
I'm not stalking you or anything

Venom ♡



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-19-2022, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2022, 01:30 AM by Maverick. Edited 2 times in total.)

After depositing his gift on the bride and groom's table, Maverick surreptitiously slipped away into the throng of wolves congregating around the great hall. He knew Venom was around here somewhere, but spotting her amongst the crowd would likely be a challenge, and with so many conflicting scents all over the place, even attempting to seek her out with his nose would be overwhelming! So instead the navy and white brute searched the old-fashioned way: he prowled through the partygoers, sidling up to one of the feast tables and snatching up a few grapes to pop into his mouth. Keen turquoise eyes swerved this way and that, seeking out the familiar monochrome woman with twilight eyes. After a few minutes or searching, Mav saw a telltale flash of striped black and white, standing on his tiptoes to peek over a giant black and white man to spot the lithe empress mingling amongst the others.

A wide, triumphant grin split his lips, and he swiftly downed a nearby goblet of some sweet alcoholic beverage before making his way over to her. He probably should've been paying attention to what he was consuming, but when had Maverick ever been the cautious type? The dire wolf slid smoothly through the crowd, moving with practiced steps almost as gracefully as a serpent weaving its way through a garden until he approached Venom from behind, slipping up beside her as he put on his best charming smile. "Well well, it seems like the fates have aligned for us again, Your Majesty. Or maybe I'm just stalking you... it could go either way, I guess." He snickered while he teased the alphess, flashing her his roguish grin whenever she did turn to look at him. "So, come here often?" he joked, giving her a moment to get over any surprise she might have at his sudden appearance, given that he was most definitely not expected at this party for... whoever was hosting it.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-19-2022, 05:50 PM
There were so many sights and faces that Venom had little choice but to focus her consciousness on the present moment. She could forget everything and just be happy for the newlyweds. Part of her celebrated the fact that she hadn’t seen Hattori as well, it had always been a possibility she would run into him here she knew that. She just hoped he wouldn’t show his face, she wasn’t ready to see it. The crowd was pleasant and she was exchanging pleasantries with wolves she hadn’t met before or hadn’t talked to in a long time. It was enjoyable in all honesty.

Venom had just excused herself to go and indulge in a beverage when she felt someone behind her. For a brief moment fear laced through her chest that her ex husband had decided to meet her hear, but Venom was never happier to hear Maverick’s voice. She relaxed, having to stop herself from leaning against him. The part of her that cared about keeping up appearances kept her from revealing any softer affection, but the way he made her smile brighten and her eyes sparkle would be enough to alert the rogue. Someone who knew the Empress well could have been able to see what just happened, but the general population would not.

"Mr. Vagabond, fancy meeting you here.” She had indeed wondered if he had found his way here. A party like this seemed right up Maverick’s alley. "Not too often,” she teased lightly in return. "Probably more often than you do.” She pressed with a lift of her brow and reveal of pearly teeth as she chuckled softly.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-23-2022, 02:28 PM

His approach had caused some tension in the Empress' posture, but the moment he spoke he saw her relax once more. She didn't look up at him right away, no doubt attempting to keep up the appearance of the austere monarch at a social function. It was terribly amusing for Maverick to see compared to the other side of Venom he'd uncovered. Still he saw her smile brighten when she realized who he was. She greeted him back as coolly as a composed and masterful actress. She admitted that she did not find herself here very often, though more frequently than he did. The dire brute gave a snicker and stole a sip from a goblet resting on the table. It hadn't been his, but he didn't care. It was filled with a sweet mead, so it was his now. "You'd be right about that. I don't even know where I am!" He flashed Venom a playful grin, but there was truth in his humor. He had no idea what pack this was, who these wolves were, or what the hell was even goin on. He'd fully crashed the event just so he could find himself in Venom's presence once more.

Maverick took a longer sip of the mead and cast his turquoise eyes around the room, eventually landing on the bride and groom at the head of the hall. "I'm guessing... wedding," he said, gesturing to Artorias and Briar. "The alphas of the pack? They'd have to be for all of this." He gestured to the grandeur of the feast happening all around them. It was an impressive sight, but all Maverick was really focused on was the empress at his side. "Besides, a social soiree like this, I couldn't rightly let the Lady Abraxas attend without a handsome piece of eye candy on her arm as her date!" Another roguish flash of pearly teeth, Maverick didn't hold to the same decorum that Venom did. He didn't have to keep up appearances, so while she resisted leaning into him, he didn't resist letting his bushy tail curl around across the stone floor to brush against her hip and rump before coming to settle over hers. "So I've never been to a proper wedding before. Care to show me the ropes? Are we supposed to dance? Get drunk out in the gardens?" Maverick raised a curious brow to Venom while sipping at his drink, curious what was on the regal fae's mind now that he was here to liven things up for her.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-24-2022, 09:18 AM
She couldn’t deny the relief at knowing this wasn’t her ex come to torment her with his presence. Venom knew that the man shouldn’t have had that kind of power over her still, he’d left her and she should have completely forgotten about him. She knew that he had already forgotten her. Yet still she struggled, letting him in her headspace when she should have been focusing on the party. Now she had her favorite distraction, a title Maverick had earned during their last encounter. Though she was a far cry from the inebriated monarch he had enjoyed that day.

