
At That Age




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-17-2022, 03:16 PM

Needing some time along with just her daughter, Asla led Satira out onto a long stretch of plain that was teeming with prey animals. There were a fair number of snakes in this place as well, which was part of the reason that Asla had chosen to come here. She needed to know if Satira was still suffering from any sort of anxiety about reptiles due to the run in she'd had in her earlier days. Aside from that, it was about time for Asla to have a talk with her child about some rather adult topics.

Aslatiel chose a place along the river where two large slabs of stone were warmed by the sun. The tawny fae slid a satchel from around her neck and began unpacking a little picnic. Nothing too fancy. Some dried meats, a little jar of honeyed strawberries and a few crisp apples that she'd harried a peddler for. A gentle although slightly cool breeze blew, ruffling the golden pelts of the two ladies. Asla curled her body, resting on one hip as she plucked one of the strawberries out of the jar with a pointed stick and offered it to Satira.

"Nice day to get away from the boys for a bit, eh?" Aslatiel closed her amaranthine eyes and turned her scarred face up to the sunlight for a moment. She then began to slice up one of the apples with a little knife that she'd brought along. Both Satira and Arcturus were getting to an age where it would soon be acceptable for them to strike out on their own. Aslatiel, though an unconventional parent, didn't want them to go into the world unprepared, so she'd taken her daughter aside to discuss sex, contraceptives, and answer any questions that Satira might have.

Grey ears slid forward as Asla fixed her child with a look. "So, Tira... You're older now. Have you run into anyone... special? Anyone interesting?" Smooth opening, mom. Inwardly, Asla grimaced. It might be an awkward opening, but Asla was fully prepared to have a deep discussion with her child. She would do the same for Arc at some point unless Indigo beat her to it. Birds, bees, everything in between.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-18-2022, 02:48 AM

It had been a while since Satira had been able to spend any one-on-one time with either of her parents. Mojito had more or less become a ghost in her life, only appearing sporadically to check on her and Asla before going about his own way again. Deep down, Tira wondered if it was something she had done to create such a rift in her family, but for the life of her she couldn't think of a thing she'd done wrong. Aslatiel, while present in her life, was now leading their merry band of misfits along with Uncle Indigo. The wolf-dog had never made much of a relationship with Indigo, given that he was sort of the black sheep of the family and hadn't been around to form any sorts of bonds with, leaving her feeling very much so directionless and adrift, just sort of following along the current that her mother was creating.

Today was different. Asla had sought her out specifically, wanting to spend time with the adolescent yearling. By now, Satira had reached what would be her full adult height, just an inch shorter than her dam, and her coat had lost most of its fluffy puppy attributes in favor of more silky and luxurious adult fur. She was still lanky and slim, but there could be no doubt that she would grow to resemble her mother in physique and form. Asla led the way for the adventurous pair to a winding stream cutting through lush verdant plains, all the while little Satira gazing about at the natural splendor of the world around them. The Indarra-Klein girl had really taken to exploring and adventuring since her family's departure from the Armada and had developed something of a wanderlust and independence along with it. Passing through the fields, Satira noticed the abundance of snakes in the land, the serpents out basking in the autumn sun. Soon it would be winter and they would all go into hibernation. Which suited Tira just fine, if she was being frank. After her childhood incident of near-death with the anaconda, the girl didn't have a fear of snakes per se, but she definitely didn't care for them.

Her mother led her down to the banks of the tranquil river, and together the two faes laid out on some sunbaked rocks, Tira basking in the warmth like the snakes while she stretched out her long limbs. Asla unpacked a small picnic for the two, and when offered a honeyed strawberry, she happily accepted with a smile, popping the sweetened fruit into her mouth and chewing gratefully. Despite the rifts that had formed in her family, both immediate and extended, Satira was glad her mother had been the one constant. She looked up to Aslatiel like no one else; her mother was her role model. "It is!" exclaimed the hybrid girl with enthusiasm, rolling her shoulders a bit as she settled back in to sunbathe. "I don't mind Arc and Uncle Indy, but it is nice to get to do things with you, Mom."

