
What's Due



6 Years
Dire wolf
03-08-2022, 11:57 PM

The bird had given him directions and Merrick had made short work of the journey, pushing the woman accompanying him like a slave driver. Which... essentially, he was. There was little time for rest on the journey as he would have ample time to rest when they arrived at their destination. Days stretched into weeks, but finally the familiar scent of his family's bloodline met dark nares. The scent invigorated the man, giving him a much needed burst of energy. Their journey had finally come to an end.

Heavy obsidian paws pounded through sand and dirt as the dire brute moved down the land bridge. As he and the woman moved towards the island, the giant let out a howl, calling his sister to meet him. Coming up to the edge of the island, Merrick cast a side-eye at the brindled woman beside him. "Behave yourself," he warned with a cold glare. With that, he waited for Manea's arrival, eager to see what his little sister had in mind when she sought him out.

"Merrick Mendacium"
[Image: 9F8cjvQ.png]
Merrick is the most adult character that I have.
He is a walking trigger warning.
He regularly indulges in rape, murder, womanizing, pup murder and so much more.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-14-2022, 08:37 PM

When her raven returned with the news that they had finally found her long lost brother and had directed him to her she nearly didn't believe them. It had been nearly three years since she had seen her oldest sibling and eventually she had given up any hope of actually seeing him again. Several days passed since the raven's report and she had put the thought in the back of her mind as she went about her day to day activities around the pack and began putting things together for the trip she planned to take with Alastor. Surely her companion had been mistaken or if it actually had been Merrick that they found then maybe he truly didn't wish to see their family now that so much time had passed.

However, a familiar voice dispelled those doubts and with a bit of disbelief she moved toward the shore of the island at a quick lope, her brother's black and purple form quickly coming into view—along with a smaller woman at his side. She gave the brindled woman a quick, curious glance, but first and foremost her attention was on her brother. "Well, look who finally washed up on my shore," she commented with a chuckle, a grin pulling across her lips as she allowed the joy of finally having her sibling back with her again to fill her chest along with the relief that he was actually okay and in one piece. He was a bit more scarred and worn than when she had last seen him, but weren't they all?

Manea walked up to him and threw her foreleg affectionately around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "Gods, I was beginning to think I'd never see you again," she muttered, giving him a good squeeze before she stepped back again. "I'm glad Temno finally found you. I've been sending the ravens out looking for you periodically for the last couple of years. There's so much to fill you in on, but first..." She glanced to the brindled, scarred woman that was sitting quietly at his side, giving her brother a bit of a hopeful grin. "Who's this?" It was always the hope that each of them might find a suitable wolf to spend their lives with and continue their bloodline with so if he managed to find that in his time away then she could call that time without him worth it.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
04-04-2022, 11:28 PM

A wide grin split the brutes scarred face as the familiar form of his sister appeared before him. Smiling was rare for the giant bastard, but he had always had a weakness for Manea. She'd never done anything to rub him wrong and her disposition was more aligned with his own than the others of their blood. Her comment brought a gritty chuckle from the giant. "I've been on a ship. Not easy for a bird to find when you're never in the same place."

Manea stepped forward to embrace him and the man returned the gesture, wrapping a thickly muscled foreleg around her amaranthine shoulders. He gave her a hearty pat before she stepped back. Her words brought a soft huff of amusement. "I knew it would happen eventually," he spoke, "The sea was a heady thing. Difficult to part with." He'd quite enjoyed being on a ship, seeing new places and doing new things. Had the bird not found him, he most likely would have stayed out to sea longer. "Pure luck that your bird found us at port."

Merrick had almost forgotten about the woman sitting behind him and his brows drew together when Manea asked after the small fae. "Keelin." One big paw raised, motioning the woman forward with a rough jerk. He didn't look at her though and it would be quite obvious. The man didn't feel anything for the brindled fae, or at least nothing more than possessiveness. She was there to stick his cock in. She was there to keep him fed and his den clean. She was there to do whatever he ordered her to do.

"Merrick Mendacium"
[Image: 9F8cjvQ.png]
Merrick is the most adult character that I have.
He is a walking trigger warning.
He regularly indulges in rape, murder, womanizing, pup murder and so much more.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-10-2022, 11:08 AM

Hearing that Merrick had been on a ship certainly explained why it had taken years for her ravens to find him. It certainly was a stroke of luck that they happened to spot him while they were at port. "Well, I'm certainly glad they did," she reiterated with a chuckle. For all his roughness and his flaws, her siblings were few and dear to her and she was grateful to finally have Merrick with her again. There was a lot that she wished he had been there for, but that was behind them now. She could fill him in and they could get him reincorporated into the family as it was now if that's what he wanted.

What she was perhaps a bit more disappointed by was how he addressed the brindled woman behind him, simply naming her as Keelin and motioning her forward. She could sense the lack of emotion or connection to the smaller woman and the way he reacted dismissively to her questioning told her this wasn't someone he considered a mate. She never viewed Merrick as the emotional type, but she knew he could be protective at the very least toward the right wolves. She gave Keelin another look as the woman that she now assumed to be her brother's slave offered her a submissive dip of her head. Manea gave her a small nod then returned her gaze to Merrick. As much as she had hoped that perhaps her brother had settled down enough to have pups of his own that didn't seem to be the case. "Welcome to both of you," she said, giving a wave of her paw to the island behind her. "Come on, lets get you settled and I'll fill you in on the way."

She walked with Merrick toward the mountains on the other side of the mountains, Keelin falling in behind them. "Gods, where to even begin..." she started with a small smirk. "Kallisto is gone... She died during childbirth with her first litter. The deadbeat father took off as soon as soon as I was done with the Gleaning Ritual. Her daughter, Nirvana, is still around. She's a bit of a free spirit, but she appears from time to time." She paused, trying to remember the order of events that followed. "I have a husband now. Alastor. You two will either get along swimmingly or hate each other throughly," she informed him with a laugh. She didn't know yet whether they were going to be too similar and clash or be just different enough to get along. How Merrick had changed in their time apart was still yet to be seen so she could only wait and see how the two of them interacted. "We have two children as well. Avacyn and Saracyn... twins." She had gotten mixed reactions from their various family members when she told them about their twins, but usually when they saw the pair and their glowing markings they tended to agree with her choice to spare the both of them.

"Manea Mendacium"