
Just You and Me



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-16-2022, 09:11 AM

It had been quite some time since he and Siren had been able to share some one-on-one time. On one of the rare sunny days within the rainy season, Chimera collected his tiny sister and ferried her across the water to the dam on the mainland. It was his intent to simply stretch their legs, take a little walk together and catch up.

Chimera kept his pace slow so that Siren's little legs wouldn't have to work so hard to keep up. If she became tired, she could always ride on his back. They moved into the territory, eventually coming to the edge of the river where the industrious beavers were hard at work plugging things up. They were always screwing with things and their numbers were booming, so Chi often had to cull them.

Seating himself on a mat of soft grass, Chimera leaned down and kissed Siren's pale cheek. "It's been a while," he admitted. "You're well? What's new in the world of Siren?" There was a mischievous glitter in his eye as he asked. He knew that she was well. Had she not been, he would have been told. Pleasantries would be acknowledged, but really, he just wanted to spend time with her.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
01-17-2022, 08:21 AM
After Albi and Scylla were born, Siren's entire world changed. For so long she just thought of herself as a mistake,she had been forgotten about and the only one who had given her worth was Chimera. Their relationship had always been close, but it felt like being a mother and father together had been where she was always supposed to be. They had been together since birth, Siren found it easy to fit into Chimera’s life as his Queen. She wasn’t blind, mostly, she knew the snide remarks and dirty looks from some of those in Ashen from their decision. It was easy to make judgement from the outside, but none of them had been there when she needed them. None of them would ever know how deeply she cared for Chimera, and how much she loved him.

She tried to forget that her children were not biologically her brother’s children, but he was their father. No matter what. He’d taken that place in her life and their children’s. While she shared her bed with Dalila that did not diminish her feelings and the relationship with Chimera, there was just a little more room between them. That made it so more time than she liked had passed since she had any time alone with the man she loved. He felt the distance as keenly as she did, and Siren hadn’t been able to deny his invitation off the island.

Since they moved here the dainty woman hadn’t left the forgotten island. Stay on the island, the one law she kept close to her heart. Siren could have had an escort if she desired, but the island was her home and she was content in staying here. Except for when she was invited out. Siren stayed close to her King’s side, her legs were shorter but she was swift. She had endurance from chasing young puppies all day.

Eventually Chimera found their perfect picnic spot, and as he lowered himself to his haunches Siren joined him, sitting easily between his paws. He kissed her cheek and spoke softly after her, asking how she had been and catching up with her. Chimera was a new dad again, keeping after 6 boys was bound to be more intense than her two, who were now growing more independent with each day.

"I am well,” she answered him with a sweet smile as she leaned against his leg. "I’ve missed you,” Siren added as she closed her dual toned eyes and just basked in his presence. "Mostly I’ve just been tired, but I will admit now that Ruse is a little older I have been getting more sleep in the mornings.” She chuckled softly. It wasn’t a rare occurrence to have Dalila, Cerberus, Albion, Scylla, and Ruse all piled around her. "But what about you, my King?”

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-22-2022, 11:21 AM

The pair settled down on the soft grass, Siren positioning herself between his paws. Had she always been so small? The brute observed his tiny sister as she spoke of her well being. She was good, but tired. He could understand tired. One big paw shifted, curling around her hips where they met the earth just so that he could lightly hold her. "I understand tired." He spoke sardonically, his maw lifted in a slight grin. With a million boys running amok, it was often difficult to get restful sleep. He'd been spending more time asleep in his office, which, oddly enough, had meant more time with Erystotle. Chimera didn't mind this.

Siren asked after him and the beast shrugged. "I can't complain," he rumbled. "There was an attack recently and Erystotle was injured. A rogue wolf." Chimera fixed his mismatched gaze on his tiny, pale sister. "It's no longer a threat," he spoke drily. He'd killed the perpetrator and had left its body as a warning sign for all others who might cross Fenmyre.

