
Let Me Be Me




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-22-2022, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2022, 06:22 PM by Chimera. Edited 1 time in total.)

Since his conversation with Ali at the dam den, Chimera had been distant from everyone. He worked during the day, cleaning out various structures, looking for things that might be useful, and burning those things that were burnable. Today he'd come to the giant yacht moored up at the dock. The massive vessel was still afloat and didn't have holes in it like the other ships and boats littered around the island. Chimera had the idea to turn this place into a little personal paradise and so he'd decided to fix it up, give it a good scrubbing.

Erystotle had accompanied him today, the pale man working his paws just as hard as Chimera was. All day the two men worked side by side, clearing out the various rooms of the yacht. Surprisingly, the cushions and mattresses in the various chambers were still in good condition. He would just need to bring furs and other items to make the place more comfortable and his brute retreat would be complete.

The sun was sinking and the moon promised to be full. There was a massive bonfire on the beach that smoldered and crackled, throwing orange light on the entire area. Chimera sprawled out on a pile of stray cushions on the deck of the yacht, his body sore from the days work. The pair would stay here for the night and go back home in the morning.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 04:15 PM
Erys would probably be the least affected by Chimera’s reclusiveness the last few days. He had noticed how much more quiet and pensive the King was. The galactic marked man hadn’t shirked any of his duties. He fed Chimera in his office at night, did his chores and worked during the day, and was there when he asked him to follow for a bit of extra work. Chimera led him to one of the better condition boats in the harbor, and the two of them would spend the day cleaning and tidying the dusty vessel.

There weren’t too many words between them as the two men worked together to clean up the space. Erystotle could already see the potential as soon as his dainty paws stepped foot aboard. Chimera did have good taste. After the long day of working their toes to the bone, when the sun was beginning to set and the moon began to rise they would cease. The work was tiring but fulfilling and Erys was tired by the time Chimera declared them done for the day.

Silvery eyes watched as the King made himself comfortable there on the deck of the boat. Erys was invited to stay the night on the boat, and he had to admit that he didn’t want to make the trek back to his rooms. It was much more desirable to curl up against Chimera’s side that night. The pearlescent man padded slowly up to monochrome form of his King, a soft and tired smile playing on his features.

He was much more comfortable around Chimera now than when he was first brought into the pack. There was no hesitation as he lowered himself beside the King, just within grabbing distance. "We made good progress today,” He commented quietly as he silvery gaze sought to catch Chimera’s and he made himself comfortable.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-23-2022, 04:41 PM

Erystotle curled up on the deck of the boat as well, both men thoroughly exhausted from the hard work that they'd put them through. The galactic marked man commented on the amount of work they'd done as though he'd read Chimera's mind and the black and white king nodded in agreement. He then turned his mismatched gaze to the smaller man. "Thank you for your help, Erystotle." He held the pearlescent gaze of the man beside him. "You may use this place if you ever feel the need." It was only fair since Erys was helping him get the yacht in order.

As the pair relaxed, the gentle sway of the ocean rocked the boat ever so nicely. A contented rumble pulled from the giant brute's chest and his eyes closed, though he was still very much awake and alert. "I'm sorry that I haven't had much time lately," Chimera stated in a rare, apologetic moment. Being around Erystotle calmed him and he needed that from time to time. "I've been helping the new wolf, Reila, learn who she is and forget the conditioning of a slave." Now a sigh ghosted past the mans obsidian lips. "Queen Aliana is having trouble with that." He cracked his pink eye and looked towards the horned brute. "The joys of women," he said sarcastically.

Speaking to Erystotle was easy. The man was nonjudgmental. He listened and was supportive. Chimera felt a little bad just using him for his own griping and peace of mind. "What's new in the world of Erystotle?" The brow above his pink eye arched as he posed the question to his companion.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
04-23-2022, 05:14 PM
Chi nodded slightly when Erys commented softly, they really had put a lot of effort into this place. There were still many finishing touched to be done, but it was comfortable now. He wondered if it might not be a bad idea to dip in the ocean water to get the dinge out of his coat. Of course, he couldn’t focus on the dirt in his coat when Chimera turned his gaze his way. Erys grinned as he was thanked, and given full permission to make himself comfortable here. It was going to be Chimera’s get away, but Erys was invited. Hat made the once slave’s heart swell, and a delicate paw was brought to his chest. He was very touched.

