
Pirate Skulls and Bones [joining]



09-24-2013, 02:40 PM

Fall had brought some relief to the majestic, golden-furred beauty. She wasn't in heat anymore, there was a bite in the air, and she felt the difference from the summer's temperatures compared to autumn's. If Maija knew anything about being perfectly content, then the feeling she had from the change in weather would have been defined as such. In her solitude, she let her eyes tremble with an unfamiliar warmth that didn't seem to know its place in her gaze. It didn't last, though -- within the next few minutes, Maija's eyes lost the warmth as she set out into the world.
She left the piece of forest that hadn't been inhabited by other mammals in a long time. Something about the woods that surrounded Tortuga made her want to stay. It was probably the location of where she was, but the seclusion she found in those woods made her Her paranoia of leaving the temporary safety of the quiet area of trees was slowly creeping up on her, but she moved through her claimed part of the foliage with silent ease anyway. A girl had to eat, and she would be damned if she let her wild thoughts overrule her growling stomach. It was something she had to do to survive, she reminded herself of this every day. what you have to do.
Food had become scarce since the weather had changed. No longer were there numerous groups of prey, grazing in the green meadows and taking their time with it all. It was something that would make Maija's heart break, except the layers of ice and brick walls kept it from falling apart. Instead, she was disappointed and a hint of anger splashed its way into her gaze. She had to deal, and there was no other option for her. Her nose quivered at the scents that rose from the cool ground, each one standing apart from the others. The one that she was looking for reached her without a problem and she began to follow the fresh track line to her chosen prey.
It didn't take long for her to reach what she was looking for. She stayed along the outer edge of the forest, choosing to slink through the shadows with her body in a low key stance. When she reached the scent at its freshest point, her eyes darted ahead and she saw the group of deer grazing a few meters away. Two does, a few fawns, and one buck stood and grazed, oblivious to the wolf that was about to disturb their peaceful meal. Leaf green gaze narrowed and she slunk through the trees, making sure her scent didn't move with the wind in their direction. Her golden fur was able to blend in with the golden autumn yellow that seemed to be taking over the grass around her. The deer continued to get within running distance, and she carefully stepped over anything that would possibly give her position away. Maija's concentration paid off when she finally sprinted.
Instead of aiming straight for the buck that protectively began to charge for her, Maija did her own zigzags to avoid any injuries. The burn from the last time she had been struck by antlers rang in her hind leg's muscles, making her growl in protest. She pushed herself harder as she was able to careen out of the deer's path, aiming for the doe that appeared to have a tiny limp in her run. Muscles began to contract and work together more as Maija's desire for the kill kicked in her brain. Her gaze became fiery, with a madness that rarely showed itself in the open. She wanted to kill, and she needed to now.
She was golden blur, flying over the slowly dying grass beneath her as she raced after the doe. It made a horrible cry, knowing it would be caught up with sooner or later. The way it tried to run made Maija's face slip into a nasty grin. Within a couple of feet, she leaped and grabbed the doe's hind quarters, putting her whole weight into the jump. She quickly moved to avoid being kicked by the hind hooves and her mouth quickly found the jugular. She bit down hard, giving the doe a painless death without having to struggle for air. Maija's grip quickly hardened as she felt the buck racing after her for revenge. Even with the extra weight, Maija was able to escape his angry stampede, reaching a good distance from him to make him turn and follow his live family. Success rang in her laughter, muffled by the fur and meat that hung in her mouth. Her stomach would be pleased for a few nights, and with that thought in mind, she retreated back to the woods, eager to reclaim her chosen area of solitude and devour as much as she could until she couldn't eat anymore. If only she knew that this chase would only be the beginning...

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5 Years
Extra large
09-24-2013, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 02:01 AM by Taurig.)

The injuries the man whom he had once called father inflicted on him still hurt. They were done bleeding now, but were still pretty painful. He assumed within a few days they would be scabbed over and all that would be left of them would be scars. The warrior part of him regretted not having fought back. He should've showed his father that he wasn't going to be easily scarred and that he was much more than a pup. He was nearly 3 years old now, a fully grown man and the pale ghost needed to acknowledge that. But alas, Taurig was the bigger man. He preferred to stand there and take the abuse rather than fight back and give in to the Ice King's wants. He was done giving Isardis what he wanted and yesterday had been testimony to that. They were only a few cuts and bruises, nothing to major. After all, he didn't think that the pale man had the real guts to kill his own flesh and blood, no matter what the cobalt King had done.

