
Tangled Up in Your Soul


10-01-2013, 05:41 PM

A tall ivory she wolf would walk to the banks of a large ice covered pool, the sound of rushing water filling her auds. She knelt by the pools edge, she lifted a paw and brought it crashing down on the ice covering the water, smashing it to pieces so she could get a drink. Lapping up some water with her long rosy tongue, she let the icy water trickle down her throat, revelling in the feeling and the coolness it brought to her warm body. A tiny ebony feline sat beside her, tiny raspy tongue lifting the cold aqua to her mouth. Lifting her delicate cranium again, eerie silver optics took in the alabaster princess' surroundings. Corvusi's own orbs, a pale yellow at the moment, watched the white she wolf with slitted pupils. "Aurora, it's okay, we'll be fine out here. You've done nothing to anger anyone, as far as I know." The little obsidian she cat told her, her light voice breaking the silence. Looking down once more, the willowy giantess met the cat's gaze and gave her a half smile. "Yes, I guess you are right, Corvusi. I just know we won't be on our own much longer." She admitted, chuckling. Her otherworldly voice quiet as usual, nearly a whisper, yet still smooth as silk, tinged with her Russian accent. She wouldn't be alone long, since she had left the lands of her pack in favour of exploring the areas around her home while they were locked in the icy grip of winter. She had met another wolf around the lands of Ludicael, a male of black and white named Drake. Within the lands of her home, she had met a cream and ebony man by the name of Magnus. Either of them could appear at the moment, or another stranger. She did not know who, so she simply stared at her rippling reflection in the tiny torn open pool, her beautiful ivory face, with angular cheekbones and a narrow muzzle, her consuming moonstone orbs staring back out at her. Sighing, she wondered how anyone could ever see her as beautiful. Looking over at the little cat again, she giggled as she saw the black cat's face screwed up in distaste. Her whiskers twitched, and she spoke again. "Ugh, don't remind me. If anyone does show up though, I'm outta here. I'll meet up with you again after they leave, and we'll head out. Cool?" She asked, looking at Aurora with an inquisitive, hopeful glint in her eyes. The she wolf nodded, and they waited together for what would happen next.


10-02-2013, 03:13 AM

White tipped toes would crunch down on the first fallen snowflakes. Winter had approached, and accompanying the new season would be a thicker and shaggier coat for Drake. With his old pack residing on the beach, the pelts of the Aquarion line were always thick and sleek with multi-layered fur to protect from the cold water and other elements. He shook his coat free of flakes, the now half frozen water rushing underneath the already forming ice. He stopped for a moment, leaning down to take a drink of the ice cold liquid before continuing on. Several more minutes of traveling alongside the water route brought him to a familiar scent. Instantly, his ears perked and his eyes grew bright and hopeful. He recognized the scent to belong to none other then the slender woman with the moon silver eyes.

Eagerly, he ran forward to see if his nose held true. Sure enough, there she was in all her beautacious glory. Aurora...the white dame whose pelt shone like the moon in its light, and whose silver eyes had already seemed to captivate him. He adored the shining of her eyes in the moonlight, it was different and gave her an etherreal look. With a happy bark, he greeted her. His black dipped tail wagging gently behind him as he stopped a few feet away from her. "Aurora! Oh, it's so nice to see you again! How are you doin'?" he asked happily. His accented greeting coming out with excitement. He was definitely happy to see her again, and this time in different conditions then last they met.


Magnus 1


10-04-2013, 03:26 PM

Magnus walked atop the new snow, crunching under his paws. The chill bit into his skin, like tiny daggers. His fur had thickened out extremely well for the winter. He had eventually decided to explore a bit, and had left the ludicael lands, only for a while though.

The sun had been covered by thick cloud. Leaving and icy chill to the bone, to accompany the snow. The air was crisp. Snow flakes fell and Magnus stopped and looked at the more closely, be inhaled deeply and a few went up his nose, he sneezed at the sudden cold. Recovering from the flakes, he wandered on, and saw a large-ish pool. And then he caught sight of her, Aurora. He had not expected to see here, in fact he had not expected to see anyone. Her fur looked amazing in the snow, the ivory illuminated by white. Her silver eyes, staring. She was down by the edge of the pool. His face lit up. But then he saw who she was with, a male. His face fell. Was this her lover? He sauntered up to them. "Well hello dear Auroras, and hello to you too." Looking at the male. He smiled though it did not really reach his eyes.



10-04-2013, 04:34 PM

A male with a two toned pelt came into view, and the tiny ebony feeling sprang to her feet and high tailed it into the waiting shadows of the forest, not another word shared between the pair of them. Hello to you as well Drake. I am doing quite well, thank you. And yourself? She replied, smiling at him. Her face lit up slightly as she saw him, knowing he was one of the few who knew her past, shared her sorrows. She enjoyed the company of the young Australian, he was quite fun to be around. Her thick tail beat the snowy ground a few times, stirring up some loose snow.

