
once upon a time



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-25-2022, 06:55 PM
Void had always enjoyed the night time over day, in that aspect he had adapted well to life in Ashen. Many of the residents, including the Empress, were more of a nocturnal nature. He had a patrol to do that night along with a bit of scouting. With how busy Plague had been the two of them hadn't had any time alone. However much he loved being with Rava and the children he wanted some of his husband to himself occasionally. So tonight he was inviting Plague along. They could kiss the children goodnight and be off on their own for a while.

It didn’t take much convincing to get Plague in on his plans. With Rava and the youngsters tucked in Void led Plague off the island. He didn’t tell him where they were going, only that they were going to be gone all night. If he could manage it Void would have kept Plague longer but there were too many responsibilities to see to. Of course, it wouldn’t take his husband very long to realize what path he was taking.

As the moon began to rise over the ocean Void grinned back over his shoulder towards Plague as he led him up towards the cliffs. The place they met, and the place they had realized their love for one another. With the stars sparkling above and the moonlight playing in their fur, Void led his soul mate out into the soft grass. It was hard to believe how far they had come sometimes. "Do you remember this place?” He asked with a soft chuckle, knowing full well it remained in Plague’s memory as well as his own.

"Void Abraxas-Destruction"



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-13-2022, 08:12 PM
When Void declared that they would be spending the night away he didn't argue or complain for a single moment. As much as he wanted to spend every waking moment with these fantastic children they had made and as much as he loved Rava being a part of their family, he still loved his husband first and would always want to make time for him as well. It was hard to do that sometimes when he was constantly being pulled in so many different directions so he couldn't express how much he appreciated Void taking the initiative to plan a little evening for them, even if it was nothing more than just getting away for a night to spend some time alone.

He was a little surprised when Void started leading him away from Ashen's lands and at first he thought maybe they would be going back to their old home in the hot springs, but then they kept going even further out to go all the way to the cliffs where they first met. This place was always so stunning at night, the sky casting a perfect backdrop over the ocean in front of them. Plague grinned and chuckled when Void asked if he remembered this place and he replied, "Hmmm... it does seem familiar," with humor in his emerald gaze. His side brushed Void's as they walked over to the cliff's edge, his tail swaying happily behind him.

Void brought out so much love and joy in him and he could honestly say that his husband had helped him grow into an entirely different man than what he had once been. He knew it was for the better and he attributed it all to the man at his side. "I can't believe its been so long since we met here..." he mused as they reached the edge of the cliffs, leaning his shoulder into Void's as they stopped and he could look out over the waves that were glimmering with moonlight. He smiled and looked over to Void, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I had no idea how we would make things work back then, but I'm so grateful we did."

"Plague Abraxas-Destruction"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
04-18-2022, 10:59 AM
Though he loved having his family and Rava there would always be something special about being alone with Plague. The man who had opened up his heart and unlocked love in his heart. Plague was so busy with the pack and they were both so obsessed with their beautiful little family there wasn’t much in the way of opportunity to be alone. Plague had no idea where they were going either, he could feel the uncertainty from his husband as they moved along, and even if he questioned it Void could see the recognition when they walked out onto the top of the cliffs. The sky opened up to them as the carpet of ocean was rolled out before them.

Plague teased him as he answered, pressing his side against his own as the both of them couldn’t help but look out over the endless ocean. This place would always mean something special to them, this was where they met and more importantly this was where they fell in love. They found each other and they found themselves. Void couldn’t imagine his life if Plague never took his paw and his heart.

"I can’t either. So much has changed.” So much had changed since those days. Absolutely everything. They struggled for so long together, and now they were living their wildest dreams. "All we had to do was hold onto our love, and everything worked out how it was supposed to.” He returned softly as he leaned into Plague’s kiss. He couldn’t help himself though, and shifted his muzzle so he could press his lips to Plague’s.

"Void Abraxas-Destruction"



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-03-2022, 01:11 PM
Plague smiled wistfully as Void said how they had only needed to hold onto their love for everything to eventually work out as it should. It certainly hadn't felt that easy at the time and he knew that they had both chosen the path that would have them working through an uphill battle for most of their lives, but in the end it had been more than worth it. He was far happier now than he would have been if he had denied his feelings and forced himself to fit the mold he thought he was supposed to follow. It would have been easy for him to just live his life quietly in Ashen, maybe accepting whatever wife Venom found for him, and possibly having a family with her to fulfill the duties that were expected of him to continue on their legacy. Instead he followed his heart and that had led him to Void and a happiness that he had never known was possible. Rava perfectly rounded out their perfect, if unconventional, family and he held so much love in his heart for both of them, but Void would forever be his true soul mate and his first love.

He have a pleased hum as Void pressed his lips to his, easily and more than willingly sinking into the affection as his emerald gaze slipped closed for a moment as he savored the feeling. They certainly weren't shy about their affections around their kids, but it just wasn't possible to fully lose themselves in each other with their innocent, young pups around. Little kisses and affections were given freely, but nothing like this. He sank deeper into the kiss Void offered him, his lips parting as he enjoyed his husband for a few lingering moments and savored the familiar taste of him. He did eventually pull away again, but not until his lungs started to protest the lack of air. His eyes blinked open again with a little grin, but he didn't go far, his lips still lightly brushing against Void's. "Some things haven't changed," he said softly with a quiet chuckle. No matter how much time passed, every time they were alone and every time they kissed a spark and a desire flared to life like nothing else and had since the very first time they kissed. That had never faded no matter how their lives had changed and the relationship had evolved.

Plague settled down onto the soft grasses of the overlook, stretching out onto his side as he invited Void to join him with a grin and a little motion of his paw, the cool sea breeze gently ruffling his fur and making the grass sway around him. As he looked up at Void for a moment he took in the picturesque look of him against the night sky with the moonlight lighting up the world around them and he was just as speechless and breathless as he had been all those seasons ago when they reunited here and he finally accepted the fact that he was hopelessly, desperately attracted to this wonderful man. Once Void had settled in with him, Plague slipped his forelegs around his husband, holding him tight while he nuzzled into Void's neck affectionately, his obsidian talons gently combing through the fur on Void's scruff and back. He started a trail of kisses that started on the side of Void's neck and worked down along his toned shoulder, peppering him with more intimate affections than he had been able to give him in a while. "I love you," he breathed against Void's skin as he made his way back up along Void's neck, the fire in his core very quickly building into an inferno from the time that had stretched between the last time they had been able to hold each other like this to now. It wasn't something he had really had time to dwell on until now, but now that he could he realized just how much he had missed this and how much he needed his love.

"Plague Abraxas-Destruction"