Munching on some of the fruit Asla carved up, Tira had been lost in enjoying the landscape around her when Asla began to ask if she'd run into anyone... interesting. Satira tilted her head and gave her mother a curious look. "Anyone special?" she asked from around a mouthful of apple, pausing just long enough to swallow so she could speak properly. "Um... not really, I guess? I've mostly been exploring on my own." At the mention of her wanderings, Tira was reminded of the fae she'd met down south and the fun day they'd shared together. Was that what her mother meant? Floppy ears perked up, bouncing slightly with the movement as pale blue eyes lit up. "Oh! There was that one girl down south in the fjord. Azzie. She was really nice and sweet! We spent the day hanging out in the fjord." A bit of heat and color flushed on the girl's cheeks as she added, "She, uh... kinda was my first kiss too." Tactfully, Satira avoided explaining to her mother how she had learned what making out was from Azzurra, and how she knew now that was how Asla liked to kiss wolves like Ocean and Chrystelle and Uncle Indigo. That would've been awkward to just blurt out!




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-18-2022, 06:09 PM

The reptiles littering the plains didn't seem to bother Satira any and that took a weight off of Asla's mind. As the ladies settled down on the rocks, ready to indulge in their picnic, a little snake slithered onto the warm rock with them. The tan and grey fae swept it gently off of the rock and it fell into the river where it promptly swam to the other side, thus leaving them in peace. Tira took the offered berry and Asla took one of her own, chewing on the sweet morsel with a little sound of pleasure. A bit of apple came next, then a piece of the dried venison. Aslatiel wasn't shy when it came to food like a lot of females were. She liked to eat, so eat, she would.

Tira agreed that the day was lovely and admitted that she enjoyed the opportunity for alone time. The scarred woman agreed. "I'm sorry we haven't been able to do so more often," a little sigh escaped Asla. Things had been rough for all of them and she hoped that she'd made the proper choice for her children. "Despite how tumultuous things have been, I hope I've done right by you and Arc," Aslatiel spoke softly, purple eyes shifting downwards for a moment. It was a big worry. Though their lives would have been more stable had they stayed in the Armada, would they really have been living? Out in the wild they had choices and free will. She was far from a domineering parent and though she mothered them, she also let them live and learn.

When Asla posed her question, Tira seemed to think about it for a moment, first admitting to exploring alone, then a light went off in her mind. The girl perked up, soft ears bouncing and Aslatiel once again wondered over how beautiful of a daughter she and Mojito had made. Satira really was perfection as far as Aslatiel was concerned. Her features were delicate, her coloring and markings sublime. In time the girl would fill out like her mother, no doubt. She would, and should, be sought after. That was why this conversation was so important.

Satira admitted to having kissed a girl by the fjord and the bashful expression on her daughters face made Aslatiel grin, amaranthine eyes crinkling at the corners. "There's no need to be ashamed, love," her mother assured her, extending one paw to give hers a little reassuring pat. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about." Asla inhaled deeply, mentally preparing herself for the talk that was to come. She liked to believe that her children could tell her anything and trusted her enough to do so. Asla was open and honest with both Satira and Arcturus and she wanted them to be the same way with her.

"You've no doubt noticed my relationship with Indigo," the woman said matter-of-factly. She made no effort to hide her love for her brother. They'd gone too long pretending that they didn't love one another for the benefit of the outside world. "And my relationship with Ocean and Chrystelle when they were with us." The siblings had split off to go their own way and enjoy their newfound freedom. "Most wolves wouldn't understand such relationships, but I don't care." She'd always marched to the beat of her own drum. "I want you to know that, any sort of relationship or relationships you choose to explore, I support you and I'm here for you, love." Again, Asla's paw found Satira's and she held it in her own. There was more to be said, but this was a decent start.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-19-2022, 02:08 AM

Just like her mother, Satira had an appreciation for the gustatory pleasures in life. She enjoyed food, enjoyed the tastes of the world. Sweet, savory, salty, bitter, it was all an experience for her! And having been raised by an unabashed and down to earth mother, Satira was also not one to be shy when it came to her enjoyment of food. The growing adolescent ate with gusto, picking a few more sweet berries to chew on before helping herself to some venison jerky and gnawing away at it, half for her enjoyment of snacking, half to have something to preoccupy herself with so she wouldn't just be awkwardly fiddling with her own paws while they talked. Tira appreciated Asla's candid attitude about relationships and romance; it helped ease some of the tension away. But it was all still brand new to her and delightfully taboo in her mind, so any sort of conversation was going to be met with some shy giggles and flushed cheeks.

