
Don’t Take Your Guns To Town



05-27-2022, 02:29 PM

In the softer grass a ways back from the edge of the lake was a tangle of snowy limbs. Big, grey bodies lay entwined, wide ribcages rising and falling as a pair of giants slept. The boys had been traveling with no real destination in mind. Brothers, they were. Big, thickly furred things, both blue-eyed, both scarred. They were handsome, dashing, rakish. Women loved them. Men too. The pair left their conquests all across Boreas and Auster like the wreckage after a tornado.

As the pair lay there asleep, the sun began to rise. Its bright light peeked over the horizon and slammed right into the closed eyelids of the larger brother. The brute growled in displeasure and rolled, putting his back to the sun and burying his face into the fur of his siblings chest. The heat of the sun soaked into his slate grey fur and, even though he wasn't ready to be, he knew that he was awake for the day.

"Ouro & Cad"


05-27-2022, 03:08 PM

Caduceus was sleeping soundly with his face pressed into Ouro's scruff when his larger brother rolled, pulling his shield from the rising sun away and making him give a drowsy grumble in response. It didn't last long through as his brother rolled toward him and he felt his head lean into his chest, making him smile softly despite how he was now squinting against the sunlight. He stretched a bit, reaching out his limbs and arching his back a bit as he woke up his muscles, only to wrap his forelegs around his brother's neck as he relaxed back into their bed of grasses. "Good morning," he muttered softly as he nuzzled into Ouro's ear, his claws lightly raking through his thick scruff as he worked on easing his grumpy brother out of his sleep and into full wakefulness.

They had been traveling for so long at this point that he had gotten used to sleeping out in the elements, under the stars, in whatever soft patch of grass that they could find, but it did mean that they usually had to wake up with the sun. Cad usually didn't mind since that just meant there was all the more time for him to have his own romps with his brother before they went out to find what trouble they could get into. There was no better way to wake up than with some morning sex, right? He slipped his forelegs down from Ouro's neck to wrap around his sides, holding onto him as he rolled with his slightly larger brother, getting Ouro onto his back while he settled his body over his, putting his paws on either side of Ouro's neck as he held himself up a bit to look down at his brother with a grin.

"What are you feeling like this morning, Ouro?" he questioned softly, swiping a teasing lick over his chin. Last night Cad had gotten to have his pick of how they spent their evening and had gotten absolutely ravaged by him just how he liked so this morning it was Ouro's turn. "Whatever that wicked heart of yours desires..." he cooed as he started to nibble along Ouro's jaw and down along his neck, just waiting for the word so he could give him exactly what kind of relief he craved.

"Ouro & Cad"


05-27-2022, 04:27 PM

The grumble of irritation brought a bit of amusement to Ouro. They wouldn't have slept much longer anyway. As Cad nuzzled into his ear and bid him good morning, a low growl pulled from the slate and snow giant. He did so love his brother's attention and any little gift of touch bestowed upon him was welcome. They were closer than most siblings. Closer by far. It showed in how they touched, how they kissed and caressed. There was nothing that Ouro loved more in the world than his dear brother.

Caduceus held onto Ouro's muscled form and together they rolled, depositing the slate man on his back. Cad was the only wolf that could get him into this position. With his head nestled on a pillow of soft grass, icy eyes met icy eyes. Cad placed a lick to his scarred chin and the prone brute growled low, his tail lashing back and forth in the grass. Such a tease, his brother. In the end though, he always followed through with those teases. The man on top asked what flavor of debauchery his brother would like this morning and Ouro chuckled, flashing teeth before speaking in a sultry baritone. "I always want you for breakfast," Curling his neck, the man leaned up while bringing his wide paws upwards to gently pull Cad's head down so that their lips could unite.

There was no wolf on earth that he allowed to touch him this way. There was nothing that Ouroboros wouldn't allow Caduceus to do to him if he so wished it. In fact, the man who was dominant in most situations rather enjoyed when his brother took the reigns and made the choices for them both. He didn't choose this course often, but this morning he was feeling particularly lazy. "Surprise me, brother mine." Claws pulled through the top brute's thicker fur at the sides of his neck before sliding over his wide chest. He then extracted his touching paws, giving his brother free reign to do as he pleased. Though bright, it was shaping up to be a good morning. Cad knew just how to shut off his grumps.

