
Would you take in a stray?




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-06-2022, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2022, 05:18 PM by Azzurra. Edited 1 time in total.)

The night that Balthier had come back to their bungalow had showed that staying there after their fight and break up of sorts had been a mistake. That night she had found a small covered patio of sorts with a few padded lounge chairs at the back of the estate Chimera owned that she had been able to hide out in, but once morning came she had no plan and no clue where she should go or what she should do. She was exhausted from a lack of sleep and mentally drained from dealing with the fallout after her night with Erys, but she didn't want to go back to their bungalow. It wasn't like she really had many possessions to be concerned with so it wasn't like she needed to go back to collect her things or anything like that. At most there was just a few small collectables she had kept from their travels, but she was sure she could find pretty rocks and dry more flowers later.

Instead she wandered the island for the day and started scouting out spots where she might be able to put together her own den. She considered maybe trying to find Chimera to ask the King if it would be possible for her to occupy a different bungalow on the island so that she could live separately from her brother, but she didn't feel ready to talk to him about why she needed to move. She was sure he would ask and she just didn't have it in her to speak on the still sore subject, or at least not with someone that she would already be a bit nervous to speak to. Azzurra did end up finding a shaded clearing in the jungle that might make for a nice place for a den, but by then it was late in the day and the idea of starting to dig out a den when she was already going to physically struggle through the process was laughable.

With a heavy sigh she started moving back across the island, hoping maybe she could find another nook or covered spot she would hide out in for another night. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, but when she looked up again she realized that her tired paws had brought her to the bungalow where she had spent the night with Erys. She stopped, her ears flicking uncertainly. She still wasn't sure how the sweet man would react to seeing her again and was almost a little afraid that the night she spent here had just been a fluke or a dream. Still, with no where else to go, she quietly stepped up onto the little covered porch in front of the door. He didn't seem to be here right now and she didn't want to intrude on his space without his permission so she laid off to the side on the porch instead, deciding that even if he didn't find her here tonight at least she'd have a roof over her head in case it began to rain. She rested her head on her paws and looked out over the horizon as the sun slowly began to set and tried her best to clear her mind and settle the warring thoughts so she could get some rest.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-06-2022, 06:54 PM
It was getting dark and Erys was heading back to the compound so he could get Chimera a late dinner in his office. One of his favorite tasks was making sure the King was fed, maybe it was a part of his natural love language. He never remembered having such abundance as what he had here in Fenmyre, and it made him feel good to see others enjoy such a precious resource. Especially when it came to Chimera.

Erys had been working on harvesting some of the salt from the ocean water, and he was stopping by the bungalow to fetch some of it before getting to really cooking anything. Any and all of his thoughts or plans for the night were disrupted by the sight of Azzurra on his porch. Ghostly silver eyes blinked in surprise but it was quickly replaced with concern. Chimera wouldn’t mind an even later dinner, or maybe he was with one of the queens tonight anyway. Erys needed to make sure the girl was alright. She had come to him twice now, he wouldn’t let her down.

"Azzurra?” He called out softly as pearlescent paws carried him forward. He closed the distance between them and joined her on the porch. "Are you alright?” He whispered softly as he offered her a paw to help her up. "Do you want to come inside?” Mismatched ears were long lowered to his head in concern for her.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-07-2022, 01:10 AM

Azzurra had begun to doze off a bit, at least feeling safe in the fact that Erys' bungalow was in a different part of the island than the one she had been sharing with Balth. At the very least she didn't think he would come looking for her here if he was looking for her at all. After how she had left and what she had said to him she wouldn't be surprised at all if he didn't want to be around her and she wondered if perhaps that was for the best. With that in mind and her exhaustion quickly starting to catch up with her, she was beginning to have a hard time keeping her eyes open while she watched the sunset, contenting herself to simply laying out on the shaded porch and making this her bed for the night.

However, before that could happen, a voice pulled her back to the present and she blinked open her eyes to see Erys walking toward her. She hurried to sit up, fighting off her drowsiness with an embarrassed flick of her ears. She felt like it would have been one thing for her to see him coming and greet him or for her to sleep here through the night and wake up before he got here in the morning, but for him to find her like this made her feel self conscious even through she had begun to run out of options. All of her choices and her way of life had always hinged on Balthier. Now that he was suddenly gone it felt like the rug had just been pulled out from under her and she wasn't sure how to get back on her own feet.

