
Want to play doctor?

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-04-2022, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2022, 11:45 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Over the last few days there was a slowly building headache that she had mostly been trying to ignore. Chimera was getting better and she knew if she asked he would probably take over the duties from her now, but with Aliana's pups freshly born she was trying to hold out a bit longer just so he could enjoy the time with his tiny boys. However, this headache was making it difficult to even get out of bed, much less run patrols and worry about restocking their stores of supplies after the long night. For the first few days she had been able to take some herbs for the pain and go on about her day, but this morning nothing she was taking seemed to be helping. It was strangely centralized right above her eyes, along her brow, and she had ever felt anything quite like it.

She had sent Rusalka to play with Cerberus for a while. Her daughter meant well, but an energetic puppy was not exactly helpful for how she was feeling. Dalila curled into the furs of the large bed she shared with Siren, shutting out the light filtering through the windows in hopes that maybe a nap would help. When she woke up the sharp pain hadn't dissipated much, but she noticed what felt like thin rivulets of water trickling down from her forehead between her eyes and around her temple. Blinking open her eyes, she lifted a paw to her head and when she pulled it away her paw pads were red with blood. Her ears flicked back and a bit of panic hit her, lightly tapping across the top of her head to try and feel what was going on, but since it was on her own head it was hard to figure it out. "Siren?!" she called as she lifted her head and looked around the room, hoping her sweet Siren would be nearby.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
01-05-2022, 10:04 AM
Life was finally returning to normal, the sun returned to give them real day and night. Her children were released from their cells and by now they were recovering and catching up to the expected milestones. Siren was hardly able to believe that they were already half a year old. It felt like just yesterday she was struggling through their birth. Or she was praying outside of their cages that they would make it through to the next day. She worried for so long that she would lose her sweet children that she had worked so hard to birth and raise. As she told Chimera, she didn’t want to go through the process again. These were her only chance and the two of them were so important. Not to mention their true sire had been a river god. What kind of ire would she call upon herself if she allowed harm to come to them.

That relief that they made it through the illness had their mother floating on air. Despite the balmy feelings Siren still kept a sharp eye. On her two, Cerberus, Rue… Aliana’s hadn’t quite left their mother’s side but Siren was ready to help keep her eye on the massive litter as well. That didn’t mean that she didn’t keep her eye on the adult wolves she loved. Dalila had been a little slower the last few days, and now she remained in their bed, curled up and aching. Siren kept herself close to their chambers in case Dal needed her help, and when she heard her name called she was swift to answer her dearheart.

She raced through the door and her jaw dropped as dual toned eyes found Dal’s blood soaked features. Rivulets dripped down her mottled fur and at first Siren didn’t see the crystals emerging from her crown. "Dal, oh my goodness.” She spoke softly as she went for some rags to help clean her lover up. She lowered herself to the queen’s side and began to dab at the blood, revealing the opaque crystals. "Are you alright?” She whispered worriedly.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-05-2022, 02:26 PM

Dalila breathed a shaky sigh and some of the tension in her shoulders relaxed as Siren appeared in the doorway. There was something about her sweet love being here that eased so much of her worries, as if Siren's presence alone meant everything was going to be okay. She hated that she had to worry the sweet queen, but there was just no way she would be able to treat herself this time when she couldn't see what was happening. She watched Siren hurry to get some rags and then leaned into her lover once she was settled at her side. "I... I don't know," she replied honestly, her ears folding back nervously as she lowered her head down to the bed in front of Siren's paws to make it easier for the tiny, delicate healer to see what she was doing and what was going on.

The skin that Siren was cleaning up was tender and she winced slightly despite the gentle touch of her love, but she noticed as she regained her composure that the intense pain and pressure in her head had actually begun to dissipate slightly. It was hard to tell if that was because it was actually solved or if it just wasn't as noticeable with these fresh wounds in comparison. "I've had a terrible headache for days and now this..." she mused quietly glancing up at Siren worriedly. "Can you see anything? What caused it?"

