
-- s e m p i t e r n a l

Oberon I


3 Years
09-29-2013, 10:10 AM

set before oddity's challenge

The black and peach wolf had found himself wandering far from home. The wolf had never been a huge homebody, and though he stuck around home a little bit more than usual, he could never shake the feeling that there was more to be seen than the glimmering territory of Ludicael. His sisters were harder to pin down now that they were almost yearlings, and when Oberon couldn't find them, his paws would carry him far away from his lands and towards new places; black beaches that spread out beneath his paws for as far as he could see and strange islands that he had to swim to reach.

Currently, the lupine creature stood on the edge of a smooth beach, shaking himself violently as he tried to rid his soaked fur of water. The fur had been growing thicker in preparation for winter, and Oberon found that this was quite the pain in the behind as he dragged himself from the water. The weak end of autumn sun was not enough to dry his fur as Oberon stretched leisurely out, his paws digging into the boringly white sand.

Nothing about this island really stood out, but as the male sniffed curiously at the air, he was surprised to note that he could not detect even the stalest of lupine scents. No wolves had been here in a long while. Perhaps here he would find a place to retreat to when he needed an escape. It took him a moment to decide that this island was too far away from his home for him to actually think that this would work. He could not travel for days on a regular basis for no reason. While his mother generally allowed her children their freedom, Oberon doubted that she would approve of that.

Ears twitching, the black and peach wolf shook himself futilely one last time before his paws began to carry him across the sands. What he sought, he wasn't sure, but Oberon was curious about this new environment, and eager to explore.



09-30-2013, 09:29 PM

The gargantuan island she inhabited was teeming with mystery and intriguing scenery, and no matter how often the pallid viper abandoned the sanctuary of the eastern region to journey about the premises of the island to observe and learn, there were always foreign aspects to experience and new faces to encounter; there was never truly a dull moment when she resided in Alacritis. Even as she traipsed along the outskirts of the island, allowing her paws to intrude the cold ocean water as she trailed the shoreline, pupils darting frantically to consume her surroundings, a sense of wonder and curiosity brewed within her. It was a peculiar concept that she would never entirely familiarize herself with the ever-expanding land, but no complaints would ever spew from the phantom child for exploration occupied her and sated her intense wanderlust when endeavors of bloodshed or ambition would fail to.

As the serpentine babe inhaled to impregnate her nostrils with the crisp scent of autumn air, a familiar aroma invaded her olfactory system that physically caused her to falter in her lackadaisical saunter, skull whipping about as she attempted to locate the creature who possessed the sweet scent, still not entirely sure exactly who it belonged to, only aware to the fact that she had encountered it previously. A frown caressed her porcelain features as nothing of interest crossed her vision as she stared away from the coast, forcing the babe to accept that the creature had long since departed as she continued on her journey. Not but a few moments after she had proceeded onward, the wraith?s pupils flicked towards the sapphire waters that stretched vastly from the earth she trudged upon, quickly happening upon a short stretch of land that appeared to jut outward from the depths of the ocean. Again, the viper paused, pivoting to face the isle as her gaze narrowed to better view the contents of the island that was situated not far a swim from where she was currently situated, devouring the blurred form of an unknown creature that immediately piqued her interest. Swiftly, the babe breached the decision to pursue it, allowing her body to plummet into the cold waters of the daunting ocean as she began her paddle towards her targeted destination.

Her hind limbs brushed against the rugged surface of the submerged coral beneath her as she swam, but the babe easily disregarded the stinging pain as she was fueled by adrenaline and the urge to greet the lonesome canine. After quite some time of paddling and struggling to avoid the obstacles of the numerous reefs, finally her paws greeted the grainy texture of warm sand and she pulled her mass above the surface of the water, gliding away from the shoreline before she gave a brief shudder to rid her pallid flesh of the water droplets that clung so desperately to each fine strand of her pristine fur. Once this action had been performed, she directed her attention to the object of pursuit that had initially attracted her to the island, desperation striking her as she found it loping silently away and into the vegetation further inland. ?Hey!? the wraith bellowed in an attempt to captivate the sable canine?s attention, still oblivious to the fact that this was the same brute that had been her false sibling many months ago.

Oberon I


3 Years
10-02-2013, 01:03 PM

lovely art by canttina<3

Unaware of his tracker, Oberon made his way along at an easy pace, his steps lethargic and unhurried. The creature walked like he didn't have an audience; ears swivelling curiously at every sound, his nostrils flaring to take in every scent that he could. However, with the wind working against him, he remained peacefully unaware of the wolf that tracked him, and might have remained so for a long while if a loud yell hadn't sounded in the air behind him - a shout that seemed to be directed at him, as there was no one else in the general vicinity.

Hesitating for a long moment, Oberon turned thoughtfully to face the other with a curious purple gaze, taking a few steps in the female's direction. She seemed familiar, though Oberon couldn't put a paw on it; it had been a long while since they had last met, after all. So perhaps he would be excused or the blank look on his features, and the evident confusion in his voice when he answered the shout cautiously; "Yeeees?" Oberon drew the word out as he took another step closer, coming to a full stop several feet away from the other, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

Why had this wolf summoned him? And why did she seem to be familiar? He wasn't bothered enough to ask about it, but she did seem to be familiar. It would come to him eventually, Oberon was sure, and it wasn't like it was a big deal anyways, so the marbled creature simply shrugged the thought off and gazed solemnly at the white pup.