There were no new members in his pack to speak of, at least not yet. But he wasn't worried. He was sure that news of his claiming would spread quickly through alacritis, as most news did, and wolves would slowly come trickling in. He was a patient man and a kind one. He would not force wolves to join his pack if they didn't wish to. He would be nothing like his father as a ruler. Ebony limbs would pull the new King slowly through his new territory, icy gaze surveying the landscape. It wasn't such a bad place. The land looked to be rather fertile here, given the volcanic dirt. It was pretty quiet, but something in the distance caught the blue man's attention. Pace was halted, ebony nostrils flaring as the scent of blood tinged the air. Blood. That could only mean one thing. Not in a hurry to see who it was, but curious, the titan would again move onwards, this time following his nose towards the source of the smell. It was deer blood and a she-wolf. A golden she-wolf to be exact. She was dragging away a deer carcass. Where had she come from?

The King stood silently in the shadows of the timbers, watching with interest as the smaller woman dragged her kill. Did she live here? He would have to wait to approach her and speak with her to find that out. In the case that she did, he would have no problem offering her a home here.

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09-24-2013, 03:25 PM

Her hunger for the deer in front of her was driving her nuts. Maija hadn't eaten for a day or two, making her stomach curl itself inward and towards her back, only from the lack of food that graced it. She knew that the hunger pains would subside once she began to dig into her claimed piece of meat. The more she thought about it, the more crazy her hunger drove her. Patience was something that didn't bode over well with Maija. She knew that it would be a beneficial thing for her, but she had no reason to keep it. At least, for the moment, that was what she thought.
The golden she-wolf increased her pace to get back to her chosen bit of woods faster, making her all the more eager to chomp down on her catch. The distance was becoming shorter, causing her heart rate to quicken and her eyes to kindle a flame that showed the potential type of happiness that could brood in her soul. No one had ever seen that from her, and she intended to keep it that way. Her paws touched the now familiar bit of soil and she dragged her carcass in with her.
Maija felt the serenity of her solitude sweep over her as she lowered the doe's head to the ground. Sniffing it all over, she tried to figure out where the best place to start the tearing would be. Finally, she chose the skin that held the hind leg and stomach together and sank her teeth into it. With a mighty yank from her head, she felt the warm blood flow from the tear and the fleshy muscles become exposed. Lovingly, Maija licked at the blood around the open wound before she began to chew on the meat. The combination of the liquid that had kept this animal alive with the taste of the muscles made it all the more delicious. It was something she would never take for granted.
When she rose her head from the carcass to come up for air, it was then that an unfamiliar scent reached her. Golden ears flattened against her skull and Maija's previously lowered defenses automatically built themselves back up. Blood stained her maw, causing her growling face to resemble a young pup that had messily eaten their first meat meal. Her eyes searched the forest, trying to match the scent with the carrier. It didn't take long for the leaf green eyes to find him. His pelt was dark enough to keep him blending in with the surrounding woods, but not enough to keep her from noticing his form.
The surprise that came from seeing another wolf in these parts of the woods made her step over her prize, intending on defending her meal from anybody that tried to take it from her. Hackles rose, head lowered to make the scruff of her neck bunch up. Tail swept behind her in an irritated manner, left to right, as she waited to see what he would do. A low growl escaped her, exposed teeth red and dripping with the warm blood that had come from her dinner. Her gaze remained icy, but she silently held her tongue and the burning desire to defend her prey danced in her chest. The ball was in his court now.

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5 Years
Extra large
09-24-2013, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 02:02 AM by Taurig.)

He would go unnoticed for the time being as the golden woman continued to drag her prey deeper into the woods of his home. He would follow her quietly, pawsteps nearly undetectable as he moved through the underbrush, icy gaze never leaving her lithe figure. It wasn't until she was sure that she wasn't under the threat of retaliation that she allowed herself to release the carcass and begin feasting on it. Had he not eaten earlier that day his own fill of deer he perhaps would've been a tad bit hungry, but the meat still lingering in his stomach was sufficient enough to chase away any thoughts of hunger.

It wasn't until she had finished eating that she felt his eyes on her, golden figure twisting in his direction, forest eyes locking in on his cobalt figure. She would bristle, going to stand over her carcass, wary that he would come and take it from her. Crimson would stain her muzzle as she snarled at him, waiting to see what he would. The cobalt King would step from the shadows, body language calm and relaxed, trying to look as non-threatening as a 40inch giant could look like. I mean you no harm ma'am. Take my word. I simply am curious as to whether you live here. Vocals were soothing as he tried to calm the golden woman down.