"O-Oh, Erys! Sorry, I um..." she stammered, giving him a shy smile. She was just about to start making excuses and apologies when he came up to her, helping her get up so that she could sit on her haunches in front of him, and asked if she was okay. Even though she had experienced his thoughtfulness first hand already, it somehow still caught her off guard. She hadn't been fully convinced that he could really be that kind, but here he was, concerned for her and inviting her inside after finding her sleeping on his porch uninvited and unannounced. Answering whether she was okay or not was far more difficult than she was prepared to do so instead she focused on his second question. "If you don't mind..." she told him softly, her face flushing a bit as she glanced down with embarrassment. "I'm really sorry to bother you. I just... I was looking for somewhere to sleep tonight and I found your bungalow again."

She followed him inside and immediately felt safer being in the warm, friendly space, even though her cheeks flushed a bit when she glanced toward the bed and was reminded of what had brought her here before. She settled to one side uncertainly for a moment, feeling as if she owed him some kind of explanation for why she was here, but not really knowing where to start. "I told my brother that I slept with someone else," she admitted after a few moments, looking down at her paws. "I didn't mention you... I didn't want him to retaliate at you." She fidgeted for a moment before she went on, adding, "He disappeared for a couple of days after that and then just showed up again last night. He was very drunk. I... I ended up leaving after we fought again and I slept for a while at the back of Chimera's estate, but... I don't know what to do now. I don't want to live with him any more." It felt like so much to open up about all at once, but he had already seen so much of her and knew more about her than pretty much anyone else outside of Balthier. She had never really had a friend before and she had never been close to her other siblings. It had always just been her and Balthier. Now... Now she felt like Erys might be the only one she could turn to.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-07-2022, 05:29 PM
She looked surprised to see him, which meant she wasn’t waiting here for him to come back. Most nights he wouldn’t have, but maybe it was fate and not really the salt that brought his paws this direction. Azzurra stammered in surprise as she greeted him, but her explanation was put on hld as he helped her up and invited her inside. Doing so was almost instinctual. Maybe he only had her for a night he would care for her in whatever state whenever she might have need of him. He might not ever be able to really pay Chimera back, but he could pay his kindness forward. To Lucian, to Azzurra. She took up his invitation, and explained softly why it was she was on his porch. Erys was certain that was only part of the story. "You don’t have to be sorry, you’re always welcome here.”

He welcomed her inside, and could see her visibly relax as she entered the threshold. She still seemed uncomfortable, and he saw the flush of her cheeks as her eyes glanced towards the bed they shared. That uncertainty opened up to her real troubles. Erys paused and interrupted his instinct to get her a drink. Just like he had the first night she was here. He stopped, turning all of his attention to her as he listened quietly.

His pale paw reached out to cover one of hers, a silent show of support and comfort. She told her brother, they’d fought more than once, and now she couldn’t live with him anymore. Azzurra was more lost now than when she sought him out, and he couldn’t help but take responsibility. He shouldn’t have slept with her, he should have been stronger than that, but the way she had looked at him that night. If it hadn’t been him, would she have found someone else? Someone more dangerous than he was?

"You.. Could take this bungalow if you want it.” He offered to her willingly, temporary or permanently. "If you need somewhere.” Erys wasn’t worried about her brother and what he would or wouldn’t do. Erys was worried about Azzurra, and what she needed to see herself through, to pick herself up, to recover from this wound.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-08-2022, 01:28 AM

Azzurra looked to his pale paw that rested over hers for a moment before she lifted her sapphire gaze up to his. She already felt guilty for interrupting his night and intruding on his home so she certainly didn't want to put even more of her issues on him, but he made it so easy to trust him. He hardly knew her, but he still opened up his home to her and was so welcoming to her—so much so that he offered his lovely bungalow to her. He didn't even phrase it as if she could stay here with him, he was just going to give it to her or at the very least let her use it. Her eyes widened in surprise and as touched as she was by the offer, she just couldn't accept it... at least not permanently. "No, no I can't do that," she insisted immediately with a shake of her head, but she reconsidered for a moment when she remembered the fact that she had been willing to sleep on his porch just to have a covered place to stay the night. "Well... Um... Actually, if I could just say here a couple of days... Just long enough to figure something out or build myself a den." Just knowing that she had somewhere to be that was safe did a lot to ease her nerves and she was able to relax a bit more as she offered him a small, grateful smile.