"Ouro & Cad"


05-27-2022, 06:44 PM

A wicked grin pulled across Cad's lips as his brother insisted that he always wanted him for breakfast before reaching up for him to pull him into a kiss. Caduceus gave a soft groan into his brother's mouth as he tasted the familiar taste of his mouth, enjoying the feeling of his lips on his until they finally parted a few moments later. They could have as many partners and lovers as they could possibly get their paws on, but no one would ever make him feel the way Ouroboros made him feel. He would do anything Ouro could possibly ask of him to bring his brother all kinds of pleasures. In the end though, when their lips parted, Ouro insisted that he surprise him and Cad chuckled with a sly grin. "As you wish," he replied in a sultry purr, a little shiver running through him from the feeling of Ouro's claws combed through the fur on the sides of his neck, making his neck and back arch slightly as his paws slid down over his chest, only to disappear and make him whine softly as he cast his icy blue gaze back down to his brother's matching eyes.

Smirking, Cad leaned down and started nibbling long Ouro's tender throat, nudging his muzzle up out of the way to give himself better access. His hips pressed forward, using the soft skin and thin fur of Ouro's lower belly to work himself up with a low groan. Meanwhile his tail went to work teasing and pleasuring his brother all the while. His teeth lightly pulled through the fur along his brother's neck, teasing all the way to the base of his neck before circling back up along his throat and jaw until he reached his lips and captured his mouth in another heated kiss. Their tongues danced together with soft groans and growls while that heated coil of desire started its familiar tightening in his core, still working to tease and prep them both all the while. He knew Ouro inside and out, knew exactly what he liked and how to work him up like no one else, and he took pride in being the only one to ever have his brother like this.

It didn't take long before they were both ready for more and he pulled away from Ouro's lips with a soft gasp, looking down at him with a heavy lidded gaze and a lecherous grin. He shifted his way down Ouro's body a bit, positioning himself so that he could pull Ouro's hips up into his and position himself in such a way that he could have his brother like this—if Ouro allowed, of course. Usually Cad was perfectly content to be on the receiving end of this kind of thing and would happily do so now if Ouro preferred, but sometime this brother gave him a treat and let the roles be reversed. He paused before he did anything, his paws gripping Ouro's hips and body laid across his as he looked up at his brother with a silent question, nipping lightly at his chin with a soft whine.

"Ouro & Cad"


05-31-2022, 12:04 PM

Every touch and caress brought deep purrs and growls from the slate man. He and Cad had been two halves of a whole since before they were born. They knew one another like no one else ever could and it showed in the way that they interacted. Ouro slid his blocky skull under his brother's chin, giving him a nuzzle, then a surprisingly subservient lick to his lower lips. There was no fear here about feeling effeminate or emasculated. The brother's knew all sides of one another. There was safety in their familiarity. There were no walls between them and they were unabashedly themselves when wrapped up within one another.

Ourboros gladly raised his chin with a little prompting from his brother. Cad was the only one granted access to such delicate, tender areas and so when they were touched, licked and nibbled, Ouro released a long sigh of pleasure. Laying on his back, the brute's tail began to swish languidly back and forth through the cold grass. The world around them ceased to exist. Blue eyes only saw the massive grey brute hanging over him. Nothing else mattered. Ouro maintained eye contact when Cad pressed their bellies together, the pleasure and anticipation glittering like gems in his icy gaze. They both wanted this. They always wanted this.

Caduceus made his way back up to Ouro's lips and soon they were feeding at one another's mouths again. The prone man made it a point to not touch his brother with paws, teasing him with the lack of physical affection. He wouldn't be able to keep his paws off forever, but for now he could force himself. Pleasure was building within him and it would be obvious, trapped between them as it was. Cad was just as aroused. Just as ready. The time had come.