"Thank you, my King.” He offered with a little bow of his head. They fell into an easy silence for a moment as the boat rocked back and forth. Erys wasn’t sure he would be able to keep awake for much longer, but he could while he was talking to Chi. The King’s deep voice rumbled again, explaining his distance and the deeper intricacies of the relationships he carried. "She voiced her displeasure with you?” He asked, quite surprised at the revelation. Erys couldn’t imagine being displeased with Chimera, let alone saying it out loud. Maybe it really was the difference in sex.

Chimera did go on to ask about Erys over the past few weeks and he actually managed a baby blush when he thought about Azzurra. "The girl, Azzurra, came to me in the night not so long ago.” He confessed with a nervous bite in his belly as he admitted it. "She was distressed, so I held her, and.. She asked if I would be with her.” Erys went on, "I brought her to my bungalow and we.. spent the night together.” By now his cheeks were rosy red, it had been the first sexual encounter he had that was of his choosing. Along with his first time enjoying a woman, and he truly had enjoyed his time with Azzurra.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-10-2022, 09:23 PM

Erys thanked him for offering the space to him and Chimera simply nodded. If the pale man was helping to prepare the place, then he deserve to utilize it as well. It was only fair. The horned brute seemed horrified that Aliana had spoken to the King in displeasure and Chimera shot the man a look of amusement. "Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their feelings, Erystotle. Even jealous queens." What he did in the end was entirely his choice, however. He'd shared his concerns with Aliana and she had reacted. Simple as that.

The conversation moved to Erystotle and what he had been up to. Chimera noticed the warmth in the smaller brutes cheeks immediately and arched a brow with interest. The King was a little surprised at the admission, but he was more surprised that Erys seemed to feel so bashful about the experience. He'd lain with Azzurra. Chimera knew why the girl was so upset after speaking with her brother. That she'd felt comfortable enough to seek comfort in a packmate soothed his concerns when it came to the woman.

"Azzurra is a pretty fae," the man spoke in soft rumbles. "It was good that she had you to rely on. I spoke with her brother, Balthier. He was rather upset, so I can only imagine that she was as well." A sleepy grin tugged at the corners of the two-toned brutes maw and he jested with the other man. "Who would have guessed that you'd turn into an expert in sexual healing?" A soft chuckle pulled from Chimera and he stretched, rolling onto his back on the cushions and furs where he proceeded to stretch again with a groan. It really had been a long day. He stayed on his back, quite comfortable, and was still able to see Erystotle, albeit upside down.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-16-2022, 05:33 PM
Aliana’s outburst really was not any of Erys’ business, and he shouldn’t have spoke out so errantly. Mismatched ears fell to his skull and nodded slightly in acceptance of the words, Chimera looked amused after all so there was little fear of his words getting back to the queen. What happened here on their yacht stayed here on the yacht, or something like that. Thankfully their conversation moved from Ali to Azzurra.

Even then Erystotle was blushing as he confessed what happened between the two of them. Chimera was the first.. The first wolf that he could come close to calling his friend. He was the King but more importantly he meant something to Erys. He cared about the monochrome man, cared about his opinion and wanted to stay in touch. Telling him what he’d done. It felt like the right decision at the time, and as Chimera spoke he reassured Erys deeply. So much so that he got to teasing him, enough that Erys felt his whole body go warm. His skin turned pink beneath his pearlescent fur.