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09-26-2013, 01:20 AM

His words rang through the cool air and reached the golden ears that had flattened themselves against her crown. Somehow, they slipped through the tight grip and found their way into the auditory canals of the defensive she-wolf. It took a minute for them to sink in, causing the growling to temporarily cease. The meaning behind those words were of the obvious curiosity, but harm was definitely not intended. Due to that mental observation, Maija's defenses dropped a tiny bit.
Rather than have the scrunched up neck and mean facial grimace, she relaxed those parts of the stance she had taken up in defending her catch. The changes that could be noticed in her face - from being squeezed to a smooth and beautiful maw - were things that didn't intend to stand out, but did anyway. The light that could possibly shine in her leaf green eyes would only brighten her features, showing off more than she was used to, but alas, there was only an icy stare. Those opts scanned the dark male over as he came into view, showing his towering height as he separated himself from the woods' shadows. If she hadn't been so focused on protecting her dinner, she would have been impressed.
Maija was used to the company of a large male. Dragomir had been one himself and so she didn't stir or flinch from realizing how big the stranger was. The whole time she was watching him - taking in the fur's colors, noticing the relaxed composure he had as he approached - she was silently wondering who he was. Of course, her assessments of his body and whom he was were shielded from the outside eyes of others. Everything about her was clammed up inside of her, and that, possibly, would be one of her biggest weaknesses.
She tossed her golden head, droplets of blood flying in a wide arc across the ground in front of her. They didn't touch the other wolf, but merely formed tiny patterns across the slowly dying grass. Distrustful green gaze watched him and her tail flicked behind her as she spoke in rough, Romanian-accented tones. "I am not sure I should answer to such a piece of your curiosity. To reveal anything of myself to a complete stranger would not be smart on my part." Her ears, which had risen along with the rest of her physical stance, flicked in different directions. "To whom am I speaking with, whom is so curious about my reasoning for being here?"

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5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 02:03 AM by Taurig.)

His tactic seemed to be working. The golden woman began to slowly relax, the grimace her muzzle had contorted to slowly relaxing. Her hardened emeralds would relax as well, a new light shining through them, though not enough to crack the icy stare that he was receiving. He took no offense to her hostility. He was a stranger after all and he couldn't expect much from her, especially when she had just killed. It was only natural instinct to be defensive.

He could see her emerald gaze assessing his figure, taking him in, observing, trying to figure out if he was any kind of threat to her. The cobalt King did his best to look as non-threatening as possible, even going so far as to lower his head to be level with hers, wanting to instill confidence in her that he really meant her no harm. The dame would toss her head to the side, the blood clinging to her jaws flying away from her in arch around her jaws. And then the woman would speak, her voice gruff with a foreign accent. I am not sure I should answer to such a piece of your curiosity.To reveal anything of myself to a complete stranger would not be smart on my part. To whom am I speaking with, whom is so curious about my reasoning for being here? He would listen with earnest interest, noticing that she was extremely distrusting of him and he was okay with that. He didn't expect her to blab away about herself to a complete stranger.

I am Taurig, the king of these lands ma'am. Ever respectful warrior, ever respectful King.

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09-26-2013, 07:19 PM

The golden-furred beauty wasn't used to such a thing as manners. The tone and how he spoke his words silently confused her. She was used to the icy, bitter words that came from her husband's alter personality, piercing her confidence and defenses like icicle daggers. The way she had to defend herself - from when she was a babe to now - was all that she knew, and it was surprising how she thought of all of these things from just the way he spoke to her.
Distrust still shined in her eyes as she mentally analyzed his words, searching for their hidden meaning. It was all a game to her, usually. Nothing was as it seemed and she had remained on the tips of her toes for so long, avoiding any kind of potential relationship aside from her lost husband...She pushed the thoughts of Dragomir from her mind. Why let his memory haunt her mind when it was doing nothing but torture her abused mind? It was because she was so used to it.
The strong-willed female wanted to shake her head, run off to curl into a golden ball and just be left alone. Anything that made her think about Rotterdam and his forked tongue from the past caused her to mentally want to hide from the world. Alone with her thoughts, that was how it had been for a long while. Instead, she pushed herself through those memories and didn't break her stony gaze with the blue bruj in front of her. He admitted that he was the King of these lands. These lands were Tortuga territory... Tortuga.. the pack that the purple goddess had intended on ruling a few weeks ago. Maija vividly remembered briefly meeting her and a phantom of a smile wanted to appear across her face. She didn't allow her muscles to do such a thing, however. Instead, she nodded once to Taurig, tail then ticking to her left side out of habit.
"If I had known that these woods were once again claimed, I wouldn't have stayed," she said, tones not as icy as they had been before. A hint of distrust still stuck to her words, but when you have grown up knowing nothing but that, what else could you go by? She thought that maybe he was still curious as to why she had decided to live around these parts. After all, if he wasn't, he wouldn't have even said anything to her about it. The reasoning for him being so curious was legit, and since he was of a higher position in life than her, she decided it wouldn't hurt to let him know why she was still around. "The forest here is so secluded, so made sense to call it my home, however temporary..."
Maija didn't want to leave, especially since she had gotten used to the territory that spread from where she had claimed her sleeping spot. She wasn't sure if he should know about her resistance to the idea of going, but a tiny bit of her told her to let it slip. Just a tad. Maija wondered if he had noticed the meaning in her own words. It was his turn to analyze what they meant.

