
That's A Lot Of Bull...

X-Large Hunt


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-04-2022, 03:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2022, 08:55 PM by Fern. Edited 1 time in total.)
The afternoon sun warms the land as Fern leads the small group toward the boarder of fossil ridge and wraith’s woods. She had oiled her leather armor and donned it for the hunt, hoping it might provide some protection from large feet and tusks today. There is another she wears it and that reason is currently holding onto the two, small leather straps she had attached to the back to enable her to keep a better hold. Puff looks at the wolves around them, smiling and waving to each and every one of them… more than once. The girl had left her sword back at the castle and has chosen to rely on her companions and her own teeth.

Casting a glance to the side, she gives Rudyard a nervous smile as they move. Ever since she had let the word spread among the Hallows and Fenmyre wolves that she would be leading a hunt to gather food for the upcoming wedding reception, Fern has been anxious. She had not expected so many wolves to answer the call. It is a good thing so many are willing to help since the reception is going to be open to every wolf, they will need a lot of extra meat to help fill the stores. Still this is her first big hunt and Fern had spent time tracking a huge bull and learning what she could about the species in the hope that the more she knows the less likely it will be someone got hurt.

As they crest the hill that houses the bones of creatures long dead, Fern calls for the group to stop and waits for everyone to gather around. Ocean-hued eyes roam over the rag-tag group and she offers them each a smile while Puff, Fern’s small stoat companion, peeks up from between her gray ears, to smile at them all again. Casting a glace to Rudy, Fern says, “Our target today is a bull elephant. As you can see, this bull is all alone so we don’t have to worry about having to separate it from a herd.” Turning, she gestures a pale paw to the distance where a large gray dot is grazing near the tree line. For a moment she squints her eyes at the dot that is their prey before turning back to the hunters.

Taking a deep breath, Fern lays out her plan, “Now, the bull may try flee but they have been known to stand and fight so be prepared for feet and tusks flying at you. For the plan of attack, I suggest we all chase the bull toward wraith’s woods. In there we can use the land to our advantage to bring the bull down. Any thoughts?” With that, she opens the floor to other ideas or concerns before the group will creep in closer to start the hunt.

"Fern Lark"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-04-2022, 06:06 PM

The news of the impending marriage between Artorias and Briar filled Bowen with mixed emotions. She liked Briar and she adored Artorias. She was happy for both of them, but that happiness and her own dark feelings filled the woman with a sense of self loathing. If she wasn't barricaded in her room, she tried to be doing something that would keep herself distracted. That's why she'd agreed to help with a hunt.

Bowen wasn't a hunter by any means, but she was incredibly swift. Her small size and slender stature allowed her to fly like the wind. She wasn't exactly the most imposing of wolves, but her vibrant coat and long trailing tail might serve to keep prey in line. Or so she hoped.

Fern addressed them and Bowen remained silent. She had no input to give and only wanted to be given a task and pointed in the proper direction. It should be obvious that the lithe woman was meant for running rather than bringing the prey down, so she didn't bother mentioning it.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



3 Years
04-05-2022, 06:17 PM

The hunt brought her back to the time they hunted down a mammoth, a larger version of the bull elephant the group was intending to hunt this time. And she could only wonder what kind of tactics they would implement this time. The bright side of this was that the elephant found himself alone, not in a group so right now they wouldnt need to worry about getting an individual away from a herd. She approached to the three pack mates, giving them a shy smile but quickly setting her ears to listen to any ideas of how to bring down such a behemoth. Soft eyes fixated on the hunt leader.

Fern who had gave the further instructions mentioned driving the elephant to the nearby woods, she nodded. That seemed quite wise to do, to reduce the mobility and chance to get hit in a closed space like the woods. She said nothing at first as she didnt want to right away come out with none sense. "Sooo, perhaps the lighter wolves could wind it? Or we could also create spears to attack it, and not too close to get hurt." They could use distance weapons to wound it without having to be so close to the animal's weapons

"The talking"

Code by Shelby


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-05-2022, 11:22 PM

Rudy had already spoken with Fern about this upcoming hunt, already aware of most of the details however this was her time to lead.  She had come up with the plan and already informed him what his part in it would be.  Goody.  His part had been to make a trap line.  A boring task that he mostly had worked on when injured since he’d been unable to go hunting.  He couldn’t turn down a request from her.  He’d never made a trap meant for an elephant before so it should be interesting to see if it would work out.  

