hold on her. Haunches would remained tensed, knees bent for balance, toes spread, talons dug into the soil for traction. Plume would be half tucked between his legs in case any attempts were made towards it. Shoulders remained rolled forward, cobalt coat rolled over his neck for added protection, hoping that his bite would hit.

Taurig vs Ozz for Poppy

Round 2 of 3

Defense:Icy gems would remain narrowed, scarred ears tucked flat against his skull. Haunches would remained tensed, knees bent for balance, toes spread, talons dug into the soil for traction. Plume would be half tucked between his legs in case any attempts were made towards it. Shoulders remained rolled forward, cobalt coat rolled over his neck for added protection, hoping that his bite would hit.

Attack: the titan would twist his head to the right, jaws splayed wide and ready, looking to take a bite out of her neck or at least get a good hold on her. bringing his mammoth paw down hopefully on her own toes, looking to bruise, possibly sprain some toes.

Injuries: Scratches across the back of his neck and across the side of his right cheek


Talk like this


10-01-2013, 11:22 PM

Her leg swipe missed and her head slipped down near his ear. That wouldn't do, a deep hiss started within her throat as he tried to stomp on her toes. Though it wouldn't happen with how fast she kicked, she brought her leg back for balance as the impact hit her right shoulder from his jaws. Ozz felt it hit her hard as she tried to keep her balance sliding back a bit in the dirt. Straining her front muscles as she scrunched up her shoulders to possibly keep his jaws where they sat. Her back paws giving her support as she pressed farther onto him. His teeth dug an inch deep into her right shoulder as she released his cheek. Her emerald eyes locked with his own right shoulder higher then she was, or rather at eye level. Her head cocked to the left as her jaws split and she went to get a hold on him. Lifting up her right leg where he had hit her shoulder to push it into his chest to try and push him away.
Her toes splayed out onto the dirt as she tasted the blood within her mouth. Eyes still keeping narrowed, and her ears pinned against her skull. Her shoulders rolled forward to try and avoid any further damage as she balanced her weight and had her tail tucked. Her neck scrunched in case he wanted to go for her neck. Her body curled around him, facing in a diagonal manner. Shaking her skull she tried to cut, sever, into his flesh. Possibly to reach bone if she could, shaking and tearing she if she had a hold on it. Her right forelimb pressing on his chest as she felt blood soak within that same shoulder of her own.


Ozz vs. Taurig

For Poppy

Attack:; Ozz has tilted her head to the left and aimed for his right shoulder just as he did with her. Aiming to cut into flesh and get as deep as she can and cause pain shaking her head to tear it out and try and cause a scar. At the same time her right limb raised and tries to push on his chest or to kick him away with it.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed and her ears pinned back. Her shoulders tucked as much as they can with his hold on her shoulder. Her tail is tucked between her legs and her weight is distributed through her other three limbs. Toes splayed out and digging into the dirt as her muscles tighten. Scrunching up her neck folds of fat to protect vital parts of the neck. Diagonal to Taurig.

Injuries:; Bruising under right armpit and inch deep gash within her right side(May cause scarring). Half inch deep hold on her right shoulder may become deeper depending on his next move.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 11:56 PM

His jaws would hit a mark, not exactly the one that he was looking for, but it was better than nothing. Daggers would lock onto Ozz's right shoulder, burying themselves within the challenger's flesh about an inch or two deep. The force of his attack would send the woman sliding back about a few inches. She would release her hold on his cheek, trading it instead for an aim for his right shoulder. But that's where she would fail. The titan would release her shoulder, having already gotten his reward in her blood, allowing his shoulders to drop down, though he wouldn't escape completely unscathed, her daggers skimming along the surface of his skin, bringing out blood. Forelegs would bend slightly, haunches bunching together as the cobalt king readjusted his stance so that his right shoulder was facing her chest, throwing his entire weight forward in an attempt to barrel into her once again.

Chin would be tucked against his chest, ears flattened against his skull, eyes narrowed to slits for protection. Knees would remain bent, haunches tensed for balance, plume tucked between his hocks. Toes were splayed, limbs evenly spread out, shoulders rolled forward, the crimson liquid oozing from his shallow scratches. Hopefully this fight would be over and he would be able to head home with the knowledge that Poppy would remain safe and sound back in Tortuga.

