
Two different roads[Nibel]



10-03-2013, 06:49 AM

Crap. That was all I could think of as I watched Kurai move through the snow. The tree's where stripped of their bark, and even more so their leaves. The snow was sticking to the mud and water, making for an ugly sight to my red orbs. Though I really couldn't complain, really I did enjoy the winter months. Most who I knew did, and were born in the season itself. While as a Spring pup, I was stuck with the mysteries in which I didn't witness my first snow until I was nearly a year. Sometimes I could be so jealous of others. Then again I had it pretty good considering ever since Denki left me behind, the man had gone off to have his own adventure. Then there was my son, Hajime, he had found himself a member of Tortuga. In which an alliance was held between the two packs, I was relieved that I knew where he was. He was two years old now, he was a grown man, and I couldn't be anything less than proud of him.
My train of thought was soon broken as Kurai got stuck within the muck of the soulless place. It brought a canine equivalent to a purr to my throat as I slightly chuckled. Bringing my hefty body over towards the British Red Fox, I placed my snout of her scruff. Getting a good enough hold over the skin that I could tug him out. My mud covered paws looked darker with all the muck on it, it really didn't surprise me. "Should be more careful shouldn't you?" I raised an eyebrow on the left side of my face where my white eye patch was. I sat down, feeling the mud splash around my rump as I pulled my black tail up thick with the stuff. It didn't bother me to get dirty really, it might as well been better than getting drenched in water.
"Ya you try being my size and walking through this." Kurai hissed raising a paw towards me. I only laughed and licked him up side the head. Giving his fur an odd curl he grumbled before shaking his head and trying to paw his fur back into place. He was a smart fox, after losing his mate and cubs he had decided to be with me as my companion. After losing so many, I wasn't picky. Specially considering the fact I was trained by a white tiger, and a giant black wolf. The world wasn't as odd as a lot of others figured. Well, maybe it was, but it was normal in that sense. I yawned, pulling back my ears then perked them again at the sound waves that I heard. Someone, was nearby.



10-03-2013, 08:26 AM

I barely registered the cold as I trudged on. The ground had taken an almost gelatinous quality that might?ve irritated me more had I not other priorities keeping my attention away from my waning mobility. I needed a plan. Winter had, at long last begun and with its arrival were the universal symptoms of a long, arduous time ahead. Herds would move beyond the now barren moors in search of greener pastures, taking with them the consistency of which wolves could eat. And if the pack wolves would be taxed by winter?s grip there was little hope for me as a vagrant with no allies to rely on.

By now my coat was mangled with sludge that only a proper dip in a lake would cure. I made a face at that particular thought. I wasn't too much fond of death by hypothermia any more than eventual starvation. There was no way I was getting in the water now, dirt be damned. I?d hate it when it crusted into clumps but frankly there were worse things that could happen to me. As it were many of the consequences in being a rogue were near lethal in their own right so yes, I could ignore this for the moment.

It took forever but eventually I found a small patch of earth that didn?t suck my paws into the ground. I paused, not because I was tired but because there were voices. Normally when someone starts hearing things they were mentally beyond redemption but as it turned out I fully acknowledged my budding insanity and was better for it. Who knew you could function so well when the little voices made impossible demands of you?

A quick inhale didn?t afford much information, I was upwind and whatever currents flitting around blew my own scent down onto whoever else found themselves trudging through the muck. I had a couple of minutes to decide what to do. On the off chance that this territory was pack owned ? which I severely doubted, nobody would want to live in this tar pit ? I might be run out. Emphasis on might. I was in no mood to be corralled right now. But now I was getting ahead of myself, it was equally possible that whoever (assuming that I wasn?t totally batshit) was out there was a wayfarer like myself.

Given the situation I decided it was better to live in the moment. If I got into a fight I could eat them and stash the remains, if not I might gain some worthwhile information?and then still possibly eat them and stash the remains.

Turning my head to the side I listened for the approaching duo and was gladdened to hear their movements drawing nearer. Deciding I?d idled enough on my little island of dirt I pursued them, coming upon two significantly different shapes. A female and a fox, interesting? I caught the tail-end of the fox?s remark, ?Try being my size and walking through this stuff. I sink like a stone in water.? I chuckled, keeping my distance as I inspected the pair. ?Afternoon travelers, or are you? No, you look a bit too well fed to be rogues. Pack members maybe?? I queried kindly.