Her paw lifted to gently rest over his where it was resting on top of hers, holding his paw between hers for a moment as she glanced down at them. "It's very sweet of you to offer, but... I want something of my own. I've never had anything that I made for myself or could really say was mine. My brother always did everything for us... I was really sick the first year of my life and it took even longer than that to really recover so there was definitely a large portion of my life that I just wasn't able to care for myself, but I think its time I start doing that." She had never really shaken that feeling of helplessness after the first time that she had a falling out with Balthier. Laying alone in the den, too frail to hunt for herself, hungry and afraid of what might happen if he didn't come back. She didn't want to feel like that ever again. She knew the only reason that she didn't feel too afraid of being without Balthier now was because she could lean on the pack and kind wolves like Erys until she figured out how to be on her own feet, but at least she did have that safety net and she was thankful for it.

She gave his paw a light squeeze before she let it go, her ears flicking shyly. "It um... It sounds weird considering the fall out and the circumstances, but... I'm happy I stayed with you that night." Her cheeks flushed as she brought her gaze back up to his with a small smile. "I really enjoyed being with you and... you helped me realize what I've been missing and putting up with so... Thank you." She was already feeling much better even just from a few moments of being here. She really didn't do well with being alone, but she supposed that was something she would need to get more used to.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-09-2022, 07:29 PM
This wasn’t his permanent home, he would have happily shared or given Azzurra the whole thing if that was what she desired. However, the girl quickly denied him, and asked for a few days while she figured things out. Mismatched ears fell to his skull as he watched her sad blue eyes. Erys tilted his head curiously but didn’t stop her speaking her mind, she would accept for a while but she hadn’t ever built anything for herself before. She couldn’t just go from relying on her brother to relying on him. Azzurra would never grow that way.

"You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” He told her softly, but he wondered if she was convincing herself. She held onto his paw with both of hers as she spoke, and his heart clenched for her. Erys wanted to see Azzurra learn and grow, to watch her become the independent wolf she deserved to be. He nodded slightly as she let go of his pearlescent paw. He smiled softly, even as she blushed softly.

She was very sweet as she assured him that even after everything that changed in her life she didn’t regret their time together. Azzurra was happy, she enjoyed herself, and more than that she had learned what she could have instead of what she was given. She made Erys smile, knowing he had helped her. "You helped me too, Azzurra. I’ve never.. I’d never been with anyone of my own accord before.” It was his turn to blush as he confessed. "You’re really special, I hope you know that.”

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-12-2022, 06:58 PM

Azzurra blinked with surprise as Erys revealed that he had never been with someone out of his own will before he was with her and her brows pulled together slightly with a bit of concern and sympathy and a quiet understanding. He was such a kind soul and such a wonderful wolf that it was difficult to imagine anyone wanting to hurt him or force him into something he didn't want, but she also knew there was a huge portion of the world that she hadn't been exposed to and things that she had been protected from her whole life. It was only after they moved into Fenmyre that she had begun to be exposed to portions of it with the slaves that were kept here and the way that Chimera had several Queens to himself. This pack was so vastly different from what she had experienced in Abaven and it was a learning and growing experience in all kinds of ways. Part of her wanted to ask about Erys' past, but she didn't want to pry into things that weren't her business and really she was just glad that she had been able to help him in some way even if she hadn't known that she was.

Her face flushed and she smiled shyly as he told her that she was special and she looked down at her paws bashfully. "Oh, no, I'm... I'm not that special," she replied quietly with a soft chuckle. She had never really seen herself as anything of note. She was plain in coloring, even compared to her brother, with very simple, subtle markings with nothing extraordinary about her like the horns or claws or long furs that she had seen on some other wolves—Erys included. He was incredibly striking with his pristine coat that was marked with vibrant colors like she had never seen before and pale horns that were just as special as the rest of his appearance. She was too weak to fight or really hunt much more than small game on her own and she didn't really have much other skills to offer anyone or fall back on.

