
wish upon a star

nav / patrol



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
03-02-2022, 06:57 AM


Sleep hadn't come easily to her that night. Even as Avantika lay curled up beside her and Mack at the end of the bed to help keep her warm, something kept her up. Just as she was about to close her eyes, something itched at the back of her mind. Blinking quickly, she lifted her head to stare out of the balcony window. In the cool midnight breeze, her collection of plants wavered slightly. The strong scent of salt and sea tickled at her nose. From what her ears could hear, the castle was quiet this late at night. Not even a mouse could be heard scurrying along.

Maybe if she went for a walk it would help her sleep. Slowly, she inched out of bed, hoping not to disturb her girlfriend and companion. As light of a sleeper as he was, Mack's own chin lifted to stare at her curiously when she made it to the door. If he didn't come with and Tika happened to wake up, she would most likely be more worried. Letting out a quiet sigh, Audra nodded for him to follow before slipping out of the door and into the hallway. Unfortunately, since their room was toward the back of the landing, the click of her nails might be heard by someone else.

Hoping not to have stirred anyone in the castle, the petite fae and her companion slipped out of the castle's front doors and made their way toward the plains. Overhead, rain threatened to fall. Clouds rolled in off the coast in sheets, masking the guiding light of stars that normally made the pathway easy to follow. Using Mack as her guide on her right side, Audra made her way north toward the coast and through the tall grass field. Her paws sunk into soft mud as her coat grew damp from the wet grasses. She would make her way to the cliff's edge along the coast before wandering around the plains and back to the castle.

A quick patrol to help clear her mind would hopefully do the trick.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-04-2022, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2022, 06:37 PM by Laeta. Edited 2 times in total.)

Laeta’s sleep schedule wasn’t consistent, either - but unlike Audra, with thoughts continuously following like bees to honey, her reasons were more of a naïve nature. She didn’t want to go back to that bed she’d essentially been trapped in for so long. She didn’t want to lay on her side and feel the everlasting ache of her joints pressing into the old mattress. It was uncomfortable, and hours of the still night would pass before the thin woman gave up on any hope of sleeping. Though their reasonings for their insomnia were quite different, their goals happened to converge all the same. Slowly creeping out of bed, she heard Mel shoot up from his own nest of blankets he’d made by her nightstand, murmuring about how his lady needed to rest her healing body. Still, the bulky badger shuffled beside her, and they quietly snuck down the stairs and away from the castle’s silent, looming structure.

"My lady, you r-really ought to speak with Sir Deion or Lady Syanna about this lack of sleep," Mel said softly, his words trailing off into a large yawn. He paced next to Lae as she smiled softly, simply enjoying the cool sensation of grass between her toes, and the slightest fall chill creep into the seaside winds. She never wanted to take any of these sensations for granted again. The fact that she was well on her way to being fully energized and recovered was something she never thought she’d be able to muster.

"I will, Mel. But the night is so soothing to walk through. It’s quiet, and peaceful. Not a creature around." She glanced down to her worried companion with a sparkling ruby gaze, simply delighted to be in this place, here and now. Her body would likely never be able to run or leap or contort itself as swiftly as when she first arrived to the Hallows - her musculature, though it was building alongside her endurance and core strength, would never fully build up. It would always give her the slightest bony complexion, though she was filling out and no longer appeared as a bag of bones. She paused as her limbs still trembled ever so slightly from the distance they’d covered, reaching the expanse of the quiet plains. She moved forward again, adding, "I’m more than willing to trade a lifetime of sleep for moments like these, and then some." She knew it wasn’t totally true - Mel had a point. She needed the sleep to rest her tired muscles and joints and allow them to heal, and strengthen. But the thought of laying for hours and losing progress on her miraculous recovery was not something she wished to dote on.

As they skirted the outskirts of the plains, the arthritic woman’s ruby gaze spotted a familiar figure approaching, heading towards the castle’s direction. The slender fae felt her lips tug upward into a wide smile as she turned to get closer to the brown pelted woman, Mel shifting his position to her other shoulder so she wouldn’t lose balance doing so. Still, the fact that she made it this far was already an amazing step. "Audra! How lovely to see you,” Lae chirped, greeting her with a soft sway of her tail. She offered a friendly glance towards the girl’s bobcat companion, whom Mel murmured a polite but worried ‘hello’ to as well. "So you couldn’t sleep either, hm?" She inquired, glancing over her friend. The bobcat served to be her guide of sorts as well, seeing as she could only see out of one eye. She wondered if everything was alright, considering she came here to be with Avantika. Though, she’d allow Audra the courtesy of replying back, and wouldn’t pry for now.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
03-15-2022, 06:42 AM


The night was still young as the scattering of stars overhead lit their way. The grass rustled around them in the gentle salty breeze. It was a perfect night for clearing heads and taking a stroll. Lost in thought as they began to wind back toward the castle, she glanced out toward the sea. Waves rippled below as if warning that summer would be coming to an end soon. She could feel her mind begin to calm down as she enjoyed the surroundings of the plains.

Mack had spotted the duo first. Standing close to Audra's right side to help be her line of sight, he let out a low chitter with a nod of his head. Audra's steps paused as she smiled toward Laeta. "Lae, fancy seeing you all the way out here," she chirped happily as her tail swung slowly behind her. Mack rumbled his own hello toward the badger, feeling the same sort of protective over his wolf companion. She could feel the lingering look Laeta was giving her as her own golden eye glanced over her. She was looking better, stronger, fuller, the way she should look before the paralysis.