"Certainly not an expert, my King.” He returned bashfully as Chimera stretched his limber form, rolling to his back and making himself comfortable after the long day of work. Erys copied him, stretching out his limbs so that his pale toes could touch Chimera’s paws lightly. Just a hint of affection as he lay there with him, still uncertain just how deep the feeling and their relationship went. He hadn’t forgotten about those deep passionate kisses that Chimera shared with him.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-16-2022, 06:18 PM

Surprisingly, Chimera didn't feel jealous that Erystotle had slept with another. The man was free and was well within his rights to do so. Erys having slept with Azzurra almost made the King... happy. It showed how much progress the pearlescent brute had made in the time that they'd been together. Chimera was proud of the horned man and wondered if he had just slept with the woman to help her, or if he had enjoyed it and thought about doing it again, making her a regular. He didn't ask, of course. It was none of his business, really.

Chimera's gentle teasing brought heat to Erystotle's cheeks and the flush of pink was visible to the upside down brute. Chi grinned as Erys refuted his skill. "Perhaps not an expert yet, but if you continue this way, you soon will be." Erystotle was a beautiful man and Chimera had no doubts that others would want to spend time with him as well.

As Erys stretched and their toes touched, Chi could see the look on the horned mans face. The King made no move to pull away. He hadn't forgotten about their heated kisses either, not had he forgotten just how nice it was to sleep beside the smaller man. Chimera's tail swished languidly back and forth over the deck of the ship as he kept his eyes upon the face of the alabaster wolf. "What do you want, Erystotle?" He posed the brute a question. It was very open ended, but he hoped that the heat in his own gaze would narrow down the correct answers that could be given.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-16-2022, 07:05 PM
Erystotle wasn’t sure where he wanted his relationship with Azzurra to go. He did truly care about her, much deeper than just lust for a night, He wanted to see her smile and see her thrive more than he wanted her in bed. However much he enjoyed the warmth of her and having that intimacy with her. Maybe he wasn’t an expert, but Chimera encouraged him softly, perhaps if he continued the path he was on he could be. It was such an odd thought considering his past. Maybe Chi was right though, as ghostly silver eyes lifted to meet the King’s dual toned gaze there were similar emotions reflected back.

Erys was caught by the glint in his silver and pink eye as their toes touched and a jolt of electricity went through him, starting from his toe beans that reached towards the King. Chimera didn’t pull away, but he did speak again. It was an open ended question, one that Erys might not have been able to answer so clearly at the start of his time in Fenmyre. The waters were much more clear now, especially as he lay there alone with the monarch.

It was a question that he had been sent to ponder since he joined, since he had been given his freedom. It was much easier to pin down now, but he could have given many answers. Right now though.. "I would like your arms around me,” He started boldly, his voice softs as he kneaded his toes in Chimera’s fur. "I want to taste your lips again..” He whispered, uncertainty in his voice because he wasn’t sure about rejection, but also determined because he had confidence in those desires. He wanted Chimera’s affection, he wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by him.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-16-2022, 07:25 PM

Chimera felt the tingle as well, the feeling making him want to touch more of Erystotle. It seemed that the feeling was mutual. After the question was posed, the pale brute took a moment to consider, then soft tones met Chimera's ears as the question was answered. Erystotle wanted to be wrapped up in his King. He wanted to taste his King once more. Pink toes kneaded at the black and white giant's fur and a low rumble of pleasure reverberated through Chimera's chest.

The brutes big body tipped as he rolled onto his side, pulling himself away from Erystotle for just a moment. Then he was on his paws once more and they ached from the days work, but he was only taking a few steps. Moving from his pile of furs, he settled down upon Erystotle's pile, limbs stretching out so that his belly would be against the pale mans side. The brute's white foreleg lifted, wrapping around those of the galactic marked man. Pulling the smaller wolf's body against his own, Chimera's muzzle moved in close to that of his companion. "As you wish," he purred before their lips were joined.