As he leaned over an unclaimed goblet and indulged in the beverage provided Venom had forgotten that had been her original goal in excusing herself from the crowd, now that Mav was here she wasn’t sure she should indulge. The last time they had been together she had allowed herself to fully surrender control, today wasn’t the time for any of that. Venom had a life full of cloaking all but the most serious emotions within. With Maverick beside her all of that fell away, she would do bets without the temptations inebriation brought. At least while they had an audience.

Still, she couldn’t completely abstain because it would be rude to her hosts. So Venom took a couple of laps from the glass of mead that Maverick was enjoying. He spoke his observations after a beat of looking around, however lost he was. He was quite accurate as he went along, a wedding, for the pair of alphas that sat at the head of the feast. "You guess correctly.” She chuckled as he waved a paw at the mass celebration, but sputtered slightly at his next observation.

Despite his phrasing there was a flutter in her heart as he mentioned accompanying her as a date. At the same time his tail brushed against her hip and wrapped around her own, like he was making the decision official. Venom couldn’t say that the thought was unpleasant, and her skin tingled at the thought of when she had him fully wrapped around her. The thought was pleasant despite how conflicting it was. "What a gentlemanly thing to do,” she chuckled softly in agreement, despite the suggestive undertones.

He pressed her further about what they were supposed to be doing at a wedding, and made a couple of wild suggestions. Wild for the Empress at least. "Seems like you’ve got a pretty good idea of what to expect. I’ll allow you to dance with me.” She promised him, lifting a white gloved paw to rest upon his own as her gaze fell there. "And I’ll consider letting you get me drunk again.” She went on to tease him as she grabbed said paw to lead him towards the dance floor.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-24-2022, 07:58 PM

Though social affairs weren't something Maverick found himself a part of very often, he wasn't an oblivious or uncultured idiot either. Like a chameleon, the vagabond could blend in with his surroundings, looking as if he had always belonged there. With his somewhat groomed fur in an attempt to make himself presentable at Venom's side and keen turquoise eyes picking up on the subtle details of the party, like their hosts, Mav treated the event almost like a game to see how much information he could glean from the powers of observation alone. He didn't know who or what Venom's ex husband looked like, but given that she didn't seem so on edge, he could only assume the man hadn't shown up to this event. Good, that meant he had all the more liberty with the gorgeous empress—not that her former partner's presence would have deterred him anyway. If anything, he would have had more fun showing off being at the side of the Ashen alpha with the eyes of the betrayer on him.

Venom confirmed his astute observations, and then sputtered on her drink when he made a comment about being her arm candy for the evening. A rakish smirk made its way across his lips while he nonchalantly lapped at his drink as if he hadn't completely undone the Empress' decorum with a single sentence. He quite enjoyed the way he could fluster her like that; it made playing with her so much fun! And just as Venom suspected, he was not giving her the chance to deny him either. He would be her date for the evening, and should anyone ask, the renegade would come up with some suave and charismatic lie to help save Venom face. He knew how important appearances were to her when it came to the public eye, and as much fun as it was to make her squirm with his teasing, he wasn't cruel about it. It was one thing to have Venom act a certain way when on their own, it was another to undo her authority as an alpha in front of everyone. That sort of fun could wait until a more private setting. Maverick grinned at the thought.

When Venom mentioned his declaring himself her date as the gentlemanly thing to do, he snickered from around the rim of his goblet while he took another mouthful of semisweet alcohol. "Oh please, don't give me that much credit. Being a gentleman is so much responsibility. I'd much rather be the swashbuckler," he teased her back. Perhaps one day he'd be turned into the domestic gentleman, but it would not be today. Venom had her work cut out for her if that was her intention. After some more playful banter that had become a comfortable staple of their interactions, Maverick was surprised by Venom's acceptance to let him dance with her. The soft touch of her white-gloved paw rested on his own alabaster paw, leaving a warmth there that tingled on his skin. He followed her gaze to where they were touching—and almost choked on his own drink when Venom offered to consider letting him get her drunk again. He coughed on the mead, pulling the goblet from his lips as he turned a raised brow in her direction. Well, well, well...! It seemed he was getting Venom to surrender some of her inhibitions after all!

"You are full of surprises, Your Grace," Maverick quipped with a chuckle, taking pause long enough to down the remaining liquid in the goblet in one chug before setting it aside to allow her to whisk him off toward the dance floor. Some music had been struck up by wolves that drummed a beat on tables, dexterous companions assisting to pluck the cords of stringed instruments found in the castle to create a lively melody. A few others had begun dancing already, so when Maverick was led to the dance floor, they weren't the only ones there. At least now he could hide Venom away amongst the crowd and keep her attention to himself if he wished. Maverick had only danced on one other occasion, but the mechanics seemed simple enough. Casting a crooked grin to the Empress, the vagabond gently took one of her gloved paws in his to lift to his lips, brushing a formal kiss across her digits before lowering it back to the floor. He picked up the rhythm of the song easily and followed the steps of the others around them, pressing his body close to hers until their chests met and their heads and necks were aligned.

