
STARDUST (birth)



09-16-2013, 08:10 PM

Peace had filled her life, well, as much peace as was possible. Argent had bound herself to Glaciem territory, a growing blimp of a woman who did not wish to endanger her young by daring to wander beyond protection. The Duchess?s symptoms were severe; constant nausea, dizziness, fainting, and just general misery. She?d found herself restless, insomnia worsening, hormones making her a depressed mess of nervous tension and energy. And yet, the time drew near. Her sides swelled, her frame heavy with children, her body displaying that soon she would birth the first of Isardis?s children to greet the lands of Alacritis.
It was fitting that the middle of the night would mark the beginning, the twisting pain in her womb that announced her children were prepared to enter the world. The Duchess had fallen asleep underneath a tree that night, out in the open and pleased, too lazy to return to the den she shared with Eris. At first she thought it was the children resettling; they were prone to movement, prone to trying to find a comfortable position within her body, and she did not mind. Whatever they needed she would provide, dutiful to them as she was to their father, a loving servant through and through.
When the pain grew worse, she knew. She knew in the way all mothers ultimately knew, and she struggled to her feet, whimpering and struggling. ?Eris!? she cried, desperate, barking for somebody to come and offer her assistance. Her legs shook with pain, but she sharpened her resolve, slowly trying to traverse to a den somewhere. She felt light headed, and the pain was the worst she?d ever felt, and all the Duchess wanted to do was lie down somewhere comfortable and ride out the pain as best she could. Giving birth outside was not ideal; it would leave her vulnerable, especially in the middle of the night. No, she needed safety, and she needed it now.


09-17-2013, 11:45 AM

She knew it was coming, the way all healers knew. Argent had been restless as of late, leaving for unknown periods of time, and she had resolved to give her some space. She had a bundle of herbs prepared, to grab at a moments notice, herbs that would help relieve the pain of contractions and give Argent the strength required to birth the pups she would bare. She too, had left he den that night, out to stretch her legs, and just let her mind clear itself. A lot had happened lately, having her question herself, and with Argent's delivery looming that wasn't good.


The cry rang through the pine forest, and instantly, her head snapped, towards the source of the sound. Barely a heartbeat passed, and she was on her feet instantly, bolting towards the sound as fast her little legs would carry her. The cry had been filled with pain and the voice all too familiar. Golden tawny legs would carry her at remarkable speed through the forest, easily zig-zaging around trees, and dodging the protruding limbs.

Coming to a sliding halt near the familiar shape, she looked the other wolf over, taking in the swell of her stomach, and the surroundings. It was time. Argent, her kings duchess was ready to give birth. More importantly, her best friend was about to become a mother. Happiness flowed through her, as she took in the scene before speaking. "Argent! Are you alright?-Never mind that's a stupid question. We must get you somewhere safe. Can you walk, or should I call for help?" The words would flow urgently from her maw, as she moved closer to the she-wolf, cursing herself for not having her bundle of herbs with her, when she had went out that night. Those herbs would be mighty useful about now. Glancing around, she didn't see any herbs that would aid her, though she could smell them in the air. She was reluctant to leave her patient, and instead came to Argent's side to await the duchess's words. With any luck, she would still find it in her too move. If not, Eris already had a back-up plan for that.





09-17-2013, 05:28 PM

The chilling wail would reach the king even from his distant saunter, coral paws halting beneath him as towers would flicker with credulous interest. He had been hovering close to his queen the past week, sensing the upcoming birth that toyed within her bodice; risking no possibilities of harm to either her or his royal children. As soon as those babes left the womb, it would be finalized; Glaciem was an empire, and Alacritis would be not only the birth land of greatness, their playground, but their entire kingdom. Soon.

He would lope, at ease knowing that the scent of his Curer was nearby, grateful of the woman and her skills as the success of this delivery depended so greatly upon her. Looming ahead would be the struggling chassis of his silver knight, colossal against the tiny proportions of Eris, Argent?s splendour admirable even within her desperate state. A low chuff would crawl to her from beneath his lungs, trotting around the woman from her behind as a proud smirk would weave his lips; cunning plans already evident beneath the rose of his irises. ?I will find a birthing site,? his voice was low, bursting with thrill and pride as he would pace ahead of the duo.