Even still, while her own self image was trying to discredit Erys' compliment, there was a warm glow in her chest from the little part of her that wanted it to be true. It was easy to believe something when it was told to her so sincerely by someone like Erys. She peeked up at him shyly after a moment of thought, offering him a little smile. "That's very sweet of you to say though... and I'm glad I was able to help you too." Azzurra hesitated for a moment before she stood up, crossing the short distance between them with just a moment of hesitation before she sat again where she could gently lean into his chest with her head in the crook of his neck. "I'm really glad I found you," she said quietly, gently nuzzling into his fur. "I've been so afraid to be without my brother because it's only ever been the two of us so without him I'd be alone... But at least now I have you."




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-16-2022, 05:15 PM
Erys had a lot of past traumas that he would do better off if he forgot about. His life now was all that mattered. He had his freedom to serve Chimera as he saw fit. He was free to stay or go and do as he pleased, and he desired to please the King. Living in Fenmyre was different from any other point in his life, and he was determined to grasp every opportunity that was presented to him. Right now it was easy to slough off any thought from his mind that wasn’t Azzurra.

He made her blush when he tried to convince her how special she was. She replied to him softly, deflecting his truth to her. Erys shook his head slightly. "I wouldn’t lie to you.” He insisted, but she didn’t have to believe those words either. He was given her soft blue eyes in return, bashful and shy as she looked like she wanted so badly to believe him. She thanked him and stood. For a moment she thought she was going to go back to resting, but she closed the distance between them.

Erys quieted as she pressed herself into his chest and lowered her features into his soft fur. Erys didn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around her shoulders to hold her tight. "I’m glad to be here for you,” He whispered in return as she confessed her need for him, and where he had stepped up to be. "Whenever you need me.” Erys promised as he nuzzled behind her ear and squeezed her lithe form. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” The question came as he found her soft fur irresistible and he began to trail kisses behind her ear and slowly down her neck.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-20-2022, 10:52 PM

As Erys wrapped his foreleg around her any little lingering worry that perhaps their night together had just been a fluke or a moment of convenient timing fell away and she felt like she could lean into him more freely, welcomed into his embrace again so easily. His words were a comfort and helped her feel like these moments of weakness, of needing someone else at her side even though she was trying so hard to find her own way, weren't a burden on him. In fact, it felt like he wanted her here as much as she wanted to be here. Her foreleg slipped around his side as well, holding herself to him as well while he gave her a squeeze and nuzzled the soft fur behind her ear. She felt herself relax into him with a mixture of worn, exhausted relief and a fire-laced warmth that trickled down her spine from the small affections he gave her.

His soft question over whether she wanted him to spend the night with her and the kisses that began to trail from behind her ear to down her neck made butterflies flutter in her stomach. For a split second she wondered if she should considering the fact that being with him and indulging in him had been the thing to send everything toppling around her to begin with, but she suddenly realized as soon as that thought crossed her mind that everything had already fallen, she had just been too blind to it and too afraid to do anything about it. Being with him was the first time she had chosen something entirely for herself and she had loved every second. Even now, she found herself leaning into him, slipping her other leg around his slim frame to hold him more completely while he sent little sparks of electricity over her skin with his kisses. She liked the way he made her feel and she savored the fact that she could enjoy his attention without any fear of hurt or rejection.

"I would love that," she replied softly after only a beat of thought, giving him a gentle squeeze in her embrace. He was like the salve on a wound or a cool drink after a long day in the sun. Even though she was tired from a lack of sleep and the weight that her own emotions had put on her over the last couple of days, she wanted nothing more than to enjoy the relief he brought her again. She tipped her head up, her muzzle brushing though the pale fur around his neck to reach his jaw, kissing lightly along the curve of it as her chest and stomach pressed to his, her forelegs slipping up around his neck as she held herself to him happily, letting everything else outside of this bungalow fall away.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-23-2022, 07:49 AM
Azzurra was sweet an innocent in ways that he never remembered being, like she had been sheltered from so many of the horrors that he had endured. He knew that the sweet girl had her own difficulties and challenges in life but she held to an innocence that he had a deep desire for. What was most attractive about her was the way she relaxed into his embrace and released all of her anxieties and trepidations. She trusted him completely, and that was priceless gift he would cherish forever.