Chimera's gaze then shifted away from Siren's, dropping to stare at her dainty paws. "I've grown quite attracted to Erystotle," he admitted softly, unsure as to whether or not she would judge him for this shift in sexuality. "He rouses a protectiveness in me." The brute was still nervous as to what the tiny queen would think of him, but he continued, needing to talk it out with someone. "I want to make him my lover," his voice was soft. Then he went quiet, waiting for Siren's response and feeling more than a little on edge.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
01-22-2022, 04:28 PM
The tiny queen was perfectly comfortable placed between Chimera’s paws, but she felt a warmth rise in her belly as he held her hips a little tighter. He muttered his understanding, with Aliana’s six boys there was no doubt to the reason he felt the way he did. She leaned back against him as he reciprocated and answered her question. There was nothing to complain about, however there was news. An attack on one of their own. Erystotle was alive, but his attacker was not. Chiera hadn’t come to her for his wounds so she assumed he had been relatively uninjured, or enough that Aliana’s busy paws found time to knit him up.

Chimera looked away from her then, she couldn’t have predicted what was on his mind or what he wished to speak with her about. Siren had seen on occasion the pearlescent servant with their King, but she hadn’t given the servant’s look of devotion much thought beyond duty. Softly Chimera revealed himself and his desires to her. He sounded both so certain and unsure as he spoke, Siren lifted one tiny paw and caressed Chimera’s arms as he spoke of his desires for Erystotle.

"Then you should.” She encouraged him softly with a gentle smile playing over her features. She herself had taken Dalila long before… Chimera. She knew the pleasures those of her own sex could bring, she imagined the same would apply to Chimera and another man. "I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” She giggled lightly, seeing Chimera almost flustered was incredibly endearing. "I’ve never seen you hesitate so much before, he really is special isn’t he?”

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-28-2022, 05:46 PM

The tiny woman settled into his paws and Chimera rumbled. He began lightly stroking over her slender hips, not able to help himself. She was so small and perfect, her fur so silky and soft. Siren was such an understanding woman, too. She gazed up at him sympathetically as he struggled to tell her what was on his mind. Her dainty little paw stroking his arm brought Chimera's ears tilting backwards.

Siren surprised him by easily telling him that he should make Erystotle his lover. She didn't even have to think about it. His happiness was what was important to her, it seemed. Lowering his head, Chimera nuzzled into the top of Siren's crown, flicking his tongue affectionately over one small ear. He was glad that he mentioned it to her. It was as though a great weight had dropped from his shoulders.

The woman's suggestion that Erystotle might be special made Chimera bristle a bit and he bit back a denial. The man wrinkled his nose slightly and gave his head a shake. "I don't want to force him. He was a slave and so he'll do whatever I tell him to do. I want him to want it. Just like Ali wants it and Dalila wants it." Eyes fixing heatedly on the little fae, his voice grew a little husky. "Just like you want it." He and Siren hadn't been together since making their children. She was small and he was afraid of hurting her. He'd loved her in other ways, but they hadn't joined since then. He wondered if she missed it. If so, she hadn't sought him out to get more. So, just like Erystotle, he'd wait for her to come to him with the desire.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
01-29-2022, 09:30 AM
There was something about relaxing into Chimera’s massive form that made her feel protected and safe. The sensation was so much more than that though, he made a special warmth blossom from her chest and her skin tingled wherever he trailed his claws through her silky fur. She knew by now that she couldn’t really be everything that Chimera wanted and needed. Physically especially but maybe mentally as well. If he used her the way he did Aliana he would likely kill or maim her beyond recognition. That fact was a part of life and Siren never had the expectation of being his one and only. He had just always been there for her, from birth he was there. As children their relationship was different, but it felt like this was the natural growth. Siren was supposed to be here in his arms.

As she spoke her opinion with no hesitation she could feel his own body relax and loose the tension that he had been holding. He truly cared about her and her opinion, and he had been holding onto the tension for a while now. At least since he brought the man into Fenmyre. He nuzzled the top of her head, disturbing the golden chains there as he kissed her delicate ear. He did bristle at her amused words, but he didn’t give her a retort. So he was special, special enough that Chimera would not force himself.

Siren knew the feeling of wanting to be desired, it wasn’t hard to understand Chimera felt the same way. He was powerful enough to take what he wanted, but there was a stark difference from taking and receiving. He spoke about how he wanted to be wanted, like Aliana wanted him, Dalila wanted him… He paused and found her dual toned gaze. Siren smiled softly up at him as he spoke of her desires.

They hadn’t been really intimate since their first time together. Siren ignored the memories of deception and smiled up at her King. She hadn’t been avoiding him intentionally, in fact she had craved his attention. Siren never wished to be a bother, and Chimera was always very busy with the other queens, his army of sons, or his Kingly duties. She also knew that he would give her his time whenever she asked it of him, a reason she did hesitate. She knew she was important and that was why she wouldn’t hoard his time.