Maverick took the lead, circling with Venom in slow, smooth strides across the stone floor. His pale turquoise eyes never left her sunset jewels, his easy grin plastered on his face all the while. "You're very much in your element tonight," he mused while they swayed together, pausing only long enough to switch their directions around and continue their dance. "Graceful, powerful... It's a look you wear well, Ven." His grin widened a bit while he inclined his head to bring his muzzle beside one dark ear to whisper in husky tones, "Though I'm also fond of seeing you lose control too." He chuckled mostly to himself, his tail wagging in a slow, happy metronome behind him. He was having a lot of fun being with the Empress again.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

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Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-26-2022, 05:35 AM
For being such a ruffian Maverick did indeed clean up very well, his coat was smooth and shining, and he could hold his own against most of the important guests here. Despite his ways the man made himself at home, like he attended important alpha weddings all of the time. Having the wild brute at her side felt dangerous and exciting especially when compared to how Hattori would have made her feel here. His judgemental glare would have lingered on his features all night, and she wondered if he would accepted a dance with her. Not that the speculative thoughts meant anything now. Maverick hadn’t hesitated at all, well expect to finish his beverage, something else Hattori would have scorned. The man did enjoy his sake.

But Hattori wasn’t here and he would never be at her side again. Maverick was here with her, spontaneously arriving to accompany the lone monarch. She was wary, but Maverick was witty and intelligent at the very least, he knew an Empress had to keep up appearances. No matter how much he teased her he retained his respectable appearance. She knew who he was, but everyone else in attendance would see the picture perfect gentleman at her side.

Of course she couldn’t let him be the only one getting little surprises and spurns in, while he’d surprised her about being her date she would do the same to him when she suggested that he might have the pleasure of seeing her drunk once more. There was more to the statement than just getting drunk though, and the thought of being alone with him again caused a flutter in her belly. As she touched his pale fur tingles ran over her skin as he admitted the surprise she invoked within him.

Venom gave him a sly grin as he joined her without much convincing. They weren’t without music, and they weren’t the only wolves on the dancefloor. The pair of them both blended into the crowd and stood out. Venom had a natural grace about her that Maverick mirrored and enhanced as he led her through the motions. Even if they were in a crowded room it felt like they were alone as their bodies moved together in a different way. He lifted her paw to his lips, the picture perfect escort to Ashen’s Empress.

He pressed his chest against hers and their foreheads nearly touched as his cool gaze lingered on her warm eyes. He whispered to her after a while, offering another observation. This was the kind of place she was supposed to be, this was what Venom was made for. Maverick had a good idea of the different sides of her at this point. He’d seen her sadness, frustration, anger, pride… Most special of all he’d seen the vulnerable side of her and as his lips touched her ear and he confessed how much he enjoyed the alternate side of her.

"You are one of the few to have seen both.” She returned softly as they parted and came back together for the next step. "Keep playing your cards right, Vagabond, and you might get a repeat performance.”She chuckled amusedly after offering the man a subtle wink as her side brushed against him. Venom would have been lying to say she wasn’t craving the feeling of having him closer. They were on a date after all.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-26-2022, 02:27 PM
If there was one thing Maverick excelled at, it was pretending he could belong anywhere. The wolf was keenly intelligent when it came to observation and exploration, able to pick up on subtle nuances of a room full of wolves and adapt. He could be the perfect gentleman at a social gathering, or a rowdy ruffian amongst a crowd of thugs, or anything he put his mind to really. In short, Maverick could fake with the best of anyone. For Venom, he would be her perfect date: polite, sociable, amiable, respectful. But deep down, he knew the Empress had seen what kind of man he was. He was no highborn wolf meant for cocktail parties and dry humor over drinks—but he could pretend to be for her. It was actually kind of fun pretending to be someone else, knowing that only Venom would see through his disguise. He enjoyed the bit of subterfuge and espionage that came with it. Mav would likely never know just how much he differed from her ex-husband, nor how much she appreciated him for it. He just did it because it was the easy thing for him to do to just be himself.

Together on the dance floor the two wolves moved as one, their bodies gliding across the smooth stone floor in tandem, brushing together occasionally as they did to leave delightful little electric shocks against his skin. Though he wasn't bad with his paws, Venom was far more graceful than he was, moving fluidly through the motions as if she were born to dance. It was a challenge for him to keep his eyes off of the wya her body swayed and sashayed, particularly her hips. Gentleman... Be a gentleman... he reminded himself in his head, though the sly grin on his face betrayed where his thoughts and attention was shifting. To his comment, Venom remarked that he was one of the few wolves to see both sides of her: the Empress born and bred for the glamor and reverence, and the woman of intense and sultry emotions looking to be set free within. "Then we're even, Your Ladyship, as you're one of the few to see the real me." It was easy for Maverick to pretend to be someone else because it kept him safe—it kept him alive. He hadn't felt that need around Venom, which was why she'd gotten to meet the real Maverick right from the jump. Most others got an alias, a facade. She got the truth.

During their dance, Venom teased him with the subtle suggestion that playing his cards right could earn him a repeat performance of their last evening together. An intrigued hum purred in the brute's throat, eyebrows raised with curious desire. He couldn't hide the fact that Venom's passion had left a lasting impression on him, so much so that he was now crashing weddings just to see her. Their sides brushed together by her design, sending a pleasant tremor down his spine. Mav chuckled as well as he fantasized feeling the Empress entwined with him again, below him, above him, every way he could imagine. A perfect ending to a perfect date, if he did say so himself! Ah, but it was a game to get there now, was it? Well, Maverick always played to win, and if Venom wanted the pants charmed off of her, then he was up for it. "If your goal was to tempt me, Your Grace, I assure you it's working," he replied with a wink back to her, then shifted in one of their moves to press his side into her, using their closeness to sneak a surreptitious brush of his fluffy tail up the backside of her thigh before slipping back to bring their chests together, muzzles so close he could feel her breath against his lips. A roguish grin played on his lips and there was a lively fire gleaming in his eyes. Venom was alive and he loved to see it.