She didn’t hesitate to answer him while she pressed closer and let him hold to her. She wanted him to be here with her and Erys wouldn’t dream of denying such a request. Not only did she want him, she confessed how much she would love to have him here with her tonight. Azzurra made him grin, he hadn’t ever filled this role for another wolf before, he was never the strong one or the one to be counted on. She looked to him to protect her fragile heart and Erystotle would not let her down.

He could see how tired her eyes were and feel the fatigue in her limbs as she held to him, and yet there were still a few sweet kisses as she trailed up his neck. The corners of his lips pulled back at her affections as she kissed him softly. Erys held her tighter to him, tilting his head so that he could return them, tasting her lips with a brush of his own against hers. "Lets get you into bed,” he whispered softly in return as desire built in his belly. He wanted her, but more than that he wanted to take care of her.

Erys enjoyed their kisses, her touch, how close she was, but if she needed her sleep he would hold her all night. If she needed more than that, if she wanted intimacy, he would love her without reservation.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-27-2022, 02:15 PM

Azzurra loved the brush of his gentle lips against hers, savoring the feeling of being in his embrace again as he held her. He made everything feel like it really and truly would be okay and in that moment she could almost believe it. She gave a little nod when he mentioned getting her into bed and reluctantly she let her forelegs slip away from his neck with one more little kiss across his lips before she found her way to her paws again, walking the short distance to the plush bed and climbing into it. It was so soft with the ivory furs that were piled on it and she sank into them gratefully. Even after just a night without a proper bed she was already so thankful for the comfort it provided and she gave a content sigh as she got comfortable, resting her head on one of the pillows as she turned her sapphire gaze back toward Erys again, giving him a sweet smile.

She waited for him to join her in bed and once he was comfortable she shifted back into his arms, settling against his chest with her head tucked into the curve of his neck. She started to realize as she was slipping her forelegs around him and molding her body to his that she would she would have to get used to sleeping on her own once she moved into her own den or bungalow and that thought hit her harder than she thought it would and she quickly shook it off, brushing the thought away. It reminded her too much of the days when she was little and too sick to be around her other siblings and only her father would stay with her when he wasn't too busy doing something else or sometimes Balthier would stay with her as they started to get older. She just had to remind herself that this was by choice and this was all part of finding the independence that she had never had before.

At least she didn't have to worry about that yet and she enjoyed the feeling of being with Erys and having his company and affections. She nuzzled into his soft fur happily, that familiar warmth building in her core as she was reminded more and more of the last time she was in this bed with him. The comforting warmth of his body against hers relaxed her and as she lifted her head away from his neck so that her gaze could find his she found that it was getting easier and easier to genuinely smile. She was drawn into him and she gently brushed her lips against his before giving him a real kiss followed by another and another. She was tired, but there were other needs that she wanted more badly than sleep and as long as Erys was willing to give her those things then she was more than happy to enjoy them with him.




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-31-2022, 12:54 PM
He had to admit that he really did love the way she relaxed into his hold. Like he’d managed to make her forget about every bad thing that happened to her during her life. There wasn’t anything that mattered but the two of them right here and right now. This was a safe place for the girl, he would do nothing that she didn’t want. He’d do his best to protect her while she was here, and guarantee that no harm would be done. She could come and use the bungalow to escape whenever she had need. He’d be here if she wanted him to be.

Azzurra fit against him with near perfection as they snuggled together there on the bed. A much better place for her to be sleeping than his porch. She nuzzled against him and Erys held her tighter to his chest, making the silent promise that he wouldn’t let her go. She hadn’t lived the same life that he did, but she knew more sorrow than she deserved. Right now she didn’t have to worry about anything.

The girl pulled away from him enough to meet his pale gaze with a little smile on her features. Almost shyly she brushed her lips against his before relinquishing herself and kissing him harder. She pulled him in and Erys kissed her back. The sweet taste of her lips and the warmth of her body was an incredible comfort to his weak heart. Seeing her like this made him happy. He hoped the same was true for her. "You don't have to stay awake on my account." He murmured against her lips between kisses.