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5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 12:42 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 02:04 AM by Taurig.)

Despite what the Ice king had done to him, having mauled him in front of his prospective subjects, the cobalt King still remained the same. His manners were very much in tact and unless someone was rude to him from the start, everyone would be subject to them. It was just the kind of guy that he was. Everyone deserved respect, unless they showed otherwise and the golden woman before him was no exception. Sure, she was a tiny bit hostile towards him, but that was brought on by his own actions. He had approached her during a sensitive time and it was only to be expected that she wouldn't be too pleased at his having being there, but he was trying his best to show her that he really meant her no harm.

If I had known that these woods were once again claimed, I wouldn't have stayed. A frown creased his brow. He didn't want her to think that just because he had come to take over Tortuga that it meant that she could no longer live here. If she expressed the want to continue to inhabit the land and could prove her worth within the pack, the King saw no reason to deny her. Audits would remain attentive, listening as she continued to speak, explaining the reason for her having stayed here. It was secluded, the perfect place to hide away...for a while. The frown already creasing his brows only deepened. Temporary. That wasn't acceptable. Perhaps you know the land better than I. If I may, I would like to extend an invitation to stay here in Tortuga ma'am for as long as you wish. You may even claim a rank if you so desire.

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10-01-2013, 08:44 AM

His invitation caught her offguard at first. First, he showed manners; now, he was offering her a place to stay. It was all too much for the paranoid she-wolf to take in at once. After being on the run for so long, sleeping beside her husband in so many different places, she would finally have a place to settle in? She let a sliver of disbelief shimmer in her eyes. Nothing in life was guaranteed, she was a living witness to that. Surely, lurking in his words, there was something that would prove his intentions to be false.
Her eyes never broke their gaze from the large, blue wolf that towered over her. She remained silent as she let his invitation sink into her mind. Stay in Tortuga for as long as she needed... That wouldn't be too hard to think of -- of course she would remain. Her safety was a priority and she knew to turn down such an offer would be stupid on her part. To be a part of a pack, though...that was definitely something she never imagined would happen to her. Such thoughts dwindled silently in her mind, blocked by the stony gaze that slightly trembled as she mentally peeked over her defenses.
Maija's heartbeat skipped one beat as she slowly inhaled, letting the paranoia ebb from her thoughts. Maybe...maybe he wasn't the kind that was nice to your face and then stabbed you in the back later. He certainly put a lot of effort into how he carried himself to prove otherwise. On the exhale, she softly cleared her throat and replied to his invite. "Consider it accepted." Romanian tones curled around the words, her own tail physically curling at the tip. Was she crazy for choosing such a place in the world, let alone a pack she knew nothing about?
She began to see the big picture shortly after accepting his invitation. There would be other members - she knew from the unfamiliar scents that began to trace themselves around the land. The golden Romanian wasn't completely sure she would be able to handle so many wolves at once, especially after being in solitude for more than half a year. The last bit of his invitation then began to sink in. Claim a rank... What would suit her best? She had been a pillar of ice when standing next to Rotterdam, but that didn't mean it would be best suited for her here. Different wolf, different circumstance. Subconsciously, she raised one of her paws and brushed it against the doe's furry carcass. Maija became the first to break their ocular connection and glanced down at the slowly decaying body that laid beneath her form. She licked her upper lip, taking some of the leftover blood with it and then looked back up to Taurig's kind face. "One that would fit me, I suppose...Nothing less of what I am capable of doing," she said, green gaze burning into his own set of icy blues. Whatever he said next would be the ice breaker for her voiced preferences.

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5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 02:05 AM by Taurig.)

Consider it accepted. The titan could've almost sighed in relief. He'd managed to convince the untrusting golden beauty to stay within Tortuga as part of his pack. He was making progress. She was a bit more relaxed now than she had been when he'd first come across her, so that had to be a good sign. But then came the decision of choosing what rank she would fit under. He had already guessed that she would excel as a hunter, given the dead doe lying behind her, but he wanted to see if she would tell him herself. He could see the wheels turning behind her emeralds, one of her golden paws brushing against the tawny hide of the beast. She would be vague with her answer, leaving the decision up to him.

Well from what I can see, you would be an excellent hunter, so that will your rank ma'am. Now that you're part of Tortuga, may I catch your name? It was incredible that they'd had an entire conversation and not once had she mentioned her name.