Amidst their dance, Mav had caught sight of someone amongst the crowd leering their way. Another glance up confirmed his suspicions—there was a brute the size of himself across the room with his eyes fixed on them. He was easy to pick out thanks to his split-toned black and white coat and mistrustful scowl on his features. Maverick just grinned and leaned closer to whisper in Venom's ear. "I think someone's not happy about me getting this close to you." Another chuckle rumbled in the man's chest as he turned with Venom so she was facing out towards the crowd. "Big guy, black and white over by the food. Your ex-husband?" He raised a curious brow, wondering what the other male's vested interest in them was, and wondering if he was going to have to defuse a fight before he got anywhere close to that tempting promise of a repeat performance with the Ashen woman.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-28-2022, 06:43 PM
Maverick was outwardly indistinguishable from the highborn guests here, he could play along with the best of him. Venom, even if she hadn’t know him for a very long time, had seen a glimpse of the real man beneath. One that was much more exciting and thrilling than the stuff world of responsibility that she was raised in. Despite how heavy a facade he wore, Venom could see he was enjoying his time here as much as she was. Once he’d stepped into her life she’d begun to emerge from the difficult process of rediscovering herself. Maybe it was his ability to convince her to forget the weight on her shoulders.

Which she had very nearly shed like a cloak now. Venom was light on her paws as the two of them danced together. As she told him of the rare glimpse he was given, Mav spoke about her own gift. She was the only one in the room to know the rouge beneath the fancy exterior. She grinned up at him in response, already feeling the rest of the party fall away as they moved in time to the music that filled the air.

She whispered to him teasingly, mentioning a wager almost and she watched as Maverick perked up. Venom already had his full attention on the way her hips moved but as she brushed against him he took the opportunity to show his subtle affections. A shiver raced up her spine as his tail traced up her thigh suggestively and he accepted her dare. Again they shifted and he lowered his features near hers, very nearly close enough to kiss her she felt his breath on her lips.

Then they were moving into another step in their dance, barely parting through the score. As they moved Maverick’s gaze almost never left her, but when he glanced away he caught her attention. The continued to move for a moment before he leaned forward to whisper his suspicion. Someone was watching them. They naturally moved so Venom was looking out over the crowd and she accidentally locked eyes with her younger brother.

She offered him an amused smirk as Maverick suspected that Chimera was Hattori. She chuckled out loud, "No, my brother. The alpha of Fenmyre.” He had been one of the first she had come crying to when Hattori left her, surely he would find amusement in her having a man on her arm. She didn’t forget what he said about meeting her next interest. "I’ll have to introduce you.” She spoke like Chimera was actually projecting sunshine and rainbows instead of the perpetual grimace of his features.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-30-2022, 01:04 PM
It still baffled Maverick to think of how long Venom had been denying herself the chance to play, to frolick, to feel happiness and laugh and live. The woman currently dancing as light and spry as a nymph with him was a far cry from the dour monarch he had met prowling the edges of her territory. It was almost enough to make him laugh out loud how drastic the change in her demeanor was! She was smiling and flirting with him, looking like the liveliest and easily the loveliest wolf on this room in his eyes. Which truly was saying a lot when the notorious debonair playboy only had eyes for the monochrome wolf with sunset jewels in a room filled with the most affluent wolves in Ardent. Venom had done something to him and now Mav was addicted to her presence.

When Maverick brought their voyeur to Venom’s attention, he was already half preparing to expect a fight this evening. From what he understood, the separation between Venom and her ex-husband hadn’t exactly been an amicable affair, and if the brute was the violent type, he suspected he wouldn’t take kindly to seeing a stranger trying to woo his former spouse. Fortunately, whoever the stern man was didn’t seem to panic the Empress. In fact, she was chuckling and smirking up at him like the rogue had just told her a sordid joke. Maverick raised a curious brow, but Venom didn’t leave him in the dark for long. That was her brother! Another quick glance over to the man leering daggers at him and suddenly it made sense. Similar monochromatic coats, his was just more starkly split. Mav gave a rich chuckle as well, flashing a grin over to her brother just to try and get a rise out of him because that’s who Maverick was before focusing his entire attention back on his date.

"Well, at least I don’t have to worry about starting a fight at a wedding for your honor," he remarked with another rakish grin, shooting her a wink. "Not that 8 wouldn’t mind putting on a burly display of manliness to make you swoon." The music came to a swell and then a stop, the song reaching its conclusion. Maverick gave a bow to his partner, his tail giving a gentle yet happy wag behind him. Though he wasn’t usually a dancer, Venom had made the experience more than enjoyable and an absolute blast! "Will the Empress permit a lowlife vagabond from faraway lands to buy her a drink?" Of course he knew all the drinks here were free, but hey, the sentiment still stood! Gesturing with his head towards the feasting tables overflowing with food and drink, Maverick took his place at Venom’s side, giving her the lead to pick whatever her heart desired while they caught their breaths.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
05-31-2022, 02:12 PM
She couldn’t quite pinpoint if there was a certain catalyst that changed her so drastically, maybe it was meeting Maverick. She was shown the parts of life she had been missing, and it was much easier to put Hattori and the time before their separation behind her. It was an eventuality, but she felt like the acceleration helped not only herself, but helped her to be a better leader. She had her moments of letting go, but that just meant that she could hold on tighter. Or that’s what she told herself, maybe she was making a huge mistake with Maverick but she couldn’t bring herself to admit that.