Rudy had ended up in the armory for a while, choosing to add wire coils around vines that were likewise far thicker than what he’d use on a more normal size prey.  Sharp edges poked out from the wiring, grooves where the wite itself had been connected with a braided.  If the elephant slammed itself in hard enough would it cut?  One could hope. Two sets of long wires between trees had been set up near each other, if one only slowed it down or got it off balance then perhaps the second would finish the job.  Even if both only made the elephant stumble there were enough wolves to make use of an opening.

“Fern already thought of using tools to her advantage actually,” Rudy spoke up as Fern asked about the thoughts of others.  “She told me where she hoped to chase the elephant.  I set up trap lines in the woods to run the beast into.  There’s metal in those traps, hopefully, good enough to cut through the elephant's flesh on the leg,” Rudy shrugged, he’d never bitten an elephant so no promises on how well that would work.  “Not that it's necessary to cut it, just getting it off balance should be good enough.” Rudy glanced in the direction of his trap, “There’s a downed tree near where I set the trap, to the left of it.  My scent is also on it. Reddy is also over there, I guarantee you he will make sure we know where it is.”  That hawk could make anything go in the right direction, at least it sure felt that way often enough.  Really, the tree was very noticeable and they all had noses to scent the mark he'd left near his trap.

Rudy didn’t offer more than that on the plan.  Fern could say who would take what position on the hunt.  If it wanted to turn and fight that was fine with Rudy as well.  Fern sure chose a hell of a task to not use her sword for.  Wanted a challenge?  If that elephant harmed a hair on Fern’s head Rudy would find a way to kill it all on his own. The motley wolf with his new set of antlers was also considering the wolves that had joined the hunt, seeing who appeared confident or unsure about the task at hand.

"Rudyard Carpathius"


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-06-2022, 05:48 PM
It had been so long since they had gone after some big, challenging prey so when Fern got them together to do just that he was very excited. The last fun hunt he did had been for that giraffe, but that felt like it had been ages ago. He walked with the others that Fern had gathered up to the point where they could see their target which was when she stopped them to tell them more about what they would be hunting and come of the plan. Jane asked a couple of questions which Rudyard spoke up to answer, revealing some other things that he and Fern had planned and set up. It seemed like a pretty good plan to him and he didn't have any notes of his own to give. He simply grinned and nodded, replying, "I'm good to go if everyone else is!" He had a feeling that bringing down an elephant and getting through that thick skin was going to be a task and a half, but he was ready and willing to give it a go!

"Ezra Adravendi"



4 Years
Chrono I

04-06-2022, 07:38 PM

Reila felt almost like an outsider being the only one from outside of The Hallows being here for the hunt, but that was okay with her. She had worked alongside other slaves and masters before, so teamwork was nothing new to her. Even with strangers.

She had dressed in some metal armor herself that was available in Fenmyre's stores being aware of the challenging nature their hunt would hold. But she didn't know exactly what was in mind until the leader, Fern, gave away their target. She let the others speak first before putting her own say in, knowing much about the world in her travels she hoped her knowledge wouldn't go unheard. "We'll need to give it a good startle to get it moving. The group of us making ourselves known in sync with a lot of noise should do the trick." She suggested but gestured over to Jane for what she had said, "The beast will turn to test it's luck and fight us after so long, so spears, even just one might be a good idea. Maybe some of your antlers will work as a prod." Her head dipped quietly as if bowing to Fern, "Or we can just hope the group of us will be enough scare to keep it moving." She would move ahead with the others once they were all ready.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-06-2022, 08:51 PM
Fern looks to the wolves gathered around her and listens to their suggestions, her lips tugging down into a frown as she realizes just how unprepared she really is. Thankfully she has Rudyard and he speaks up about the traps she had asked him craft, her scattered mind completely forgetting to give the group that critical piece of information. Maybe she should call the hunt off, have them return once she made some weapons and learned more information. Ocean-hued eyes drift over to the gray dot near the border of the trees, doubt flickers across her features for a moment as she weighs her options. Who knows where the elephant might go if they left. Besides, it might not be alone the next time they went to hunt. No, it is now or never.