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
01-05-2022, 09:08 PM
She hadn’t been in here previously but she could see even as she entered the door that dalila relaxed with her presence. Siren didn’t know what was going on, but knowing she could make her love feel better simply by entering the room gave her a fluttering confidence. She kneeled beside Dalila’s head, uncertain of the cause of the blood until she really started cleaning it up. Poking out not into the skin were tiny blue tinted crystals. Dalila didn’t know what was going on.

Dal winced in pain as Siren cleaned away the thick blood to better reveal her new crystal crown as her lover began to explain the headache she struggled with the last few days. No wonder her head was aching with these trying to poke out. Much like the crystals that plagued the land during the cursed night. "You have crystals… growing out of your skin..” After almost losing the children to the oozing sickness worry overtook her. Siren tried not to let the emotions overwhelm her as she thought of what she would do if she lost Dal. "Have you felt sick? Have you seen any glowing fluids?” She spoke quickly and with deep concern for Dal.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-05-2022, 10:22 PM

It felt like time stopped for a moment as Siren admitted what had caused the bleeding from her crown... crystals that were growing from her skin. For a moment there was only confusion as she tired to process that statement. Crystals... growing out of her skin. She thought about the children with the illnesses they had only recently recovered from and all the animals and predators she had seen around the island and the mainland with various mushrooms and crystals growing from them. A beat of panic squeezed at her chest. She thought that all of this was finally over, but now here she was with these new growths. Her mind flashed back to the sight of Viper's skull full of mushrooms that Aliana had revealed during her autopsy and a chill of fear went through her. She couldn't let that happen and leave behind Rusalka, Siren, Chimera, Aliana, all of their collective children... That couldn't happen.

As all of this was running through her head Siren's words pulled her back to the present as she asked if she had felt sick or seen any glowing fluids. Dalila thought back through the days prior to this, scrambling for any other symptom besides the crystals she was currently sprouting, and came up with nothing. "No... No, I haven't," she replied after a moment, looking down at her paw where some blood still stained it. It was completely normal, just a dark red as the blood began to dry. When she had seen the glow from Cerberus back at the beginning of the Long Night it had come from his blood and she was missing that very obvious symptom. She hadn't been coughing and besides the headache as these crystal growths came in she had felt fine.

Thinking through it helped her talk herself down from the cliff. She breathed a slow sigh and she brought her gaze back to Siren's, seeing the concern written all over her sweet face. She hated worrying her love about something that she hoped would be harmless—or at least something that she was telling herself would be harmless to chase away her own panic. She pulled a small smile onto her lips and lifted her head to give Siren a tender kiss. "I'm going to be okay," she said softly, as much to her as to herself. After all she had been through she refused to let something like this take her down just as she was getting to the happiest point in her life. Whatever was happening with the crystals across her crown would have to be something she grew accustomed to. There was no other choice.

Once the blood was cleaned away and the bleeding had subsided she sighed and reclined back into the furs again. Her head still ached and the fresh wounds still stung, but all in all she was actually feeling better than she had before laid down for her nap. It was like a pressure had been relieved and now that she knew the cause it made sense. It was like a pup teething and that tooth that was bothering them finally pushing its way to the surface. She reached out a foreleg to slip it around Siren's slim frame, pulling her into her chest and hugging her close. She kissed the top of Siren's head with a soft smile, looking down at her adoringly. Siren was her anchor, the one that kept her grounded and gave her hope. "I love you," she said quietly, her claws combing through Siren's flowing fur.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
01-06-2022, 02:56 PM
Siren’s look of horror didn’t dissipate until Dalila mentioned there had been no glowing ooze. Everything was normal, these sharp crystals… They were likely lingering after effects of the long night. A relic of the curse they bore. She hoped. Icy blue eyes found her dual toned gaze after Dalila sighed softly and controlled her mind and emotions far quicker than Siren was able to get a hold of herself. She tried to feel relief as Dalila assured her that everything was going to be okay. It was Siren’s turn to find comfort in Dal’s presence because she couldn’t stand the thought of her getting sick too.