Making for the thicks of the loose pines he would duck beneath branches in an attempt to find an opening at sparce roots. Alas, so far he had been unlucky; though ahead, a fallen tree, not a pine but something far larger. Optimistic, he would trot for his proximities, and as had been expected, the crater created by pulled up roots bevelled out beneath the surface of which it had fallen. It wasn?t a den, but it was sheltered, safe and likely warm. A sharp bark would announce his discoveries, gracefully dropping his body into the pits below as his jaws would begin to gather any objects that could have tarnished her comfort or injured her newborns. It would have to do.



09-17-2013, 05:56 PM

Eris was quick to arrive, and Argent was so relieved to see her best friend?s presence. She pressed lightly against the curer, seeking the comfort of somebody she trusted in her most vulnerable state. Crimson eyes peeled wide as she searched for somewhere to lay down, somewhere to rest and bring her children into the world. ?I can walk..just not far,? she panted, cringing as yet another wave of pain washed over her. It was not long before Isardis arrived, watching him as he announced he would locate a place for her to rest.

She followed as best she could, sluggish but deliberate. She was a warrior, and birth was not comfortable, but Argent refused to find herself bent to its will. Strong legs pulled her to the place Isardis had deemed worthy, and she would trust him, for she could never find doubt in her king. Even if in this moment he told her to bite into her own arteries, she would do it for him. She waited until he?d cleared a comfortable patch, collapsing into a comfortable position and preparing for birth. She had not a clue about what occurred during the process, but part of her felt ready. ?Eris?Isardis?I think it?s time,? she said, another wave of contractions pulling her face into a grimace. It was time for her children to come into the world, and she did not mind. The pain would be worth pleasing her King, for she had failed him so deeply the last time she?d been with child.
This time, the woman was determined that she would deliver strong, healthy children. She would help Isardis build his empire, and she would cement her bond and devotion to him with the arrival of these tiny lives.


09-18-2013, 05:17 AM

Argents words would fill Eris with hope, she wouldn?t be comfortable with the duchess giving birth in such and open place. Feeling the other woman press into her, she would gently extend her muzzle to gently nuzzle her shoulder in a comforting gesture. Argent would have a difficult night ahead of her. The question is? where would they go? It seemed as soon as that question materialized in her head, Isardis, the king of Glaciem appeared. The excitement coming from the male was tangible, the pride evident in the look he gave Argent. A gentle eye roll, would come from the little dame. Males, they could be so fickle at times.

He said he would find a place, and the small healer didn?t doubt him, dubiously, she and Argent would move, slowly but surely after their king. When he had found a suitable place, and cleared the majority of debris, the duchess would move forward sinking onto the ground. Checking her with patient with her muzzle, she would nod to herself. Turning back to her king, she stepped towards him, between him and Argent and looked up at him firmly. ?I know you want to be here, but this is no place for males. Go keep guard outside, please.?

Her plea would be uttered as a sign of respect, of his role above her though her words would be firm in her decision, leaving no room for argument, moving to the mouth of the small alcove the she snapped up a few of the stems of a small plant that luckily had been growing nearby, and moved back to her patient. They wouldn?t be much, but they would help dull the pain a little bit, albeit not much. Dropping the stems in front of Argent, she murmured, ?Eat these, they won?t do much, not as well as the herbs I had prepared for you, but we must make due. Try to breath, Argent, I know this is agony, but those beautiful pups will be worth it.? The words would be accompanied by a gentle smile, and she would rest on her haunches, waiting for it to draw nearer to her time, for the duchess to push the new life into the welcoming world of Glaciem.





09-18-2013, 06:45 AM

He would watch with a rising pride as his duchess would come to rest within the safety he had provided her; his rosy gaze fixated obsessively upon her hips, watching with anticipation as her muscles would be seen jolting beneath her silver cloak. Her pain would fall blind to him, knowing she would be fine, far more concerned for the delivery of his first Glaciem spawn. Her yelps, which should have chilled his core, would send his skin crawling with delight; for every screech would suggest a moment less wait. A second sooner he would see the magnificent offspring she had rewarded him. He cared not for how many, just that he had at least one, a single writhing and powerful little bundle to raise to great expectations.

Slowly he would inch closer to his pride, drawing his body a stride towards his queen, eyes searching so eagerly, nostrils quivering. He wanted to see them. He felt almost as if he could persuade Argent to contract faster, though he would decide against rushing her, content that she had well earned her right to self-judgement. However Eris would find it necessary to persuade the king athwart, coral ears snppaing backwards as a low rumble would echo his throat. The children were as much his as Argents, surely he had every right to see their first gasps, their first squirms? Yet the stern look to her golden gaze would be enough to push the King away, even in his sour manner as his hackles would raise; a displeased expression tainting coral features as he slink.