Turning her attention back to the group, the gray girl offers them a soft smile as she looks toward Jane first. She praises the wolf, as she says, “That is a great idea Jane. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to make spears right now. However, next time we have a hunt like this, you will be in charge in making the spears.” She gives the girl a wink before turning her attention Reila, the only wolf from Fenmyre that had agreed to help. The gray girl offers her a smile as she says, “That is also a very good idea. Thank you for the suggestion.” Taking a deep breath, Fern lifts her head a little higher and says, in the most confident tone she manage, “Alright, here is the plan. Bowen. I have seen you run. You are the fastest wolf I know. Once we get it charging you will guide it toward the trap. Look for Reddy to signal where the trap and please, be careful of the wires. Rudy, Ezra you will be in charge of prodding the beast into charging if it does not to. Use your antlers as much as possible. Jane, Relia and I will create as much noise as possible while attacking its legs. Ladies, I want you to bite anything you can get ahold of, make the elephant angry. Make it want to chase you but please, don’t get hurt.”

Nodding to each wolf in turn, Fern realizes there is one person who doesn’t have a task. Eyes roll to the top of her head to try and spy the small stoat that is peeking out from between her ears as she says, “Puff, I will get you in close enough to jump onto the elephant. Think you can go for its eyes and make it really angry?” The stoat offers the group a huge grin as she says, “That’s what I’m good at! Just be ready to catch me on the way down. Okay?” Fern dips her head in acknowledgement before the gray wolf adds, “Wait for me to tell you when to start attacking. I need to get Puff on the elephant first. Okay?” Once they acknowledge her plan, she spreads out the group and they carefully begin to move closer. They hunker down in the tall waving grass, making sure to stay downwind as they move.

The hulking form of the elephant is soon close enough and she signals a halt to the others. All she has to do now is get Puff on that creature. Taking a deep breath, Fern springs up from her hiding spot, snarling and snapping as she works to gain its attention. She works to sound as aggressive as possible, charging straight toward the huge elephant’s side. It trumpets out its alarm and swings its massive head in her direction, planting its large feet as it stands its ground. Head and trunk swing to the side as it winds up an attack but the gray wolf does not slow her charge. Tusks and trunk swing down toward the wolf and Puff sees her opportunity. Small brown body lunches from Fern’s back to latch onto the trunk, tiny paws quickly finding footholds as she scales the elephant’s head. Fern ducks under the attack, adjusting course to race away from the mad elephant as she yells, “NOW!”

The hunt has officially begun.

"Fern Lark" | "Puff"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-06-2022, 09:14 PM

The wolves gave their input and Bowen couldn't help but feel that they were drastically unprepared. Surely there had been spears and other items in the armory. Or they could have dug a pit and run the elephant into it in the hopes of snapping a leg. Rudy said that there were metal trip wires, but the trees would have to be a mile wide to hold. Having been on a ship, Bowen had been to many different places. She had seen elephants tear trees right out of the ground with trunk and tusk. Anxiety flared through the small woman and russet ears tucked backwards as the group began to file out.