She heaved an audible sigh alongside Dal as the woman leaned back onto the bed, relieved but obviously still in pain. "I’ll get something for your headache,” Siren offered softly as Dalila’s icy blue eyes fluttered open and she pulled her in close. Again Siren felt the relief of knowing Dal was not afflicted with the sickness that had very nearly taken her children’s lives. Siren didn’t know what she would do if she had to watch Dalila go through that trial.

Dalila gazed down at her, the love and adoration they shared for each other obvious in the expression that played over her marbled features. When she looked into her eyes everything felt right, like the world was spinning as it should. Siren leaned forward and pressed her muzzle to Dalila’s as she closed her eyes and embraced the peace she felt beside her. "I love you, too.” She murmured softly, blinking back open her blue and silver eyes. She leaned into Dalila’s touch as her claws parted long fur to caress her pale skin. "I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she very nearly lost her before. She was so grateful to still have her in her arms.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-22-2022, 05:55 PM

Dalila returned the sweet kiss that Siren pressed to her lips, a smile returning to her face once she pulled away and replied with her expression of love as well. Silky fur parted through her claws, the same fur she had spent so much time grooming and tending to since they were brought together by fate and a trade of goods in a slaver's den. It still stunned Dalila that she had the chance to say that Siren was even partially hers. Her kind demeanor, her beautiful features, her brilliant mind... Yes, they had their rough points and the moments when Dalila wondered if all was lost, but they were in this together to the end and there was no unwinding the threads of fate that pulled them together. "I don't know what I would do either," she agreed, her paw gently brushing Siren's cheek as she left a tender lick at the end of Siren's nose with a quiet chuckle.

She sighed softly and added, "I guess I should let you get some herbs for me... but then I'd have to let you go." She chuckled again and reluctantly let her arms loosen to let Siren get up, resting her head on the bed again. Despite the fact that she was tired from a lack of sleep and in pain from her headache and freshly sprouted horns, all she could really think about was Siren and how much she loved her. She wanted to thank her somehow for everything she had done for her, all she had given her, but nothing felt good enough. All she could really do was love her to the best of her abilities and hope that was good enough. When Siren returned with her supplies, Dalila stole more quick kisses in-between the treatments Siren provided for her. "What would you like, Siren?" she asked curiously with a little smile. "A thing, an event, a goal, a dream... Whatever it is. What would you like? What can I do for you, my love?"

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
01-29-2022, 10:30 AM
Siren would never grow tired of Dalila’s touch, the way she almost instinctively ran her claws through her fur, the way she parted her braids and caressed the skin beneath sent shivers over her spine. With their rough patch behind them Siren could feel nothing but love and adoration for the woman she shared her life with. The one who knew her deepest darkest secrets within her heart, she knew Siren inside and out better than anyone else. Dal shared her sentiments without hesitation, neither had much idea of what they would do without the other. Siren had a taste and she never wanted to know life without Dalila ever again.

The tiny queen leaned into Dal’s soft paw as she sweetly kissed the end of her nose. Siren had almost forgotten about soothing Dal’s woes, though it seemed like the headache had become a second thought to their cuddling as Dalila admitted her reluctance to let go of her. Siren giggled girlishly and held a little tighter to the woman in her arms. Siren did want to alleviate her lover’s pain, and Dal did eventually loosen her grasp.

Reluctantly Siren lifted herself from the bed and Dalila’s grasp to gather up her herbs and supplies to make her dear Dal medicine to help her. As she worked the other queen spoke to her softly. Siren lifted abrow curiously and looked over to where Dalila spoke generously, wanting to offer her the world. Siren offered her a look of absolute love as she finished grinding the plants and creating a tea.