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10-02-2013, 10:22 AM

He gave her the rank of Hunter. She mulled over the title in her head, trying it out in her mental voice. Hunter...Hunter.. Maija figured that it would suffice for the time being. The golden-furred female knew that she would excel in her rank, especially since she was the one that chased down the food for her and Dragomir since they came together. Such thoughts had found their way through her temporary mental bliss, and she pushed them out again.
She still had plenty of issues to deal with, mainly wrapped around the fact that she was still attached to the image of her husband. His disappearance had affected her in the worst way, but so far, she had kept up an appearance of not being bothered by it. Then, there was Aoi...he had been the only one to see how it could make her physically sick. Maija had considered him an ally after that night, even though she wasn't too keen on the idea at first. Her thoughts made their way back to the situation at hand. Everything would be sorted out in good time.
Maija's leaf green gaze remained steady with Taurig's as he then asked for her name. Her personal information was something she didn't like to give out freely. She had an internal struggle as she considered giving him the answer that he sought. Before she revealed her identity, Maija decided that since he had been so open with his intentions upon meeting her and hadn't posed a threat to her or her dinner, he deserved to know. Blinking slowly, she stood to her fullest height and said, "Maija. Maija Artenie-Miklos."
Her married name began to feel like a ball-and-chain to her personal identity, something she never thought would happen. A hint of dislike wrapped itself around her husband's last name, but if Taurig could tell or not, she didn't know. At the moment, she didn't care if he did notice. If he had, it would be the beginning to a slow unraveling for the golden-furred temptress. Maybe it was what she needed to move on, but she didn't think of it.
For the umpteenth time, Maija tried to push through the images of her two-faced husband. She was mentally being tormented by those thoughts and as she fought with them, it made it seem like she was physically feeling stomach pains. A look of discomfort flickered across her face and tried to hide it as quickly as it appeared. She hoped that Taurig hadn't seen it, the weakness that broke through the strong fa?ade she had been carrying since the thoughts began to appear. To make sure he didn't question her, Maija lightly kicked the dead meat below her with a hind paw and murmured, "Indigestion." It was somewhat true, but she didn't voice why it had come up so abruptly.
She knew that she wouldn't be able to eat anymore deer for the time being. It had to be kept cool to slow down the decaying process and from having diseases form across the succulent meat. Glancing down to her catch, she tried to remember a good place to bury the large animal. Although she could do it herself, the time it would take for her to would be forever. She then looked back up to Taurig and decided to come out of her shell a bit more. If not for her sake, for her dinner's. "I know we have just met and I was protective of my catch earlier, but...would you help me bury it for later?"
All she really wanted at this point was to curl up and fall asleep without any disturbances. But she needed the distraction, the attention of someone else to avoid Dragomir haunting her mind...she just didn't realize it.

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5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2013, 11:41 PM

She was a hunter now. A Tortugan hunter. Would she approve? He could assume that it would be the best rank that would fit her, since he had after all come across her after she'd made a kill. If he turned out be wrong, she could always come talk to him later to ask for a change in her rank, but until he heard protest from her, she would be a hunter. She had the build of a hunter. She would excel just fine.

It was clear that she didn't trust him, and he didn't hold that against her. Strangers weren't supposed to be trusted, not right off the bat anyway. Maybe as her time here in Tortuga extended she would slowly relax and learn that the titan was someone she could always rely on, no matter what. He had asked her a simple question; her name. Part of him felt like she would probably deny him, not that it would've surprised him, but he was hoping that his gentle manners and understanding would coax it out of her. It would be the first step to getting to know her and he was willing to work with her as much as she needed in order to get there.

Finally, after some deliberation, the golden beauty would decide that she would introduce herself, pulling herself to her full height before allowing her name to fall from her lips. Maija. Maija Artenie-Miklos. Maija. It was such a pretty name, very fitting for a beautiful woman. Miklos. That last name sounded like it was attached. Could she be married? She didn't have the scent of a male on her. If she was married, where was her husband? Something flared up inside the King, but just as quickly vanished, having gone unnoticed by the titan. There was something about Maija that spoke to him, something of a kinship, though he wasn't sure if there really was something or if he was making something out of nothing. As his thoughts wandered, something caught the cobalt King's attention. A look of discomfort crossed Maija's features, with seemingly no cause. Where had that come from?

She was quick to provide an answer, one of her hind legs reaching behind her to kick at the meat, claiming it to be indigestion. Taurig wasn't entirely convinced that indigestion was really the reason behind it, but he didn't pry, figuring he would know sooner or later, or maybe never. Either way it wasn't any of his business to begin with. Just as it appeared that their meeting was coming to a close, Maija would post a request, seeking the King's help in relocating her kill to somewhere more secluded and safe. With a encouraging smile the titan would nod, moving past her to stand over the carcass, ready to haul it wherever she wanted to take it. Where would you like to take it?