But she wouldn?t get rid of him that easily. Even if the comfort of his duchess depended on it. No, he would bounce up the inclination, lowering his skull as he would calculate his position; tracing back over where the trio had arrived. Ah! With his body lowered to the earth, he could hear Argent breathing beneath him, her lungs echoing through the shallow grime that concealed her. He would hear them when he arrived, that he was sure of. Extended tail would tap impatiently at crisp vegetation, low rumbles tumbling his throat as he so craved the initiation of his sons, or his daughters.



09-18-2013, 06:15 PM

She knew the healer had her best interests in mind, but Argent didn?t want her King to go away. She whimpered when she noticed him doing as asked. ?I want him beside me. Please,? she requested, dreary from the pain. If she could, she would have all of Glaciem beside her now, a protective unit that she enjoyed deeply. Alas, even in her pained state she knew such a thing would be overwhelming. Nonetheless, she wanted Isardis to see his children come into the world. She did as she was told for the second part, eating the herbs and following the directions of the healer.
It was then that laid back, knowing that her first child would be coming now. She relaxed as best she could, whimpering as the child arrived, listening to any instructions or guidance Eris might provide her. Immediately the mother would pull the child to her, cleaning up the babe and revealing a silver-pelted boy, face masked with black markings, eye color still too early to be determined. Argent greeted him with affection, intent on providing him with the best possible introduction to the world. She didn?t give him a name just yet, instead pulling him close to her.

It would not be long before her other children made it into this world, she knew it. Argent had been swollen too large for there have to simply been one boy, although she would not have been disappointed if he had been the only one. She curled close to her newborn, before she let her head fall to the ground. Already her body felt exhausted, and yet Argent knew she would not give up. ?I think I need a pep talk,? she muttered to Eris, wincing as she tried to gather her energy to prepare for the next children.

Talon I


4 Years
09-19-2013, 06:34 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 06:35 AM by Talon I.)

The stench of blood was strong in the air. It arrested Talon's attention from where he'd been crouched, near the base of a small stream, searching desperately for fish to catch. Since joining Glaciem, he hadn't ventured far from Euphrosyne's side, still rather wary of Isardis and ... well, everyone else here. The Alpha hadn't seemed terribly impressed with him; not like he was with Euphrosyne. He hadn't seen much interraction between the two, but he certainly cared for her. Perhaps he could impress him! Already a few dead salmon lay beside him on the dirt, hardly enough to call a meal, but food was not quite so easy to come by these days. It was most certainly better than nothing.

Slowly he lifted his muzzle, eyes shifting from their position on the slow rapids to search around him. It didn't smell like anything he knew before, and so with curiosity he rose to all three limbs, hoisting himself upright carefully. Only when he leaned down, grabbing the three fish in his jaws, did he begin to trot closer to where the stench emanated from.

Isardis was difficult to miss from a distance -- the boy lowered his head, slipping forward quietly, but not silently. It would likely be a bad idea to try to sneak up on him, and yet he didn't want to brashly rush forward either. Especially as he realized the source of the scent. He wrinkled his nose, curious but confused all the same. He'd never seen children being born, but he knew most mothers were unlikely to let him close while giving birth. With a soft whimper he padded closer, remaining a safe distance away. Slowly he set the fish near Isardis, wondering if he would want it after all -- or maybe the woman giving birth would? Birthing children surely had to be exhausting.

talk , think


09-20-2013, 11:28 PM

'i want him beside me, please.'

Golden eyes came to rest softly on her friend, and a slight smile grew on her jaws. Turning her head slightly towards the opening, she let out a soft call. "Isardis!"Then she would turn back to her patient, coming close to her, and gently nosing her stomach. It wouldn't be long now. "Breathe, Argent.. Just breathe." She would stay close to her friend, listening to her breathing, and watching as the muscles would contract, racking her body with pain.

When the contractions grew closer, and Eris knew she'd be pushing her first pup into the world, comforting murmurs escaped her jaws, to calm the female and to urge her. Watching, as the mother pushed her first pup into the world, and nosed her, her mothering instincts taking to her naturally, she felt a proud smile on her jaws. Leaning forward to inspect the pup, she murmured, "He's beautiful, Argent." She watched as the duchess's head rested on the ground, and muttered that she needed a pep talk. A chuckle escaped her, looking down at her, her expression serious, she spoke. "I know how painful this is, but look at that baby, you've got more coming and you'll be happier than you could ever imagine once you lay your eyes on them." The words were soft, but encouraging, she knew all to well the pains of labor, the pains of child-birth, it sucked. Royally sucked.

