
Playground Fights



10 Years
09-26-2013, 09:32 PM

Another morning, another chance for the young female to wake up with the sun. It had definitely become a habit for Odette to rise and shine before anyone else in her family's den. The solitude she had from doing this was a familiar friend now, especially since it seemed that her brother and sister preferred to remain in slumber longer than her. She had no idea why her body ticked the way it did, but she didn't complain.
Hunger rolled in her stomach and so she set out to look for something to eat. Odette didn't bother whispering in her father's ear where she was going. If they wanted to find her, all they had to do was sniff out her scent that mingled with the salty sea air. Slowly, but surely, Odette was becoming more independent. It seemed that the less time she spent with her parents, the more she was looking for finding solstice somewhere else. Who knew what it would be, so for the moment, she occupied herself with digging for crabs.
The young wolf didn't have to look for long. They began to scuttle from the ground, defending their homes with clicking claws and wide stances. Odette snorted and she chomped down on the biggest one she could find. Its shell broke, falling into remnants in front of her as she felt around for the soft tissue underneath. Her prize was indeed delicious and after grabbing a few more, pretty soon she had a pile of crab shell pieces on the black sand beneath her paws.
With her stomach filled, she raised her head and looked around. Energy was starting to brim in her bi-colored orbs, wanting to stretch and leave her muscles as soon as they could. She wasn't sure what to do with it all, but a small distraction caught her offguard. An unfamiliar scent reached her nose, causing it to twitch and so she followed it. What she found was a stranger a few feet from her and she lowered herself to the ground to immediately begin stalking it. After a couple of minutes, Odette raced towards the unfamiliar form, growling and barking the whole time.

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09-26-2013, 11:03 PM
ooc//it feels so naked without a table :'c

The two toned girl sniffed along the sand, her fur patchy and dirty and well on its way to falling in clumps due to her lone travels for a month now. Though one could only tell she was dirty by looking at the white patches on her otherwise black fur. She was thin, being unable to hunt for herself just yet, so she would feed on found remains. And so far, it had kept her alive. She would not show others her desperation or weakness. She would hold herself strong and appear just fine to the eyes of strangers, pride evident in her little puppy heart. Black ears tilted back as she caught scent of something upon the winds, soon followed by growling and barking of an unfamiliar. Turning, her mismatched lavender and aqua blue gaze caught sight of a strange looking pup rushing towards her. Instinctively, she faced it with bristling fur and flashing wary puppy teeth. She faced the oncomer, ears pinned back but held some interest as well as she backed up a few steps.

"Who're you?" She inquired, curiosity becoming apparent in her voice. She had never been anywhere in these lands, having escaped her "Mother and father" or rather, the ones she assumed to be her mother and father to seek out her brother Drake. She had heard he left and never returned, so she wanted to find him because she missed him. Her guard would lie somewhat flat as she gazed curiously at the pup before her. Did she finally come across someone to play with? Or would she have to defend herself?



10 Years
09-26-2013, 11:48 PM

She didn't know why she had started barking and growling. Perhaps it was because the stranger was crossing the land that was too close to home and she felt she had to defend it. That idea was weird in a sense because Odette had never felt the urge to do such a thing before. Maybe it was a sign that she was growing up. But, if growing up meant that she didn't think before doing anything, then she didn't want to do it. Another promise she made to herself would be to think before she did or said anything the next time.
Odette was happy with the promise she made and so, before she answered the other wolf's question, she quickly looked her over. It was obvious the stranger was a pup, probably not too much older than herself. Skin and fur clung to the bones that made up her frame, and Odette immediately felt bad. The young female was probably just passing by, not intending to walk too close to the distance of the den. She thought of the crab snacks she had consumed before setting off to hunt down the unknown scent and her stomach gave a slight jolt from the guilt. Nevertheless, she pushed down the feeling and noticed the light that danced in the girl's eyes.
"My name is Odette," she openly stated, tail slowly tucking between her legs. "I'm sorry I startled you like that. I only thought you were an intruder or...something." Looking around, she noticed that there weren't other scents surrounding her or the area. Her parents were probably off somewhere, sleeping like her own. "Are your parents asleep, too?" She asked, curiosity lightly dancing in her bi-colored eyes.

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09-27-2013, 02:36 AM
The young pup stared warily at the other, her gaze remaining clear as she hid the dullness from exhaustion. She hadn't eaten well in who knew how long, she was well away from home on a search that she didn't even know was worth the trouble. Heck, she didn't even know if her brother was even among these lands. Her ears slowly rose to the voice of the other, her body still tensed though she tried to relax. This other pup certainly startled her, and though she herself was just still a baby she would have fought even the biggest of wolves. She listened to the other girl speaking, soon learning her name. She gazed with softened eyes then as Odette apologized. "It's okay...I would hae prolly done the same y'know." Her posture began to relax, her tail wagging slightly as she figured that this pup was nice.

"Are your parents asleep too?" Skyla thought for a moment before answering. When she had left, her parents were asleep...and that was a little over a month ago. They were usually asleep around this time, so with a nod she answered. "Mhm...they're usually asleep around this time." The innocence that radiated from her soul was astonishing. She didn't know that her actual parents were dead...only knew the ones that took care of her as her parents. She hadn't told them that she left to find her brother. She simply left early in the morning before they awoke to begin her quest. So she didn't know that Odette's question meant that if they were asleep somewhere nearby. "I'm Skyla by the way, nice to meet you Odette!" Her voice radiated a little more brightness, the wary feelings she had ebbing away.