Lips, teeth and tongue fed at one another as Chimera kissed Erystotle thoroughly. As they kissed, the larger man was carefully repositioning the smaller with gentle touches and nudges until they were belly to belly. Chi snake one arm beneath Erys' neck, providing a natural pillow as they lounged there together, lazily sharing their affections. They were now embracing and they had tasted one another. Both requests were met. The dire brute broke the kiss, leaning back enough so that he could see both of Erys' beautiful eyes. "Is there anything else?" Claws pulled through the thicker fur at the back of the pale man's neck. No doubt he would want more, but Chimera wanted the former slave to make the decisions. He was free and it was his right. All he had to do was ask his King and if it was within his power, Chimera would grant all of the man's wishes.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-17-2022, 07:02 AM
The rumble that filled Chimera’s chest let Erys know that had been at least part of the answer he’d been searching for. A long day of work, pleasant company, and the natural spark they shared between each other called for much more than a little toe touching. There wasn’t much of an answer beyond that but it wasn’t a rejection as Chimera shifted, rolling to his paws from his back. Erys looked up and watched him move as he easily placed himself closer to his form. The pearlescent man wiggled over slightly to make room and welcome Chimera at his side.

It didn’t take him very long to do just as Erys’ asked, carefully wrapping his strong arms around him as their bodies pressed together and he was surrounded by the massive King. He whispered softly, and as he had asked, Chimera pressed his lips to Erys. The galactic marked man gasped softly as tongue’s met and he felt the flame in his belly flicker in ignition. Chimera’s touch caused sparks of electricity to race over his skin.

Pale paws wrapped around Chi’s neck as they kissed and he fell into the deep passion of that simple affection. For the moment Chimera was everything, there was nothing in that moment but sweet lips pressed against his own. Their bellies were touching, and his head was laying on Chi’s pale arm. This was where he wanted to be, the subject of Chimera’s affection. He could have gotten lost here, just enjoying Chimera’s closeness and his affection, until he pulled away slightly. Their eyes met and Erys couldn’t be rid of his bashful expression. Shivers went up and down his spine, especially as Chimera spoke once more. Was he satisfied with what he was given? Is there anything else, Chi would ask as his claws ran through his fur and his belly fluttered while his toes curled.

He knew that Chimera didn’t ever want to take advantage of him, he wanted what Erys wanted and nothing more. Erys was obvious in his affection, but Chi would make him say what he desired the most. "I want…” His voice faltered both breathless and nervous as he spoke his heart’s desire. "I want to love you.” He finally said as his ghostly silver eyes looked up into Chimera’s sweet stare.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-17-2022, 09:02 AM

Erystotle welcomed Chimera down beside him, making room for the larger man. In an instant they had dissolved into lips, tongues and teeth. Their arms wrapped around one another and Chimera pulled the pale man against him. A large paw danced slowly down the length of the pearlescent man's body, settling upon one colorfully marked hip. Chimera had only been with one man and it hadn't been his choice, it had been payback for the man saving his life. Erystotle was his choice. He knew from the moment that he saw the emaciated, dirty wolf that he was destined to belong to him.

As their lips separated, Chimera looked down upon the horned brute. He could still see the heat in Ery's skin as he questioned him. The smaller man seemed hesitant to respond, but eventually he managed. He wanted love. The two-toned brutes heart thumped hard against his ribs and the sultry gaze shifted to something softer. The paw on the man's hip came upwards once more, cupping a soft, pearlescent cheek. "Erystotle... you are free to love who you will. You don't need permission." Another kiss was bestowed upon the smaller man, a gentle brushing of lips. "You would be so easy to love," he whispered quietly.

Though Erystotle had opened up, he hadn't given Chimera the answer that he wanted. The answer that he needed. The King of Fenmyre had his likes and dislikes and one of those likes was hearing exactly what his lovers wanted him to do to them or for them. Erys wanted love and that could potentially come in time but if he wanted love... then he would have to tell his King just how he wanted it. "Tell me what you want, Erystotle."

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-17-2022, 07:43 PM
Chimera gave him what he asked for, his sweet kisses and gentle touch were everything that Erys craved. He hadn’t been given a lot of time to really develope who he was, but he was confident in his attraction to Chimera. He was handsome, strong, and possessed the most careful touch. His heart was pure, though rough on the outside Erys could see the great good within him. Beyond all of it that quality was the most desirable to the pearlescent man. Chimera had saved him, and in doing so earned his own broken heart. At one time he had been broken, but Chimera showed him how to heal, how to become a real wolf. One with his own needs and personal desires.