She placed the beverage on the nightstand and swiftly returned to Dalila’s side as she considered the words that she told her. Honestly Siren had almost everything she had ever wanted. A beautiful garden and an apothecary, a wonderful woman to share her bed with, and a caring King who provided and protected all of them. "I’m living my dream.” She returned softly, kissing Dalila’s cheek. "I just want you to keep on loving me.” She smiled brightly, the emotion reaching her dual toned eyes as they sparkled for Dalila. Siren only barely held herself back to let Dal drink her tea instead of stealing the passionate kiss she so desperately desired.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-29-2022, 09:13 PM

Her beautiful queen seemed to really think about her question of what she could do for her while she finished gathering up the things she needed, Dalila watching as she brought a cup of tea over to the nightstand. Every move Siren made was so breath taking and part of her just wanted to enjoy everything that Siren was for the rest of their days. Delicate and beautiful, she almost seemed like something that was too perfect for this world. Her response was sweet and no doubt genuine, but Dalila still felt like she owed Siren much more than that. She had given her a whole new lease on life, a whole new perspective of what she could be and what she could expect from herself and those she cared about. Her love wasn't nearly enough to thank her for all of that, but if that was truly all Siren wanted then she would make sure that Siren always knew how deeply her love for her ran.

A little grin pulled across her features and she at least breifly ignored the tea that was served for her so she could lean toward Siren, her paw lifting to gently cup her pale cheek and pull her into a kiss. Her lips found Siren's and she kissed her woman deeply and passionately, icy blue eyes disappearing behind her eye lids as she tasted Siren's familiar taste on her tongue. She knew Siren inside and out and she could tell just from the look in those stunning two-toned eyes when she wanted this and she wasn't about to deny her love this affection just because of a dull ache across her skull. She would turn the world upside down just to be able to give Siren these affections and show her how much she loved her.

After a few moments she pulled away, her eyes flickering open with a little grin. She settled back into the bed again, motioning for Siren to join her as she reached for the tea that was brought to her. She waited for Siren to get snuggled into her side before she started sipping the herbal, bitter drink that would chase away her headache and the tenderness from the new horns that now poked through her dappled fur. Occasionally while she drank her tea she she could sneak little kisses or swipes of her tongue over Siren's ear, all the while trying to think of more ways that she could show Siren how much she meant to her since her love was all she really wanted. It was hard since the only real experience she had with relationships was with her and now slowly with Chimera. Chimera gave them gifts occasionally and at first she thought that maybe something like that would be good, but she couldn't think of anything nicer than what Siren had already been given.

She sat the cup down when she was finished with her treatment and then shifted so she could wrap her forelegs around Siren again, pulling the smaller woman against her so that her back was to her chest and stomach, spooning with her beautiful queen while she kissed and nibbled across the backs of her ears and neck. Her paws roamed gently over Sirens chest, sides, and stomach, feeling the thin, pale fur pass through her claws. Her thoughts eventually began to think of Chimera and Aliana and how he had given the clouded woman his last name as she searched for other examples of things that the wolves in relationships around her had done for one another.

She was glad that Siren was facing away from her when the thought crossed her mind so she could hide the way her ears flicked back and a frown pulled at her lips. She couldn't think of anything else she could do for her sweet Siren that wasn't a physical object that would just be added to a collection of nice things, but Siren already had a name and a family of note. Why would she want her name? A name no one would know, the name held by a family of slaves in her former life. Klein tied her to this powerful family, to Chimera, even to Aliana and all of their collective children—even Rusalka. It wasn't something that Dalila had never really considered or questioned before, but the more she thought about the fact that she was the only one living in their collective compound that didn't share their name the more it started to settle into the back of her mind.