10-03-2013, 09:01 AM

I couldn't help but to look the man over as he approached. Though me being well fed had nothing to do with pick life, I had been just this way as a rogue for a year. My red eyes looking at his markings, I smiled, he could just be a thief like any other. I was so used to others assuming I was male, unless of course their noses worked right. Though his comment earlier made me laugh. Honestly sometimes running into a rogue was troublesome because you didn't know who they were, but I tried my best anyway.
My weight shifted on the ground, I was the same size as him, maybe around the same weight only a few pounds smaller, but still. I didn't see how he had such trouble, then again I had plenty of experience even if he did seem older. No one should ever be judged by age. My own past splattered with blood, made it every more of the reason for me to justify what I knew. Though I payed no mind to his comment and stood myself. Shaking my tail free of the lingering muck. The black fur spiking as he kept his distance partly.
"I catch all my food thank you very much, but yes I am part of Seracia who rule the range." I noted, partly sarcastic hoping he wouldn't take it to offense. I wasn't one to judge, in the fact the less I knew it was probably the better. It would keep me from getting into trouble, or at least getting pissed off. I had worked with killers before, they didn't bother me too much unless I witnessed their crimes, and how severe they could be. However bad I felt though, as long as my friends and family were safe, there was always high tolerance level for me.
Kurai uncomfortably looked up at Nibelheim, flicking his tail back and forth. "My name is Rivaxorus, though you can call me Riv. How long have you been in Alacritis?" I asked tilting my head. Brown pelt had mud all over it, but it really didn't effect the color of it. Though it seemed less appealing towards anyone. Not that I was picky with things, but it could have been embarrassing. Kurai climbed onto my back, having me shift my weight in order for him to succeed. The fox didn't seem to fond of Nibel. But I couldn't be cold. Respect was key, and I could only do so much until learning more about the man in front of me.
"My name is Kurai." Kurai got in on a final note. His british accent hitting the air. It never ceased to amaze me, but then again when it came to be speaking Japanese. Even Kurai was deeply confused.



10-03-2013, 12:13 PM

Assessments were made rapidly and silently, conceptions borne solely of my opinion and nothing else. In layman?s terms I was judging her. I?ll never understand why people affixed such a negative connotation to the word. The she-wolf was not too dissimilar to me in terms of build. Maybe a little slighter as gender robbed her of some structural ruggedness and she was slighter in places where I was not, I tried to commit those areas to memory. Any potential advantage was a good one after all.

The female?s response earned a smirk. Once upon a time I might?ve read too much into a comment like that or acknowledged the sarcasm as a personal jibe. Thankfully I?d spent enough time exercising my wit to realize that it wasn?t meant to be antagonistic. It saved me from being defensive and them from?well, me. ?A mighty huntress then? You must be well loved by your pack during the lean seasons then.? So she was a pack wolf. That meant she would be missed if something unfortunate where to occur. Not much of a deterrent but still something to keep in mind.

A lull in the conversation offered me a moment to shift my sights to her partner who seemed wisely unsure of me. I couldn?t honestly blame him for being suspicious. Small as he was had I ever crossed paths with him when he wasn?t in the presence of his fairer companion I wouldn?t have hesitated to engage in a round of blood sport. I might not necessarily have eaten him either. Briefly I wondered if he could smell death on me.

I flashed him a wane smile, knowing that it wouldn?t be a comforting gesture. A warm grin with the slightest flash of teeth peeking behind it, welcoming but not exactly friendly was the image in my mind and the one I displayed.

?It is good to be meeting your acquaintance Riv, you may call me Nibelheim.? She hadn?t yet earned to privilege of calling me by any moniker or any other shortened christening. The fox piped in and again I found my eyes swaying to watch him, maybe letting them linger a moment too long for him to be comfortable - or at least less comfortable than he was currently. ?I think I?ve been around for little over a year. I?ve been checking over the territories for the most part, trading news with the occasional loner or two. You are the first pack wolf I have met,? and allowed to live ?who hasn?t snapped at my heels.?