Chimera would tell her one way or the other, but as she looked at Mav and gazed into his eyes she didn’t know if she would be able to follow his advice if he confirmed her fears. Time would tell, and she could struggle at that point when it came. Tonight was for jovial celebration in the moment. So she would let herself relax and enjoy because who knew how much time she would even have with Maverick. She wouldn’t forget the pain of the wound from last time and she felt like Maverick’s high would leave her crashing far deeper after knowing the glimpse of what she was given.

"I don’t think he would be willing to fight.” Chimera had always been a mixed bag, but after everything she knew she could put her trust in him. He would always tell her the truth as she saw it, even if she didn’t like it. "I’d certainly appreciate the display of manliness however.” She made an exaggerated look over his impressive frame as the music slowly came to its end.

Maverick offered to get her a drink, and pulled another chuckle from her as she shook her head at the offer to pay for it. "She will, a vagabond such as you is at the very least interesting company.” She teased him in response as she followed him back towards the feast and its wealth of drinks. He gestured for her to decide on which one she most desired. She lost her taste for sake, wine was alright, and beer she could do without, but mead was currently her favorite. It was the rarest, having such a long fermentation time, so having a sip was always a treat. "Trying to get ahead on your wager?” She asked him over the rim of her drink as she lapped lightly at the deep golden liquor.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-31-2022, 09:35 PM
Venom's uncertain attempt at reassurance brought a chortle from the wily lone wolf. So there was a chance this Chimera guy could start something, even if he wasn't looking to steal the lovely Venom away from him tonight. Well, that would at least keep things interesting! Venom's remark about appreciating the show of masculinity didn't go unnoticed—nor did the way her gaze made a dramatic circuit over his build. He shot the alphess a crooked grin and winked. "Well, if that's what turns the lady on..." He chuckled again, filling a goblet with the sweet honeyed mead she selected and passing it over to her. "You're an alpha, your brother's an alpha... You Abraxases really are all bred for leadership, huh? Or is that the Klein part of you?" Maverick poured himself some dark liquor from a glass bottle that smelled very strong and slightly spiced, a rum perhaps, and lifted his cup to knock it gently against hers. "Cheers, to the new Venom Klein Abraxas!"

Lapping at the strong liquor in his cup while Venom did the same, Maverick began to survey the room briefly once more. He was always on the lookout for the ex-husband, just in case, but he was also trying to do his best to not spend the entire evening staring at Venom like some infatuated puppy. He knew she valued appearances, and though there would no doubt be chatter about who the strange man was with the Empress tonight, he didn't want to give the rumor mills more ammunition to work with by inflating that narrative. Besides, there'd be plenty of time to appreciate all of Venom later in private. Venom teased him, asking if he was getting a head start on his wager. Maverick gave an overly exaggerated gasp and clutched a dramatic paw to his chest, making a show of widening his eyes and looking as if Venom had just called his mother a bitch. "Your Grace! You wound me with such accusations! To think I would ever impugn your honor with such sleazy underhanded tricks!" The rakish grin on his lips betrayed his jesting, as if his theatrics didn't do that for him. They both knew what happened when the two of them got together with alcohol involved. And maaaaaybe he was just nudging them both in the right direction for a good time tonight. After all, he'd definitely impugned her honor voraciously, if that's what they were calling their impassioned lovemaking in his camp a couple weeks back.

After another quick glance around the room to make sure no one was paying attention to them and her brother's eyes had been distracted by something else, Maverick gave Venom a gentle nudge and motioned silently for her to follow him. He took the rim of his cup between his teeth, carrying it out of the great hall and away from the party, passing by a few wolves mingling and chatting in the corridors and foyer. He led Venom outside to the garden terraces, passing by a couple of wolves making out by the stairs and leading her down the cobblestone paths that wound through the gardens. The summer evening was warm and clear, the night air filled with the symphony of nocturnal insects while the stars glimmered in a vast sky overhead. Maverick led Venom through the gardens until he found a quiet, secluded spot in the far corner beneath the draping purple tendrils of a massive wisteria tree. The perfect place for them to hide out with their drinks, chat and relax without the lingering eyes of society scrutinizing them. Here, she could be the Venom she wanted to be.

"Ah, that's more like it!" Maverick said with a smile, moving to sit on the soft grasses beneath he wisteria's branches. He set his drink down and then pulled out a skin of the mead he'd managed to swipe from the feast table on their way out. They'd have plenty of Venom's favorite drink to share between them now. Once he was comfortable, Mav patted the grass beside him, inviting Venom over to join him. "Now we can talk and do whatever we want without worrying about your brother or anyone else." They could share total freedom once more.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2022, 02:44 PM
Maverick only looked slightly concerned as she told him that he was mostly safe from Chimera’s ire. Thinking about a masculine display did warm her along with the bit of alcohol she had already enjoyed. She raised her brows and took a drink as he offered his observations, wondering if it was the Abraxas side of her or the Klein side that was the true ruler. She tried not to let her mind wander too far down that path because it was something she thought far too much about. She struggled with which side should be dominate her whole life, and she wondered how those two families had ever come together to create herself and her siblings. As far as she knew they were the only ones of that particular mix of blood lines.