As their lips parted, Ouro placed his head back against the ground with a soft whine, desire in his eyes as he watched the other man above him. Paws worked to reposition both of them and the anticipation ate at him. It wasn't often that he gave his brother the privilege of being on the giving end of things, but he had told Cad to choose and this was what he chose. He wouldn't go back on it now. So, when his brother shifted his hip and gave him a questioning glance, Ouroboros merely nodded, looking down between their bodies for a moment before locking his gaze on Cad's face once more. He was ready.

"Ouro & Cad"


05-31-2022, 03:00 PM

Once Cad got his brother's nod, a grin pulled across his lips as an excited thrill went through him, his forelegs tightening around Ouro's hips and drawing him closer with eager, heady lust. Cad nuzzled and nibbled along his brother's throat and chest while he positioned himself just so and once they were both ready he pressed his hips forward, joining them together in a way he rarely got to feel. A deep groan of pleasure escaped him as his pale eyes rolled back behind fluttering eyelids. His claws gripped his brother, pressing against his skin, while he gradually brought them together, deeper and deeper until there was no space left between them and Cad's world was spinning with the intense pleasure rushing through him. Tipping his muzzle up, he caught Ouro's lips in another passionate kiss, tasting his mouth and sharing the sounds of pleasure that getting to feel his brother like this was bringing him. The soft fur on his lower belly and his paw that slipped away from Ouro's hip to come between them while he enjoyed his brother ensured that Ouro was feeling just as much pleasure if not more with every strong roll of his hips, their growls and groans filling the quiet morning air.

When he had gotten them both to their heights of pleasure and ensured that they both had a wonderful start to their morning, he rolled off of his brother with a satisfied sigh, grinning as he snuggled up to Ouro's side and rested his head on the slightly larger brute's chest. "Spoiling me already," he said with a chuckle, nuzzling into Ouro's fur. He couldn't remember a time when he and Ouro hadn't been like this. It felt like from the very beginning they had been two halves to the same whole and that closeness had only grown deeper and more entwined after they had struck out on their own. Falling asleep and waking up tangled up together was exactly how Cad wanted to end and begin each of his days and luckily Ouro seemed to have not a single complaint. His paw traced up and down along Ouro's side while his foreleg was draped across his stomach, feeling his white and gray fur passing leisurely through his claws while they both savored those last moments of after glow and satisfaction.

Once he was slightly more willing to entertain the idea of getting their day started, he turned his matching gaze up toward Ouro's, giving him a light kiss before asking, "Have any ideas for what you'd like to do today? Or which direction you'd like to head?" With no one to answer to besides themselves he usually defaulted to Ouro to make the bulk of their decisions. He was always more than happy to go along with whatever wicked plans his brother came up with or whatever other little wolf he decided to pull into their lecherous fun, he just needed Ouro to say the word and tell him what he felt like doing.

"Ouro & Cad"


06-06-2022, 11:15 AM

Ouro could see the excitement in his brother's face as he gave Cad permission to be the top this morning. Cad nibbled along Ouro's jaw and the bottom brute growled low in anticipation. He could feel the other brute shifting and settling and when hips pushed forward to join them, Ouroboros gasped aloud. There was some discomfort but it was easy to focus on the pleasure instead. Together their hips rolled and met, pulling moans, groans and soft whines from the blue-grey man. Arms wrapped around Cad's neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. The pair touched one another, dragging fur and claws against each other in all the right ways. It wasn't long before their efforts were rewarded and the pair crashed together in the heights of pleasure.

As they lay there catching their breath afterwards, Ouro wrapped himself up in his brother. Cad nestled into his chest and Ouro placed soft, loving licks between the smaller man's ears. The words brought a chuckle and Ouro nuzzled the top of his brother's head. "You deserve to be spoiled," he rumbled, giving his sibling a squeeze. If anyone deserved to be spoiled, it was Caduceus. Ouro knew that he wasn't the easiest wolf to deal with, so any opportunity that he had to show his appreciation for his brother, he took it.

They lay there for a time and Cad asked about the plans for the day. Ouro hummed and gave a little stretch and wiggle, still holding the other brute in his arms. "Well we've played with each other. Perhaps we should work on finding someone that we can play with together. What do you think?" Ears swiveled forward as Ouro waited for his brothers opinion on how he'd like to spend the day.

"Ouro & Cad"