Taurig vs. Ozz for Poppy

Round 3 of 3

Defense:Chin would be tucked against his chest, ears flattened against his skull, eyes narrowed to slits for protection. Knees would remain bent, haunches tensed for balance, plume tucked between his hocks. Toes were splayed, limbs evenly spread out, shoulders rolled forward

Attack: haunches bunching together as the cobalt king readjusted his stance so that his right shoulder was facing her chest, throwing his entire weight forward in an attempt to barrel into her once again

Injuries: Shallow scratches to his neck, cheek and shoulder

Talk like this

The Judge


10-02-2013, 03:19 AM


Round 1

6 for clarity- Watch your spelling, grammar, and wording. You want your post to flow and be easy to read; avoid excessive full stops. You also fail to mention what side Ozz attempts to approach from, what way she tilts her head etc. (you did mention her head tilt in the summary, but you need to put this in your post!)

10 for powerplaying. nothing of note

3 for defenses. ears against her head, tail out, eyes narrowed. I did not count her grip on the shoulders as a defence, it?s more of a back-up upon her attack.

4 for attack. A fairly realistic attack, however it?s hard to picture when you do not tell us your exact angle. Also excessive biting at the scruff is only going to cause pain, especially when all she hopes to do is tear skin- it will not disable Taurig in any way.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one OZZ Total: 33/50


8 for clarity- Your post is easy to read, however you need to be particular with your attacks ?reaching for the closest piece of skin? just won?t make the cut, you need to back up your reasoning with where he aims to grasp and how it would be possible.

10 for powerplaying. None noted.

9 for defenses. Ears flat, hackles raised, rolled shoulders, equally spread limbs, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked, narrowed eyes, gripping toes, jaws open ? awesome work!

5 for attack. Looking to slam right shoulder into Ozz?s lower chest, to disorientate (I can?t see this allowing him to pin her, only that it would throw her weight backwards), jaws open and reaching for closest flesh.

10 for injuries.Shallow skin cuts to the nape. First round.

Round one TAURIG Total: 42/50

Round 2


5 for clarity- I really struggled to understand a lot of your post, you should pay more attention to the fluency of your writing, and make sure you always proof read. I?m not going to go through and list everything purely due to the volume of misunderstandings I had- watch your grammar and wording closely, or judges can misinterpret!

6 for powerplaying. ?lowering her head as she pushed her weight onto his head.? You can not presume Taurig didn?t move away from her contact. ?Ozz pushed her head towards his face as he latched onto her side.? Taurig did not intend to latch and hold, and could have well let go by now.

6 for defenses. narrowed eyes, tail tucked, abdomen tense, ears pinned, toes spread/gripping, shoulders ?scrunched? (we prefer rolled or forward).

5 for attack. An attack to the eye is a strong attack, however I don?t think it was the greatest opportunity for her to attempt this due to the pairs angles. The kicking of the back leg did not earn you any points as it is slightly unrealistic in the sense that canines limbs are not very flexible behind, and it is also very hard for her to aim for such a small area (being his forelimbs).

7 for injuries. Bruised right armpit and lacerations on her ribcage.

Round two OZZ Total: 35/50


9 for clarity- I think there was confusion between you two with your angles? Ozz Aims for his left eye but Taurig says it hits his right cheek. I?m only deducting one point here as I believe this may have been a fault on Sei?s behalf. Your post was otherwise clear, however you should mention the intentions of your attacks- is it purely for pain? What else would a neck-bite achieve? Where on the neck does he hope to hit?

9 for powerplaying. Ozz says his bite hits at her side/ribs, but Taurig says it hits her Underbelly.

7 for defenses. Eyes Narrowed, ears pinned, knees bent, toes spread, claws digging for traction, tail tucked, rolled shoulders, jaws open and ready.

6 for attack. A bite to the neck and attempted stomp on her toes, I don?t think his toe stomp would have connected considering it was a kick and not a stamp.

8 for injuries. Scratches to the right cheek. This could have potentially done more damage, keep this in mind.

Round two TAURIG Total: 39/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- More clear this time, but you fail to mention the goals of your attacks? ?and she went to get a hold on him? ? where? Why? What does she hope to do other than ?hold him? in this unknown area? EDIT: I have noticed only now that she had locked onto his shoulder, however the clarity was still poor, hence why I found it very easy to miss.

4 for powerplaying. A lot of potential powerplay here. ?As she tasted the blood within her mouth? careful here, you need to say which attack she was tasting the blood from or it can be mistaken for her recent attack, which is what I presumed. Also ?Her body curled around him?, you need to give Taurig time to move. To be safe, say ?attempted?. Taurig also does not try to get her shoulder, he tries to get her neck. Though the biggest issue you had here was ?her right forelimb pressing on his chest?, Taurig didn?t get the chance to say she had connected or not.