She chuckled softly, her own vocals revealing the lusty thoughts that plagued her as he ran his paws over her body. "I do,” she agreed in a soft whisper as she tipped her muzzle to nuzzle against his own. The tiny queen shifted slightly in his grasp so her chest was against him instead of her shoulders. Her dainty little paws lifted to caress the line of his jaw to guide his lips against hers.

It was always a magic feeling as her pink tongue slipped from her lips to taste Chimera. Her heart fluttered in her chest every time as flames were ignited within her belly. Chi was always gentle and careful with her, but she still felt her heart stop when she touched him like this. Siren pulled away slightly and whispered against him, "Don’t make me beg.” She teased him softly as she gazed into his eyes for a long moment, savoring the electricity that danced between them. "I want you,” she told him with a knowing smile as she went to claim his lips again.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-05-2022, 05:55 PM

All thought of Erystotle were washed away completely as Siren breathily agreed that she did want him. Those two words send fire burning up his belly and he couldn't take his eyes off of her as she resettled herself so that she could take his cheeks in her tiny little paws. Their lips met and Siren't tongue slid into his maw. She tasted sweet like nectar and Chi gave a deep, appreciative murr.

Had Chimera known that Siren didn't ask for time together because she knew that he would drop everything for her, he would have felt horrible. The King simply assumed that he was too big for her and that she preferred the company of Dalila instead. Now that she was standing there practically begging him, he wondered if he might call upon her more often. He wanted Siren all the time, but she was just so damn small. They'd succeeded once and had produced children from the union, so it obviously could be done. Chimera just didn't want to hurt her. He didn't mind causing others a bit of discomfort and pain, but Siren was different.

Siren spoke again, asking him not to make her beg before making her wishes perfectly clear. A lecherous grin spread over Chimera's maw, though there was nothing but love in his pale pink eye. "As you wish, my queen." Wrapping one paw behind Siren's hips, Chimera pulled, using the other to guide the pale lady to the grass below. The contrast between Siren's pale gold and alabaster pelt with the dark grass beneath her almost made the fae appear to glow. She always glowed to him. Siren was Chimera's own person seraph; an angel in wolfen form.

The moment she touched ground, Chimera moved forward. His tongue and teeth slid across Siren's pale jaw, her lips, her chin. He worked his way lower until he was nestled between the fae's delicate thighs. The scent of her was driving him mad and he wished to just bury himself within her now, but he was kind enough to prep her for what was to come. Staring up the length of Siren's prone frame, Chimera took his first taste, but it wouldn't be his last. He wouldn't stop until his queen was quivering beneath him and calling out his name.

-Bleh, Fading-

"Chimera & Siren Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2022, 06:30 PM
Chimera was putty in her tiny paws as she took his cheeks and indulged in his kiss. He groaned appreciatively and for a long few moments all that existed were his lips. She knew that he was most careful with her of all the wolves that lived on the island. Siren was assured of her place in Chimera’s heart, just as certain as she was of his place in hers. He had always been there and he would always be there for her. Her protector, her provider, her love. Siren reluctantly pulled away from him to speak her desires and the King wasn’t going to deny her.

She shared his grin, as he spoke yieldingly to her, and offered her heart’s desire. Without hesitation Chimera took control of her dainty form and the woman was bent to his will. With a dark paw against her hip and another at her shoulder he lay her gently back onto the grass. Her dainty paws settled lazily on her chest as she looked up to Chimera. His attention started along her jawline and moved down her body, igniting flames deep within her. He kissed down her belly and against her thighs, causing breathy gasps to flutter from her pink lips.

Her dual toned gaze caught his in the moment before he indulged himself in her. The feeling of his tongue against her flesh brought soft whines from her throat and her toes curled in pleasure as Chimera poured his love for her into his devilish actions. Pleasure built within her pixie sized frame as she lost herself to her King. His name the only words on her lips as she unraveled in bliss.


"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-15-2022, 09:30 AM

As always, Siren was perfect in every aspect. Every breath, every cry, every writhing motion was flawless. The woman was born to be nothing but beauty and grace in all ways. Siren was the epitome of the female form and was what all other women should strive to be. She was so angelic and sublime that Chimera feared what might befall her if she ever left the island unattended. A beauty so delicate and demure would be taken advantage of at the very first turn. He would never allow that. That was why Siren was forever chained to their island home. It was the only place where he could guarantee her safety.