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10-03-2013, 02:34 AM

The conversation - if you could call it that - had led to a part of her unfocused routine that made her feel more like herself. She was doing something that didn't really need assistance, but she knew it would be beneficial in the long run. He answered her question with a 'yes' and made his way to stand next to the carcass. When she realized that he was going to be standing mere inches from her, Maija skittishly moved to the head and neck of the dead doe. It was the first emotion she showed without remorse, but as she was thinking of the potential freshness of her food, it didn't cross her mind.
She watched Taur from the corner of her eyes as she stepped over the graceful head and lowered her own to meet the neck. Her teeth wrapped themselves around the tender meat, increasing the grip of her hold before she slowly raised her maw to regain her height. Body frame took the extra weight by increasing the stance found in her paws before she readied herself to lead the way.
With how it looked, Maija would have to walk to the side of the doe, neck in her vice grip of her blood-stained teeth and her head turned so she would face the woods to her left. She made sure that Taurig had his weight properly distributed before she began to pad in the direction she needed to go. The place she had chosen for a later time to hide her meat was not too far away. Silently, Maija wondered if the King of Tortuga could handle such a task. A slight smirk found its way across her mouth at such a thought, but it hid in the fur that surrounded her clamped jaws and she continued to walk in the weird stance.
It didn't take long to make it to her chosen piece of wood. The ground wasn't hard yet, giving her the ability to break through the surface without putting up a fight. With a glance to Taurig, she lowered her part of the deer to the ground and stepped around its regal head. Once she took in the length of the carcass, Maija padded in a circle that would be big enough to take the entire body. She mentally made a note of the size and began to dig. That first set of scoops made her feel alive and she continued to move the dirt from in front of her, only to have it begin to form small piles on either side of her.
She didn't pay attention to see if Taurig was joining her in the work. Maija was enthralled with the physical challenge she got from it and her muscles began to try and work harder and faster with each massive scoop. She was destined to get the whole deep enough for her prey to not be dug up easily by another carnivore, and she began to growl at the mere idea of her food being stolen.
It all happened at once. Her deep growl, the huge scoop of dirt with both front paws, and a loud rumble of thunder hit the same second in perfect unison. She snapped out of her trance and looked up to the sky. Dark clouds had begun to form, curling and rolling towards each other like cars that were going to wreck. A moist breeze among the wintry winds hit her and Taurig, causing her to realize that a storm had made it to her neck of the woods. Looking down from the sky to slowly meet Taurig's gaze, she snarled and said, "Hurry!" Her scoops became faster and deeper, frantic bits of dirt flying every which way around the golden dame. One thing she disliked was getting wet, especially when she wasn't feeling good.
The hole was there quicker than Maija had anticipated. By then, the clouds were hanging so low and near the trees that she was getting even more frantic. She glanced at Taurig before she scuttled over to the deer carcass and began to drag it towards the newly made hole. The two were able to get it in the ground in record time and piling the dirt back up was faster than digging it out. She patted her half of the dirt down, intending to get it as flat as possible. Once she was satisfied, she looked around to try and find a place to avoid the rain.
Maija hadn't encounter rainy weather since she had decided to remain in the forest, so when it began to drizzle, the effect was indeed breathtaking. In no time, her fur was stuck to her skin, matted in every curve and bone structure that she had been blessed with. Her leaf green eyes looked bigger in their sockets and she slowly cowered from the feeling of the drops on her body. She maintained her icy gaze, but her physical actions proved that she was not enjoying it at all. Ears flattened against her crown as she padded towards a tree that appeared to have a minimal amount of coverage from the storm. She may have known where to go for food and safety, but not when it came to being in the rain.

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5 Years
Extra large
10-03-2013, 11:44 PM

He probably should have been paying more attention to where Maija was standing, but she had asked him to help carry the carcass and his first thought had been to move to the rear of the animal, since that was the heaviest part. He had completely bipased the fact that she was standing directly in front of that particular part of the animal. He didn't really notice until he saw her skitter away to the front part of the carcass. Brows creased together in a frown but he didn't linger on it. She was already picking up the doe's neck and he needed to do his part. Powerful jaws would reach down to snap around the spine of the animal, daggers digging into the thick flesh of the haunches. The titan would lift his head, shoulders rolling forward and tense in order to aid the lifting of the doe. They didn't look like much, but they were a pretty decent weight.

And then the golden woman would move forward, beginning the trek to store away her food. The King would walk with a rigid stance, the deer's rump continuously bumping against his massive chest with each step that was taken. There was a bit of strain on his neck, but it was nothing the gargantuan couldn't handle. They moved through the land, some of looking vaguely familiar. He was still getting to know his home, so some parts weren't known to the King yet but they would be within time. Taurig was aware that they had reached their destination when Maija lowered the head of the deer before stepping around it and beginning to dig a hole to bury it in. He would drop his part of the carcass, stepping back to allow her to do her digging. She hadn't asked for his help, so he didn't want to intrude.