A light laugh leaves her lips as she gives her head a shake. "Sleep did escape me tonight it seems," she responds with a shrug of her shoulders. "Tika has been doing a lot of the patrolling, I'm not sure how she does it," another laugh, uncertain this time, leaves her. "I figured it should be my turn since it's pretty quiet tonight," her head turns to glance around the plains. She wasn't sure how Tika thought there was always danger lurking around every corner as it appeared peaceful like it did every other night. "But I suppose Mel thinks maybe you should be sleeping as well," Audra jokes as her eye glances over to the badger with a wink.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-22-2022, 09:38 AM

Laeta smiled as Audra approached, her bobcat in tow. The duo were perfect for each other, as friends and a guide, much like Laeta and Mel had fallen into place as lifelong friends as well. Her ruby gaze was bright with happiness upon seeing her familiar friend, seeing her tail swing back and forth in a joyful expression as her own white-tipped tail shuffled to and fro itself. She chuckled lightly as she replied, "I’m surprised, myself. I’ve been making so much progress - and seeing a familiar face makes the journey worthwhile." She felt revitalized in a sense - and no doubt her recovery was showing, physically and mentally. She and Audra had experienced so much they ddin’t deserve during the Long Night - long-term damage that might never heal fully, but they could stil find a way to live full lives and move onward.

Laeta nodded to Audra’s next words, speaking of how sleep had evaded her left an understanding sparkle in her own soft eyes. Insomnia was a gentle companion of Lae’s nowadays, much to Mel’s constant worry. She didn’t mean to make him so anxious, but the night was calm, and it seemed an awful waste to leave it for the busy day ahead. At the mention of Tika, she nodded, showing she was listening intently. Come to think of it..when she was still paralyzed, the girl had paid her a visit, asking for a confidential word between them. She swore never to mention her thoughts out loud, for they were private. But she couldn’t help but think that Tika’s frequent patrols might be connected to the anxiety about being a useful knight to the pack she had mentioned to her. She hummed as Audra said she’d take a turn at patrols for once. "That’s kind of you. It does seem like the perfect time for a patrol - hopefully I can resume a few as my strength returns to me," She said herself, glancing towards the grand ruins of the castle, cast in silver pools of moonlight. Oh, how she missed trekking through the land. She’d have her chance again to quench her adventure-thirsty soul.

Laeta chuckled again as Audra winked, saying what she was thinking - and what Mel was certainly thinking as well. Upon mention of his name, Mel sighed heavily, as if it wasn’t the first time he’d had to shuffle out of the castle in the middle of the night to help out his friend. No doubt he didn’t mind, deep inside - he felt a great debt to her, for some reason. However, it didn’t mean it didn’t cause him some lingering worry, as per usual. "Lady Laeta might consider herself a nocturnal creature at this point," He said, tiredly adjusting the monocle on his eye. Laeta smiled brightly, adding as she face her friend, "He’s not wrong. It’s not the first time we’ve been out here at this hour."

Still, something about her uncertain laugh upon mention of Tika’s name did concern her slightly. It was never her place to pry, but she supposed it wouldn’t hurt to simply ask about how the both of them were doing, or her persoective about Tika’s wellbeing. With a soft pause as the croaks and chirps of the plains surrounded them, the older woman inquired, "As a whole, how are you and Tika doing? Have you been enjoying The Hallows with her?" There was no harm in an inquiry, she supposed, but Audra could reply with how much or how little words she wished. There was no pressure - to Laeta, the night was forever young, just as she felt in someway. Even as her bones creaked and her muscles ached fiercely.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
03-26-2022, 07:37 AM


As they converse, Audra feels a sense of comfort. She enjoys being around her friend. Knowing that she had others to rely on released a sense of dread that had lingered within her for so long. Having spent quite a few years by herself had led to many negative thoughts she cared not to bring up again. Even as Mack huffed out an agreeing sigh, Audra smiled. Though the bobcat was typically nocturnal, he wasn't always pleased that she disturbed his time to go hunt alone. He was still thankful for her and obliged to her whims of wandering the fields.

Glancing up to the stars for a moment, Audra let out a quiet sigh herself. The question Lae asked was an easy one, but there was always more on her mind. As of late, it felt as if Tika was avoiding her due to their differences. Not that it would be anything that would split them up, but the separation caused an aching pain in her heart. "We are doing better than we had been doing during the Long Night," she mentions as her one golden eye turns back to Lae. She would never know how badly others felt during the Long Night, only herself. It was why she was giving Tika her space and time to come to terms with things.

"I do worry that the Long Night and the raid affected her more than it did me," Audra's voice is slightly quieter now as she glances back down at her paws. "Do you have the energy to go a bit farther?" She asks as she attempts a slightly bigger smile. While she couldn't patrol the whole of Starlit Plains, even a small amount would help. "I also worry that everything that happened has put a split between us that can't be mended," the petite wolf adds on with a sigh. "Not sure what I am to do," the words fall from her lips before she can stop herself. Mack leans up against her, noticing her discomfort, but knows Laeta may be able to provide better advice.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise