
So take my hand and drown with me



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-20-2022, 07:03 PM
Washed up on the beach was a body. Water-logged, but alive if so barely. The storms the night before had destroyed his boat, sending the wreckage and himself to the nearest shore. When the storm broke to allow for a new day, the warmth of the southern fall kept the sky bright and clear. If it wasn't for the pieces of boat laying around on the beach, it wouldn't be immediately obvious something like that had happened. With the water filling his lungs, however, he finally burst back into the land of the living as the salty water freed itself from his lung with a few painful heaves. Disoriented and blinded from the bright, early afternoon sun, Kunai struggled to get his bearings as he looked around the strange beach. Where had he ended up?

please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-20-2022, 09:25 PM
Usagi had tracked his prey further than he initially planned - much further. Still, the deer he had been dutifully following was nice and meaty, and with additional mouths to feed in Tojo-Kai, he couldn’t afford to let this creature get away. They’d need it for the Auster winter - even if the cold was minimal, the nights were chilly from the sea winds, and the fat of the prey he was looking at were quite valuable. Not to mention their hides. Thus, the koi wolf trekked out of his usual bounds within the bamboo maze and the bay. Let Kuroo fish to his heart’s content - Usagi was pleased with the more earth-dwelling things. However, the distance he had gone was significantly further than he liked, and the deer was ultimately lost from his scent trail. Pausing by the edge of the trees, the male sighed heavily, catching his breath from the jogging pace he’d kept for..well, it had to be at least a few hours. Now that he glanced about, his mossy gaze barely concealing his gnawing irritation, where in the hell did he end up?

To his right, another shoreline had appeared, its sandy expanse shimmering with a pecular glittery shine. In the afternoon sun, the glitter became bright, obnoxious flashes, to which he had to squint with a grunt. He’d neve rencountered such a bright, eye-burning beach before, and since he and Roo had arrived, he found he’d encountered far too many beaches. Then again, the whole continent was surrounded by a vast ocean, so the landmarks were inevitable to begin with. Amidst his grumpy squinting, he was about to turn back towards the bamboo maze when the sight of a few splintered wooden planks caught his eye. There were several, all much too clustered together to be old fragments. His narrowed gaze then settled upon a more alarming sight - a heaving wolf who’d clearly been in the water. Putting two and two together, Usagi wondered if the figure in the distance had crashed on the shore. Though his cold heart told him not to help, something tugged him towards this figure in particular..something familiar. He couldn’t quite explain the feeling, and he certainly couldn’t shake it. He glanced back at the horizon behind him, then sighed heavily and followed his gut towards the shores.

Flicking his bunny tail, Usagi trotted over towards the clesrly soaked wolf, only then pausing and realizing the feeling he wasn’t able to shake was, in fact, a good hunch. This guy..he was familiar. The chimera-like, split appearance of the male was unmistakeable, and suddenly he paused, staring down at the man with fragmented memories of his childhood flickering in his thoughts. No, gods, it couldn’t be. He’d left him in Iga. They hadn’t talked in ages, practically. Clearing his throat, Usagi let his monotonous, yet somehow shock-tinged words fall from his lips. His scowl softened if only to ask the male as he lowered his head to the male, < " that you? How the hell did you end up here?" The question fell into silence, and suddenly abandoning his stiff, flame-tempered nature to snap at his Akita and antlered cat companions to fetch some dry wood for a fire, and perhaps some cloth to dry off the man’s fur, Usagi stepped back from the male to give him more space, as well as process the fact that, out of all the places they could’ve reunited, the childhood friends encountered each other, by chance, on a damn beach in a land thousands of miles from home. How odd.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-20-2022, 09:46 PM
The light was blinding, though it seemed brighter than usual. Like there was a strange glimmer all around that was just as blinding as the bright sun, but he could barely see to tell. He could hear the sound of the waves and the caw-ing of a few seagulls nearby as his consciousness came back to him, reminding him that had wrecked the boat. Well, that the storm had wrecked the boat.

Kunai raised to perch himself on his elbows and blinked a few times to try and see better in the bright, shimmering light. His vision was starting to clear, but remained only slightly blurry from the damage done by the ocean water. Despite this however he was unaware of the approach of another and was quick to turn when he was addressed, by his name, in an unfamiliar land. The voice sounded so familiar, but with his blurry vision he struggled to see Usagi clearly at first.

"Usagi?" His voice was dry and painful, burning from the aftermath of swallowing salt water. It hurt to speak, but it certainly didn't stop him from trying. "A storm wrecked my boat. What about you?"

please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-02-2022, 03:20 PM
Usagi blinked as his childhood friend managed to prop himself on his elbows, and he frowned softly. He was barely able to utter a word amidst the sudden and coincidental meeting that his cat and dog companions returned - the cat clutching a cloth from who-knows-where and the Akita dropping a few decent-sized branches for a fire, its tail wagging eagerly. The koi wolf kept his gaze trained on Kunai, as if the waterlogged wolf was going to disappear from him if he so much as looked away. He couldn’t believe it - not one bit. But he was here, in all his chimera-spotted glory. Whatever deep-rooted feelings they had for each other way back when surely churned inside Usagi’s thorn-spiked heart, cold and hardened from all he endured and the turmoil of his and Roo’s missing father. He didn’t process these feelings, not right now anyways. Now wasn’t the time to visit warm, fuzzy sentiments. Or even..something even more emotionally attaching. He swallowed thickly, partially from the shock of seeing the man he’d grown up around, and partialy from the concern of keeping him warm. The nights could be cold and unforgiving, and the fire had to be set up.

Managing to get sparks started by furiously twisting a twig into a flat plank of wood, he placed some dried leaves and cobwebs in the mix to encourage a small flame. It was modest, but enough to provide some much-needed heat. He then called upon his Akita to look for an empty seashell on this shimmering beach, and look for a freshwater pond. Sure enough, the Akita returned some time later as Usagi nurtured the fire and draped the cloth over Kunai to speed up the drying of his fur. Now his friend had a blanket, a fire, and a shell bowl of fresh water. All within the span of a few minutes - he worked quickly and so did his companions. He sent them away, and they happily did so. He needed to sit with the chimera koi, just to talk and catch up. About things in Iga. About what he did when Usagi and Kuroo left. Everything he missed, basically. But he wouldn’t push it either - Kunai was exhausted and the raspiness of his voice as he spoke indicated the turmoil he’d endured from his journey.

The mention of his name from the other male’s lips struck something within him. That feeling. That feeling deep inside, the one he’d tucked away in lieu of his and Roo’s mission. He hesitated telling Kunai this, even when he asked how they came here as well. It was too much information at once, and he felt they needed to get out the basics before he’d dive into everything - espeically the secretive Tojo-kai he swore allegiance to.

Allowing Kunai space to speak, he nodded towards the shell filled with water, encouraging him to take a few sips for his throat. Such kindness and charity was so unlike Usagi, and he was out of his element - but this was a close friend, and one he hadn’t seen in ages. His fiery temper fizzled to mere embers just to ensure his friend’s safety and health, first and foremost. "Me and Kuroo arrived here by boat as well," He said, pausing as the fire crackled and simmered. "We arrived here a few months ago, but the reasons behind us leaving our home are complicated." He glanced at his childhood friend, feeling the slightest knot forming in his gut. What was this? "Is there a reason you came here, too?" He didn’t quite know yet why Kunai had left their homeland, and its safety, on such a perilous journey. His mossy eyes, so stoic yet barely concealing his relief that Kunai was okay, trained themselves upon him. I’m just so glad you’re okay. He whispered in his mind, over and over. A comforting mental mantra, perhaps.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-04-2022, 08:06 PM
Although he laid there for some time, he was having a hard time convincing himself this wasn't a dream, or possibly even death. Though he doubted he would be as uncomfortable as he was if these were some kind of afterlife. As his old friends companions returned, the cat with a blanket and dog with sticks for a fire, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Uasgi more that a few moments. It had been some time since he had seen his old friend, yet he'd changed and grown since then. He was a man now, though the same could be said for Kunai. Any feelings he questioned when he was young were brought back to the forefront of his mind, bringing him back to the fateful day Usagi and his brother left and the weeks that followed.

Kunai watched as Usagi started the fire, unaware of his shivering until then when he felt the warmth as it grew. Although he was perfectly capable of covering himself with the blanket the cat had returned with, it completely avoided his thoughts until Usagi moved to cover him with it as the dog returned with water within a shell. He certainly hadn't forgotten how useful companions were since he 'left' Iga and was thankful his friend had them, though again was a reminder of what he'd lost.

His heart started to race when Usagi was close and pulled the blanket over him, though despite his long-time crush on his friend felt ashamed and sought to end what he now felt was embarrassing sooner rather than later even though he really didn't mind being taken care of by him. He smiled awkwardly, the ability to speak leaving him in that moment, until Usagi wasn't so close anymore.

As Usagi answered and mentioned a complicated reason, the corners of his mouth tugged down slightly but not enough to be much of a frown. He was concerned a bit, curious if there was any trouble involved. He could say the same about himself too, that his reasoning was complicated... because it was. He certainly wasn't about to tell him why his parents disowned him after they left, but he supposed there was no way around telling him at least enough to answer the question.

"Shortly after you left, my parents... I left Iga." He couldn't even say they disowned him... Maybe Usagi would just think they died or something... that was probably easier.


Code © Skelle 2022
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-05-2022, 09:28 PM
Usagi felt a little more relied]f now that his childhood friend was covered and had something to drink, at least. He knew firsthand that the ocean was an unforgiving beast, fickle and deadly as they come. It was nothing short of a miracle that Kunai had pulled through the vicious waves and torrents without becoming one of likely many casualties at sea. And for that, the koi male was grateful. The fire crackled and popped as it consumed the dry timber, adding some semblance of noise to pad their drawn out silence. Usagi reflected briefly on the fact that his close friend, not just some random stranger, had washed up in these sparkling shores - almost right in front of him. He shifted in his seat, feeling his toes splay into the sand. His brow furrowed every so slightly in thought - and partially wondering if Kunai had noticed the quickening of his own heart. It was fortunate he wasn’t pale-pelted - gods forbid his long-lost pal would ever see the emergence of a flush in his cheeks. He hid his emotions well, deep enough anyway, so all that remained for Kunai to analyze was the stone wall of an expression - flat frown, unfeeling eyes. Hardened, no doubt, by the information he and Kuroo received on their father - the loser, the one who tossed them aside for a fun night. His life had meaning, and he needed said father to know it. When he would be able to confront that man, he didn’t quite now. In this moment, all that mattered was ensuring Kunai would be okay. Near drowning was no light matter. And whether or not Kunai remained sharp as ever in catching onto Usagi’s well-concealied turmoil after their time apart could be put to the test.

Still, his own complicated reasonings - and the vague words he’d chosen to say to explain, seemed to leave Kunai a tad concerned. He didn’t want to explain the whole situation - not right now, but he recognized his friend would deserve some morsel of information at some point. Key words ‘at some point’ - he didn’t auite have the words to string everything together in one quick statement like he wanted. When Kunai finally spoke, Usagi glanced towards him from his spot, feeling the warmth of the prickling flames, yet feeling the slightest chill of a memory he had. Kunai’s parents..he had a bad feeling about them. Ever since they were pups..when he and Kunai played, his parents were watching - their eyes sharpened into daggers, as if the way they connected was wrong, immoral. A strange feeling twisted in his gut as he listened to his close friend, directing his gaze into the fire for a brief moment to gather his thoughts. He wouldn’t assume - Kunai didn’t soeak much of his family, even back in Iga. Usagi wasn;t even sure he had interacted with them himself, save for a few polite words. Something about them was off, and perhaps his assumptions could be correct - Kunai slipped away from his family to come here. Was it too far-fetched? He didn’t think so.

"I see," He said, pausing to look over at Kunai before adding, "Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I always sensed some..tension between you and your parents when we were kids. Were they your reason for leaving Iga?" Maybe he was wrong, but Kunai was a loyal sort of man. He didn;t simply up and leave those he cared about, so whatever occurred between him and his family had to be serious.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-05-2022, 09:49 PM
Even underneath the cloth and near the fire the man was cold, though he tried not to let it bother him despite the shivering. The warmth of the fire was nice, but it would take time to get him dry and warm again. Probably longer than it would take for him to develop a cold, or worse, pneumonia. The burn of the salt water was still familiar in his throat and sinuses, but as a sneeze worked it's way up and surprised him he knew that something was developing. It was inevitable with all the water he inhaled combined with being soaked for who knows how long. He was lucky to have Usagi here although it wasn't something he ever expected to be possible. In fact, he never thought he'd see Usagi again.

Although he didn't want to talk much about why he left Iga, Usagi pressed anyway. He didn't want to answer, not truthfully anyway, and struggled to come up with something to answer with. "Yeah we.. didn't agree on a lot of things. It was just better if I left." He couldn't make eye contact with Usagi while he lied, instead his mismatched eyes focused on the fire as he sniffled. Maybe he wouldn't notice, or maybe he'd know him too well still from their youth.


Code © Skelle 2022
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-14-2022, 09:06 AM
Usagi knew better than to pry any more when Kunai mentioned his disagreements with his parents. The flop-eared wolf felt he understood some semblance of what he was referring too, and if he was honest, perhaps it was by fate that his childhood friend wound up here, on these shores, with him so near by. Something about their chance meeting felt..more than just an isolated event. The man didn’t believe in superstition, or higher powers all that much, but this chance encountercertainly was a unique one. A one in a million chance, if you will. He kept his steely gaze upon Kunai’s shivering body, brow furrowing in concern. Though the blanket, fire, and water seemed to do some good, his friend needed rest - moreover, he needed medical attention. Alas, the treatment the chimera male required was beyond Usagi’s expertise. After some brief periods of silence, Usagi stood up from his seat in the shimmering sand, approaching Kunai another step.

"I believe I found an abandoned den not far from these shores. We can spend the night there, and I can make another fire for you to keep warm." He paused to let Kunai agree - or not - he wasn’t picky about where he slept and if his friend was too weak to move that short distance, he wouldn’t mind sleeping out in the open. He figured a den might be more comfortable, and less exposed to the elements. It did get a bit chilly at night. Then there was a whole ither matter to discuss..Tojo-kai. He glanced at Kunai’s hunched form, frowning. Right. Tojo had a healer, Sedna - she would need to examine him. Furthermore, Usagi would need to vouch for him to Hattori as well. Once he’d spoken of Tojo, though, there was no going back. They were a secluded pack, after all. What happens in the bamboo, stays in the bamboo. Still, he had no choice - either he brought him to the bamboo maze for treatment, or Kunai’s condition would, no doubt, get worse.

”I am no healer, Kunai, but I’m worried you may have irritated your lungs from all the saltwater you must’ve swallowed out there," He started, keeping his voice low but clear. The fire continued to crackle and pop, as if it also agreed with his words. "We do have a healer in the pack me and Kuroo have been a part of. The pack is called Tōjō-kai, and is made up of primarily koi wolves. Like us. They all speak our native tongue, too." No doubt Kunai would be comfortable, like Usagi was, among wolves who spoke Japanese as they did. "I would like to take you there for treatment, and perhaps if you wished, I’d vouch for you to join the pack as well." They were a secretive pack - if Kunai wished to stay after treatment, then he’d need to be vouched for by Usagi. He knew it was a lot to take in, but the night was settling upon them, and the air already had a chill to it that threatened to dampen their fire. He looked over his friend in silence, awaiting his reply.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-16-2022, 03:02 AM
Kunai had a level of exhaustion that he couldn't even explain. Every part of him was sore as if he had fought against the waves instead of moving with them, thrown around and filled with more water that what should be possible. His insides hurt too, the saltwater burning in his throat, lungs, and stomach like a wildfire. He was almost too tired to sleep, but the silence that fell between them was enough to allow the sleepiness to set in. If he had the energy, Usagi's sudden movement would have made him jolt but instead his gaze was slow to follow instead.

"That sounds like a good idea," he said after a sniffle and attempting to clear his throat but only wincing from the pain instead. Usagi was probably right about his throat and needing to see a healer, though getting to one was a bigger battle than he had in him at the moment. He needed rest first and foremost, and the den he mentioned sounded like the best thing right now. He was cold enough wet, he didn't want to find out what wet and the cold night would do. Even if it meant moving to get to, it was certainly better than remaining exposed to the elements.

Usagi said something about a pack and he was interested, but couldn't find the words to speak until he finished standing. "Tell me more about them in the morning, for now show me to than den?" He looked hopeful as he stood, his shivering body protesting as he moved.


Code © Skelle 2022
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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