Asla apologized for not being able to spend more time on just the two of them, seeming crestfallen over the notion, and then stated she hoped she was doing right by Tira and her brother. Satira put a swift stop to that by swatting a tiny speckled paw down to smack the rock in between the two faes, trying to divert her mother's attention away from her brooding. "Hey, don't say things like that, Mom. You've been the best mom we could ever want," Satira asserted with a resolute firmness in her pale gaze. "You take care of us even when it's not easy, and we love you." Okay, sure, she was speaking for Arcturus somewhat here, but she doubted her brother would have refuted that claim. Aslatiel had always been available for them when they needed her, and when she wasn't, it was because she was trying to provide for them. Hunting for food and furs, scouting out new dens and temporary homes for them, making sure all their needs were always met. It wasn't often that a child could see the effort, struggle, and sacrifice a parent made for their sakes, but Tira had the unique circumstances of being able to see everything going on around her. She loved and appreciated her mom for all she did for her and her brother.

Despite the initial awkwardness that came from admitting to her mother that she'd kissed a girl—a veritable stranger nonetheless—out in the wild lands, Asla took it all in great stride, and brought a confidence to Satira when she saw her mother grin. This was what Asla had been wanting to hear?! To say Tira was a little taken aback would have been an understatement. She hadn't expected her mother to want to talk about these things, but here they were, she guessed. Asla began the conversation by mentioning her relationship with Indigo, to which Satira nodded her head. "Yeah, I know it's wrong to spy on wolves, and I know you two try to keep it private from us, but we've seen—well, I've seen you two making out and stuff." Satira hadn't outright seen anything explicit between her mother and uncle, but she had indeed seen the intense stares of desire and the heated kissing the two often did. She usually tapped out at that point and left the two adults to their own devices.

Asla assured her that whatever relationships she chose to pursue, she would support her, and Satira gave her mother a soft smile, moving to rest one of her other paws atop Asla's, forming a little pileup of their forepaws. "Thanks, Mom. It was mostly just kinda fun to do, and I don't think we were thinking of making it a relationship or anything serious. I'm glad you're finally happy too." Satira didn't fully grasp the concept of just how taboo Aslatiel and Indigo's relationship was, but if her mother didn't care, then Satira couldn't give a fuck either. Granted, she'd never thought about kissing Arcturus like that, but she supposed that if she did, at least she wouldn't have to worry about their mother freaking out.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-24-2022, 04:05 PM

Satira shot down Aslatiel's worries and the girl's words warmed her mother's heart. Asla placed her paw over Tira's paw, giving her head a shake. "What did I do to deserve you?" She couldn't have asked for a more thoughtful, sweet child. There wasn't a single thing about Satira that she would have wished to change. Her lovely daughter was perfect in every way. Aslatiel didn't think that she could ever love anything more than Satira and Arcturus and they reminded her of this every day.

The flop-eared girl had indeed noted the relationship between Aslatiel and Indigo and the woman accepted this with a nod. "It's a relationship that most wouldn't accept or understand." The pair of them had gone through stress and trouble their entire lives because of their love for one another. They'd both made sacrifices that they were still recovering from. "I see nothing wrong with siblings loving one another, but it's not ideal to have children together. There can be complications." Now they were finally getting to the point of this little outing.

As Satira placed her paw upon Asla's, the woman laughed softly and completed their little pyramid of paws by placing hers on top. Sliding her body forward, Asla wrapped a paw around her daughters shoulder and pulled her in close, placing a kiss upon her forehead. "Oh, my sweet girl. I love you so." Pulling back, soft, pink pads rested on Tira's pale cheek. "You're very beautiful, just like your mom," Asla grinned, flashing teeth for a moment. "No doubt males and females will both be begging for your attention. And that's what I need to talk to you about."

Dropping her paw back to the ground, Asla curled it against her chest in a cat-like manner. "Be proud of who you are. Be proud of your skills, including the skills of love. Never let anyone shame you for your choice in partners or your sexual tastes." Asla would rip off anyone's face that ever made Satira or Arcturus feel bad about sex. "Love whoever you want, whenever you want. Just don't get pregnant until you're good and ready. Do you know anything about contraceptive herbs?" Grey ears perked as she opened the floor to her daughter.