6 for defenses. Toes splayed, narrowed eyes, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, balanced weight, tail tucked.

5 for attack. A bite to the shoulder is a decent attack. You were not awarded points for her attempted push at his chest, it is a slightly awkward and unlikely angle, and canines do not bare enough strength in the forelimbs to be able to push another away (especially one larger).

5 for injuries. Deep wound on the right shoulder.

Round three OZZ Total: 28/50


9 for clarity- Clear, however you lost a point for what I believe to be verging on excess movement. You say he drops his shoulder away before Ozz can hit her mark, I like that you allowed her to hit (just not on target) but I?m still not convinced he could judge her potential attack and react to it that quickly.

10 for powerplaying. None noted

7 for defenses. Chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears flattened, knees bent, toes spread, limbs even, shoulders rolled, tail tucked. (several of these were all related to balance)

4 for attack. Throwing his weight forward suddenly, to attempt to barrel into Ozz. Where?

8 for injuries. Skin scathes on upper shoulder.

Round three TAURIG Total: 38/50


OZZ: 96/150

TAURIG: 119 + 2 (duty) = 121/150

And the winner is...

TAURIG! OZZ must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Poppy remains a member of Tortuga.


OZZ- Ozz? deep lacerations to her shoulder and side/ribs will take approx. two (2) OOC weeks to heal. They may be prone to scarring and Ozz will be subject to temporary lameness for the duration of her healing time.

TAURIG- Mild lacerations sustained to the shoulder and face will take approx. one (1) OOC week to heal.

Taurig has won the challenge and Poppy will remain within Tortuga, Ozz may not challenge for her again during this thread or in the immediate future.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good job guys! You both did really well. Sei I suggest you practice spar more and take into account what suggestions you are given, I say this only because I struggle to understand the clarity of your posts and the suggestions of others can help you to improve. Also, learn the basic defences and learn to incorporate them into your posts. Wolf great work, but don?t be afraid to use more aggression in your attacks- you will score better. Awesome defences! <3 Yumps

- By [YUMPY]


10-04-2013, 09:58 AM

The fight insured yet it went down hill fairly fast, shaking that head it seemed the women who was at Canttina's side wasn't strong as she was thought to be. This had been a show of the womens strength and what she could muster but alas it proved she was on the weaker end of the stick, unlike Canttina of whom had proven to hold her own against the once Amenti alpha. Rising to her paws Morgana went to Ozz only giving the black male a glance as she lightly touched the dames cheek. "Lets go and treat those wounds." It was what Morgana could do; she didn't need to learn much els of the pack she was in the least; it was small and weak filling it with slaves was hardly worth it. They weren't going to fight for them, not when they were held against their will and forced to do who knows what.

Morgana maybe a killer but she wasn't blind, no, this pack wouldn't last. It wouldn't surprise her is a up start showed up before long and challenged for the pack, taking it from Canttina's paws. She would be there to see it all, flicking an ear as she pressed Ozz back towards their home, where a stash of herbs were kept in case such a thing like this happened.

Morgana exits with Ozz?


10-04-2013, 04:57 PM

Ozz turned away from taurig. She didn't care, not at all not anymore. But just as Morgana touched her. Ozz let a deep growl escape her throat. She nearly snapped at Morgana, before her eyes wandered towards Taurig. It was because he was bigger wasn't it, and she was the weak one? Canttina wouldn't like that. Her wounds could bleed all she cared about. Taurig was a stronger man. Kai was hissing inside of her head. She could heal her own damn wounds. And she did not want to return home like this. "I do not need help, I can deal with my own wounds. I will not be returning home yet, and yell at me all you want. But I have lost and a loss is a loss and amenti does not like those who lose." She snorted, it was the truth from what she had seen. From what Morgana had told her, she would accept that hatred run through their veins now. And that insane mate of her Canttina figured she had everyone wrapped around her paw, when in the end they were all a clump of insanity, that she had wanted to get away from in the first place.
Ozz met Morgana's eyes, they furiously searched for some sense of mortality within it. She turned and headed the other way. "I will return when I am ready, no one can tell me what to do." She limped off, letting the blood drip down from her side. She would heal herself, relax someplace then return home pissed as ever. She couldn't see any other possibility on that. Her tail irritably flicking behind her as she walked off. For a single moment, she looked back at Taurig with her green eyes. With some sort of strange apologetic meaning towards it. Though she would probably return later to give her condolences. She was done, she was just done.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,