
If Only You Could See



10-03-2013, 10:48 PM

Her paws would carry her habitually through the mangroves around the borders as she so often did. Now it was not even worth thinking about as she padded along, her feet would take her where she needed to be. A year. It had been a whole year since she had joined the sea side pack. She had certainly come a long way. So had her siblings apparently. Howl had been running through her thoughts a lot recently. His words had certainly stung, and they were not leaving her no matter what the rest of their siblings said. She should have spoken to Cherokee about it more, or even opened up to Novella. She just could not bring herself to voice what she could now feel herself starting to believe. It was her fault that Novel ignored the other pups. She had not fought back earlier she had not taken the alpha ship from her mother. If she had done what tradition called for and taken the pack as she proved herself against her mother maybe the family would have still been fully together. She should have stayed to take care of them, but instead she had run off for selfish intentions and never looked back.
She felt as though she loved her sibling, deep down she knew she did, but why did it feel like she failed them so horribly? She could feel her head start to shake as she found disappointment in herself. She had never doubted her actions until this point, Howl was right, she couldn't really say that she loved them. Not after she had left like that and never returned. She could feel herself stop. The emotions overflowing within her. She couldn't go back to the den like this. The pups couldn't see her cry, she'd already let Novel and Canta see her lose her cool once, she wouldn't let it happen again.
She never let emotion get the better of her but she found it useless to try and keep the waves of regret and sadness that began to attack her. She had to let them out, she was not strong enough to keep her poise, nor did she want to. Tears fell freely from her bicolored eyes as her tail fell and her head sank low. Never had she felt to be such a failure, and to those who she should have loved the most. Song began to weep as she stood exposed at the border, her mind far away from earthy things.


Howl 1


10-03-2013, 11:23 PM

Heavy set paws would place themselves one after the other, not really having any particular destination. He had been wandering on the outskirts of Ludicael, not entirely placing himself within commitment to the pack nor was he a stranger to the wolves residing within. He knew his siblings had decided to follow Song there, but he just couldn't. Not yet. He would pace back and forth, growing restless and wondering where he would move to next. He didn't like being without his closer siblings, they always brought him comfort and a friendly ear. And now, he wanted to speak to someone now more then ever...perhaps to just get out the inner feud that threatened to overthrow him.

He paced like this for a good while, his steps never faltering or losing pace. Only when he heard soft cries nearby did he stop to look in that direction, his wonder and who it could be peaking. Slowly he would make his way towards it, wondering who it could be. He passed the hanging branches of willows, the curtain revealing none other then Song. To his surprise and dismay, she was there...and she was crying. Guarded hazel eyes would fall on her, and hesitantly and with reluctance he decided to approach. They were related regardless of the way he felt about her, so he figured that the least bit of courtesy he could do was ask her if she was okay, and move along.

"Song, stop crying. You're stronger then that." was all he could manage to say for now. He stopped his approach just a foot or two away, not daring to move any closer. His stance was rigid, tail low and ears fully erect as he made an attempt to show no more emotion.




10-03-2013, 11:54 PM

To her dismay she would not be left alone to her rampant emotions, though she tried to hard to be. One of the last wolves she wished to see her cry would find his way to her side. An ear would be swept in his direction as the sound of his paw steps would alert her to his presence far before she would spy him. Not that she even realized who it was who encountered her before he spoke to her. She was purposefully oblivious to what was going on until the words found her. "Song, stop crying. You're stronger then that." She would bring herself from the fog, trying to rid herself of it completely, to say hello to Howl and let him get on his way. Of course he couldn't know she was crying for him.
Her ivory tiara would rise she she regained the confidence she usually had. The moment turned from the perfect place to break down to the worst. She would sigh heavily, and his trouble. She was still doing her best to gain control of the utter regret that held her. "I'hhhhh'm not crying." She would use her paws to rid herself of the rest of the tears, composure trying to return to the level headed Borealis.


Howl 1


11-08-2013, 04:20 AM

Narrowed eyes watched as his sister struggled to compose herself. The man remaining where he was as she spoke. Furrowed brows creased, did she expect him to believe that? With a soft sigh he would try to be a little less harsh, though he wasn't entirely sure how to do that around her. "If you're not crying then I suppose it's raining huh?" He would make an attempt at a joke, though he felt it wouldn't do much. He had been trying for days and weeks to let go of the feelings he had been having since they last met, most of the Destruction family was together now, and they seemed to be very disappointed in him for the way he acted. But could he really be blamed? The thought struck him that it was possible. Perhaps he had been taking it out too harshly upon her...but how could he let it go?

Closing his eyes for a moment, he took in a deep breath and let it out. He would sit down where he stood, tail curling over dark paws as he stared at her. Hazel eyes betraying nothing towards his thoughts or emotions. "If you need someone to talk to I'll listen...I suppose." He muttered the last part, though he was trying to be somewhat kind to her. Making an effort even though he didn't like it, for now anyway. He knew eventually he would have to let it go, so maybe he would give it a chance...and if not today, then sometime in the future. If his heart and mind ever let it go that is...

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11-09-2013, 10:40 AM
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