Before she could give him a well thought out answer he was offering a toast, and his words were eerily accurate. Like she had become the phoenix, Venom was burned but felt herself reborn as Maverick showed her a different path she could walk. She really was a new woman with only a little effort on the rogue’s part. Despite the short amount of time they had been together he had left a lasting impression on her life already. "Cheers,” she returned softly, wondering at the profound statement as she indulged alongside him.

They both drank deeply and then Venom teased him about the current state of affairs and he made quite the show of looking offended she would entertain the thought. Besides his theatrics the grin that spread over his features told the real truth, that was exactly what he had in mind. Maverick wasn’t being made to work very hard as she indulged in the drink and the possibilities of the night ahead of them. "I will not be ashamed of stating the truth.” Venom chuckled along with him for another moment before Mavericks gaze flicked away from her and scanned the room around them.

Venom lifted a curious brow and had a look herself, Chimera’s attention was taken, everyone was rather deep in their own conversations and she wasn’t likely the topic of any of them now. She realized what he was looking for when he silently led her away from the large gathering. Her sunset eyes flicked to the different parties around them but she was quite confident there wasn’t anyone who cared about the two of them sneaking away.

He led her out of the hall and into the gardens beyond, it wasn’t lit by much more than the moonlight above. Maverick veered towards a beautiful wisteria, and lowered himself into the lush grasses. He made himself comfortable and invited her to sit beside him. Venom took him up on his offer and lowered herself beside him, crossing her white gloved paws and gingerly leaning against him. "’Whatever’ hmm?” Venom teased. "I have a couple ideas about what you could mean by that.”

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-16-2022, 12:49 AM
It didn't take much coaxing or convincing to get Venom to follow him out of the reception hall and into the moonlit gardens, and even less effort at that point to have her settling into the grass beneath the gorgeous purple fronds of the wisteria. He felt Venom lean gently into his side and he happily bore her weight, supporting her with his own frame while they surreptitiously cuddled in the gardens, listening to the chorus of nocturnal insects around them in the warm Austral summer night. Venom had crossed her graceful paws, but Maverick, ever the boundary-pressing devil he was, slid one of his own large paws over to brush against the side of hers, lifting to rest atop a white-gloved paw as if holding her hand. Behind them, his bushy tail swished languidly about on the grasses until it bumped into hers, then he made a sneaky move of draping his tail over hers. Was he trying to snuggle the Empress? Yes, yes he was.

Venom teased him with his own words, claiming to have some ideas of what they could mean. Maverick gave a curious hum as he slid his goblet closer to his maw, lapping at the heady spiced rum he'd filled his cup with. "Oh is that so?" he teased her back, feigning coyness as if he were some saintly pious being and not a rambler guilty of virtually every sin in every good book. "Go on then, Your Grace. Enlighten me with these ideas you have on what I could mean." He flashed his pearly teeth in a sly yet playful grin to his date. He knew exactly where they both hoped the night would lead them, and where they both hoped it would end up, but he did so enjoy playing games with her before they got to that main event. There was no rush, after all. The night was young, they had one another's company and enough alcohol to forget or remember as much of this night as they wanted to.

Giving a little sound of inspiration, Maverick lifted his muzzle from his cup as an idea came to his mind. "Feel like playing a little drinking game, Empress? Or is that too far beneath a wolf of your royal stature?" Before Venom could decline, he continued to explain the game, maybe in an effort to show her how benign it was. "It's a simple game I learned from wolves a long, long way from here. Basically, we take turns making statements about one another. Our lives, our personalities, our pasts, anything is fair game. If you say something true, I have to drink. If you're wrong, you drink, and vice versa for me. Think of it as a way to get to the more... physically fun parts of the evening while getting to know one another better." Maverick smiled that rakish grin at the beautiful Empress once more, doing his best not to get lost in those sunset eyes immediately. "What'dya say, Ven? Up for a game?"


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-17-2022, 06:54 AM
Where he brought her was peaceful as much as it was beautiful, a far cry from the crowded hall of the reception. The atmosphere was almost magical and for a moment she felt like she was stealing some of it from the bride and groom themselves. Settling in here beside Maverick it was hard to believe that she was living reality. This vagabond rogue was showing her just how special he really was. They enjoyed their little cuddles, and he placed one big paw over her own, holding her hand as his tail wrapped around her. She felt for a moment like she belonged her against his side, he was worming his way into her heart and he didn’t even realize it.

Maverick lifted a brow to her teasing words and spoke in return as she lowered her head to her own beverage. He teased her in return, asking after what exactly she thought he meant. Venom lifted her own brows and glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she smiled through her long sip of mead. As she pulled away her grin said everything, she wouldn’t give him a verbal answer, but she did lean a little more heavily into his side.

The handsome brute went on to question her further, asking delightedly if she wanted to join him in a drinking game. "A game, hmm?” She asked softly as he went on to explain the mechanics, and hinting at where it could and likely would lead. "I think I understand, but… you should go first. Give me an example of how this game is going to work.” She was going to get incredibly drunk tonight, she could feel it already. Games were not her forte, but they’d see what happened.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-17-2022, 02:38 PM
Venom did not answer him verbally, but she didn't need to. The way she sipped at her drink with a coy smirk and a raise of her brow said more to him than her words would have and kept their little game of cat and mouse going. He was having a tremendously fun time with this dance they were doing together, practically in the eyes of the public when they'd been inside the castle's halls. Out here, it felt much more intimate; a game shared between lovers to keep the other enticed and pursuing. He chuckled under his breath and gave her a knowing look, allowing her to keep her secrets for now. They'd all be laid bare before him soon enough—along with the rest of the Empress if he played his cards right. Fortunately for him, Maverick was a man of fortune, and games of chance were his absolute favorite.