Once the golden beauty's pleasure had come to fruition, Chimera stayed in place, one leg stretched out on either side of her hips as he stared up the length of her svelte frame. Lust born from love and desire burned within his belly, but he would be satisfied just by having tasted Siren. He'd brought her to pleasure and that would be enough unless she asked for something more.

Chimera slid his cheek along Siren's pale belly, his tail swishing back and forth across the grass behind him. He could still taste her upon his tongue and the lust within him was far from waning. Despite this, he was oddly content. "You are by far the most beautiful creature on the planet, my queen," he purred, still sliding his dark cheek along her stomach and inner thighs, though his pale pink orb was fixed upon her angelic face.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2022, 12:33 PM
In their time together Chimera was the only other wolf that existed, her children fled her thoughts, their lovers were but a distant memory. He touched her with practiced ease, creating and encouraging the unwinding of the coil of desire within her. She gave him all of herself, every breath and whimper was for him. Every distant bliss filled gaze and grin enjoyed because of him. Carefully he brought her to passionate peaks, and helped her plunge into dizzying satisfaction before he pulled away.

Chimera left her gasping, her skin tingled and flushed as she basked under his gaze in his strong arms. She blinked open her dreamy gaze and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as he surrounded her tiny form. He pressed his cheek to her belly and looked up at her lovingly as he spoke. Declaring her the most beautiful of all creatures. Her chest clenched at his words, as her delicate paws submerged into the thick fur of his neck.

The King had many beautiful wolves to hold, but he would call her the most beautiful of them all, a compliment that meant so much when she had started as such a dirty puppy. "You spoil me, my King.” Siren whispered back, her gaze wrapped up in his as mush as she was wrapped in his arms. With her heart still beating fast against her chest, and her mind and body still reeling, Siren pressed herself against Chimera again.

She leaned forward so she could kiss his chin, her soft pink tongue sneaking from pale lips. Dual toned silver and sapphire eyes sparkled with mirth, "You’re not done with me yet, are you?” She teased him lightly, wanting more than a simple taste. She wanted all of him as much as she wanted to give him all of herself.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-15-2022, 01:01 PM

Siren purred words of being spoiled and Chimera chuckled into her pale, slender belly. She was far from the creature that she'd once been. They both were. Siren was pristine and angelic and Chi... well he was less of a bastard. Though she may not have seen it herself, he still thought that she was the most beautiful wolf he'd ever laid eyes upon. Chimera was happy to call her his. Glad that she belonged to him, for he doubted that he could ever share her with another man.

The claws of a slender paw combed through the thick fur of his neck before Siren's stomach muscles tightened, bringing her upper half forward so that she could place a sweet kiss to his chin. His sister's words brought another chuckle from him, a grin flashing the deadly teeth within his maw. "Never," he purred in response. He would never be done with her. Losing himself in Siren was akin to losing himself in a goddess. He would never tire of it, but he was sure that she would. Her tiny body would give out long before his would and so he had to take extra care with the golden pixie beneath him.

Chimera shifted positions, rolling himself onto his back and taking the near weightless fae with him. He lay her atop him, belly to belly and looked into the woman's lovely, dual toned eyes. Eyes that he'd come to love so much. They were a far cry from the rodents that they'd once been living in the wilds and raising themselves. They were royalty now, though self proclaimed. He had given Siren all that he had promised. She would have the world if she but asked for it.

Since he'd already prepared the dainty fae with his practiced tongue, Chimera was a little more at ease with the idea of taking the small fae atop him. With his paws rested gently upon her hips, Chimera angled his own hips upward. This position would allow Siren freedom to move as she pleased. She would be in control and would take only as much as she was able to. It would allow her the most comfort. Perhaps after this round... she would be able to take him as she was meant to.

Curling his neck forward, the dual-toned brute pulled his sweet sister into a deep, loving kiss. His tongue danced with hers and he wondered if she could taste her own flavor on his tongue. "I love you, Siren," he purred against her lips as his hips rolled upwards simultaneously with his paws pushing her slender hips downwards. Once within, the rest would be up to her. Next time... Next time would be all for him.

With a groan of pleasure pulled forth simply by the sheer heat of the woman, Chimera lay on his back, paws still on her hips. His gaze was locked upon her face, ready to watch the pleasured looks as she began to move.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2022, 06:36 PM
Chimera made her feel just like the goddess he thought she was, the way he handled her like she was made of porcelain and silk. The way he kissed her made her feel like she was the only one in the world, despite reality being so far from that experience. He wouldn’t allow her to feel like the abandoned wretch she once was, he made her a Queen with his own paws in more ways than one. Siren belonged to him, from the very beginning she had but that meant so much more now.

She made him chuckle as she leaned forward to kiss his nose and asked his intentions of her. Siren wore a grin of her own as Chimera flashed his dangerous teeth and assured her there was no end to his desire for her. She was delicate and dainty, her life was put in his paws everytime she gave herself to him. Siren trusted him in every aspect, she did give all of herself to him. Her life was his to protect, or to take.

He had no intention of harming her, his commitment went as far as the way he draped her across his belly. Chimera rolled her on top of him, and she settled against his body. Her stomach pressed to his as she straddled him. Siren was usually a serious woman, but she couldn’t wipe the grin playing on her features as she looked down into Chimera’s handsome features.

Dark paws trailed down her sides to rest on her hips as he guided them against his own. As he pressed against her a soft gasp fell from her pale lips. He created unequaled pleasure in her already, but it only made her want him so much more. His arms around her, the feeling of him inside and out dominated her thoughts. He pulled her forward into a deep kiss, the taste of him flooded her senses along with the subtle hints of her as the flavors melded together. She leaned into his lips, her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoyed every flick of his tongue.

When he pulled away he replaced his kiss with a confession of his love. Siren blinked open heady eyes and flashed her own pearly teeth in return. Breathing him in before mirroring his words. "I love you too, Chimera.” Siren stuttered his name as he took her hips and eased himself into her. She lost her breath, and tensed before her body relaxed against him. She lifted her head, dual silver and sapphire eyes rolled abc and her shoulders slumped as she caught her breath. She wouldn’t take long to recover before her tiny form moved against Chimera’s. Her hips rolled and she pressed into his chest with her tiny paws.

He was everything to her, and for a few moments she could return that love he gave to her so freely. He loved her for who she was, for who she had become, for who she would be. Her gaze met his, her grin still playing on her features. Her hips ground against his, only his name accompanying the unfiltered lyrics of pleasure that fell from her lips. Siren gave him her body in its entirely.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-16-2022, 09:02 AM

The look on his sister's face as he pushed her body down atop his own brought a grin to Chimera's face. The sweet way that the pleasure made her stammer while saying his name was priceless. Of his lovers, she was by far the most innocent. The most angelic. Despite their actions, there always seemed to be a certain shyness about Siren that enhanced that feeling of innocence. It didn't matter that she had birthed two children, every time that they were together, it seemed as though Siren was virginal. His sweet, untainted queen. Chimera liked her that way.

Chimera's paws never left his lover's hips as she writhed atop him. With each roll of Siren's shapely frame, they joined a little bit more. The brute was content to let his woman set the pace, only taking as much a she was comfortable with. In this position, Chimera was giving Siren power. The sweet, demure woman was now in control and, if he was being completely honest, Chimera quite liked being beneath Siren. She deserved to taste power. She deserved to be in control of the one that controlled her life, if only for a little while.

Heat burned Chimera's insides and, with each halting breath, moan and purr from Siren, that pressure within him only increased. Had this been Aliana or even Dalila, the beast within him would have already slammed the woman into her back so that he could dominate and attain his own pleasure. With Siren, he was content to wait. The slow ascent to pleasure was a nice change, but the carnal, feral side within him was still chomping at the bit.

After Siren rode for a bit, Chimera hoped that she was comfortable enough for him to move as well. Gripping her slender hips, the two-toned brute began rolling his own hips upwards to meet his lovers downwards thrusts. A low growl of pleasure pulled from Chimera and he bit his lower lip. The simple act of moving in tandem was intoxicating in itself and so he continued rolling his hips, matching Siren's rhythm.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-16-2022, 11:52 AM
Siren’s motions were slow but deliberate, as Chimera allowed her to have complete control over the intimacy they shared. Patient was no way to describe her brother, but he held the trait infinitely with her. Once upon a time it hadn’t been there, but they changed and grew into their relationship. This dynamic was completely contradictory to how they were from day to day, but in reality Siren had always been here. Anything she could ask of him Chimera would deliver, she knew how he truly felt about her, and that was why they worked so well. He would have given her anything his power could provide, but Siren didn’t want anything but him. He’d adorned her in gold and made her his Queen, but really it was his heart that was the most precious gift of all.