10-03-2013, 03:38 PM

It wasn't like I was stupid anyway, there were plenty of things I knew and plenty I didn't. Simple as it seemed, that was how it went. I didn't care if one thought it was wrong to kill, that it was wrong to be a women. Everyone was entitled to their own opinion, and yet if they did anything towards me. It would result in their ultimate demise, because no one had really seen what I had. How your foster father could tear into a black rapist tearing him to pieces. Then to behead a small pup, all because they apparently had done me wrong. And yet, I felt no ill will towards him. Around others who didn't understand, I couldn't help but to laugh. Conclusions were too quick to be made, I wasn't about to just let him pry into my brain.
I didn't just hunt, I found it strange how others could fit into one place to easily. My well muscled body in which was often mistaken for a male was rather lanky. I had tasted my fair share of blood, and it wasn't too hard for me to fight. Not when I wanted to at least. And I had only been in Seracia for a few weeks, maybe not even that. I found it hard to keep track when there was no need to. I was there to stay, until of course my feelings changed and rolled over like they usually did.
Of course the slight flicking of my ears made Kurai make himself lower on my back after he had said my name. Obviously, for his species Nibel was not one he wanted to be around alone. I knew that myself, but I knew how to defend myself. Even if I were to die, in which I would not let myself, my son would end up in a fury with my brother and hunt down the killer. It was just the type of wolves they were, Hajime retained traits from his father, and my brother followed him around like no tomorrow. Now that I think of it, no wonder the two ran off by themselves. Though Hajime ended up in Tortuga as far as I knew.
"You haven't done anything to me....yet, but I'm not just a helpless woman. Hunting is a pass time and surviving is my skill." I laughed in a kind tone. It seemed more or less like he was hostile. By his body, those sentences. I didn't know though, I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Shifting my weight my red eyes gleamed over him. If I was really so interesting, why didn't he just stick with me all the time? That was what Kurai had done. Though I knew it was wishful thinking, everyone was entitled to anything. God was the rightful one in the end to decide what to do. And if I burned in hell so be it.
"I have only been in alacritis a few weeks, let alone the new pack. To each their own though so I cannot say I am sorry for those who have snapped at you." I wouldn't sit, not right now. Not when I felt like he was planning something. Seeking something from me, in which I was not happy about in that sense of being. I kept it hidden, fairly well at that. At a young age I was taught to conceal feelings because of the dark death that happened around me. Perhaps was even the reason why I was so happy these days over bitter. Acting made everything perfect didn't it?



10-04-2013, 07:48 PM

A chuckle slipped past satin lips, evocative with its mirthful whimsy, disjointed by the fact that I did not truly find hilarity in her words. Such a stupid, hapless creature this girl was to make unjustified ? though amusingly accurate ? assumptions about whatever speculations I had where she was the focal point. Such foolhardiness, it was a wonder how she had not managed to offend others with such uncensored glibness. That or the packs allowed far too much lenience and had failed to properly educate their pawns.

Nevertheless I offered a wan smile, humoring her as an adult might a child who boasted of things they knew nothing of. ?I did not mean to imply you are lacking in any other capacity Riv, I apologize if it sounded so. It was merely my poor attempt at being witty which sadly leaves much to be desired I?m afraid. Do forgive me?? The sloping weight of bones inspired by the need to appear placating was accompanied by the angled position of my head, askew on its axis and visually apologetic. It served no further purpose other than to alleviate whatever conception she could have made from my earlier words and was in no way sincere, but lying was lying with ones body is comparatively easier than a fallacy made of sweet words.

My attention did not drift this time. Their unsettling weight pinned the little slip of a girl under their combined weight, suffocating in how they fixated solely on the virulent crimson of her own. I would avert my mind from the morsel attempting to flee from the insatiable hunger I harbored for him and instead offered myself the choice of conversation or combat. Neither were particularly appealing were I to be wholly honest but I would amend my discontent at a later time when the odds were in my favor. Besides, it would be a waste of?resources, to harm the pretty little fame. I did like her ears and the symmetrical positioning of stripes along her back. A feast for the eyes indeed and while speaking with her was somewhat lacking I found it meaningful if only to admire her form.

Brows arched in the illusion of surprise as the woman omitted that her residence was not a lengthy one. Had she no foresight or sense of self-preservation? It struck me as disgustingly ridiculous to align oneself with a pack when her knowledge spanned only the length of weeks as opposed to even a month scouring their habits and acting hierarchy. Clearly she was a witless idiot, pretty but still an idiot.

?I will admit I am surprised you would join a group so quickly, not that I find anything wrong with that. It is a feasible decision if the circumstances call for compromise of freedom versus other necessities.? I nodded to show that I understood and did not think less of her when internally I was already convinced of her stupidity. ?How is your pack?? I prompted with moderately genuine intrigue. Being able to learn of the packs from firsthand accounts were rare and not to be missed.

?What are their practices like? I am from a mountain pack you see and since it?s disbandment I haven?t been able to find comfort with how some of the other packs are operated. I am hoping that will change with the coming winter season.?