At his suggestion for a drinking game, the beautiful fae gave him a curious glance, but expressed her interest to play with him. It would be an interesting way for the pair to learn more about the other and took a lot of pressure off of following the expected social norms and rituals. It was also a gamble on his part too; he'd be allowing Venom to peek behind the facade he showed to the world. If she was keen enough, she might uncover things about him that no one else ever had. As easy as it would be to cheat and lie at this game, the renegade felt no compulsion nor desire to. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with his lady, get a peek into the intimate and personal side of the Ashen Empress, and perhaps get her well on the way to drunk for them both to enjoy their time entwining together all the more when it came.

Venom asked him to go first to demonstrate, and Maverick gave a confident grin and chuckled. "Certainly, my snow and shadow queen," he replied, "but first, I think we're going to need some more drink." Excusing himself for the briefest of moments, Maverick unwound himself from Venom to go trotting back to the terraces, managing to swipe a couple skins of the mead she'd been enjoying, then hurry back to settle in at her side again, tail wrapping around hers while he placed one full skin by her cup and another by his. If they were going to get each other drunk tonight, they were going to do it right! "Okay, I'll go first. And remember, this is a game of honesty. So no hiding things, Your Grace." He shot a playful wink to the gorgeous femme, then released a pensive sigh as he shifted to face her a little more. Turquoise eyes gazed with piercing scrutiny into her sunset jewels, a roguish grin playing on his lips while he considered Venom and what he knew of her. Lifting a paw, he gestured to her and kicked off their game by declaring, "You're the eldest of all your siblings, and I'm betting you have more than just the one brother here tonight."


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-21-2022, 09:13 AM
The game they played was one that Venom was not so well versed in when you got down to the nitty gritty. She had only ever been with one man before Maverick, though she had seen Azure for a while Hattori had won her in the end. Venom hadn’t been important enough for Azure, and even with the offer of Emperor he hadn’t chosen her over Hanako. Part of her still believed that was a mistake on the Fatalis’ part, but the other part was well aware she had avoided quite a lot of heartache from that path. Though now that she could look back on that time it was glaringly obvious that both would lead to the place she found herself before Maverick appeared at her border.

He didn’t press her for a real answer, but chuckled at the expression she offered as both of their attentions turned to their beverages for a moment before he explained the game. She was willing to reveal some of her inner secrets to him, but more than that she wanted to see behind the facade. Mav to this point had been honest as far as she could tell, like he said she was given a glimpse at the real man before her. He would do as requested and take the first question, but first he had to prepare them. Their small glasses were not to his liking of liquor that needed to be drank tonight.

Venom shook her head and smiled as he unwrapped himself from her side and slipped back into the party to acquire his heart’s desire. She was given a moment alone with her thoughts, a split second to debate if this was where she wanted to be. Venom didn’t feel like there was any part of her that wanted to be anywhere but here, dancing around with Maverick, and getting to know the man who sought her attention.

He returned swiftly with two more skeins of beverage for each of them. Maverick settled in beside her even more snugly than before he left, and eagerly began their game. "Cross my heart,” she answered him as he warned her this was supposed to be about honesty. He spoke as if he had actually talked to Chimera when he slipped back into the gathering. "You would be correct. I have more than one brother, but only one is here.” She hadn’t seen any of her youngest siblings, and Plague was still in Ashen keeping an eye while she was here. He was partially correct so she took her swig The real question was what could she assume about him?

"Hmm… I believe that you come from a strict family. Grew up under the hard gaze of your father, and once you were a yearling decided you couldn’t get away from his thumb fast enough.” She surmised softly as they leaned against one another under the stars and fragrant flowers. Her sunset gaze didn’t stray from his vibrant blue eyes, and he’d managed to keep her flirtatious grin the whole evening.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-22-2022, 08:11 PM

As the two wolves settled in to begin their drinking game and learn more about one another, Maverick was delighted to find truth in the claim he made about Venom. To be fair, that had been a pretty easy one to suss out. She carried herself with authority and responsibility that went beyond her station—it was the sagacious attentiveness of an older sibling meant to look out for her younger kin. Still, he couldn't resist wearing his triumphant grin and giving a victorious "Aha!" when she confirmed his suspicion and took a drink. It seemed she was beginning to learn the mechanics of the game from his example, and he was keen to find out what sort of things the astute Empress could infer from her time with him.

Venom began by assuming he came from a strict household—namely, under his father's relentless scrutiny. Maverick's grin twitched a little, but didn't falter. Shit, she'd pegged him dead to rights with that one. Breathing a soft chuckle, Maverick raised his goblet and took a drink of what remained of his liquor. He'd have to move on to the mead soon enough if she made a streak of guessing things right about him. "I actually ran away before I was a yearling, but he caught me and dragged me back home," he corrected her with a wry smirk. "It was only once I was a yearling that he decided I wasn't worth chasing anymore, I guess." He was silently thankful Venom would never meet his sire, or his dam for that matter either.