Their lips parted slightly as Erys answered him hesitantly, struggling to find the words that Chimera wanted ot hear this time. He would encourage him none the less, telling him there was no need to ask permission. He could love whoever he saw fit. And Erystotle wanted to love the King of Fenmyre. He didn’t really stop gazing into Chimera’s eyes as he spoke and brushed his dark lips against Erys’ pink ones. Butterflies fluttered to the point of breaking out of his belly he was so delighted and nervous as Chi’s paws roamed his form. He whispered how easily he could love him in return and Erys’ heart soared.

He grinned as their muzzles brushed against one another, and Chimera pressed again. What did he really want? What would make this moment any better? "I want you, my King. As though I were one of your Queens. Make me yours.” He breathed, his voice nervous but his desires determined. They were soft pleading words as he ran his claws through Chimera’s thick fur and lost himself in his deep gaze.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-17-2022, 11:42 PM

It was easy for Chimera to lavish affection upon Erystotle. He was such a sweet, kind soul. The man was so, so pure. How anyone could want to hurt such a creature, the black and white brute couldn't understand. The pearlescent brute's heat filled cheeks made him look even more fetching, if possible. Erystotle was a cherub in wolfen form. They kissed, they touched and it all felt so natural. So right.

After another kiss and a second request from Chimera, Erystotle spoke again. The request that he made brought heat flaring in the King's core and a low growl rose up from the brute's chest. The pale man wanted sex. He wanted Chimera to pin him down and treat him like one of his queens. Hearing such a carnal request from such a pure wolf... it did something for the two-toned man. "Do you know how I make love to my queens?"A serious expression stole over the man's face and he leaned in to brush his lips over Erystotles once more. "I'm not always a gentle lover." His tongue slid over the smaller man's lower lip. "I don't want to frighten you or remind you of things that you've gone through in the past."

Erystotle had made so much progress since Chimera had taken him from the ship and given him his freedom. He wasn't always a gentle lover. Sometimes when the mood struck, he needed to be rough. Even with Siren he was sometimes rough. The relationship that he had with the galactic marked man now, Chi didn't want it to change. "If you can honestly tell me if I'm too rough or if I'm hurting you, I'll grant your wish." Chimera brought their lips together again, sliding his tongue into Erys' mouth once more, absorbing the taste of the brute. Teeth pulled at the mans bottom lip oh so gently. "I just need to hear you say it."

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-18-2022, 02:16 PM
The King did not withhold any affection as they lay there together as the sun set over the water and the island. Erys had never experienced emotions like this before, love, lust, affection, whatever it was, it was completely new. It was strange but addicting and Erys wanted nothing more than to explore them with the man that held onto him. A deep growl rumbled within Chimera’s chest in response to Erys’ quiet request. The corners of his lips pulled into a smile at the feeling of it reverberating through his frame.

As he spoke, Chimera’s features shifted to something a bit more serious as he spoke about what it was exactly he had asked for. A chill ran up his spine with the words that followed, and traces of electricity spread over his flushed skin. As his tongue grazed his lower lip Erys could feel the worry within the King above him. His heart warmed just as the coil within his core tightened at his careful words. He didn’t want to make him relive the events of his dark past.

"Chimera,” he uttered softly as his delicate paws pulled to his cheeks as he gazed up at him adoringly. "I… love you.” He whispered hesitantly. "That makes all the difference.” Erys had been hesitant with Azzurra, but his experience with her proved what he believed now.