She buried her face into the fur on the back of Siren's neck, wrapping her forelegs around Siren's waist and hugging her close. She kissed gently along the side of her love's neck, trying to chase away her thoughts of doubt and worry. "I'm... enough, right?" she questioned softly, kissing across Siren's cheek. "You don't mind being with someone that's just..." She didn't even know how to finish her own sentence. Explaining her own insecurities was hard and she didn't even know where to begin. She knew that they would never be exclusive to one another, they both shared some kind of love for the other members of their collective royal family in one way or another. That wasn't what she was asking this time. "I just mean that... You're part of this big, important family and I'm..." She wasn't sure if she was even making sense and she continued to give Siren little affections to distract herself from the full depth of her own emotions.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
02-07-2022, 04:42 PM
Siren easily fell into her enchantment with Dalila, just sitting beside her quietly as she sipped her tea and gave her little loving affections at the same time. Despite her ailment Dalila would still see to Siren’s every desire. Patiently Siren sat happily next to her lover, silently thinking about how much they had gone through to get to this moment. She had started out as an outlet for Chimera, so he could control himself around her. As their affection grew Siren couldn’t see her used like that anymore and their relationship had developed from there. They’d seen many obstacles and trials and yet here they were, the happiest they had ever been.

With her tea gone Dalila settled back into the bed much more deliberately and Siren didn’t hesitate to rejoin her there in the plush bed. Dal wrapped her arms around her shoulders, pressing her soft belly to Siren’s back as she cuddled her possessively. Siren hummed contentedly, and closed her dual toned eyes as she leaned back into Dal. The feeling of her paws over her body, the nibbles at the back of her ears, there were very few thoughts besides the growing feelings in her belly that Dalila ignited.

She could feel Dalila’s hesitance increase though, like her mind was floating away from their primal desires and revealing her deeper feelings. Siren blinked open her eyes but couldn’t see Dal’s features as she buried them into her fur. Siren cleared her mind and pressed into Dal’s belly as she pulled her closer and kissed her softly before speaking hesitantly. Dal kissed her cheek and spoke words that Siren hated to hear her say, but she didn’t interrupt as she went on.

The dainty queen shifted around in Dalila’s arms, pressing her belly to the mottled woman’s. She kissed her nose softly, trying to soothe her worried lover. "...Also part of.” Siren told her assuredly. Maybe Dal didn’t have Klein as a last name but Siren would argue with anyone that Dalila was a part of their family. Even before Ruse. Siren lifted a tiny paw to Dal’s cheek and tried to find her light blue eyes with her own. She smiled for her, trying to banish the doubts that were allowed to fester. "Dalila I love you, I don’t care what your name is or who you’re related to.” She kissed the tip of her nose again. "And if you want it… I would be honored to share my name with you.” She whispered softly as she gazed up into her loving eyes.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
02-08-2022, 04:03 AM

While Dalila struggled and fought with her own emotions and uncertainty over her continued fear that she could never be good enough for this perfect, beautiful woman in her arms, Siren twisted around within her grasp to face her. She was forced to look Siren in the eye as her queen insisted without hesitation that she was also a part of their family. Dalila's ears flicked back uneasily and she glanced away with a frown. It was so hard to shake the mindset that had been so ingrained and beaten into her as a child that she was a slave, a tool, and nothing more. Siren was so incredibly patient and loving with her as her world was turned upside down and she was suddenly placed among these wolves that loved and cared for her, given a family and a title that she didn't feel like she deserved. It was hard for her to see herself as anything more and most certainly didn't feel like she was deserving of being in such a prestigious family like theirs. It was one of the reasons she was so grateful that Rusalka was Chimera's daughter because she knew without a doubt that if anything were to ever happen to her then her daughter would always have family to fall back on and that was something she had never had growing up. She had only ever had her mother and even she was killed when she was very young.

When Siren's delicate paw rested on her cheek and pulled her attention back to her Dalila turned her gaze back to Siren's with a bit of reluctance, the love she saw in Siren's gaze making her heart squeeze in her chest. She listened to Siren's words with disbelief, putting her into stunned silence when she kissed her nose and offered up her name to share it with her. Dalila blinked with surprise, taken aback and touched by Siren's sweet gesture. She knew that at the end of the day it was still just a name, but it was the meaning behind being willing to share her name with her that meant so much to her. For someone like her that had come from nothing it meant everything to be considered part of this family that at one time she would have just watched from afar and would have been considered lucky to serve. She knew that it had been no small thing for Chimera to give the name to Aliana and now for Siren to give it to her...

