
slap a band-aid on it




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-30-2022, 06:25 AM

Son of a bitch, his ankle hurt. Usagi had claimed victory by some miraculous account with the pirate he’d fought, but by all means he should’ve lost. His size and build were of little match for the brute’s larger frame and tusks and spikes. The insults hurled at him during the fight had soured his already bitter mood, the scowl on his face as he limped along even darker, more curled, more furious. His brow furrowed on pain as each step was a lurching hobble, unable to even touch a toe on the ground without a lightening bolt of sharp, fiery pain shooting down his leg. With hitched huffs of breath, Usagi stumbled towards a woman the Kaicho had referred him to for treatment - another healer, apparently. He could’ve just gone to Sedna and avoided all this weaving, what with his clearly broken ankle and all. However, he wouldn’t oppose his superior. If this strange lady was as talented as Hattori suggested she was in her ability to treat ailments, then he’d at least give it a try.

Approaching some sort of den - or abode, however the woman wished to call it - the warrior flicked his ear, not wanting to sit because of the throbbing of his ankle. Still feeling it pulsate and tingle from its impact, his mossy gaze could barely contain the discomfort of the injury as he called out, "Er, hello? I was told to come to you for healing." If she were to appear, he’d likely not need to explain what needed healing - the swollen lump of a right hind paw would all she’d need to see.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
05-30-2022, 06:50 AM

It never appeared to really cool down in these parts of the land. Her body was telling her it should be winter, but instead of getting cold, the heat came in blistering waves. Having been allowed a small corner of the maze to make her own space, Tenshi had made quick work of creating a cool den. Bamboo stalks reached across the clearing for extra shade and an appropriately sized bed dug down into the ground was hidden behind a carefully crafted wall. From the opening, she could see most of the path that led out from her abode and was not surprised to see the slim brother approaching with a limp.

With one eye open, Tenshi stretched herself slowly, waiting to see what the boy wanted before rising to her paws. When he requested her expertise, she stood swiftly, nearly silent, and emerged from the abode. Icy blue eyes glanced the midnight and red body over before spotting the swollen lump surrounding his ankle. A quiet huff leaves her nostrils before she turns back once more into the abode. Rustling through the supplies she'd been able to gather on her journey down here and time spent wandering the maze, Tenshi returned with a myriad of things.

"Call me Tenshi," her rough voice was to the point. Having considered introducing herself the proper way and requesting the others call her by her last name, she had decided against it. Not knowing whether all of these wolves came from the lands surrounding Iga or not, she wasn't sure if they'd all know the same customs. "Was this from a fight or hunt?" Her Japanese was far superior to her common tongue and it was nice to have found somewhere she could speak it without needing to bother thinking too much.

Moving two bowls toward her, in one, she smashed together lamb's ear and lavender; in the other, she mushed together meadowsweet and wintergreen with plenty of water. Pushing the one with meadowsweet and wintergreen toward the boy, once it was watery enough for him to drink, she swiftly grabbed a piece of bark and some vines that had been washed and molded into thin ropes. "Drink that quickly," her stern, motherly voice was not made for arguments. Stepping beside the boy, she lowered her face down toward the swollen area to inspect it. "May I?" Tenshi asked first before touching it.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-30-2022, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 05:12 PM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tenshi. The name was a familiar note on the tongue, of Japanese origin. The woman herself to whom the name belonged was of tall stature, looming over him with power brimming in her frame. Her golden-grey pelt, cracked like golden marble on a statue, shattered in meticulous flecks. Her horns piqued some interest, though the emotionless, stern male did not show it on his own features. They were certainly different in comparison to Hattori’s, as with the rest of her appearance. She wasn’t quite koi-patterned, but speaking in Japanese just as he had, and so fluently, showed she was of some descent not completely deviated from his own. Still, she was different. He couldn’t quite put his paw in where she could’ve originated from in particular, though.

Nevermind that, though - Usagi didn’t really bother getting to know his packmates, aside from those he was close too, all that much. As she introduced herself, carrying with her a variety of materials he could only surmise to be herbs of some kind, he spoke to her in the native tongue as well. "Usagi," He said simply. About as brief and blunt as the woman’s own intro. Shifting uncomfortably from the exertion of keeping his broken ankle off the ground, he responded to her question, "A fight. Some trespassers needed to be taught a lesson." He considered cutting it off after ‘fight’, but he supposed the explanation wouldn’t hurt. A fight could’ve meant anything really - even a foolish spat. But the woman could take his response any way she wished, and he couldn’t much care for how others perceived him except if they believed he was a fool. A fool, he most certainly was not. He wasn’t arrogant in the least, but the wound was some semblance of what he had given in order to protect the pack - and his brother as well, if you wanted to expand the meaning of protection.