Chimera went on softly, offering a simple solution to his worries. Erys had confidence in himself, there wasn’t anyone that he felt safer with. He hadn’t ever been so comfortable with anyone else, Chimera had earned that. After the horrors of his life he craved being loved, being wanted like this. Before he could answer Chimera’s lips were pressed to his and his mouth was filled with Chimera’s tongue. He closed his eyes as the intimate act kindled the flicker flame of desire burning in his pale belly. "I’ll tell you,” He whispered breathlessly as dangerous teeth nibbled his lip. "I’ll tell you if its too much.” He promised as pale paws pulled at Chimera’s fur and he pressed his Belly to the King’s as desire overwhelmed him.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-19-2022, 12:22 PM

Chimera could feel the heat emanating from Erystotle and he knew that the lust within the pale man was rising. His own was rising as well. With each kiss and caress, Chimera's insides clenched tighter. His body was already reacting, proving just how aroused he was by this whole ordeal. It was no secret that he was attracted to Erystotle. The pair had shared kisses and caresses before, but Chimera had always held back from the act of sex. Erys had worked hard to shake the sense that he was still a slave and Chi wouldn't have him until it was his own choice. Until he was the one asking for it.

Erys brought pale paws to settle on Chimera's cheeks, attaining the larger man's full attention. Words of love were given and the two-toned giant's gaze softened. He believed that Erystotle loved him, even if the man didn't know all of him. What he had shown the former slave was enough to build those feelings of affection. Chimera's head turned and he placed a gentle kiss upon the little heart mark on Erys' ankle. If he was sure, then Chimera would carry out his wish.

Already one paw slid between their bodies, caressing the thinner fur and soft skin of Erystotle's belly and inner thighs. Just as Erys promised to tell him if it was too much, Chimera's paw shifted to stroke other things. He maintained eye contact with the shimmering brute as he continued to move his paw over Ery's most intimate parts, helping to prepare the man for what was to come. Both of them, hopefully.

Lifting his big body, Chimera settled himself over Erystotle, belly to belly. The horned brute had professed his love, and this position felt much more intimate and well deserved. The paw that had previously been caressing Erys moved to settle on either side of the smaller man's body. Chimera, already aroused by the touches, kisses and words, settled his length just atop Ery's pearlescent tail. "Tell me if it's too much," he reminded the man. He then slid his hips forward, joining them. Chimera was slow and gentle, doing his best to not hurt or damage Erystotle. He watched his lover's face for any signs of pain.

The thick spring of pleasure within Chimera was being pulled back with every thrust of his hips. Being inside of Erystotle was vastly different than being within one of his queens. He could feel the arousal of his lover pressing hard between their bellies and Chimera brought their mouths together once more, invading Erystotle's mouth just as he invaded his body. He continued slowly until there was less resistance, then his pace quickened, working to bring his new lover to the heights of pleasure, taking cues with every shudder, moan and groan.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-19-2022, 04:21 PM
The way his belly boiled and his skin tingled as he lay beneath Chimera, the sensations and emotions bubbled through. The way his features contorted, and he shifted beneath his touch. He couldn’t quite keep still even as Chimera traced his body. Along his belly, over his thigh, and almost hesitantly along the length of him. Teasing and arousing with ease. Chimera seemed to accept his words, he told him there was no permission needed to love another. Erys loved Chimera, he saved him, he gave him a new life, he offered protection and affection. Beyond the easy attraction for him the pearlescent man hadn’t felt this way for any other wolf.

His soft silver gaze never left Chimera’s mismatched eyes as he began to learn Erys’ better than before. A soft pleading whine slipped past his pink lips as CHimera took his oath and shifted again. He paws rest on either side of him as their hips aligned dangerously close. Enough that Erys could feel the length of Chimera against the base of his tail. The massive King cause a tremble up his spine as he spoke again, Erys nodded, too breathless for words. Never having wanted someone as much as he wanted this and Chimera.

His heart stopped as the King pressed into him, Erys gasped and fought for breath, but even in these beginning moments he had no desire to stop. He clung to his lover, the first to dominate him that he truly consented to. The experience was freeing and euphoric in ways he’d never known sex to be. He gave himself to Chimera, all of himself. His silver eyes rolled back into his head as Chi once again claimed his lips. Soft pleased whimpers squeezed by their deep passionate kiss as he learned the rhythm of Chimera’s body. The measure of his pleasure easily discernible between them as much as the blissful sounds he made.