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
05-03-2022, 02:19 PM

Satira smiled shyly when her mother asked what she did to deserve her and laid her paw over top her tinier one. Really, Tira didn't think of herself as anything exceptionally special. She just was who she was. The sable and fawn girl listened with only mild embarrassment while Aslatiel explained the nature of her relationship with her Uncle Indigo, how it was an unorthodox relationship, but not one she found issue with—so long as no children were conceived from it, as it was unideal. Tira's face flushed a bit at the thought; she'd never considered having puppies, but the thought of having them with Arcturus didn't exactly seem appealing to her either. That wasn't to say she didn't love her brother, of course! But she just couldn't picture doing things like kissing him the way she had with Azzurra or the way her mother kissed Indigo.

After a little bit of a game of stacking their paws led to girly giggles and mandatory snuggles, Satira nuzzled her face into the side of her mother's neck while Asla kissed her crown, drawing a happy smile to the yearling's face. These were the moments she loved—the times when she could still pretend everything was okay with her life. Her mother hadn't been distant and her father hadn't been absent and she didn't feel like an afterthought or a consequence of a past action. They were fleeting and few and far between, but she cherished whenever she found them. "Love you too, Mom," she replied as Asla inspected her, deigning her beautiful, just as she was, and declaring that brutes and faes alike would vie for her attention. Another blush painted color across her pallid cheeks, floppy ears flicking back while she gave an embarrassed groan. "Moooooom! C'mon! I'm not that pretty." It was no secret that Satira boasted much of her mother's own confidence—but a lifetime of questioning who she was and where she fit in, coupled with the taunting words of that red wolf had never stopped her from doubting herself.

Asla went on to state the attention of others was what she wanted to talk to her about, drawing Tira's attention back, until her mother began to talk about matters of love and sex. Now, Satira wasn't one to be ashamed to talk about anything, and this would be no different, but the girl was still radially inexperienced and naive when it came to adult matters such as these. She had the vague concept of where puppies came from that all parents imparted onto their very young children, but the finer details and mechanics had not been given to the girl yet. Asla told her to be proud of her skills, including the skills of love, and to never feel bad about her sexual tastes. "Oh, I, uh... I dunno about any skills, or any tastes," she mumbled sheepishly, shuffling her paws and fidgeting her toes to claw at the rock while averting her eyes down to those speckled feet.

Her mother advised her to love whoever she wanted and whenever, but to not get pregnant until she was ready. Tira bit her lip, shuffling her paws more anxiously. "Um... not really," she confessed when asked about contraceptive herbs. "Dad hasn't exactly taught me those kinds of things. I, um... I really don't know a whole lot... besides kissing." Gods, it felt like she was admitting some great shameful secret to her mother! Asla was so proud and confident and here she was, little Tira with no worldly knowledge, just winging it as she went.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-06-2022, 11:49 AM

Her compliment was met with embarrassment and Satira claimed that she wasn't that pretty. Aslatiel scoffed and brought a paw to her chest dramatically. "My poor, sweet daughter. Blind, and at such a young age." The tawny fae scoffed and shook her head, though there was a grin on her face. "You are incredibly beautiful, love. All the best part of your father and I." Asla had always found Mojito attractive and still did to this day. He was a handsome man. She wasn't terribly looking herself. Or at least she hadn't been before her run in with the saber-toothed cat that had scarred her face. "If anyone tells you differently, they're jealous." She added as an afterthought, "And I'll rip their faces off for the insult."

The conversation shifted and Asla said her piece about love, sex and everything in between. Tira seemed a little shy and began fidgeting with the rock below her paws. She admitted that she didn't know about tastes or skills and Aslatiel laughed softly. "You'll develop them eventually, love. At least, if you're anything like me, you will." The older woman sighed and tucked one paw comfortably against her grey chest. "I am very confident and comfortable with my sexuality. I've had many different partners, but I only became pregnant when I wanted to. That's what I'm getting at."

When asked what she knew, Tira said that her father hadn't taught her anything yet. Asla laughed softly once again. "This is a talk for mother's and daughters. Your father might give you the clinical side of things, but I'll speak to you from experience." From the pack that she'd brought, Asla pulled a small drawstring bag. Opening the bag, she dumped its contents onto the stone between them. It was a variety of herbs. "All of these are tools that will help you decide when and if you want to have pups. " Picking up one of the herbs, Asla continued. "This is Queen Anne's Lace, probably the most commonly used of the contraceptive herbs." She slid the plant towards Satira so that she could look at it. "You take it for seven days after having sex. You can dry and eat the little seed heads or you can make a tea out of them. The roots are also edible, but the stalk and leaves shouldn't be eaten."The fae's brows lifted. "Questions? Not even just about the herb. You can ask me anything, you know."