As Tenshi prepared and pushed two bowls towards him, she motioned and then commanded him to drink the watery-looking stuff. His temper need not flare - he knew when to follow orders, even if she spoke to him like a mother scolding a child. Reaching down to consume the wintergreedn and meadowsweet liquid, he flicked his gaze towards her a s she moved to his side, towards his ankle. She asked to touch his ankle, to which he reponded, "Yes." After all, it was what he was here for, was it not? Though her asking for his consent to examine him was appreciated it. He absolutely abhored being touched without warning. He gingerly lifted his ankle towards her to allow her a better look, his jaw tensing to conceal a pained wince. He wasn’t even being dramatic, either - the swollen bulb of his foot was nearly shattered on the inside.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
06-02-2022, 07:18 AM

Taking a seat herself so that she could use both of her forepaws to examine the injury, her eyes flickered over to the midnight boy. She could sense the fire lingering behind his eyes that dared to flare up at her brusque ways. "Usagi, how fitting," she mused quietly under her breath as a smile tinged at the corner of her lips. Flicking her gaze away from him and back to the injury, it was obvious why his mother had named him as such. She wondered if it ever brought teasing from others as grew, but that was perhaps a conversation for later.

Tenshi's amusement quickly dissipated when he mentioned that trespassers needed to be dealt with. Her ears folded back as her own heart drummed faster in her chest. Taking a deep breath, she pushed aside her own feelings and nodded firmly. "Appears they may have gotten the best of you," she tsk'd quietly as one of her paws gently placed itself under his smashed ankle. Letting him rest the injury in her paw, she turned it as gently as she could to see how far it extended. Hopefully, the mixture she had told him to drink would be taking its effects by now.

Glad that the injury had ripped open the skin, she scooped up some of the other mixture and began to gently slather it over the injury. As tender as a mother could care for her own pup, Tenshi took her time. "You are going to need to rest for as long as possible. See me every other day to change the bandage. Hattori will understand, I am sure," her stern tones do not shift as she glances up at him. "This is going to be the worst part, are you ready?" Questions as her free paw reaches over to grab the softened piece of bark now turned bandage.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-02-2022, 11:54 AM

As Usagi allowed his swollen paw to rest in Tenshi’s forepaws, his keen ears - or at least, his flopped one- caught her mumbling sbout how fitting his name was. The faintest appearance of amusement upon her lips was surely a jab at him for being so standoffish as he was, not wanting to be ordered about like a child. Still, he paid no heed to her comment, pretending he didn’t hear it at all as she then cradled his injury in her grasp. She mentioned the trespassers he’d told her about, from where he’d gotten the injury from - and that they’d gotten the best of him. A dry huff swept from his lips as he mentioned flatly, "Or so they thought. Hattori broke my opponent’s ankle in return. An eye for an eye sort of thing." He wished he could’ve smashed the bastard’s paw himself, or worse, and his temper once again licked his soul with a simmering heat, causing him to bristle ever so slightly at the thought of that fight. It was well-fought, and now the Pirates had a swift message to take back to their lawless band. But now he had one less foot to walk on, much less spar or kick with. It left him not so much with anger, but with bitterness, sore and solemn.

Luckily, the strange liquid Tenshi had the Hohei lap up dulled the normally knife-slicing pain to a pulsing throb as she gently extended it, and his breath hitched instinctively in pain as his digits were barely able to bend or stretch at all. It was broken, even he knew it. The puncture wounds from the bite that shattered his ankle were soothingly slathered with a poultice, nothing that Usagi would know about. He stood still as a statue, trusting that if his Kaicho recommended her, he was in good hands. She then explain he’d need to rest, and come to her almost daily for bandage changes. He nodded, though his soul was restless. He knew it would be rough to not be able to spar, track prey, or generally explore the vast bamboo maze until he was healed. Shortly after, Tenshi grabbed a piece of softened bark in one paw, while holding his injured paw in the other. She mentioned this would be the worst part. Oh boy. Forcing himself not to tense up too much, he took a deep inhale as he lowered his head, away from the injury, and said, "I’m ready." One didn’t need to be a healer to know this would hurt.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
06-08-2022, 01:11 PM

As the words slipped out from the midnight boy's lips, Tenshi's paws grasped the broken ankle tightly. Pressing it into as straight of a line as she could manage while swiftly wrapping the softened bark around. She expertly grabbed the slim piece of a vine to wrap around the bark bandage and tie it off. Her own jaw was clenched together, her nostrils flaring and her ears had fallen back. Surprisingly, her breath had been held but once the process was complete, she let it go and her body relaxed with it.

Knowing that he would have emitted some noise of pain, Tenshi ignored any reaction he would give. Instead, her calming, deep, and rugged voice continued her patient instructions. "If you keep this dry, I can continue to reuse the bandage. It will help keep it pliable in this hot weather and allow more of the medicine to seep into the wound," her steel-colored eyes drifted back up to his chartreuse visage with a motherly expression. "You did well, Usagi. Better patient than most males," a soft chuckle leaves her lips as she pats him on the opposite shoulder with her large paw.

"Do you have any questions?" Tenshi asks, her eyes watching him in case he wasn't doing well after having his broken bones set.