And then the unexpected happened. A crack of thunder roared in the distance, though that distance wasn't very far. Icy gaze was directed towards the heavens, noticing the heavy clouds that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. A breeze swept in, heavy with moisture. There was going to be a storm, he could feel it. His guard hairs stood on end, able to feel the impending electricity that circled in the atmosphere. Hurry! came Maija's frantic call and the gargantuan sprung into action. He was standing before her in the next moment, his massive paws digging away at the dirt, tearing it away to help widen the hole. With his help they were able to make the hole in record time and get the carcass into it and covered before the water ruined it. But unfortunately, they weren't quick enough to find proper shelter. The golden woman tried to get under some foliage, but her coat was completely drenched to the bone. Taurig didn't bother trying to get under anything, letting the water soak his coat and press it against his frame. He was used to being out in harsh weather. It had all been part of his training. But Maija didn't seem to share his experience.

Giving himself a brief shake to get rid of excess water the titan would pad up to her, motioning with his skull for her to follow him. Lucky for her, they were close to his den and it was the perfect shelter from the rain. The water was light now, but he could feel it getting stronger. If they didn't hurry to his den, they would be stuck in a torrential downpour and that wasn't fun at all. He waited until she began to follow him before he loped back towards his ledge den, turning to glance over his shoulder at her, using his muzzle to point towards his den. Massive paws came to a halt outside of his den, expectant gaze on Maija as he waited for her to get inside the den first. She need to dry off before he did. She was after all now his pack member and he always looked out for his pack members.

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10-04-2013, 03:04 PM

He was her knight in shining, cobalt armor, even though she didn't think about him in that reference. To be fair, he was her wet knight, but the humor in that was lost because the thought didn't grace her mind. Instead, her body was getting colder by the minute from the rain and chilly winds and she didn't like it. She quickly followed him after his head bob, indicating that there was a place of refuge from the storm. Lightning cracked and thunder rolled, making her more skittish as they got closer to the den.
She didn't have to be offered to race into the den. Automatically, the storm was muffled and she wasn't being pelted by the rain. Maija didn't waste any time shaking her fur free of the water, ready to get dry as soon as possible. Rain water that had clung to her fur sprayed in different directions, her body a golden blur from the frequent shaking. Her nose, tickled from the dry air in the den, twitched and she sneezed, furthering indicating that she needed to get dry. What a wonderful situation she had found herself in.
Slowly, she looked up to the entrance of the den and saw Taurig standing there. He was still outside, getting himself drenched by the rain, bit by bit. She didn't like the idea of him being wet and possibly sick on account of her being selfish. The golden vixen backed up towards the inner sanctum of the den, providing enough room to let him shake off the water without splashing her. Leaf green gaze stayed on him warily as she lowered herself to the cool ground and curled up. Immediately, she began to shiver and didn't try to hide it. He had already seen her spaz from the rain. Why hide that she was cold now?

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 03:19 PM

She clearly didn't need an invitation into his den. At the sight of it, with the encouragement of the thunder and increasingly pounding rain, the golden dame would race inside the safety of it. Relief would wash over the titan now that she was safe inside the den, closer to being warm than she would've been if he hadn't brought her to his den. He would watch her from the entrance, the water pelting his coat relentlessly. Immediately she shook herself off, trying to speed up the drying process, sneezing as she glanced back towards him, noticing that he was still standing outside the den. It was then that she would scoot back in the far corners of the den, as if trying to make room for him to come in. A gentle smile would crease the King's lips as he breached the entrance of his den, taking a moment to shake off as much water from his coat as he could before deciding to move father back into the den.

She was still wary of him, he could see it in her eyes, but she would allow herself to curl up against the ground, though the trembles that would rock her frame wouldn't go unnoticed. His first instinct was to offer himself as a blanket to her, since he was always pretty warm, even when soaked, but he didn't think it would be the best option, given how skittish she'd been when they'd moved the deer. He stayed close to her, though not enough to breach her personal space. If the shivering became more violent, whether she liked it or not, he would become her wolf blanket. He wasn't about to let her catch a cold if he could help it.

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10-04-2013, 03:29 PM

Maija watched without saying a word as Taurig shook himself free of what water he could remove and reclined to the ground. She tried not to shiver, but the wind that found its way from the outside storm swept towards the safety of the den. Instead of stopping, her shakes became worse. Maija was beginning to hate her body for doing this to her. Mentally, she was screaming at herself to stop shaking; that if she didn't, she would have no choice but to seek warmth. The only source of warm comfort was Taurig. Damn it.
For the first time since she had met him, Maija slowly lowered her defenses about a quarter of an inch. She blinked and looked at him, meeting his cobalt gaze with an intense stare. This was the closest she had been to him since he had startled her in the woods and she didn't know what to say or do. The only time she had been closer to a male aside from this was Aoi, and that wasn't her choice. Being unconscious didn't count, she supposed. The closeness she had kept with Dragomir was the most intimate thing she had done in her life, and even now, the memory of his massive form against hers made her body ache. What was a girl to do?
She decided that she would rather deal with using Taurig for warmth instead of shivering to death. So, she pulled out the one liner that had been said the first time she had curled up next to Dragomir. "I'm not cold." Her body clearly said otherwise, but a ghost of a smirk appeared on her golden face. Immediately, her eyes brightened in contrast to the change of facial muscles and even though it was a small difference, it stood out.