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
05-12-2022, 07:05 PM

Her mother's ridiculousness helped to ease the awkwardness in little Tira, who broke her shyness with a giggle. Asla continued to compliment her, calling her all the best parts of herself and Mojito. If Satira's face hadn't been hot before, her cheeks were positively burning now! Floppy ears pulled back to her head some, bobbing with each movement while she gave a bashful grin back to her mother. "Thanks, Mom," she replied, considering the prospect that others could ever be jealous of her. She thought of the big red and black asshole she'd met in the previous winter and how he'd mocked her size and appearance. Was he just jealous too? Meh, maybe he was just a giant prick. Aslatiel's threat of violence to her bullies was met with another giggle from her daughter, and Satira turned her own toothy smile back to her dam. "Not if I rip their faces off first! You can tear up what's left." A flex of her paws brought Tira's cat claws out that mirrored her mother's. As she got older, she'd gotten more and more proficient at using them. And as she got older, more of Asla's fiery demeanor was brought out in her floppy-eared doppelgänger.

As her mother explained how sexuality was developed over time and experience, Satira found herself listening intently to the lesson imparted on her. Asla was very comfortable with who she was and wanted her to be the same. Tira shuffled her paws again, unsure of if she could picture herself being as cool and confident as her mother was, wooing all the ladies and men her heart desired. The importance of preparation and making sure she only became pregnant when she wanted to be was the core of this lesson, however, and soon Asla began to move onto the meat of the conversation. Satira appreciated learning from Asla's experience more than just being given a lesson like it was some classroom. This felt way more personal and less intimidating. Asla revealed the contents of her bag, and Tira's eyes immediately sparkled to life as she studied the herbs presented before her. Queen Anne's Lace, a contraceptive herb. "Petals and roots only, got it," she said as she turned the delicate plant about in her paws.

Asla asked if she had any questions—about anything at all—and Satira felt that nervous heat pool beneath her cheeks again. Yes, she had a boatload of questions! But how did she go about asking her own mother those sorts of things?! "Um... I do. I guess the first thing I'd wanna know is how you go about... y'know, 'finding your tastes'. Do I just start... like, kissing a bunch of different wolves? Will I just know what to do when it happens?" Satira thought back to when she and Azzurra were kissing, about the tension she'd felt in her belly. She hadn't known what to do with it then. Was this what her mother was talking about? Was this how she knew who she was into? "So, do I just start trying to have sex with any wolves I like? Is that how I find my tastes and skills? Is that even okay to do?" Pale blue eyes glanced up to her mother with a slight tilt of her head that made her ears sway. "How did you know? How did you develop those skills, Mom?"




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-16-2022, 11:51 AM

Satira's insistence that she would be the one to rip a bastards face off brought honest laughter from her mother. Aslatiel grinned, flashing pearly whites. "That's my girl. I'm so proud of you." There had been times where Tira had shown a more timid side. Asla was glad that she'd gone past that. There would always be points in ones life where self doubt was a plague, but Aslatiel had faith that her daughter would overcome just like she did. "I know you won't need me to win your fights for you, but I'll always be in your corner, love." Asla's paw lovingly brushed Satira's cheek as she spoke. It wasn't a lie. She would always be there for her children, no matter what.

The girl seemed to have absorbed the lesson about the herb, so Asla moved on to the next. She pulled a thick, yellowish white root from her bag and placed it between them. "Ginger root," she informed her daughter. "Consume enough of this and it will jumpstart your menses." Asla snapped the thick root in half, letting Satira smell the strong, pungent scent of the root. "You can eat it, grind it into paste to mix with other things, you can powder it to make a tea."