This was what he wanted, to be the sole focus of Chimera’s attention. He wanted to get lost in this wolf that meant so much to his heart, and he did. Nothing existed but the pleasure that built between them, closer and closer to the precipice Chimera brought him to. Pleasure like he had never known as his body and heart were committed to the King.

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-20-2022, 07:20 AM

Having Erystotle beneath him was divine and Chimera never wanted it to end. The obvious pleasure that his lover was feeling was driving the beast to the edge, however. Dropping to his elbows so that their chests were together, Chimera wrapped the smaller man in an embrace as his hips continued their work down below. The thrusts were more shallow in this position, but it didn't matter. He needed to hold the pallid brute. Needed it like he needed air. Chimera buried his face in the silken, white fur at the edge of Erys' jaw and growled low as his pleasure pushed right to the edge.

Pants, groans and growls drifted freely from the black and white giant as he held his lover to him. There was a tenderness to his actions that he maintained throughout, not wanting to scare Erystotle or remind him of things that had passed. There would be time in the future for freer, rougher sex, but today was not that day. Today was for Erys. Teeth and tongue found the edge of the pale brute's jaw, licking and nibbling before his mouth was placed close to a pearlescent ear. "Soon," he whispered in a strained growl, letting the smaller man know to prepare himself.

With his arms around Erystotle, Chimera gave a few more staggered thrusts before he plummeted over the edge. Teeth found the side of the pale man's neck, though he tried not to break skin. It was a simple reflexive action and it spoke volumes as to the pleasure that surged through him. Chimera's hips continued to undulate sporadically as he breathed heavily around the mouthful of fur and flesh clenched between his jaws. His eyes were squeezed shut and his nostrils flared. Tiny stars danced in the darkness of his vision. He hadn't had such pleasurable love making in a long while. Not of this sort, anyway.

Releasing his hold upon Erys, Chimera made no effort to move off of the trapped man. His breathing still labored, Chi pulled back enough to search the beautiful, silver eyes of his new lover. "Are you alright?" That had been his first thought; the mental and physical well being of Erystotle.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-20-2022, 10:39 AM
He moved as Chimera did, putty under the massive man’s paws. The King held him tightly, overwhelmed him completely, all the while carefully making love to him there in the last glow of sunset. Their own pleasure built off of one another, Chimera enjoying everything Erystotle gave him and the inverse was just as true. The pearlescent man never wanted this to end. He belonged for the first time, himself, not just his body. Chimera saw to both body and heart as he loved him.

Chi held him tighter, lowering himself further, pressing his chest against his own. As he buried his head into Erys’ neck he gasped and moaned softly into Chimera’s mismatched ears. Gentle whispers of passion and pleasure as their bodies entwined. His heart beat heavily in his chest, thundering in his ears and in time to Chimera’s hips. Being loved like this brought him to heights he had never felt before, the easy rhythm of Chimera’s body against his had him losing himself far sooner than he wanted this time to end.

He groaned as Chimera’s teeth brushed along the line of his jaw, and a warning word whispered against his ear. Erys could feel the edge approach, the coil that was wound far too tight was about to release. He cried out as Chimera’s jaws grasped the loose skin at the side of his neck. The band snapped, the dam broke, his control disappeared as he was shoved over the edge. His body tensed and relaxed as waves of pleasure washed over him. He gasped and sputtered as he clung to Chimera’s massive form and rode out the entirety of the experience safe in his arms. Even the feeling of his teeth against his vulnerable neck had aroused and enhanced the feelings within him.

Eventually Chimera’s hold on him loosened, but he remained tucked perfectly beneath the monochrome King. He couldn’t really catch his breath, and his body continued to tingle and twitch as Chimera found his gaze, his first words were only of concern. "Yes, my King.” He gasped softly in response, nothing but happy and satisfied like he had never been before. Erys’ silver gaze held nothing but glittering adoration. Deep affection, and boundless pleasure. "I’m yours, I want to be yours.”