Bowen could barely watch as Fern approached the bull and the little stoat began to climb. Only when the call was given did she try to push her anxiety away and focus. With a deep breath, the small, slender fae launched herself from the trees and made a beeline towards the pachyderm. The copper and cream fae was like a beacon in mist of the wood and the elephant noticed. It released a trumpeting roar and charged Bowen as she charged it. The lithe woman cut to the side easily, running circles around the beast which followed her in a spin. Bowen began to run towards the area where the triplines waited and the elephant followed. She was careful to not move too fast. Just staying out of reach as the beast charged and kicked earth at her. Bowen snapped her jaws, snarling and making a ruckus. It kept the elephants attention on her and its trajectory set towards the trap.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



3 Years
04-07-2022, 11:41 AM

Jane Adravendi

“Fern already thought of using tools to her advantage actually,” Rudy said, to which she nodded in understanding. "I see! Then don't mind what I said!" After all she still had a lot to learn about hunts, and specially big game. The learning road was huge and there was always room for learning and this hunt certainly would be a big lesson for the future. A future she hopped would be long. Unless of course she perished earlier. She shook her head right after she though such barbary, death could come any time so instead of thinking about it, she knew better to enjoy life as plenty as possible.

She remained in silence in the rest of the discussion, feeling like she would be more useful in the hunt than talking. And with the upcoming wedding they would need such massive beast, for days of feast to come. Jane, Relia and I will create as much noise as possible She nodded putting on a failed serious expression, she wasn't to used to be serious or not with her friendly demeanor that at this moment came out natural, like a part of her.

Done with the theory it was time for the actual hunt. She moved a long Fern to her own position, ready to be as loud as possible. She walked, lowered in the grass, using it to cover her approach. Going against the wind so her scent wouldnt be caught. Elephants had an exceptional sense of smell. And it was on!

She was quick to approach and bark and snarl as loud and ragerous as she could, aiming to also bite on the lose skin of the elephant's back leg, aiming to get his attention from Fern as it was planned before. The beast turned furiously to the grey female wolf aiming to get her, but her light frame allowed her the enough agility to move away but never too far to not being ready to nip again.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-10-2022, 11:16 PM

Rudy really hadn’t liked Fern choosing today as the day to not use her sword and choose Puff over it. Not that Rudy ever used weapons but that had never been how he trained to fight.  He wanted this to be her experience though so other than asking her if she was sure he’d kept his peace on it.  Now that he’d seen the elephant and with his sister and mate nearby he was feeling a lot more protective suddenly.  The young reckless wolf that charged into trouble was feeling strangely hesitant about taking risks suddenly.  It just wasn’t his life he was worried about.  

Well, if that elephant hurt those he loved it would fear his wrath.  Could a wolf solo an elephant?  Technically no.  Would Rudy defy that if needed? Damn straight.  Rudy turned his gaze away from the wolves and to the elephant.  It was an impressive sight.  Studying the beast he searched for any weaknesses to it.  “Don’t be in a rush for it needing to be a fast kill,” Rudy made a last word of caution.  “If the trap set up itself doesn’t stop it enough for an ending location its fine.  We can run it down with time and patience.  We get it bleeding and run it into the ground if need be.  No need to take any last-minute risks for the sake of a swift kill.”  If they killed it fast that was fine but if not slow would also work.

When the elephant turns to attack Fern, the motley grey wolf’s lips pull back in a silent snarl.  When Fern calls for everyone to join in Rudy leaps out as if on springs toward the beast.  Bowen gets the lead and does a great job getting it to chase her.  No need to poke the beast.  Rudy runs up alongside a back leg, snapping at it but not trying to grip on.  The damn thing had thick skin, his teeth got through but nothing like they would have on a deer.

"Rudyard Carpathius"



4 Years
Chrono I

04-11-2022, 09:58 AM

Reila didn't really feel outcasted by the group of Hallowed wolves, but she certainly didn't feeling like she quite belonged. They still all fit together, worked together, they could get the job done. Maybe it was more in Reila's head. That was okay.

The group moved stealthy towards the elephant's grazing grounds, hidden in the brush with each wolf showing their quiet skill for their hunt. Next would be the chase.