Every grunt and groan that escaped Chimera’s serrated teeth was more intense than the last, and Siren found herself enjoying every movements as they continued to build tension in the man beneath her. Siren;s lips sported a classic Klein smirk through gasps and glances. She watched as he held himself back, relinquishing his control to her as he hadn’t ever before. There was only so much one man could take, but Siren needed the change in intensity. She wanted more, and as he reached his limit and held her tightly Siren delved deeper into him. Her jaw fell and the air was driven from her lungs as he overwhelmed her with gentle rhythmic movements.

Chimera drew a whole new set of sounds from her pale pink lips, and her tiny toes curled tightly into the fur beneath them. This was what she needed from him, their moments together were that much more special in their infrequency. His hesitance to hurt her justified, but a Queen needed her King. Again he carried her to the very brink with unbelievable ease, and brought out the buried primal parts of her. Siren demanded all of him in that moments as she fell deep into his fiery passion for her. He was holding back, and she needed all of him. "Chimera…” Her words were soft and breathless as she gasped for air and gasped for him. She relinquished her control.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-18-2022, 06:41 PM

Chimera was about to break. The matching thrusts, the sighs and moans of his lover, the sheer heat of her... it was all too much. He was trying to let her keep control. He truly was. It was just so, so difficult. He could feel her body shuddering and twitching as she rested atop him and it was all that he could do to remain in place. And then Siren did the most wonderful thing. She said his name and the brute's eyes focused on her face. He could see the need in her eyes and the silent look that let him know she was abdicating her position of power. That was all that he needed.

Keeping his paws on her hips, Chimera took hold and rolled, shifting his knees up so that he didn't crush the small fae beneath him. Both sets of paws found earth and the brute set his forepaws just above Siren's shoulders to hold her in place. She'd given him the go ahead, so he was definitely going to go ahead. Spine curled low as his hips rolled against her, low growls pulling from deep within him as he dominated the tiny fae. They'd only done this once before though they'd indulged in other pleasures in the interim. It seemed almost fitting that Siren should be a special treat. A queen to taste sparingly. Too much of her sweet perfection and he might very well perish.

Chimera's head hung, his panting maw touching the golden fae's soft ear. Hips continued to undulate and soft growls continued to work their way free as he lost himself within Siren. He could feel the pleasure building within him like water surging against the wall of a dam. It crashed continually against that wall and he could feel the first cracks as the dam within him threatened to break. One paw slid down to grip Siren's pale hip and he held her tightly against him, his body reaching a fevered pace. Mismatched eyes stared down at the gorgeous woman beneath him and, as the dam broke, he growled out her name.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-18-2022, 08:15 PM
Chimera acted swiftly as she struggled there, seeking more from him and their experience together. Their communication was so much more than verbal and he read her with ease. She gave him back and control that he gifted her, and he embraced the role reversal without hesitation. A grin played on her delicate features as he grabbed her and easily returned her to the luscious grass beneath them. He surrounded her. His huge paws held her in place as he bent over her, taking her entirely.

As much as he took she would give, Chimera overwhelmed her. She submitted herself to this rare pleasure, losing herself in the intense experience. Her dual toned eyes rolled back into her head as Chi loved her, the sound of his ragged breaths caressed her ears. The sound of her own heartbeat thundered in her ears to the rhythm that he rocked her body. She squirmed beneath him, the feeling of a tight spring coiled in her belly and as it tightened she stiffened. Chimera pushed her closer and closer to the edge and she couldn’t restrain for any longer. Her tiny toes curled and flexed as the waves of pleasure ran through her small form.

The King grabbed her ivory hip, pulling her closer and holding her tightly as he lost himself and brought her along with him. Her name was on his lips as he groaned against her ear and Siren too lost her breath. She looked up into his dual toned gaze as she gasped and whined beneath him. Euphoria burst from her core outwards, sending tingling tendrils over her skin and pulses through her muscles. When she could control herself again a smile overcame her features as her chest warmed and her tiny body relaxed under him. "You’re amazing, Chimera.” She whispered up to him breathlessly as she ran her tiny paws through his fur.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"