10 Years
09-30-2013, 05:43 PM

Having the other pup relax in front of her made Odette's bad feelings slowly disappear. Her actions didn't cause as much damage as she thought they had, so the regret was gone within a matter of minutes. The next wave of emotions that swept across the young pup's mind involved being concerned and an increase of curiosity of the unfamiliar face. Just where, exactly, had she come from? There wasn't a trace of a familiar scent on her body and her facial features didn't appear to be recognizable at all. It made her want to do something...and that was what she did.
Without making it obvious, Odette's plan began to plant itself in her mind. She began to wag her tail behind her, nodding to Skyla as she said, "I like that name! Skyla...I have never heard it before." With perking ears, she said, "Well, my parents are sleeping, too, but they will be okay if I'm awake before them." She began to turn towards to the beach, stepping in the sand that seemed to slip both sides of her paws before looking back to her newfound friend. "I was going to catch some sand crabs for breakfast...Wanna come?" Her face broke out into a gentle smile, blue and red eyes sparkling innocently.

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10-02-2013, 02:33 AM

Her black and white hide would tilt to the side, pastel colored eyes studying the other girl curiously. A smile would spread on her small face, a happy yip escaped her jaws as Odette complimented on her name. Her tail wagged as the multi toned color girl continued, finally asking if she wanted to hunt sand crabs with her. Eagerly she nodded, her paws gaining a bounce in them after so long of weary dragging. For the first time in days, energy would return to invigorate her. She was all ready for food, and she was glad to find a potential friend as well!

"Yes I'm very hungry! Sand crabs are really good too! I also like the name Odette, I've never heard of your name either!" She giggled with jubilance, her currently short tail wagging fervently behind her. Luckily as she would get older, her tail would grow long and sleek like a horse. She bounced around Odette, stopping to tilt her head again as she peered at the pups bi-colored eyes. "I like yer eyes too...they're pretty!" She complimented. She was unused to dark colored or other eye colors, other then Aqua blue or the rare other light color that ran in her pack. Where she was from, the Aquarion pack normally only had aqua blue colored eyes, except for the rare ones who would have one eye a different color just as light. Like hers, one pastel purple, the other an aqua blue. She liked the colors, they seemed to fit her personality. She refrained from commenting about her parents, not because she didn't want to, she just forgot. However, she was sure that they were throwing a fit right now that she was still away so early in the morning.

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10 Years
10-03-2013, 12:12 AM

This was the first time she heard anything regarding her eyes. No one had ever told her they were pretty. Her reaction to the compliment was evidence that there was still a big bit of a pup in her soul. "That is the most lovely thing I have heard in my life!" she said, excitement dancing in her voice. "I haven't had anyone tell me that my eyes were nice-lookin'." It was something that she would hold dear to her heart for years to come.
She then realized that they were just standing and not moving. Odette then turned around and walked in the direction of the ocean. "The sand crabs will be over here, and there are a whole lot! There are so many, I can't count how many there were when I went to get some breakfast." Odette was eager to share the experience of another early morning beach hunt with someone aside from her siblings. "Do you get to do this often?" She asked, curious about the new pup she had met.

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10-06-2013, 04:12 AM
ooc//I completely forgot to change the way she talked in her other posts, Skyla is still very young so some of her letters are pronounced differently for her x3 Also, i'm still willin' to do a puppy spar, she'll be good to go after a snack if you still want to ^_^

The young girl grinned as Odette burst with gratitude over the compliment. She loved to compliment others on the truth of what she saw, and she thought that her new friends eyes were one of the prettiest she had ever seen! Granted of course, she had never seen red eyes before. With a wag of her tail, she followed Odette to the point of their hunting destination. She trotted eagerly aloongside the slightly bigger she-cub, her sole attention upon her. She would feel her mouth begin to water when her new friend talked about how many crabs there would be. She swallowed back the gathering salive as she inclined to answer, "Yes! My bwoder used to teach me how to catch 'em!'s been a while since I tasted one. Me and Dwake would always hunt fow sand cwabs befowe he left." Her face would look downcast for a moment, before a quick movement caught her eye. With an extremely fast wagging tail and an excited yip, she would rush forward and pounce at a side waddling crab.

She would bite and snap at it as she moved about the creature, trying to time her attack just right. As soon as it turned to try and flee, she scooped it up in her jaws and shook the creature as violently as she could while cracking its shell with her sharp teeth. The juices that flowed into her mouth made her salivate once again, this time drool seeping out as her jaws were parted with the crab. Her tail wagged madly behind her, sending sand flying out behind her like a motoboat on water. The crab would pinch at her, causing her to growl in defiance as she dropped it to hold it down with her paw. Excitedly, she looked over at Odette, beaming with her prize. "I got one! I got one!"

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10 Years
10-06-2013, 11:34 AM
ooc: I guess it will depend on how Odette feels about her once she gets done eating. Because she's so thin, Odette might hesitate. XD

Odette watched as her new companion jumped at the chance to start capturing crabs. A grin splashed across her muzzle as she attempted to crunch down the poor critter's shell, making it fight back with snipping claws. Her appetite was taken care of at the moment, so Odette didn't mind simply enjoying the scene that Skyla created with her newfound breakfast meat.
"I see that!" Odette said, laughing as she took a few steps towards the beach. "That was really good. I bet we can catch more!" Indeed, she secretly wanted her newfound friend to eat more -- it looked like she had been starved -- so she encouraged Skyla to help her find more crabs to eat. Odette carried out looking for more crustaceans by sniffing the sand and picking a well chosen spot. She started to dig and stomp, making the vibrations to irritate the crabs from their hiding spots. They came out to rage against her and she started to bite and squeeze the lives that were in the shells. Looking up, she hoped that Skyla would do the same thing and continued with their mission.

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