Now it was the rogue's turn again. And while they were on the topic of fathers... "Your father was not an outwardly affectionate brute. He probably told you he loved you when you did something to make him proud, but I'm guessing cuddle times with daddy were few and far between." He paused, thinking for a moment before adding, "That's where your high expectations of yourself come from. Pleasing him was the way you felt loved." It was a bit of a harsh assumption, but Venom had shown to conduct herself with almost ruthless efficiency and decorum. That was a learned behavior, one he assumed didn't come from her mother.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
06-27-2022, 02:19 PM
She had to drink but the fun of the game was that no one really lost. Neither had anything to lose, but so much to gain in deepening their relationship. Maverick had a talent for observation, but maybe figuring out a ruling monarch was the eldest daughter wasn’t such a difficult assumption. As much as he could see Venom could also make assumptions, and despite his strict expression he wouldn’t hold back his truthful answer. He’d tried to leave far earlier than his year birthday, but his father had little interest in the continuing effort past that point.

Venom reacted similarly to how he had when he called her correctly. With a chuckle she watched as he took his drink and elaborated his youth. "I think you’re worth chasing,” She offered quietly with a half grin before he made his next assumption of her. Maverick returned the assumptions about her father and Venom tried to keep her own natural expression, but she knew as he mentioned Archon her mask slipped slightly. He assumed that the man hadn’t been affectionate or loving, but where he had indeed been strict there was no withholding of love. Venom and her siblings had been adored by their father for the short time they were given with him.

"No, not quite. My father loved all of his children dearly, and in the time we had him would have done absolutely anything for us. He died when I was barely a season old.” She reminisced softly. "I did spend the majority of my life trying to preserve his memory with honor.” His memory, but maybe not the strict religious life he had preached. Venom was still of the opinion that Abraxas had died with her sire. "Perhaps too strictly.” Or not enough in some opinions, part of her wondered if Maverick would make a guess to the family torn asunder when Toxicity tried to use more authority than she had.

[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
07-01-2022, 12:48 AM

Venom's kind and flirtatious remark that she thought he was worth chasing after didn't go unheard, and the bashful smirk that touched Maverick's lips betrayed his keen ears. A warmth touched his cheeks and made his heard accelerate, though he just chalked that up to the alcohol beginning to do its thing. With eyes still keen and not yet totally inhibited by inebriation, Mav saw the shift in Venom's neutral expression when he turned the question of fathers back to her. Something had twinged on that angelic monochrome face, but it wasn't anger or bitterness. There was no negativity behind it. Maybe... regret? Disappointment? He couldn't quite place it, but whatever it was, it hadn't been right for his guess.

Maverick listened intently while Venom explained how her father had been loving to all his children, painting him in the light of a nurturing father that would have done anything for his brood. Then she told him how his time had been cut short with them, and how she'd spent her life preserving his memory. "Well, fuck... Guess I was wrong then. Here's to you, Mister Venom's Dad," he remarked, taking his owed drink with graceful defeat and emptying his cup. A pause to refill it with the mead he'd pilfered and he was back in the game again. Venom had noticeably not taken another turn after his, so Mav pounced on his opportunity to learn more about the enigmatic Empress.

"You said you've preserved your father's memory too strictly..." he noted, studying Venom's expression with cool yet intrigued eyes. "That makes me think something in your father's legacy has caused you a great deal of harm." He rephrased it into a more poignant statement for the purposes of their game. "You've sacrificed something significant to you because of something in your father's legacy."


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
07-01-2022, 07:41 AM
Maybe she was guilty of giving Archon more credit than he deserved. Had he lived, would she have remembered him with such fondness? Did her aching heart distort the memories she had so he was remembered in a much brighter light than reality held? She wouldn’t let herself consider the fact. Venom loved and adored her father, she lamented everyday that he was no longer with them, and she wouldn’t give up the fondness she felt for him. She wouldn’t sully his memory in her mind, no matter the outward pressure.

Through her explanation Maverick listened intently, she hadn’t missed the way his cheeks flushed at her comment about chasing him, however much it was overshadowed by her sadness. Years had passed since Archon’s death and yet it still affected her deeply. Still, Maverick was able to make her smile as she quieted. He lamented his folly and toasted to her father before taking his drink.

Her mind didn’t even think to offer Maverick up another guess on his life, so he took the chance to keep going. He questioned her further, wondering what it was that she had sacrificed. The point now was to be honest, but for the first time she had trouble answering. "The first was my own mother. One commandment I have followed is to never be intimate with your own kin. Part of the reason she does not reside within Ashen is because of her relationship with my uncle. The result of those actions were my brother Chimera,” Which Maverick had met earlier, "and my sister Siren. I cannot hold the circumstance of their birth against them but it does pain me they followed in their parent’s pawsteps.” She turned a blind eye, and maybe that was why ultimately she and Toxicity had experienced such fallout.

"The second was my disagreement with my own sister. Her name is Toxicity, and she had always followed our father’s teachings much more literally than I ever did. His death affected her completely different from me, and that fact came to a head when she tried to strip my own children of their name. She could’t respect my authority, she overstepped her own power. She attempted to take our father’s name from me with violence. She was unsuccessful.” In the end Venom had taken her name in punishment for overstepping her bounds.

Venom took a sip of her drink at the end of her explanation, admitting her defeat in his question. The mood had become somewhat dour and she tried to think of an assumption about him that would lighten the mood. "I know I’m not the first Lady that you have tried to woo. I do wonder, you love fast and swiftly,” then you leave. "There was a girl once, one that you thought was the other side of your heart, but she left you before you could leave her.” And now he lived fast and left faster so as to protect his heart.

[Image: ven-sig.png]