The crunch of snow from behind her alerted the icy temptress to the presence of another within the area. Spinning around, she set eyes on Magnus, who greeted her coolly. She was taken aback, though she did not show it on her face. She dipped her head in a return greeting. Good day Magnus, may I introduce Drake. Drake, this wolf would be Magnus. She said calmly, the emotional distance that was her nature handling the situation nicely as she introduced the two. Hopefully this would end well, and the two would get along well. The socially awkward, snowy rose liked Drake only as a friend, for he was two years younger than her, yet she did not want to hurt his feelings. Aurora knew he had his heart broken already, and did not want to add more trauma to his heart. So, hopefully the odds would be in her favour, and everything would go smoothly. She knew not how this would pan out, so she simply waited for what would happen next.

Talk like this

Magnus 1


10-04-2013, 04:51 PM

So he was called drake, he had white fur, his feet were dipped in black. He seemed to be friends with Aurora, which lessened his chances. Well he was only, what 1? Too young for her. He was not the most impressive wolf he had met so far. "Hello there Drake it is a pleasure to meet you. Are you a friend of Aurora's?" He looked at him quizzically. He wanted to know. The snow was beginning to become thick on his coat. So he stepped back a few paces and shook himself off. "That's better" he said, he was ever so slightly happier now. How could Aurora be with Drake, he did not want to be mean, but he was not to special. He did not fit with a lady as fine as Aurora.



10-13-2013, 05:27 AM
Aqua blue eyes lit up as the ivory queen spoke, his tail wagging slightly at the happiness of seeing her. "That's good to hear. I'm doin' quite alright meself...just uh, wanderin' around. Haven't quite found meself a pack yet but...hopefully I'll find a home where I belong eventually.." His voice would fall quiet, a thickening of some unknown feeling beginning to seep into his words. Indeed, he wanted a place to belong...having lost his parents, his other siblings and over half his pack, he was alone in these lands and with nowhere to go. Brows began to crease without his wanting to, and then a sound would snap him into the present as he turned to see another wolf approach. His gaze would calmly roam over the other male, and then his attention would turn to Aurora as she introduced them. With a polite nod, Drake greeted the stranger and politely kept quiet as the man named Magnus greeted him.

"Nice to meetcha mate. And indeed I am a friend of the lovely Aurora, in fact, she is one of the first I've met in Alacritis. was under different circumstances then this." the young male looked at her, hinting with his eyes for her not to mention anything from their first meeting. Especially to this stranger. Though Drake was not one to hold hatred or grudges usually, he just didn't feel comfortable being so open about certain things with a perfect stranger. Other than that, he would remain his usual friendly self. With a smile, he would return his attention to Aurora, and then to the other male and back. One ear laid back against his head as he began to feel a sense of an uncomfortable feeling. Was it him? Or did he see a look in the other males eyes that indicated he disliked Drake? Surely he didn't imagine that stare...the one of judgment. Drake had seen it many times before, and he was not mistaken. "Erm...wh-what brings you here...Aurora?" He asked the woman hesitantly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable about talking in front of the stranger...

He would try to avoid eye contact, knowing full well what the strangers stare was. Drake wondered if he should be here, wondering if Aurora was mates with this man...though surely if they were she would have mentioned something about him? His tail tapped against the ground lightly, his only means of distracting himself from the thoughts. He would have liked to imagine that he imagined the scrutinizing look that Magnus gave him, but the young boy was just all too familiar with it.


10-13-2013, 01:11 PM

As Drake replied to her, talking of finding a pack, a place to belong, the icy rose couldn't blame him. While she didn't enjoy being around a large group of wolves, there was something about having a pack, a feeling of belonging to something greater than yourself, and the protection offered was undeniable. Aurora nodded in response, understanding shown in her moonstone orbs. Maybe the young male would choose Ludicael? Then he wouldn't have to travel far to speak with the angelic furred fae, which would be an undoubtedly good thing for the man. "Well, there is always Ludicael, where Magnus and I both live." She commented with a chuckle.

As the two males spoke, they were polite enough to each other, but something in Magnus' tone made the alabaster maiden look at him twice, her consuming silver orbs searching his own blue pools for something to bely this attitude. When Drake mentioned something of their first encounter, a small grin would creep onto her face, a slightly sheepish curve of the lips. They had both shared their pasts, listened to the songs of dead family members, and shed a few tears within each other's presence. He asked what brought her to the Sunset Falls, and the she wolf shrugged. "Simply wandering about with Corvusi, and decided to see what the falls looked like in winter." She told him, mentioning the less than social black cat that was her companion.