Her eyes would watch her patient, waiting for the tell-tale contractions that would signal that her next child would be born, into the welcoming world of Glaciem.





09-21-2013, 06:17 PM

His duchess would request of Eris what Isardis could do no less than to hope for, her wise choices and pleasing mannerisms had always been enough for him to respect her so profoundly. She would call her his little servant, that she owed him her life, but the pallid sovereign could only hope she would have remained with him regardless; admiring of his forces, and craving only to be a part of the greatness that would tower his wake. He would smirk, perhaps addressing Eris with an ?I told you so? glance before dropping back down the embankment and slinking gracefully towards his queen, bursting with pride as the cries of her firstborn would bless the chilled atmosphere.

Desperately his gaze would hunt for the pup, crawling closer to his wife as ruby gaze would so eagerly feast upon the writhing male. Perfect. He was no less than perfect. A salmon tongue would aim for the top of his duchess? head, attempting to stroke adoringly down her skull, a mild reward for her efforts. She had given him one of the greatest gifts that could be presented to a king, a healthy boy. And it seemed there were only more to come. ?My blade, my salient duchess; I could ask for no more,? his voice low as he would continue to bathe her, proud. Endlessly proud to have called her his own.

Though he would become aware of another approaching, skull snapping behind him with paternal instinct as a low growl would rumble his throat. Hackles would rise upon the sight of the tiny deformity, watching rigidly as Talon would present himself somewhat inaudibly. He was a strange little fixation, awkward and broken, but his brood had so desired to care for him, and it seemed the little beast was at least capable of pulling his own weight. Ears would flatten as The King would crawl towards him, becoming aware of the fish that the boy would deliver to his feet. ?Keep your distance, lamb,? would be all that would seethe his lips, jaws reaching downwards to pick up one of the offerings and deliver it to the convenience of the new mother. He would remember the youths actions, mildly optimistic that the lamb could potentially be of use to him in future. Or hell, maybe even now.



09-21-2013, 06:50 PM

Isardis came back, and she offered him a soft smile, pleased by his presence. She smiled at Eris, pleased with the compliments, and pleased that she had pleased Isardis. Her head craned back, seeking to press a kiss to his cheek. She knew not what pushed her to do so, for she?d never been quite so bold as to reveal it all to him, but she could not help the words that fell from her mouth. ?I love you,? she confessed, and she was too exhausted to care about the potential aftermath, to care that he might not feel anywhere near that, or be capable of such a thing. Nonetheless, she let the moment pass, refocusing upon Eris. She had three more children to birth, and it was not going to be an easy process.
The next to come took a bit more energy, but she was used to the sensation. It was a grey male, white on the bottom of his body but otherwise coated with charcoal-tinted blue. He was perfect as well, a strong boy to exist next to his brother. She began to clean him, pulling him close to his brother, hoping that he also met his father?s expectations. Her sons. They were so perfect, and for a moment it almost felt like there were only two, and then the contractions began again. Head fell to the ground once more, eyes closing as she whimpered, pouring all of her energy into the next pup to come into the world.
It was a girl, a beautiful girl with a light coat. Her eyes were marked with black, as well as the tips of her ears, and Argent immediately felt a swell of protectiveness over her daughter. She was beautiful, and one day the mother was certain she would have to chase off the suitors by the dozens. For now she made a fuss over her, doting her with kissed and groomings, setting her beside her two siblings. For the next half hour it seemed that she was done, but then the contractions picked up again. By this point she didn?t feel like she had much left in her. All the strength had abandoned her, and now she had one last child to bring into the word. She focused upon her beautiful children, upon the warmth and protectiveness that swelled within her, and with that she pushed free her final child.
He was the surprise, a shocking coat of powdery white, tinted with pink. The boy looked like his father, albino. Argent fussed over him immediately, cleaning him up, trying to see if such a rare trait had truly been bestowed upon one of her beautiful children. After a swift grooming it would seem such was the case, and now she couldn?t help but beam up at Isardis, look what we?ve made she thought, looking down at their three sons and one daughter, pleased.
Exhaustion filled her bones, but she would not waver just yet. No, she wanted to see the faces of those who had come, wanted to enjoy this special moment as best she could.