Satira took her mother's advice and asked questions. She wanted to know how she was supposed to accumulate this experience and learn her tastes. Asla smiled softly. "It comes when it should. It could come slowly or it could come quickly. It's all about trusting yourself and your own intuition. There's a balance though; a line to tread." The fawn and grey woman took a deep breath and continued. "There's a difference between being confident in your own sexuality and just giving yourself to anyone that comes your way. Be proud of who you are. Embrace your sexuality. Share yourself with anyone that you wish, but always maintain your sense of self. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you as long as you hold yourself in high regard."

Then Tira asked how Asla had gained her experience and the woman laughed, purple eyes crinkling at the corners. "I took opportunities where I found them. I followed my instincts and was true to myself." Aslatiel grinned and her gaze cut away from her daughter just a moment for a dramatic touch. "I also used to fight wolves and the winner received a kiss as reward." The older woman smirked cheekily. "That's why I'm such a good fighter and such a good kisser." Asla chuckled and gave her head a little shake. "Joking aside, follow your instincts, but be greedy with who you give yourself to. Be the smart young woman that I know you are and if you ever have a bad feeling or a doubt about a partner, then you're probably right."

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
05-25-2022, 01:09 AM
Satira couldn't help the proud grin she wore when her mother applauded her ability to fend for herself and threaten off anyone who would dare try to make her feel lesser. She knew she wouldn't always have her mother around, but just knowing Asla was in her corner if she needed the backup was incredibly reassuring. She didn't want to have to rely on her mom to fight her battles for her, but she would always know there was someone rooting for her, even if she wasn't rooting for herself. She remembered what her father had told her a year ago about the derision and bullying he'd faced for being a halfbreed himself, and Tira vowed to never let herself be a victim like that again. If she ever saw that red fucker again, there'd be violence that she hadn't been capable of when she was a pup.

Aslatiel introduced her to ginger root next. Satira gave the herb a tentative sniff, her nose crinkling up with an exclamation of "Phew!" from the pungent and spicy aroma it gave off. Ever the curious girl though, Satira did give the broken end a little experimental lick. The flavor was indeed spicy, yet with a bit of sweetness to it she hadn't been expecting. All in all, not totally unpleasant! "Ginger root... got it," she said with a nod, passing the root back to her mother.

Asla answered her questions about garnering sexual experience in a pragmatic and straightforward way. Her time would come in its own pace: it could be quick or it could be slow. The important part was that it came when she was ready for it. She needed to find balance and be smart, use her own intuition to make her own decisions on what she did and did not want to do with other wolves. She needed to be free to give love as she desired, but to not give of herself willingly to everyone. In other words, Tira needed to know her own value—the one aspect of herself she deeply struggled with. Fortunately, before the subject could grow even heavier or Asla could notice the doubt in the young adolescent girl's eyes, she laughed and explained how she had started her experiences by fighting wolves for kisses. Tira turned shocked and bewildered blue eyes up to her mother's violet irises, giving Asla an incredulous look.

"Really? You just... fought wolves and kissed them?" she asked, as if the notion were a foreign language to her. "And they just... let you do it?" Was kissing really that universally enjoyed? It gave something for Satira to mull over while she considered her mother's words. Perhaps finding her own experience would be easier than she was expecting if strangers were totally okay with fighting for kisses, and she'd gotten them freely from that cute girl down in the fjord.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
06-05-2022, 05:15 PM

Tira looked over the ginger, sniffing it and reacting in a way that brought a soft chuckle from her mother. It seemed that the girl was learning something today while they spent time together. It was difficult to be a single mother, but she felt that she was making it work as best as she could. Yes, it had been her choice to leave, but she still firmly believed that it was the best thing for all of them.

As the conversation shifted to talk about Asla's past of battling for kisses, Tira's incredulous look brought genuine laughter from the scarred fae. "Don't look so shocked, love. It's all about terms. I just told them that if I won, I got a kiss. If they won, they could still have one if they wanted." Asla flashed teeth as she grinned. "The majority of the time I was the victor. Good way to practice both fighting and kissing."

Aslatiel looked at Tira and inwardly sighed. Her baby was almost grown. Soon Tira wouldn't need her anymore. Reaching out, Asla slid her paw along her daughters cheek. "Always know your worth. Be proud of yourself, of what and who you are. Never see yourself as less." They were both small ladies and others had a tendency to look down on those that were smaller. Aslatiel was as fierce as she came and she knew that her daughter was cut from the same cloth. "Hold yourself to a higher standard than others and never stop striving to better yourself."

"Aslatiel Indarra"
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]