
Romeo take me somewhere I can be alone


09-21-2013, 01:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2013, 10:57 AM by Ryker.)
His paws brought him outside of the pack borders. This time not to search for his mother or brother but to actually enjoy himself for once. The yearling's gray tipped tail swung behind him as he walked on the leaves that crunched beneath his white toed paws. White lined ears perked up at the sound of each step. The crinkle was a rather pleasant sound. The crunch made him want to step on even more fallen leaves. Alas there was only so much, fall wasn't even at it's peak yet. The colors never seemed to fail though, red, yellow, orange, and brown. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each averted ahead towards the sound of rushing water. A river, he thought as the sound of running water reached his white lined ears.

With a small smile on his maw the yearling advanced towards the sound. Coming up towards the river his eyes took in the scene. Facing the river the brute advanced as his toes squelched in the sand. For a moment Ryker felt an urge to hunt by these waters. But there were no animals nearby that he felt like chasing around at the moment. Besides, he felt like alight snack would do after his walk. Maybe he could even bring something back home for anyone who might want some prey or a bit to eat.

Walking to the water' s edge the young brute set his two front paws into the water. The chill of the water greeted him and he welcomed it with a refreshing shiver that ran down his back. The fur stood up for a moment until it slowly fell back down into place. Looking around the male's aqua blue and emerald green gaze scoured the surface of the river. He saw the small shadows of fish, yes, that sounded nice and easy.

Taking his left paw he lifted it up intontjensirnand held it there for a moment as he waited for a fish to swim by. He stood there with one paw raised innthebair and the other in the water. Patiently and quietly waiting did he eventually spot a shadow slowly swim by. Pushing his left paw into the water to cause the fish to swim forwards out of fright or instinct; he took his right paw and ran it through the water to slap the fish out of the water. His end result was a fish flopping on the ground gasping for air. Walking over to it Ryker sank his claws into it to end it's misery.

"You're free." he mumbled before going to catch a few more fish.

Going back to the water's edge the yearling had caught a few more fish as he now had a small pile of five fish. Hownlong had he been out here? He could not tell but the sun had clearly moved. Fall, short days and long nights. Soon enough colors would cover the sky as the Sun would set.

Laying down on the sand the male picked up a fish from the pile and dug into it with his teeth. Ripping away the scales did he get to the flaky tender meat inside. Ryker would eat this fish until he decide what he would do next. Perhaps it wasn't too late in the year to go for a swim.


09-23-2013, 06:46 AM
The female was rapidly approaching two years by now; she had been in the lands of Alacritia for an impressive three seasons, almost as long as she had lived with her birth pack. She had forgotten much of them, something that bothered her more than her childish demeanor let on, but Irin had never been one to dwell on things that she could not change. Even if she had possessed the faintest of ideas of how to get back to her pack, Irin was well aware that Isardis would not allow such desertion, and she had accepted that when she chose to join his Glaciem.

Still, she was allowed to leave his territory if she so desired, and at this moment, that was what Irin desired. She had slipped from Glaciem lands early in the morning and wandered far, her paws carrying her easily across the lands. It reminded her of when she had been a rogue, homeless and afraid. She had met a few wolves during her journeys, some kinder than others, but had finally found a home in Glaciem. It wasn't the storybook place of perfection that Irin had once dreamed of, but there, Irin was happy.

With the prospect of war looming on the horizon, however, Irin had to admit that she was scared. She was afraid that Isardis or Argent would be hurt; that maybe one of the many litters that had been born to Glaciem would be injured during the battles. She knew little of Valhalla, and so her mind had painted those wolves to be monsters who attacked her happy home and way of life. They were vicious things, in Irin's mind, over which the good (Glaciem) would triumph in the end, because that was the way that it was. That was the way the world worked.

As distracted as she was by her thoughts, Irin all but stumbled into the wolf that was sprawled across the ground. She leaped back as if she had been burned, nostrils flaring as she sniffed at the air. He smelled of . . . "Valhalla." Irin breathed, blue eyes widening.


09-23-2013, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2013, 02:05 PM by Ryker.)
The day was turning out to be a rather nice one. The chill in the air was welcomed by the male. He had settled down only to take a few small bites of one of the fish he had been working on. But how could such a day be disturbed? Only after he had just swallowed the bit of fish he had chewed Ryker was startled as a body seemed to fling itself at him. What the yearling did realize was that they had tripped over him. This made Ryker wonder why he hadn't realized anyone coming towards him or hearing a footfall. Maybe he was too deep in his thoughts that he barely noticed. Perhaps, but letting out a yelp of surprise at the sudden touch the male rose to all fours and swiftly whipped around to face the soul as he walked towards them a bit.

"Oh, oh my, are you alright? I'm awfully sorry; I should have heard you coming." he said with a concerned look on his face.

Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each looked at the dame before him. At the first fall glance it was as if he was in a dream. How did this pretty dame appear here? Trying not to look all lazy eyed Ryker straightened up his shoulders as his white lined ears perked up.

She said the name of the pack he resided in...why would she say it in such a tone?

Finally it hit him, her scent.

"Glaciem?" he said in not a surprised tone but one of question. could this be? he could such a pretty dame be part of such a horrid place? His tail drooped for a moment at the thought; he knew it was too good to be true. Then realizing he could be in danger the yearling took a step backwards. Unpredictable was what the fae was registered as of now. Then again...wasn't that how she was seeing him? Both were capable of hurting one another...both with characteristics the other didn't know. This almost made the male smile, he wouldn't hurt a fly unless completely necessary. Sure he looked stunning now, all grown up as he put those puppy years aside.Looks can be deceiving. Ryker knew he had always been a sickly pup growing up. The last one to try the rabbit or solid food after his siblings. Even thinking about when everyone was a full family made the young man's white lined ears go flat for a moment.

Looking back up at the dame and shaking away his thoughts Ryker cautiously and slowly took a few steps closer.

"I-I'm not really sure what to do in this situation...but my name's Ryker, Ryker Tsarev." he said while offering a small sheepish friendly smile.

He was wrong, his judgement and assumptions of the inhabitants of Glaciem. He pictured all of them as power hungry and bloodthirsty monsters, vicious wolves that would appear in nightmares. But what wolf was before him looked like none of those things. She looked kind of sweet and pretty. The kind of wolf that had succeeded in pulling one of the corners of his heart at the first glance.

Looking down at his white toed paws for a moment the brute wondered what he should do. Fight or flight? Neither. What would his father do? Probably-no! What would He do, himself. Even so, he was just like his father. No changing that but he could make his own decisions right? Hoping this female wouldn't turn out to be aggressive Ryker looked back up at her and gave another small sweet smile. He felt his ears grow hot as he picked up his head to look at her with curiosity. At least if he were to die by her paws for some reason he would die thinking he was looking at an angel. That Ryker was totally fine with, so he stuck to it and stayed waiting for the dame's reply or reaction.


09-24-2013, 11:53 AM

Something was wrong; the other wolf didn't seem to have realized that she was Glaciem. His kindness surely would not have been wasted upon her had he recognized the scent wafting off of her fur. But she had never thought that any Valhallan wolves would be kind for any reason. They were all monsters! So why was this one being so polite? To Irin, all monsters were obviously evil, so this wolf was throwing her for a loop.

As confused as she was, it took her a long moment to respond to the male who stood before her. "I . . . yeah, I'm fine, thank you." She was watching him warily, waiting for him to lash out and attack her. Surely he would. Didn't all Valhallan wolves attack unprovoked? Surely that was the only reason that they could have for attacking Valhalla. "Are you okay?" She knew she shouldn't care, but Irin couldn't bring herself to wish pain on the strange wolf. He didn't seem to be a threat in all honesty, and Irin didn't wish to be rude. Maybe she was wrong about Valhalla. Or maybe he was just a really convincing monster.

At last, it came. Irin nodded her head slowly at the question, and then another one fell from her mouth. "Are you a monster?" She queried of the other, looking at him with wide, scared blue eyes. Any minute now he was going to attack her, because he was Valhallan. Still, he didn't seem as intimidating as she might have expected. He was nothing like their prisoner, but even he was not what Irin would have expected of a Valhallan. Maybe she had been wrong; maybe she had assumed that things would be more black and white when they were.

It was a bit of an epiphany for the white female. "My name's Irin. No last name, I'm afraid." There was a slightly friendlier tone to her voice as she spoke, with less naked fear coating her words. "I . . . I think it's a pleasure to meet you? I mean. Are you going to attack me? 'Cause that would put a damper in this." She was hesitant, the words pouring from her maw in her nervousness.

thank you seren! <3


09-24-2013, 02:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 04:37 PM by Ryker.)
The dame seemed to look at him as if he had two heads. Did...did he have something in his teeth? Or was it just the fact that he was from Valhalla and she was from Glaciem. Eventually after a few moments passed the dame replied to Ryker's question saying that she was alright. Knowing that it set something at ease. The brute was glad that she hadn't hurt herself. The stars forbid she was and he had to go get help. That made him wonder who he would have even went to. Shaking that thought away white lined ears perked up as she asked him the same question in return.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks. All is well, we're both alright." he said with a slight wag of his tail.

Soon after that the male's tail wagged no more as another question fell from her lips. She asked if he was a-a monster? Taking it lightly Ryker smiled before answering.

"Oh, no no no, absolutely not. I'm not sure if I look like a monster but I wouldn't hurt a fly. You're looking at the wimp of my litter. Sort of a sickly pup growing up but look at me now." he said with a small chuckle while trying to lighten up the mood.

"I would ask you the same thing but I'm sure that you aren't. Well you don't look like a monster and you're awfully polite.If I must say the image in my head of a Glaciem is of something not as kind and pretty as you seem. So I guess I was wrong, I apologize." he said flatly.

Ryker knew he was wrong, this female wasn't like a monster at all. Aqua blue eyes looked back at her after they drifted as she spoke her name. Her name was Irin, such a pretty name. But what he also noticed was how she had said it. Her tone was lighter...perhaps a bit more friendly than the wide-eyed scared and nervous dame. What she said next was what she thought it was a pleasure to meet him. And coming after that she asked if he was going to attack her before saying it would put a damper on things.

With a smile forming on his maw once more the male gave Irin an answer.

"Well for me it's a pleasure to meet you Irin, I'm sure of that. And the answer to your next question is no; I'm not really big in fighting unless it's completely necessary. Like my father I know there's always another option to sort things out before things go downhill towards tooth and claw. unnecessary bloodshed is something I don't really believe in; and I'm sure it would put a damper on things. But yes, it would put a damper on things." he said

Wondering how he could get her to calm down the yearling lifted up his neck to expose one of the most vulnerable pieces of his body, his neck. One good bite there on any wolf and they're destined for death. Waiting a few moments with his neck raised to give the dame an opportunity to lunge at him and attack, even though he knew she wouldn't, it would show that he trusted her.

"See, no need to worry." he said before lowering his neck.

Hoping that she would finally rest her crazy thoughts about him being a monster did Ryker rest those he had of her before then. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Neither of them had done one of those; therefore both were wrong in their assumptions that seemed to most likely be in nightmares.

Looking at Irin with a curious yet friendly look in his aqua blue gaze with a green flint in each did he see how her emotions had changed. Before she had been a bit cautious and looked as if she expected him to hurt her. But now after she had spoken her name she had a friendly heir about her. Even if she didn't really mean to be openly friendly towards him; Ryker still saw the tips of it protruding from her tone.

Then again this was quite interesting. They really shouldn't even be talking to each other. Should Ryker have left right away before they had become acquainted? The young man had no idea, no instructions were given. But what he did know was that she was part of the pack that brought the threat of war. Why did this all have to happen? Ryker didn't understand why no one could just get along. If everyone did get along there would be less death and sacrifices in everyone's lives.

Very confused at all of the danger that loomed over their heads all Ryker could do was lower himself closer and closer to the ground until it crushed him and his loved ones and family beneath it's weight. Some would fall and some would prosper. It mattered on who had the upper hand and on those who were strong enough to survive. Death would probably surely happen and all he could hope for was that his family and those he held dear wouldn't be one of them. Looking back up at Irin he even hoped she would be alright in this outcome. If only peace could speak for itself.


09-24-2013, 07:43 PM

Irin nodded carefully, still guarded as she eyed the wolf that stood before her. However, most of the tension had begun to melt from her frame as she tilted her head back to eye the wolf carefully. "I don't know about 'all is well...'" Irin trailed off thoughtfully, her mind coming to dwell on the things that were not well in the world, like the war that hovered on the horizon like an angry storm cloud. Fear flickered through her mind at the thought of her beloved pack going to war, and Irin pinned her ears back for a long moment.

She relaxed visibly when Ryker assured her that he was not, in fact a monster. But wasn't that what a monster would say? Still, Irin was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, if he were a true monster, then he would have attacked her already, and she would be just another loss in the war. So maybe he was all right after all. Or at least not a murderer. "You don't look like a monster." There was still a hint of doubt to her voice, but she seemed more relaxed than she had been earlier. A monster wouldn't have such a story, would it? Perhaps he was just a wolf.

There was a slowly uncurling smile crossing her maw now as Ryker addressed her in turn. "I'm just a wolf." Irin assured Ryker, nodding firmly. "And you... I always thought Valhallan wolves were monsters. But you seem nice." Her voice was hesitant, like she was reluctant to admit that she had been wrong. Her imagination had lead her astray, it seemed, but maybe it was an educational opportunity. She was learning that maybe things weren't as black and white in this war as she had assumed.

When Ryker continued, Irin found herself settling back on her haunches, making it clear that she didn't plan on beating a hasty retreat any time soon, and she flicked her tail carefully against the earth. "I don't like fighting either," She agreed softly, shaking her head at the thought of the upcoming bloodshed. It was scarier than she was willing to admit. But war was surely inevitable, for wasn't it the duty of the good to fight evil? And Isardis was good, Irin believed that with every fiber of her soul. Maybe he wasn't a story book hero, but he did what was best for Glaciem. But maybe the leaders of Valhalla were doing what they thought was best for Valhalla?

Her world was being turned on its head by this young male. "I . . . You're different from what I would have expected." She hesitated, unsure of how to explain it, "I've never met a male that would do that, expose their neck like that. Are you sure you're from Valhalla?" She frowned, examining him carefully. Maybe instead of being a monster, he was a changeling, able to assume whatever shape and scent he wished, and he was currently masquerading as a Valhallan wolf so that none would threaten him, as convinced as they were that he was a monster. It made sense to her.

thank you seren! <3


09-25-2013, 02:13 PM
Irin was an interesting dame; well now at least as she seemed to cling to her beliefs. Ryker did not know what those beliefs were; but he had a hunch that they weren't all to positive on his pack. Despite his attempts at being friendly she still had that same look on her face. Even so, bit by bit she started to relax a bit. As she confirmed he didn't look like a monster the male could hear the doubt in her voice. Her tone wavered as she spoke. He knew he didn't look like a monster, he looked like his father mostly. Her mind seemed so intent on the fact that he was something evil, he could feel it. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each tried to lock gazes with the dame. He knew how sometimes the eyes were the window to the soul but he saw nothing. either this wasn't the true time to peer into someone's soul or he wasn't doing it right. Or maybe she had some sort of magical powers that she had like a shield or something?

Being taken out of his thoughts for a moment as the pretty dame spoke she said how she thought Valhallan wolves were monsters.Only after that she said he seemed nice though. Oh, how kind, maybe he was the nice monster who liked to sniff daisies in his free time. Of course with that sarcastic thought Ryker felt as if he had to explain.

"No one in my pack is a monster; and I have come to realize that the same statement goes for yours as well." he threw in quickly.

Irin also seemed a bit confused after he had lifted up his neck from before. She told him how she had never met a male that had done that before. Then she questioned his truth about him residing in Valhalla. All after she said he was different than how she expected him to be.

Cocking his head to the side a little bit Ryker curiously looked at the angel. Was she what he expected to see? She certainly didn't have a ragged pelt but a rather soft looking white one. Her eyes weren't bloodshot red but a nice cool blue.

"Well how can you expect what I'm going to be if you weren't expecting to run into me in the first place? I'm guessing you expected a monster; one with sharp jagged teeth and giant fangs. Coarse ragged fur with glowing red eyes. And maybe with a dabble of crimson blood on thy paws and around one's muzzle. I surely don't think I look like that and you don't either. I expected to be visited by a monster but all I see is an angel, or Irin." he said before taking a breath before answering her next question.

"I can't really prove that I'm from Valhalla unless if I actually took you there and showed you.Only if you were to look into my mind and see my memories and thoughts would you then fully see.And I have taken it to my own decision to expose my neck to show that I trust you. If you were going to kill me I gave you the perfect opportunity to lunge at my neck and get to my vital veins and arteries along with the jugular. I dunno, maybe I'm just stupid doing that but it's what I decided to do to show you that I trust you. Why, do you trust me? " he said before looking back at the four fish he had not touched.

"Oh, and I have caught a few fish before you tripped over me. Would you like one? I have more than enough and it would be one or two less things to carry back to the pack in my jaws. And just in case you would think there's some sort of poison on them.-" he said before abruptly stopping and walking over ot the fish he had started on before Irin had came upon the scene.

Taking another bite from it Ryker turned towards her as he chewed the bite of fish, showing her the rest were safe.

"See?" he said after he swallowed his mouthful.

Looking at the dame he couldn't help but smile and give a wag of his tail as he waited for her to speak once more.


09-26-2013, 08:56 AM

None of them were monsters? Irin tilted her head slightly at that, examining the wolf who stood before her with boldfaced curiosity etched onto her features. What did he mean, none of them were monsters? And had he truly thought Glaciem wolves were monsters? How could any wolf think that the heroes were the evil monsters? And to Irin, Glaciem had always been the heroes. But maybe Ryker thought that Valhalla was the heroes. ?I guess you?re right.? Irin admitted slowly, Why, was that a compliment escaping the maw of the female? Yes, yes it was. She was admitting that maybe she had been wrong; that maybe the vivid picture she had painted in her mind wasn?t correct. Would Ryker recognize it as important? Perhaps he would, and perhaps he wouldn?t. There was nothing Irin could do either way.
Irin was amused to hear Ryker?s depiction of a monster. It was, in fact, pretty close to what she had expected. ?Well? More or less.? Irin admitted, twitching her tail slightly in the air behind her, a sure sign that she was beginning to relax in this wolf?s company. After all, if he had wanted to attack her, he would have already. It seemed that he was trustworthy, or at least, not about to attack her, which was essentially the same thing. ?But you?re very cultured. And kind. It?s been a long time since I?ve met a wolf outside of Glaciem that was nice to me.? Karmen came immediately to mind, though there had been other wolves before then and there would surely be more soon enough. She had reasonable expectations for the world.

Was he offering to take her to Valhalla? Irin hesitated, gazing at him curiously as he continued to explain, his words calmer than she would have expected. ?Sadly, I?m not much of a mindreader.? Irin murmured, shaking her head slightly. Mind reading would have saved her a lot of trouble.

A hesitation followed Ryker?s words, and then Irin frowned, examining him with wide eyes. ?I . . . I would never hurt you. You haven?t done anything to me? and even if you had, I still wouldn?t have gone for your throat! That could kill you!? Shock colored Irin?s voice, along with a strong hint of admiration. ?That?s very brave of you.? Irin admitted, nodding her head slowly as she examined Ryker. She did admire him for that. She had always been a more timid wolf, and envied the bravery of the wolf that stood before her in the purest manner possible. It wasn?t a twisting, ugly jealousy; merely an appreciative sort of thing. She wished that he had been a member of Glaciem, in all honesty. He would have benefited Glaciem.

The question of trust threw Irin for a loop, honestly. She hesitated, staring at the wolf for a long moment before an answer came to her maw, unbidden. ?I do.? Irin murmured, ?If you were going to attack me, why would you have waited this long? I do trust you, Ryker Tsarev.? His name had quite the ring to it. She liked it. It sounded very proper and strong, like he was the kind of hero that her mother would have told stories about.

At the mention of fish, Irin?s stomach gave a loud rumble and the female let out a soft laugh. ?I trust that they?re not poisoned, too.? Trust. It was a strange word. You trusted the wolves that you loved with your heart; you trusted all the wolves that you met with your life, for they could easily chose to take it from you. Trust could be so easily placed in the wrong wolf, but Irin thought that Ryker was the right wolf. Or at the very least, not a terribly wrong wolf.

Padding forward with a wag of her tail, Irin nosed at one of the fish curiously for a moment before opening her maw and snapping it up, practically inhaling the small meal. It hadn?t been too long since the last time that she had eaten, but food was food and she wasn?t about to snub it.

thank you seren! <3


09-29-2013, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2013, 06:01 PM by Ryker.)
He couldn't really tell why but the brute still felt a bit nervous. He had gotten over the fact that Irin was from Glaciem; to him that didn't matter at all now. He knew she wouldn't attack him and that she was quite cultured herself as she had told him he seemed to be. Ryker could thank his parents for that; or perhaps himself for listening. When the angel finally came to reply to how he had explained the reason for lifting his neck she seemed a bit shocked. He could only watch as her cool blue eyes widened before words fell from her lips like bees swarming around a hive. One by one by one they all came out fast. She said she would have never gone for his throat and how it could kill him along with a few other statements. Only after those were all let out did she seem to calm down. What came next actually surprised Ryker; she said it was brave of him. Him? Brave? Ryker Tsarev and the word brave usually didn't go into the same sentence. Maybe he had been underestimating himself now. Well he knew he wasn't a sickly pup anymore. And here he was out here with a Glaciem. Was it even allowed for him to be here with Irin? the male didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to have a reason to stop talking to the fair dame. How could he ever know, he didn't even know. With that settled his white lined ears perked up to hear more words fall from Irin's lips. Almost soft-spoken words. Words that meant a lot to the young man. She said she trusted him. a wag of the tail showed his appreciation in those few words. Heck, Ryker would even trust this dame with his life.

With a nod Ryker accepted them; he didn't have to say his trust, he had shown it before. Soon enough he also heard a rumble come from the fae's stomach. He let out a chuckle with her as she laughed before watching her go pick out a fish for herself from the pile. Walking over to his own half-eaten fish Ryker nibbled on it some more. It had only taken a few more bites until the bones and leftover scraps remained of his own fish. Aqua blue eyes with a green flint in each looked towards the river. Padding over towards the water he leaned down to get a cool drink of water as his toes sunk into the sand. After he was done and that one last drip of water rolled off of his chin he took a step back. Looking down seeing the imprints his paws had made in the sand the brute curiously looked at them.

After a moment of that he looked back towards Irin and smiled once more. His tail wagged as his eyes seemed to light up. This was quite enjoyable. Walking closer to the water's edge the male went to dip a paw into the water. Looking up and giving one more glance towards the angel he could only smile before it changed into a surprised look as the sand gave out beneath him and he slid into the water with a splash. Only being taken underwater for a few seconds the chill of the water hit Ryker fast.His eyes opened beneath the surface as he held his breath. Looking around did the wolf see a few fish dart away. Holding his breath while looking around him in awe at the underwater world Ryker thought he should probably go up for air. After all; he didn't want Irin to worry due to the moment or two he had spent underwater since he had fallen in. Coming up with his head breaking the surface for air he could only laugh. Laughing at his small fall the young man looked around him as he paddled his paws to keep his head above water. This was different; a bit fun. Remembering the floods in Valhalla when he was a pup this was nothing like that. This was a small calm river while the floods swept along everything and everyone. He had almost lost his siblings that day, even his own life. He himself had made it to the bank he remembered; but he remembered laying on the muddy ground just breathing as he heard his father go after Ryker and Resnera. How scary and far back that seemed. Shaking those thoughts away Ryker looked back up to set his gaze on Irin.

Finally having the chill of the water set into his body his teeth started to chatter. Swimming towards the edge or land the male pulled himself out of the water before shaking out his dripping wet fur. He sat on a dark dry rock as he curled himself up to try to keep warm.

"I-it's q-q-quite refreshing." he said as his teeth chattered in a sarcastic tone.

Smiling at the dame he shivered some more as he watched the water drip off of him that had started to darken the once dry rock. This sort of reminded him of when first grew sick. It was his fault anyway; being out in the cold winter all by himself when he was told to stay in the den. But no, he wasn't sick now. Just cold was he as he tried to warm himself up. The Autumn air didn't seem to help him warm up. Ryker guessed he would have to wait until he dried a bit before going anywhere else.


10-02-2013, 12:22 PM
She would watch the male in silence, ears pricked attentively in his direction as he padded towards the water's edge. He stood for a moment, tossing a glance over his shoulder at Irin, and then he would vanish. For a moment, Irin stood in panic as she stared blankly at the water, but she forced herself to react, racing towards the water's edge in the precious seconds that followed her monster tumbling into the water. There was a possessive edge to her thoughts that she didn't notice in her panic, but it was there all the same. She had already come to like Ryker, during the process of their short meeting, and didn't intend to let him get hurt if there was anything that she could do about it.

The white female was weighing her options when Ryker broke the surface, and a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding escaped her lungs. "You're okay!" Relief filled her tone, lending it a warmth that hadn't been found in it until just then, and Irin flashed a brilliant smile at the male, her tail wagging in sheer joy that the male hadn't been injured during his tumble beneath the surface of the water.

A startled giggle would escape the female when Ryker spoke, his voice sarcastic around the chattering of his jaw, and Irin would smile as she padded up to the male, pressing her side against his. The cold water immediately began to seep through her fur as well, but Irin possessed the heritage of an arctic wolf, and was well insulated as she offered him some of her warmth. "You know, most wolves wait to swim until summer starts," Irin's voice was light; teasing, even, and she seemed to have forgotten her discomfort in his presence as she leaned into his body.

Valhallan wolf or not, he could very well die if Irin didn't warm him up. Her mind had immediately leaped to the worst conclusion, after all, and perhaps it was to be expected that that was what she had assumed would happen if she didn't help him.


10-03-2013, 07:51 AM
as water dripped from his pelt Ryker lay on the rock shivering as he tried to warm up. Perhaps Autumn wasn't the best season to go for an unexpected swim. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each turned back towards Irin who had started to pad over towards him. She seemed happy if not relieved that he was alright. Watching her come closer and closer his white lined ears perked up as the dame pressed her side against his own. the male felt his ears grow warm by that single touch as his face followed. But then after a moment the heat from the fae's pelt was easily felt by the the brute. HE listened at how she teasingly said most wolves would wait for summer to go swimming. With a nod Ryker would agree.

"I suppose so; I guess I just couldn't wait for summer then." he said back to her as he gave her a gentle nudge as he let out a small chuckle.

"I'm not quite sure if I like Summer though as much as I do Winter. In the Winter everything is all white and you" he said before turning his head to smile at Irin.

He was certainly starting to feel warmer now; gone was the chatter of his teeth, and in was a warmth all around him. He couldn't quite describe it, but it felt good. As he continued to look at the dame his tail wagged as it went whump whump whump against the rock. Ryker couldn't tell if his heartbeat was doing that or his tail, maybe both.

"Thank you for helping me warm up though; it's a lot better than shivering soaking wet on a rock." he said

Laying on a rock a bit wet as he warmed up and started to dry was something right now that Ryker quite enjoyed. Even in the company of a Glaciem wolf he found this quite nice.Actually being here with Irin made everything entirely better!

The male even admitted he wished this day could last forever. Feeling all nice and warm and cozy next to Irin;Ryker felt very comfortable. He wondered what other things she would have to say. Keeping his face turned toward the dame he looked at her eyes rather curiously. They were a cool blue color but they looked like blue pools or puddles of water, but perfectly round though. Giving sweet smile the male would lay there quietly for a moment before slowly leaning forward to plant a kiss on the dame's sweet lips before pulling away to wait and see her reaction.

Nervously waiting his face showed no emotion at all but a small smile. And yet his eyes looked hopeful; hopeful that he hadn't done anything wrong and that he hadn't done anything to upset the fae.

Ryker really liked this dame; but what he also knew is that he knew that he was starting to love her. A wag of his tail would be the only movement he would do before it would settle back down and still on the rock.

White lined ears were perked up as he waited for words to fall from the dame's mouth like honey. All he could do now was look into her cool blue pools of eyes as he lay there quietly and patiently waiting for a response.

Still feeling warm all over as his lips tingled the brute would wonder what she was thinking right now. Maybe he would find out, soon enough.


10-04-2013, 11:33 AM
It was a strange sensation for Irin to find herself pressed against this wolf. Normally, she didn't enjoy physical contact as much as one might think, but this wasn't bad at all. Ryker was a perfectly polite, friendly wolf and she had no reason to think otherwise, despite the fact that he was a member of Valhalla. He had yet to be anything but perfectly polite, and that was the only reason that Irin was all right with pressing herself against his side, and breathing in his scent as she was. His scent was a comforting one, she had to admit, and despite the dampness of his fur, this was nice. The thought surprised her, but she didn't mind it.

A little laugh escaped her when Ryker answered her comment, twitching her ears as he continued. She would blush fiercely at the compliment, and took a moment to answer it. "Your eyes remind me of Summer," The words would spill from her maw without second thought as she leaned against his comforting bulk, "Green like the plants and blue like the ocean," Irin's voice was contemplative, "And I've always liked summer more than winter. Everything is full of life during summer." The female breathed a soft sigh, a sound of pure bliss as she let her words faded into a thoughtful silence.