"Erystotle Atlas"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-20-2022, 01:25 PM

The pair crashed into pleasure together, plummeting from such great heights that it felt as though his hold upon mortality might snap. Eyes clenched tight and he had to try hard not to bit down as he might do with Aliana. It was that alone that kept him aware and alert. Together, they arrived at their pleasure filled destination and Chimera could feel the evidence of that pleasure between their melded bodies. He didn't mind it at all. They would simply have to bathe in the ocean together.

Erystotle had been perfection, all of his writhing, his gasps, his moans, it had been as though they were curated specifically for the two-toned King. Those sounds had aided in pushing him over the edge. Anyone who knew Chimera intimately knew that he had an audible fixation. The pale man had fed that fixation with each breath and pant.

Afterwards they lay there together, wrapped up in one another and trying to catch their breath. Erystotle assured him that he was okay with a breathy gasp, then proclaimed that he wished to belong to Chimera. The giant brute looked down at his smaller lover and rolled his hips once more, their bodies still locked together. "You are mine, Erystotle. You have been mine from the moment that I saw you on that ship and you will continue to be mine." Chimera brought their lips together again, thrusting his tongue into his lover's maw. He ate hungrily at Erystotle as though he was starving. His hips pulled against the pearlescent brutes and he growled into that kiss.

Chimera wanted to flip the man over. He wanted to press him into the deck of the ship and take him hard, but it would wait. Erystotle hadn't had such attention in a long while and was likely to be a little sore. When he was able, the massive brute rose, though he stayed standing over the galactic marked man. He still found Erystotle to be beautiful, his markings and coloring perfect. Chimera looked down upon Erys, an expression of adoration on his face. "You're so beautiful," he whispered the soft compliment to his newest lover, then offered a paw to help him up. "Come," Chi spoke. "Let's get cleaned up." He led the way down the gangplank and onto the dock that would lead them to the beach. Once there, Chimera padded into the gently lapping waves of the sea, enjoying the cool water against his heated skin.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
05-22-2022, 07:44 PM
No one had treated him like Chimera did before, nowhere in his life had he felt so special and desired. He’d been wanted before, used indiscriminately, and the difference was staggering. Chimera literally took his breath away. As the massive King held him close Erys gasped for air, little whines slipping past his pink lips as he basked in the remnants of the high he was given. Little pulses over his muscles and within his core, waves of electricity racing over his skin as the pair of them settled together. Erys couldn’t have moved if he had a desire to, all he wanted was to bask in the feeling of being there with Chi.

His warms arms protectively around Erys with their bodies still pressed together. The pearlescent man had never felt happiness or euphoria like this. He wore a lopsided grin on his feature, one that revealed every emotion beneath. There was only enough space between them for the sweet conversation they shared in whispers. He whined softly as the King rolled his hips against his once more, sending another tremor through him. Chimera’s dual toned gaze found Erys’ silvery white eyes as he told him the real truth. He’d belonged to Chimera the moment he laid eyes upon him. The thought made the man’s heart tighten and warm.

He kissed him again, revealing just how little he had been satiated with that deep and hungry kiss. Erys would have yielded to anything Chimera did to him in those next moments, but the King truly did care about his pale lover. Erys could have taken much more, but the build would better for body and mind. However much he wanted to remain there forever, tangled up in one another, eventually all good things came to an end. Chimera gently pulled away from him, though Erys didn’t quite have to let go as their lips parted. He felt wanted, desired, like he belonged here in Chimera’s care.

Pausing for a moment more, standing over him, a look of sweet affection on his features as he spoke, Chimera’s words touched him in a way he hadn’t felt before. He was beautiful. Mismatched ears fell to his skull as he looked up bashfully at Chi’s offered paw. "I never felt that way until you found me.” He admitted quietly as he let him help him to his paws and lead him down into the water to get better cleaned up. Erys didn’t hesitate as he followed the monochrome King into the warm saltwater. It coaxed the dirt from his pelt and soothed his body.

"Erystotle Atlas"