She could sense the tension between the pair of males who stood with her, a type of tension that reeked of testosterone and possessiveness. The ivory she wolf's tail twitched nervously as she felt the feeling progress. Could there be a possible rivalry here? Could they be vying for her attentions? She hoped not, for to crush a hopeful male's dreams of mating would be to label oneself a cruel being. So, she cleared her throat, and cautiously offered a question. "So.. Have you met any interesting wolves out here in Alacritia? I know I have..." She murmured the last part, smiling slightly at the memories of past encounters.

Magnus 1


10-16-2013, 04:01 PM

Drake, in Ludicael? Oh well, it couldn't be too bad, he seemed friendly. He was trying not to hurt him, but he could see it in Drake's eyes, not quite hurt but, well Magnus wasn't too good a judge of character he didn't know. "Yes, Ludicael is lovely, the people are kind and accepting. The land is beautiful and serene. And the mangrove! The seductive, glowing Mangrove. Auror showed me it, and I will show you if you ever decide to join our ranks. I most certainly hope you do, we could be friends DRake." he looked at the young wolf apologeticly, he wanted him to forgive him, he clearly wasn't with Aurora. He wasn't old enough, still, there may have been some competion. At the mention of Corvusi, Magnus decided to change the subject. He would talk about he little black feline. "Ah! How is dear Corvusi? Still as anti-social as he was last time we met. I have yet to hold a proper conversation with him!" he chuckled and looked between Aurora and Drake. Her silvery eyes looking at him, radiating the icy calm she carried around with her.

OOC : Sorry for the late reply and the shortness. I've been so busy. It's exam year *sighs and tries to claw eyes out*



10-28-2013, 05:03 PM
The boy listened quietly to the white fae, and he would remain quiet even after she spoke and changed the subject. He was about to speak when Magnus cut in, and so he fell silent once more. His ears instinctively fell back as the male talked about how Aurora showed him the "seductive" mangroves...and his suspicion was right. He nodded slightly as if agreeing that Magnus should show him one day, though inside, Drake wanted no part in it. He would not be second rate, being shown the place where Magnus and Aurora had posibly gotten acquainted, it was like a slap in the face. Though Drake tried his best to keep his emotions hidden, bringing up a wall that was unbreakable and that was impossible to see through. Did the male really expect Drake to join the ranks of the pack that had the man that loved the woman Drake himself had begun to fall for? It was an absurd thought really, and Drake wasn't sure he'd be able to handle that.

Drake turned his attention to Aurora at the mention of her friend Corvusi, curious as to whether he'd be able to chat with the black feline someday, just he and her. It was an interesting thought, he wondered after all what the black feline thought of her friends new companion. He remained quiet, eyes attentive upon Aurora for a response.


11-02-2013, 02:18 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

As the giantess of ivory took a look at the two males before her, she noticed something. Both males shared a coat colour palette, as well as both possessing sky toned optics. She laughed a little inside, seeing this similarity. Though in truth both males were extremely different, as apparent in not only the different shades of blue of their eyes, and the slight differences in their markings, but their personalities. When Magnus began speaking of Corvusi, the alabaster princess smiled. She nodded at his rhetorical question, and realized the truth in his last statement. Looking over at Drake, she could see something in his eyes, something like hurt. She felt terrible, seeing that emotion in his oceanic toned optics. She knew not what she had done to earn that look from him, she took a mental note to ask about it later. Parting ebony lips, she revealed formidable pearl razors and a salmon pigmented tongue before her voice began to fill the air, accompanied by a fine mist. "If either of you can get her to have a conversation with you, I'd be surprised, but by all means you may chat with her. I'm sure by now she's tired of only having me to converse with." She admitted with a giggle. The sound had been described by some as reminiscent of a short cry from the mockingbird, a bird that's only true passion was to sing. Looking to the two males in turn, she waited for what would come next.


Magnus 1


11-09-2013, 12:56 PM

Drake hadn't really been speaking, he seemed uncomfortable. Well this whole thing was uncomfortable. He smiled at Aurora's comment about Corvusi. The little black feline was very anti social. The most words they had exchanged were about 10. "Yes, She is not the best conversationalist." he joked, even though it was true. He assumed that the little feline was a little more talkative around Aurora. He knew he was at least. He looked to the white male. He would really like to end this akward encounter soon. He didn't not like Drake, and he would much love him to join Ludicael, but with he, Aurora and Drake. It was strange. He took a deep breath, and fixed a smile on his face again. It went to his eyes more this time. The autumnal air chilled him a little. He looked to Aurora and smiled, it was a real one this time. Not something to try and break the ice.
OOC: sorry for the bad post, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and it's only 7pm xD