10-05-2013, 01:23 PM

I was tired of being alone, so maybe that was why I joined Seracia in the first place. It wasn't as royal as it used to be, as when I was the "queen" of the family. Our blood ran thick with royalty with my father and mothers side of the gene pool. Though we never really brought it up, what was the point if the kingdom was long gone? One day it may have been created again, but right now it was only our blood that was telling the stories. Hajime, the prince, and my brother Allen the royal knight. Arian, was already loyalty, so her blood meant something. The small pup had plenty of room to grow, that was what made me happy. But in all that - in every sense of worry- there was the threat of the evil always creeping in. Even if they did have their own lives, I would protect my own, just as they would protect their own.
It seemed like we had arrived in a fairly interesting act banter. I could tell from his posture, his eyes, and the feeling he gave off. His intentions were far less then what he was speaking of. I found it best not to mention them, otherwise start a fight. I'd rather not return to Seracia a bloody mess, or even dead. In all my life there were good men and bad men, I was strong, but not invincible. Anyone who thought they were, were fools. My smile didn't move as I raised a brow to Nibelheim. "You didn't do anything that needs apologizing for." I dipped my head, keeping on note that he hadn't done anything, yet.
It never ceased to amaze me the fools in this world, and how their strange minds worked. God had created some interesting personalities, and with that, it came the ignorance that they had. I could tolerate a number of things, killing my family was not one. But as an outside job I saw it as a heavy price of life. I myself had killed my fair share of those who had done me wrong. And yet after I had slain my father, I still wept. When my newborn daughter had been killed I wept even though she had been the daughter of a mangy rapist. Every time something retaliated, I was sent to belief I should be an empty shell of a girl. But I wouldn't there was far too much life to live before I died. I would spend every moment of it trying to enjoy myself.
Joining quickly, it was more of hurrying up so I wouldn't be bored. It was only a matter of time when I was alone, for something to happen. Call me dumb, but with war brewing my hackles were raising to be ready for battle. Not right now of course, but I always looked to protect something, to protect those from the harsh past I had been presented with. My black tail made a slight flick as I let out a small laugh lowering my head a bit.
"Packs don't really hinder your freedom, not unless they are like Glaciem. The king owns a bunch of women and won't let them leave." I said simply, wondering if he'd like to live something like that. Like the albino king that ruled the north with his harem of women. "It's much like my old home, everyone is treated well enough. And the King and Queen aren't much of dicks as I've heard my ancestors in the past have been in their kingdoms." Yes kingdoms. There was only one I knew of, but plenty of them had a long history of tyranny. I wasn't surprised after seeing my father. There was plenty of evil to run through our veins. I keep thinking every hour, how lucky we were to not end up with such views as to treat the world like a mild toy.
"I think a packs inside information should be kept a secret. Unless you were showing an interesting in joining. The pups are trained by mentors though depending on what they want to be. It is run just like a kingdom the king and queen rule and we must serve them." I really could make it sound like hell. But it wasn't, since the king and queen were fairly relaxed. They were kind hearts, with a strong king to back up the queen who had once been part of Valhalla. Both of them were strong, and sometimes everyone seemed to ignore that.



10-07-2013, 09:12 PM

She was unconvinced. A grin trickled across my visage as the realization dawned. The girl, little Rivaxorus, was proving to be more than I had initially believed her to be, if only for this new development. My surprise was carefully concealed as I took in the womanly shape before me with decidedly different intentions motivating the examination. Her outward responses, the subtle social cues, they were too exact, too perfect to be genuine ? or at least not completely. Darling Riv was playing with the same hand it would appear, showing only what she presumed was the most natural response to our banter, acting the part. My smile widened. Quaint little bitch.

I breathed a sigh as if to express my utmost relief that she had not taken offense and that my apology was not ill placed as I allowed my mind to undergo a slight revision of previously ordained concepts. What experiences she must have had to manifest a shield such as this, to fall into her role with only the barest transition to illuminate the shift between masks. And she had not fallen for my charms as I was so used to seeing. Had I been a lesser man I think I would?ve been offended. As it was I was merely intrigued by the new turn of events. Though I did wonder briefly where I might?ve slipped.

What I believed was stranger, more alluring, than her identifying my ploy, was that she did not draw attention to the fact that she knew. She did not shine the lamp on my deceptions so I would not expose her either. It had become a game now, albeit a deadly one. Two vipers circling one another, both equipped with our preferred brand of poison. But while her poison may weaken me, kill me if she were to be so lucky, mine would be more sinister. My venom would saturate her organs, the toxicity eating away at her, scarring her, marking her as mine.