Fern jumped forward first which made Reila wince to the thought of the rest of the group staying behind. But with the two men crowned with antlers, hopefully they would be able to prod the beast in the direction it needed to go. She did as was told of her, jumping forward with Jane and joining Fern as they blew up the meadows with their snarls and barks. She jumped up to bite higher on the elephants thick legs, soon it would be on the move.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-11-2022, 05:58 PM
With their directions given, Ezra followed Fern's lead and joined in with the group as they took their respective places. He stuck close to Rudyard since his part in this would go hand in hand with the other antlered male and he waited for Fern to give the signal so they could all jump into action. He wasn't sure if they were really ready to take down something as tough as an elephant, but he was up for the challenge either way. Even if they went home empty handed it was still a good learning experience and they could take notes for next time and it would be fun either way. Once things kicked off he darted out along side Rudy, falling in like on the other side of the elephant so that Rudy was on one back leg and he was on the other. He also gave passing bites to the elephant's thick hide, his sharp, serrated teeth having a bit of a better time than his counterpart. At one point the elephant started to veer off the path a bit and he swung his head down, jabbing the points of his antlers into its ankle to redirect it back the way they wanted it to go.

"Ezra Adravendi"


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-11-2022, 09:31 PM
Fern sees the anxiety that her choice causes Bowen and she swallows down the guilt. Hopefully, she can still trust the gray girl after this. The plan is laid out, the wolves crept closer and Rudy offered some whispered final words. Turning her bright blue eyes to catch his golden gaze, the gray girl gives a short nod before returning to the task before them. She jumped up, got close enough to the elephant to deposit Puff and was already racing away. The shout for the rest to join is answered and everyone performs exceptionally. Jane and Reila make enough noise to startle the large creature, its giant ears flapping in uncertainty as it swings its massive head around. Erza and Rudy poke their antlers into the elephant’s joints, snapping and biting where they can.

The bull becomes angry, the minor annoyances that the wolves and stoat are making finally gets the lumbering giant to begin moving and its attention falls on the caramel streak that makes circles around it. It tosses its head and a small flash of brown flies through the air causing Fern to quickly move and catch the falling Puff. Small paws grip the leather of her armor and the stoat regains her position on Fern’s back. The elephant’s head lowers, deadly sharp tusks pointing toward Bowen and it begins to charge. The thundering beat of the huge feet fill the air as the group pushes the elephant to follow after Bowen. They run, over the grassy meadow and into the dark, twisting paths of the forests. Onward they go, around turns and over logs. Bowen never flags, never falters and neither does the group. Finally, Fern spies Reddy in the branch of a tree ahead of them. Letting out a short bark to inform every one of the approaching traps and to slow down, the gray girl watches as Bowen approaches the barbed wire trap with the elephant not far behind.

Ocean-hued eyes dart to nearby trees, spying the metal wires that stretch from truck to trunk, anchoring the trap wrapped trees. Fern may not have had the best plan for the hunt but she knows how heavy elephants are and, because of this, had spent the day before wrapping the trees with thick metal wires. Rudy had wrapped the crisscrossed section of barbed wired that would be the point the elephant ran into today but Fern had made sure to anchor the day before. It might pull up the first two trees or the first four but it is no match for twenty-five. Bowen slips away and the charging monster has no time to detour. With a mighty crash, the elephant is snared by the trap, the trumpets of rage are drowned by the sounds of trees being ripped from the earth. In the end, the wire cuts bloody lines into the thick skin and tangles the enormous feet, bring the mighty beast low.

Five trees lay uprooted, but the elephant will have no time to recover. Fern shouts, “Now! Go for the throat! Be careful of the sharp wire!” The elephant wiggles on its side as the gray girl leaps forward, trusting the others to kill it while she moves to pin the writhing trunk.

"Fern Lark"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-12-2022, 06:21 AM

The elephant chased and Bowen ran. She couldn't pay much attention to the others around her as playing her dangerous game of tag was taking all of her concentration. The russet fae soon caught sight of the wires that her brother had strung between two trees and once again, Bowen hoped that they would hold. She leaped over both sets of wire and the bull gave chase. The metal bit into its wide, pillar legs and soon it was brought down. The rest of the group rushed in to make the kill, but Bowen couldn't bring herself to do it. Something about killing such a strong, proud beast felt wrong to her. Deciding that the elephant was no longer a danger after the others rushed towards it, the small fae disappeared into the woods.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



4 Years
Chrono I

04-13-2022, 07:50 PM

The group manages to run the elephant into the forests and the trap, Reila impressed with everyone working together for their goal even though she didn't have doubts.