The seriousness of the moment was broken when Ryker spoke once more, and she lifted her head to smile at the male, "Of course," Irin nodded simply, "It's the least I could do for thinking you were a monster." There was a simple admission in her words; that she now recognized Ryker as a wolf like any other. From a different pack, a different way of life, but a wolf. Not a strange, uncomprehendable monster.

It was then that Ryker moved forward, pressing his maw gently forward and letting his tongue flick out to give her a gentle, lupine kiss. The female stiffened for a moment, her eyes widening as she gazed at Ryker, entirely unsure of how to react. It was a strange sensation for Irin; never had another wolf paid attention to her like this. Never had another wolf displayed any sort of attraction towards her. Isardis had merely tolerated her, and Taurig had done much the same. No wolf before Ryker had ever seemed remotely interested in Irin, and it was . . . nice.

Though her brain was screaming that Ryker was an enemy, Irin stretched upwards slightly, her tongue flicking from her maw to press against his cheek. She didn't say anything after that, and instead shifted to be a little closer to the black and gray wolf. For her, that was that.

thank you seren! <3


10-05-2013, 02:53 PM
As the angel described how his eyes reminded her of Winter and Summer his gaze never left her as she leaned against him. He felt comfortable,calm, and quite at ease. White lined ears perked up as he silently listened to her description, words of plants and oceans, and her opinion on her own favorite season. Ryker would stick to Winter; he loved watching the snowflakes fall from the sky. They would forma a blanket of snow on the ground and it would sparkle. Especially at night he liked it most, when the moonlight hit the snow-crystals in the snow and made them shimmer. Maybe one with a starry night and a full moon would be his favorite dream night to stay awake and enjoy the brisk air and the whisper of the coursing through his fur and whistling in his ears as it went by.

His small calm smile never ceased, it even grew for a moment as she had recalled thinking of him as a monster. Ryker even felt silly thinking of her as a monster as well. That was just preposterous of how he would have assumed that. Here was a pretty dame from Glaciem, the monsters, the enemy. And yet she didn't look or seem like a monster at all, not even hostile. And that's because she wasn't; Irin seemed like the sweetest fea Ryker had ever known.

Following his gentle kiss upon her lips the female seemed a bit shocked if not surprised. A moment or so after, the dame returned his gentle kiss with one she would plant on his cheek. The area would feel warm where her salmon tongue would touch his cheek. A smile would form on his maw as his ears grew warm.

After that no words were exchanged besides the sound of her shifting closer to him. With her fur pressed even closer to his the warmth both bodies gave off was sure to warm the two of them altogether.

He sat there in a daze, his head in the clouds. His gaze leaving Irin to look around him realizing a few things.The male would wonder if his decision was rash. He didn't regret what happened but for the sake of what was going on between their two packs is what he thought of.

Turning back towards Irin he couldn't help but smile when his gaze settled back on her face.

"I-I don't want to be a stick in the mud but was that even allowed? Being here with you feels like I'm breaking some sort of rule but I was told nothing of such at home. Even if it is against something....I-I don't regret it. I don't care if all of a sudden I could be hauled away by my tail screaming bloody murder just because I'm here..." he said in a firm voice.

The brute came to realize he didn't care what the cost would be if there would be such a thing set upon him.He would take blame, he would take the responsibility of whatever wronging either could be tried of. He didn't care, that's what surprised him.

"I might sound like I'm making rash and stupid decisions but I mean it. I may be blabbering but...I like you,like like." he said as his white lined ears slightly pressed against his skull.

It took effort to say those words and even admit it.But he made himself spit them out in order to set his mind at ease.He did believe at love at first sight and yet he felt nervous or somewhat ashamed. Ryker would lay there pressed against the dame whom he just confessed to. Anxiously waiting he would nervously glance down at the ground in front of him before looking back up at him. Furrowing his brow he thought glancing down wasn't acceptable. he shouldn't be ashamed if he had said something that the dame may not agree with. He knew he liked her,so lifting his gaze to meet Irin's he wouldn't break it as he held strong to what he believed in, to look the female in the eyes who had started to steal his heart and say...

"No, I love you"