09-21-2013, 08:26 PM

The woman would stalk through the walkways of Glaciem, knowing what was taking place but unwilling to bring herself there just yet. She would not want onlookers as she gave birth, and so she would not make herself a nuisance to Argent. Soon enough though, she would head that way and see the new arrivals, only when she was sure the duchess was ready for visitors. The pines parted in front of her, quite ironically revealing the scene before she'd intended to arrive upon it. It didn't seem like a problem, though, as Isardis was catering to his bride proudly. It seemed things were finished.

The steely blue woman would limp forward, her front limb still aching from the battle. Scarred side would come to rest near but not touching the boy who had arrived, offering him a silent tip of her head in greeting. Isardis had come to him, taking a fish that the boy seemed to have brought as an offering - how quaint. ?I seem to have come unprepared,? came the jesting tones of the Sentinel, knowing full well her presence alone was enough. ?Congratulations Isardis, Argent.? She would not pry, but would instead rock onto her haunches and wait eagerly for the declaration of the newest arrivals names and genders.



09-28-2013, 04:29 AM
The scent of her king, warned her of his return, and she looked up in time to catch his 'i told you so', glance and she rolled her eyes, before turning back to her patient, giving her, her full attention. Vaguely she was aware of commotion, and the new scents of others that weren't quite in the den. Murmuring encouragements, and kind words, she watched as Argent delivered her litter, and nosed them all gently, licking them, bathing them in the scent of their mother.

Sniffing Argent, she concluded that, that was it, these were her litter. An approving nod, left her as she turned to the pups, reaching forward to nuzzle each of them carefully and slowly, aware that as far as she knew Argent was a first time mother, so she could possibly get a little protective. The pups were splendid, healthy and she sat back, looking at her king and friend.

"Congratulations Argent and Isardis, you have four healthy pups. You did well." With those soft spoken words, she backed up, dipping her head politely, "I'll go and fetch some herbs, that you'll need for strength, and let you bond." With that she wiggled out, and slipped past the gathering of others and took off with a quick trot to get the herbs that Argent would need.



6 Years
09-28-2013, 12:29 PM

He was the second born male, and he had been ready to go from the start. Pushing his paws inside of the womb up until the moment he was released. Feeling the first gasp of air, as his mothers tongue pulled over his head. The boy was healthy, and he was strong, he would survive as far as his instincts were concerned. Vereux moved himself to his mothers side, clumsy slick newborn paws dragging him along as he found his source of food. He latched on and let out small whines as he was happy where he was at. In the months ahead he'd grow to be a warrior, but at the moment he was helpless. Trapped within the hopes his mother would protect him.




10-01-2013, 06:33 PM

The silver woman would swing back her skull upon his grooming, her low words not particularly a surprise coming from her; but The King were certainly unprepared for them. Pale lips would twitch with the pride that rose his chest, coral towers flicking towards her as rubies would search for her crimson gaze, to run salmon tongue down the contours of her shaded snout, lavishing her with the admiration that would coil his heart, ?My adore, my love,?? he would reach to groom a tender ear.

With the forceful plea?s of her aching muscles Argent would continue, The King watching eagerly as each babe was pushed uncouthly into the world. His nape would crane, the scent of Argent so far drowning any distinguishable identities, not that it would matter at this point. The arrival of Sendoa would guide the albino?s gaze to rest upon her lingering form, twisting his spine to waltz proudly to her proximities, to send the gliding of a salmon tongue down the sides of her pretty face before he would again return to the side of his Duchess, lowering his haunches to sit by her side; gaze lavishing their babes whilst he would continue to groom at her pale ear.


10-02-2013, 09:20 AM
The first thing he felt, was pressure then an overwhelming sensation of cold. He was pushed violently out of his home, the one place he had been in for the whole entirity of his short life, crammed into a small space as he had grown bigger, when finally a great pressure and he was freezing. A rough texture brushed his fur, pushing him towards an arc of warmth, and he burrowed into it, his instinct taking over as his jaws clasped down on the life sustaining teet that would give him the only thing he needed right now. He wasn't aware of who he was yet, or who his parents were, all that he was aware of was the arc of warmth enveloping him and the squirrming bodies aside him as he fought for milk, and for now, that was all that mattered.

It's time to begin, isn't it?