The elephant made it to the trip wires set up by Rudyyard, and as it topples it drags a few trees along with it. It was a magnificent and terrifying sight, Reila only stopped a moment in awe as the beast struggled tangled in the wires.

Fern instructed that the group jump ahead and make the kill, but Reila knew where her limits laid. Sure there was enough of the Hallowed wolves here to stop her if she became out of control, but she wouldn't take the chance. She wouldn't risk Fenmyre's and The Hallows connection and she wouldn't risk anyone else. She stayed nearby the elephant's head, hoping she could distract it if needed while the others did their job.



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
04-16-2022, 09:44 PM

Sure, it was a hunt the wolves had chosen to do and it was their plan to have the elephant chase Bowen but watching it chase his sister had Rudy pissed at it all the same. The elephant got several bites from him along the path. Sure, he had horns now but there was more satisfaction in biting. If Rudy had wanted to slash into something he could have learned swordplay with Art.

The elephant never did harm his sister, it ran into the wires, knocked down some tree’s and stopped there. Rudyard was there a second later, debating whether he wanted to go for the throat or stomach since it was already downed. The head still had a flexible trunk and those giant tusks. Rudy ran towards the exposed stomach, biting into the thick skin and with a snarl ripping open a bit of the giant's stomach. The flesh was thicker than a deer for sure but it wasn’t as absurd as crocodile scales.

He noticed Bowen didn’t join in, and neither was Relia. No time to ask questions now, who could say if the elephant would get back up if they weren’t fast. Rudy had hunted with both Ezra and Fern before and knew he could count on them. Assumedly he could trust in Jane also though he’d never hunted with her before. Bo had never been one to go hunting, this had been special but Rudy hadn’t realized she wouldn’t be interested in making theh final kill. What about the Fenmyre wolf? Regardless, right now Rudy was in the process of making sure the elephant would never get up.

"Rudyard Carpathius"


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-18-2022, 10:32 PM
Ezra easily followed with the group, keeping an eye on everyone to make sure no one got caught up under the elephant's thundering feet. When Fern signaled he slowed up, loping to a stop as the elephant crashed into the trap and got insnared in all of the barbed wire and toppled. It was angry and in pain and he knew they needed to kill it quick before it managed to get up again or it was going to be a dangerous problem for all of them. Not many of the group jumped in for the kill, but he joined in with Rudy without hesitation. It was all just business as far as he was concerned and he enjoyed the hunt regardless. He bit in deep into the throat with Rudy, using his sharp, serrated teeth to cut through that thick hide. It was difficult to get a hard enough grip to get to any vital arteries, but between the two of them and with Fern and Jane's help they managed, weakening the elephant until it finally fell still. It wasn't his cleanest kill and it wasn't without some struggle, but he was already eager to see what they could use this tough skin for and maybe even these tucks.

"Ezra Adravendi"



3 Years
04-19-2022, 07:36 PM

You will fail, you will fail Her mind screamed, aiming to fool her during the stressing moments of the elephant's take down. Her eyes remained focused on the beast but also in her brother Ezra, checking on him in whatever short windows she had to remove her eyes from the furious hisses and stomps. Giant ears flaps, trunk brushing near her side, just seconds from hitting her. But her brain reacting fast enough to push her out of its way. Her heart raced, ears flattened but she needed to focus, and as she kept pushing with growls and barks, her team mates and her own work brought the elephant to its feet, and now it was time to end with it's life. And as such she would bite on the animal's trunk, aiming to try obstruct the air conducts but also to avoid it to strike any of the wolves. That was until the elephant stopped moving, it was dead. She dropped the appendage, panting heavily from the extended exercise and running. She said nothing and just followed along.

"The talking"

Code by Shelby