"Erystotle Atlas"



2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-01-2022, 05:17 PM

Azzurra didn't know what it was about Erys that kept her so caught up in his touch and the warmth of him so easily, but being with him felt like she had returned to an old friend instead of someone that she had only just recently met. I felt like she had fallen into the arms of a familiar lover instead of someone that she had only had one fling with while her life was falling apart. When he spoke softly against her lips, saying how she didn't need to stay up for him, she swiped her tongue playfully over his nose, giving him a smile as she answered, "This is what I want." She was used to the instinctual drive, the physical attraction that pulled her into someone, but the feeling of wanting to share herself with someone purely just because they made her happy and she enjoyed being with them was a newer feeling. Erys gave her so much comfort and happiness and maybe part of her wanted to repay him in some way, but her own desires and needs were the real driving force that was keeping her up and giving her the energy to have this moment with him.

In her desire to make him feel as good as he had helped her feel, she pressed her lips to his in another heated kiss, her paws around his neck combing her claws through the soft, thick fur along the back of his neck and scruff. He had given everything for her their first time together and taught her so much about how mating could be and now she wanted to do something to repay the favor. She made out with him like that for a few moments longer, tasting his mouth and feeling that familiar heat fill her smaller frame, until she got up a bit of courage and nudged Erys onto his back, rolling with him so that her slender body was resting over top of his. She had never been like this with anyone before, but if there was anyone she trusted to try something new with that she knew wouldn't give her any judgement for taking a moment to figure things out it was Erys. She had trusted him with the fragile remains of her heart and self esteem, she could trust him with his.

She was uncertain at first as she got settled on top of him and sat up a bit so that her sapphire gaze could find his unique, beautiful, silvery eyes. Her breathing was already heavy and heated with the desire that was burning her up from the inside out as she pressed back into him, experimenting and finding the things that felt good for both of them. Her movements were slow and savoring at first, taking the time to learn for them both, but as she got more comfortable and finally joined them both together once again, the roll and the rise and fall of her hips became more intense and passionate. Her sounds grew with the pleasure as it built, a grin lingering on her lips from the euphoria that he helped her find and that she hoped she brought for him as well. As she reached the peak of her pleasure with him, she clung to him tightly, her body settling down over his again as she lost herself to the sensations of all of it, panting hard as she tucked her head into the crook of his neck and rode the amazing waves that rocked her in the best possible ways.




5 Years

Trick 2019
06-13-2022, 02:44 PM
Azzurra’s voice was soft as she answered him, her dainty paws gripping the fur along his neck. He felt her claws touch skin and she assured him this was exactly what she wanted. There was an almost revitalization he felt when he was with her. His heart beat faster, his gaze focused, nothing mattered but the girl in his arms. She teased him lightly, licking his nose playfully and smiled just for him. He had seen her as she struggled with the troubles life gave her, and knowing he could lift her up and renew her passion for life. Something she in turn shared with him. He fell into her lips as she kissed him, building in passion as they enjoyed the taste and desire of one another.

Erys wasn’t difficult to maneuver, as she put pressure against him he rolled to his back. He revealed his soft vulnerable belly to her and she covered him with herself. Being so close was almost freeing, just being with her felt right. After everything, having her in his arms was the opposite of everything his life had been before. Being with her gave him a purpose he had never known or realized how deeply he wanted. Azzurra completed a part of him that had never even been allowed to exist, and as special as he was to her the inverse was just the same.

He didn’t notice any hesitation or mistakes as she took control of their interaction, Erys moved against her when it felt right, but was the echo to her lyrics. The way she moved and pressed against him easily took his breath and built up the fire of desire within his belly. Eventually the both of them found a rhythm together, an intimate dance that had him completely caught up in Azzurra. She possessed him, mind, body, and soul, as they indulged completely within one another. Azzurra sang with him, a song of passion and intensity up until the very end. Both of them clung to one another as they fell over the edge, and rode out the waves of pleasure together. With heated breaths as they fought to fill their lungs with air. For a moment they were two halves of one whole.

Erys squeezed her lightly when he did begin to breathe at a normal pace, the warm and fuzzy feelings lingered all within him as he curled his toes and grinned into her fur. She was just as amazing the second time, and as he pulled away just enough to meet her stunning gaze, he wondered if he’d be able to let her go after much more of this. She belonged in his bed as much as his life, he wanted her in both.

"Erystotle Atlas"