A shiver rolled down my spine and it too a great deal of concentration not to moan with pleasure at the thought. I did not want her because she was beautiful, I did not care that her mind might be something I would enjoy picking at for moons to come, I wanted her because she was there and because it would bring her suffering. I would bring her suffering.

But I did not afford myself the luxury of pursuing these thoughts; I do believe I had a conversation to rejoin. I would save my perversions for when I was alone and fantasize about what could be if I ever allowed myself. I blinked ginger eyes at the dame and pretended to grimace ? ha, yes we were still dancing this dance together ? at the mention of Glaciem?s present hierarchical debauchery. ?I?ve no need for a gaggle of women. They tend to get?noisy. No offense.? I tacked on the last quickly.

Join Seracia? Now there was something I would not consider doing. Doing so would present quite a problem considering many of my antics would not be so easily overlooked as a pack wolf as opposed to my roving status. However, it need not be a permanent decision.

?I understand your discretion; pack tactics are only effective if their opponents do not know of them. Not that I would want to be your enemy, I am not quite so arrogant.? I hummed thoughtfully, turning the idea over in my head again and again. ?I think I would like to meet those of Seracia. You have made these dreary woods a great deal more tolerable and if your comrades are anything like you I would not want to pass up the opportunity. Would it be possible??




10-14-2013, 10:36 PM

Something weird sent a shiver down my spine, it didn't show though. It was a fast cold one though, looking at him, it felt kind of weird. I wished to raise an eyebrow, to tell him excuse me, what the hell are you doing? I couldn't do that though, I wasn't in that position like I was when I lived in the desert. Now, I was partly helpless, and in order to protect myself I had to tread lightly. I found it kind of funny to be doing that, but I could get the creeps from anything. Though I knew the game well, he obviously knew I was playing as well. It wasn't my job to take care of him though, it was the alpha's. As far as I saw it, he hadn't done anything wrong besides give me the creeps. Even if I didn't like him, others possibly could(though I don't see how) so I should comply to his wishes.
My heart beating was the only thing that could ever tell me that I was living. If I couldn't feel it, then I was undead, and when that happened I'd be in a different place. Stuck on weather I lived my life well, I had a poison creeping on me for many months anyway. It wasn't like it would change anything, change his intentions? I wasn't a god, that was one flaw I saw in the system of which I had felt as a leader at one point. Yet, there were the deaths of the innocent I kept a secret, there was when I had lost my mind. There was a time where my family looked at me like I was some sort of monster, and I had kept that a secret.
In the back of my mind the monster still spoke, but I had learned how to ignore it, and somehow others had made me less mad at the world, and far less numb. He gave me the shivers like I had given others in the past, and somehow I couldn't shake them off. He seemed to fly off in his own thoughts, as my own womanly instincts of a killer, almost seemed like they were of a man. The difference was almost unnoticeable, but only seen in my odd nightmares. Of the same world, I thought people returned to, if they were to be trapped in their own minds.
My shoulders rolled back, he reminded me of the murderous intent that I had ignored when I had killed my father. When I had stolen the lives of the innocent, and right in front of my my newborn daughter was torn apart by someone I had long forgiven and really hadn't seen again. What would my brother think, my son, that was a laugh. The only other two who had seen my murderous personality that no longer existed, it was almost like it wasn't me. And here he was, the devil himself, who was plainly reminding me of those days where my teeth were sauntered with the blood of the unknown victims probably moving along their way.
"They are women after all, they get annoying no matter who they may be." Would things be any different if I were to have been born a man, I had no clue. If I had been born a man, I wouldn't be as careful, because the world was cruel, and as cruel as I had been, my paths were forever changing. Never did I want to return to that path, and if I did, my heart wouldn't last much longer on the small pieces of paste that held it together. My tail flicked as I rose and turned towards Seracia, I would take him there, but whatever happened after that was all according to his snake like tongue and viper eyes.
"Come on then, you are smart enough, after all some things become apparent more than others." It was a compliment, a womanly one maybe. He was smart, he was well rounded, and I hoped he knew that. It was a darker side of life that I too had dipped my paws into, maybe not as viciously or as viscous, it could be compared with a dark dragon as supposed to the markings that lie upon his face making such a face. A small smile perked at my lips as I led him towards Seracia territory.
Was the evil infecting me again, and was the past repeating itself to make me hate the world. To crash and burn, to cause pain, and to what more will my heart begin to turn black.