Happy tears gathered in her pale gaze and her paws lifted up to Siren's cheeks, holding her face gently between her paws with her long fur slipping between her claws as she leaned in to kiss the love of her life with heated passion, pouring the love she had for this woman into her affection. As she closed her eyes the tears rolled onto her cheeks and she kissed her passionately like that for a long moment, her paws tracing back down over Siren's body to wrap around her slim frame, pulling her tight to her with their stomachs pressed together. When she eventually gently slipped away again she blinked open her eyes to look at Siren with adoration, peppering her face with little kisses while her paws traced up and down along Siren's sides.. "I... I had been trying to think of something special to do for you or give you," she explained softly, letting Siren in on where her mind had gone. "I thought about how Chimera had given Aliana the Klein name and how meaningful that felt, but... when I was thinking about giving you my name it didn't feel right. Your name connects all of you and giving you a slave's name isn't good enough." Her ears flicked back shyly and she gave Siren a little smile, leaving a gentle kiss at the end of her nose. "You don't have to give me your name just to make me feel better... I appreciate it more than you could ever know, but I don't want to feel like I've pressured you into it..."

"Dalila Vista Rocha"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
02-17-2022, 10:22 AM
She knew it would feel like she was just offering Dal the Klein name because she mentioned it. That wasn’t the case at all though, Siren was too humble or maybe too naive to think that just maybe her love would want to share in the family name. To Siren, Dalila was perfect though, it didn’t matter what she called herself all that mattered was who she was. However many ups and downs they experienced the pair of them always returned to one another. Dalila was an essential part of her life, she took care of her, she loved her, and she supported her… no matter what.

Dalila was the only wolf that knew her deepest guilty secret, and she was the only one she would ever trust with it. She was the only one Siren would ever ask to take her Klein name. The tiny Queen gently commanded Dalila’s attention with a paw to her cheek. Dalila’s pale blue eyes met her own dual toned gaze. Siren loved the surprise that appeared over Dal’s features as she made her offer, like she wouldn’t have been eager to share such a title with the one she adored. There were tears in Dalila’s eyes, and the emotions she felt were shared easily when she leaned in to press her lips against Siren’s.

She could feel the love and adoration Dalila held for her through that sweet and passionate kiss. Siren wrapped her arms around Dalila’s neck as her mottled arms held her close. This was where she was meant to be, Dal always belonged in her arms. Her beginnings were difficult and terrible and if Siren could she would have taken those days away from Dal, but they were where they were because of it.

Siren reluctantly let her pull away, and slowly blinked open her silver and sapphire eyes. She grinned into the little affectionate kisses she placed over her soft fur. Tingles raced over her skin and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Dalila already had her heart racing with their heated kiss, but instead of accepting her offer and allowing herself to delve into their desire she explained herself softly. "Dalila…” The woman had to know that she didn’t have to do anything for Siren. She already showed her love in their everyday actions.

"I want to give you my name because you deserve it.” She tried to tell her, "I’m sorry that… I’m sorry I’m so obtuse sometimes.” She offered softly, finding her gaze lowering to Dal’s chest as she had trouble keeping her gaze through her confession. "I should have offered it to you a long time ago.” No matter what Dal or Chimera thought about her, Siren always saw herself as selfish. She was always thinking about herself. Like right now, how the thought hadn’t even occurred to her to offer something so precious to Dalila.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
02-19-2022, 11:43 PM

Siren dispelled her worries that she had accidentally pressured her sweet, wonderful Queen into offering her the Klein name when she spoke gently, telling her that she did want to give her the name. She smiled gently as Siren called herself obtuse and said that she should have given it to her long ago, but Dalila just gave a little shake of her head. Her paw lightly held Siren's chin to lift her pretty gaze up to hers again, her lips gently brushing across Siren's while she continued to hold her tight. "Everything happens when it should," she insisted. She may not always have agreed or enjoyed the aspects of her life that happened outside of her control, but she did believe that things happened for a reason and right at the time that they should. If Siren had offered her the name before now she wouldn't have felt worthy. Even now she questioned if she really, truly deserved it, but she felt more prepared to carry such a name than she ever had.