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 03:39 PM

Some of the winds from the storm managed to find their way into the safety of his den, dancing along the back of his spine and curling its way around Maija's curled up figure. The wind did nothing to the titan, simply ruffled his wet fur, drying it just a tad more. The cold didn't affect him as much, since he was so used to it, but his body couldn't help but throw out a tremor or too. He was a wolf after all and still susceptible to the cold, even though he was very accustomed to it. He could see the tremors begin to worsen with Maija after the sweeping breeze and it was then that something pretty remarkable happened. She turned to face him, her emeralds seeking out his diamonds. She met his gaze steadily, and he could almost see the plea in her eyes, asking him to keep her warm. But why would she do that? She didn't trust him, that much was obvious.

I'm not cold. She wasn't cold. Sure she wasn't. That's why she was shivering so badly. He knew what she doing. She wanted him to keep her warm, but she was still trying to play it off like she didn't need it. Well Taurig would help her out anyways because that was the kind of man that he was. Rising once more, the titan would move closer to the golden woman, movements slow and measured, slowly working himself around her so that he was directly behind her. Elongated limbs lowered the titan onto the cool cave floor, forming a sort of cocoon around Maija so that the warmest part of his body, his abdomen, would be fully accessible to her. He didn't dare pull her closer, simply allowing himself to rest back against the wall of his den, waiting for her to curl up against him.

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10-04-2013, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2013, 04:02 PM by Maija.)

His movements made all the difference for the golden vixen. She watched with a reproachful gaze as he came around to settle his large form around hers. A part of her was thinking, 'What the hell are you doing?!', but the other part was just eager for the warmth that radiated from his body. He was only her personal heater, that would be it. Yet, a small piece of the back of her mind was laughing at the unsaid statement, getting a kick out of how ignorant she was thinking. Maija shut out all of the different opinions in her mind and continued to watch the cobalt King for any sudden moves.
Once he found himself behind her, she saw him expose his abdomen. The fur was dry and soft, looking like a furry bed for a pup to rest upon. She was no pup, but the security that came from the simile was enough for her to know it wouldn't hurt. Looking up at him with those same leaf green eyes, Maija didn't say a word as she leaned into his side. Her body touched his - gold fur to cobalt blue hide - and she felt the warmth touch her skin. She gently sighed, the shivering slowly ceasing and relief from the shakes took over.
Maija didn't completely relax next to Taurig, but what she did do was a lot to show someone she just met. She comfortably stretched out her front paws and curled up her hind legs so she had the support for her body. By curling up her hind legs, she pushed her body closer to his without meaning to. The comfort that came from his body heat and his massive size gave Maija a temporary place to get away from the thoughts of her lost husband. Before she lowered her head, she looked back up to him, head arching so her gaze met his. A silent 'Thank you' danced in their flames because she wouldn't be able to voice it. Only when she put her head down and rested it against her paws did her body completely relax. Her eyes closed and she felt the ache for Dragomir's touch leave. Taurig was a good substitute, but she wouldn't voice that, either. Sleep took over and she subconsciously curled closer into his warmth.
-EXIT Maija-

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 04:19 PM

He hadn't expected his meeting with Maija to go the way it had gone. But it hadn't turned out to bad if he really thought about it. She was very hesitant at first, not wanting to reveal anything about herself or really have anything to do with him, but as their time together lengthened, he could see her beginning to slowly loosen up around him, slowly let her guard down. He'd been making good progress with her and this moment, with them curled up in his den was a big step in getting her to trust him. She was a part of his pack now and he would care for her as much as he could, doing whatever he could for her just because he was that dedicated to his pack.

Once he had settled, her emeralds sought his eyes once more, meeting them for a moment as she allowed herself to lean into him and his warmth. Their drastically different colored pelts meshed together and he could hear the sigh of relief come from her as the warmth from his body began to seep into hers. She began to stretch out, settling herself in his loose embrace, allowing him one last brief gaze that conveyed a silent thank you before she settled down, her breathing becoming even as she drifted off. Taurig quietly sighed, glad he had been able to help her, his massive crown settled on the cold stone beneath him, his chin not to far from her paws as his eyes slid shut, his conscious disappearing into the land of dreams.

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