Dalila pressed her lips to Siren's again with a heated passion and love, her paw slipping away from Siren's chin to brush her cheek and comb her claws through the long, silky fur that framed her face. She had come to understand that Siren wasn't as flawless and perfect as she had once thought, but she loved her even more because of it. Siren wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for her and that's what mattered. With the new crystal growths and headache long forgotten, Dalila kissed Siren deeply and passionately, her forelegs slipping around Siren's slender waist and holding them so that their stomachs were pressed together, tasting her love on her tongue as her pale gaze flickered closed, savoring everything about this wonderful wolf that gave her a whole new reason to live and strive to be better each and every day.

Maybe she didn't have any physical items to shower Siren with and maybe she couldn't do something as meaningful as give her a name for them to share, but she could love her endlessly and unconditionally and she could show her how much she loved her with the affections she showered her with. Gently breaking away from their kiss after a few long, savoring moments, her heavy lidded eyes blinked open to look into Siren's for a moment before a grin pulled at her lips. She started a trail of adoring kisses down Siren's delicate muzzle, across her cheek and steadily working her way down Siren's neck with kisses and nibbles along her pale skin. Every fiber of her being was craving her, desperate to show her how much she loved her in the only way she knew how.

As she neared the base of Siren's neck, Dalila shifted her paws so that she could hold herself over Siren as she rolled them on the large bed so that Siren was on her back under her and she continued savoring and worshiping every flawless part of Siren's delicate frame. She left kisses and light nibbles all the way across her chest and stomach, occasionally catching her fur delicately between her teeth. Meanwhile, her paws traced over Siren's sides, showering her with all of the love and attention her sweet Queen deserved. Every affection wound up the heat and desire in her own core and with each passing moment she only wanted more and more.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
02-21-2022, 09:01 PM
Dalila quickly tried to dispel her critique of herself with a shake of her head. Siren gazed up at her love as she told her everything happened at the exact right time. Siren took comfort in her words, maybe dal wouldn’t have accepted her Klein name any day before now. Siren still felt bad that she hadn’t thought to join herself to Dal in ways that were deeper than their physical manifestation of love. Dalila’s paws held her cheeks as their lips brushed against one another. None of their flaws could ever overpower the love they created. They had seen a world without the other and neither could stand it. They understood each other better than ever before. And despite their ups and downs their relationship was stronger now than ever.

Then Dal leaned forward again and poured all of her passionate feelings into their kiss. Siren’s dual toned eyes blinked closed as she let Dal guide her, taking her paw she led her down a familiar path. Siren gasped lightly into Dalila’s lips as her claws trailed through long silky fur to caress the skin beneath. She pulled her closer, and Siren felt waves of flickering fire race over her skin emanating from where their bellies touched. Siren fell deeply into that kiss, allowing Dal’s love to wash over her as she returned the affection. She mirrored the deep passion that Dal wrapped in their kiss before she finally pulled away with a mischievous grin playing on her features.

Siren’s tin paw brushed Dal’s cheek before she leaned in again and began peppering kisses down her delicate features and over her neck. Taking her time as she savored the soft fur beneath her jaw. Soft hums of pleasure bubbled from Siren’s lips as Dal kissed her as she rolled her body so she was laying on her back. A grin formed on her features as Dalila stood over her, fearless to take what Siren willingly offered to her sweet lover.

She became putty in Dalila’s paws. She squirmed slowly beneath her touch as Dal teased her, winding that inner coil and igniting flames of desire. Her heart beat against her chest and her breaths were stolen by Dalila's fiery kisses. "Dalila,” she cried her name as the woman’s teeth grazed her belly. Siren needed her, she needed more of her. Tiny paws reached and grabbed for Dal, she needed her closer, she needed all of her.
